gotta love that sweater weather~ ( pumkin_san and ricki/todd )

"Sorry for what? Like I said before, not your fault you're sick. Besides, it's my job to take care of you. At least you're easier to take care of than old people. I don't have to give you sponge baths, or change your diapers." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood. "Plus you are much nicer to look at than them." He added laughing louder this time, he was half way finished with his chili, pausing occasionally to dip a fry into the frosty and eating it.
Sam cracked a small smile shortly looking up at him and blushing before going back to eating. He was eating a bit fast pausing at times to sip at his soda and switch to his frys. You could tell he was rushing A bit. He wanted to finish and. Get noah home as soon as possible. Its is still his day of right? So he wanted him to enjoy it with his boyfriend..nit knowing his boyfriend wasnt available at the moment

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Noah finished off his chili and took his time with the frosty and fries. "Careful don't make yourself sick." He said shifting in his seat, "So what are you plans for tomorrow?" He asked trying to re-spark some conversation. It was awkward to eat in silence with someone. "Well besides going to the grocery store again?" He asked with a small smile, a hint of teasing in his voice.
Sam slowed down a bit though still rushing a bit cheeks reddening again. "The usual...just sit around maybe read a book or two.." he muttered stuffing his mouth full of fries so he wouldnt have to talk about his boring life

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Noah nodded, looking up to see the other having stuffed his mouth with fries. He didn't bother to hide his smirk, "Mm, that's a real sexy look for you right there. I don't see how you could possibly be single." He teased the other as his container of fries was emptied of the last few and dipped into the frosty.
Sam narrowed his eyes but the blush on his cheek heavily contradicted them as he vhewed and swalloed the fries grabbing another fry "i dont either maybe you should hook me up hmm?" He smirked right back taking the fry in his hand and proceesing to dip it in his frosty and eating it. Sticking out his tongue after it was consumed letting out a giggle he took his soda and slid the straw between his lips and took a sip

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"Oi! That's mine. If you wanted your own you should have gotten one, but you didn't so you get none." Noah stuck his tongue out, pulled his cup away from Sam. "Hook you up hm? Don't know any guys that are your type. Hmmm I could always talk to the check out guy. Be all like 'Hi! This is Sam, he think's you're soooo cute. Wanna take him out to dinner some time?' How does that sound? Sound like a good idea? I could do it tomorrow if you want." He laughed quietly, "Be your, wingman. I'd be great at it too."
Sam's eyes widened and he gasped "no! You would not noah!" He blushed madly. "Uh uh! He grinned and took a free reaching across the table managing to dip it in his frosty again with a soft snicker and poking his nose with it getting a dot of frosty on the tip of his nose "bad. No!" He giggled eating the fry then sitting back down. "And no. You will not do that or ill never ever talk to you ever again." He said he himself knowing that would probably last less than two hours

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Noah laughed, putting the top back on his frosty and standing up. "I'll go start the car." He said putting his trash on the tray and pulling his keys out of his pocket. He turned and reached over wiping the bit of frosty from the top of Sam's nose. "If you're going to steal it at least don't waste any of it." He stated licking his finger clean and then heading outside to start the car. It wasn't until he placed the cup in the cupholder that he realized he'd forgotten a straw. Damnit.
Sami threw away his trash taking his soda with him as he stepped outside and an employee locked the door behind him he went towards the car with a smile stopping beside it to throw away his cup and straw with a satisfied smile. His bellybwas quite full

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Noah waited for Samui to get into the car and buckle up before pulling out of the parking spot and leaving the parking lot. "Do you want to go grocery shopping tonight? Or want to wait until the morning, do you have enough food for breakfast?" He asked as he drove towards the other's apartment.
Sami nodedd he still had some ramen right? He would just eat that. "Yeah. Ive got enough for breakfast." He smiled than turned and faced him "ill be okay, you go home and enjoy the rest of your night noah~"

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Noah sighed quietly, yeah enjoy his night at home. "You in a hurry to get rid of me or something?" He asked making another turn as they got closer to his part of town. "Got a hot date you don't want me to know about or something? Oh my god! You're cheating on me!" He played around pretending to be heartbroken.
Sami shook his head and gasped playing along "i would never cheat on you darling!~" he said putting a hand to his heart making a dramatic facial expression looking like a torn housewife "i promise!" He said seconds later bursting into a fit of giggles

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Laughing Noah looked at the other for a moment before back at the road, "So you admit, you're trying to get rid of me then. Tisk tisk. All because I force you to eat." He shook his head as they pulled up out front of Sami's apartment. He turned off the car but didn't get out yet.
Sami giggled and shook his head. "Uh uh. I have to much fun with you noah. Even if you force me too eat" he said playfully shoving him then reaching for the door handle looked over at noah "do you want to go inside then?" He asked noting that he turned the car off

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Noah shrugged, "Not sure, I might just go to a bar. Jared had to work tonight. I could probably use a drink. But first! I have to make sure that you get inside safe and sound." He said with a smile opening his own door and climbing out. "I can decide what to do with the rest of my night off from there."
Sami pouted a bit and climbed out shutting the door behind him then grabbing his keys and unlocking the front door to his building. "Alright..." he said a bit worried..had this been his fault? Did he make jared wait too long? All of theese thoughts came to a stop when he got to his apartment door and opened it as well. "Hmm.."

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Noah followed him inside and up the stairs, "Want some company for a little bit?" He asked from a few steps down, looking at his phone for any more messages, none. Ugh. Jerk. He typed a quick text before putting his phone back in his pocket.
Sami smiled and waited till he was done then taking his wrist he pulled him inside and to the couch sitting him down "thou shall not move from thy spot!" He said trying to llok tough but failing so he just scampered of into his room and pulled out the candies he was saving set them down on the coffee table than ran to the kitchen and got two glasses of the last bit of apple juice he had left then scurrying back past noah again into his room and grabbing a blanket turning of the lights and grabbing the remotes putting netflix on his xbox handing him the remote and flopping next to him grabbing a packet of skittles and curling up into a ball next to him making sure the blanket covered him both "you shall stay until you have to leave awesome." He decided

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An eyebrow went up at the command of not moving once he was placed on the couch. When the candy came out, his other eyebrow joined it's twin in it's raised position on his forehead. He didn't say anything yet though. Waiting for Sami to sit still, he snatched the bag of skittles from his hand and threw them behind the couch. "You just had fast food, now you're going to eat more junk? I think not." Day off or not, his job was to keep the guy healthy. He started sorting through the movies trying to pick something he hadn't already seen. Finally he gave up offering the controller back to Sami. "You pick."
Sami pouted looking at his skittles woefully. Then took the remote and put on howls moving castle. "Why you gotta throw my skittles for.." he pouted picking up his glass of apple juice it being his favorite drink. The only drink he would have cold

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"Because if I put them on the table, you'll be tempted to reach forward to get them. Out of sight out of mind." The man spoke spiffily with a smile. "I was supposed to be going drinking." He grabbed the glass of apple juice, "This isn't what I had in mind to be drinking. I was thinking something more.... stupor inducing?" He said with a laugh knowing full well that Sami had no alcohol in his apartment. "Why don't you get a healthy snack? Or did you lie when you said you had something you could eat for breakfast?"
Sami pouted against his cup and shook his head "nooo! I have...ramen..." he mumbled the last part while the train car chugged pass the girl in the movie his voice not being able to be heard much.

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Noah shook his head and got comfortable under the blanket shifting slightly so that Sami's leaning against him was a little more natural feeling. "Don't fall asleep. If you get tired just go to bed. Don't try t stay up because I'm here. I know how to show myself out." He warned the other as he put his arms along the back of the couch bringing one leg up to support his slightly leaning position.

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