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Fantasy Grand Ultima

Would you say barriers are a common occurence in this world? I made my character a Yellow Core Mechanic because it felt like it was more of a bonus ability than a selling point. Although I don't plan to change her-just wondering
Although I forgot to mention it, Seal breakers recharge their Shard Cores by charging/meditating so it would fill gradually and then they'll be able to use their mana core again. It would take longer than Absorbing shields, Most wizards always have shields so don't worry. Barriers also occur in natural places (Eg. FOrests, Deserts) That protects something (Eg. A Plant, A Tree, A Monster). Did I clear it up for ya?
Oh man, The outwardly cheerful and ocassionaly lazy Rika sure's gonna clash with the bomb.lady

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Uh oh i din't saw the rules so my character is quite the good guy with a bad record D: 
please read it and tell me if it's okay or if I should change his background story a bit D: ( i was too hyped when i finished reading the overview and maps and everything and it was freaking awesome! so by accident i didn't read the rule part T.T sorry)
Hmm, the only problem is in the power of Shem and his very large experience at magic. He already knows lots of magic which also gives lots of power to him. Try to change the story if you can and we'll be ok on the rules. ^_^ . Thanks for the compliment BTW!
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Yep, she is now typing her Intro line now. And we're also waiting for the other Intro lines of other chars xD !

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