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Fantasy Grand Ultima

I'll probably be awake fif another 3 hours at best, it's 2:24AM in the UK after all

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
I'm not sane in the first place, would probably explain why in juggling 6 RP's as of now.. 1/2 of which are 1x1 Romances -_-

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Soon I'd be juggling in 4 RPs now. All of which in Myria. All of my RPs circle around Myria in different date settings!
I went on a crazy RP binge when I first joined the site, none of which I have heard from since the end of June, so I'm in only 2 active RPs at the moment
Hmm, Sci-Fi isn't that bad, though fantasy is often easier to go through

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy

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