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Fandom Gotham Boarding School OOC

Forming a band of misfits in Gotham High if anyone's interested! Lots of after-school, late night drama awaiting us.
May I ask who are the new kids? Maybe I can make Tabitha show the new kids around, let them in on the rumors, so on.
DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn Okay, so I was wondering is Jerome new to the school? And if so, could I say that Jim Gordon is driving the two of them to the school on their first day? I figured since Jim is making them both go to school, they'd probably catch the same ride there, lol.
DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn Okay, so I was wondering is Jerome new to the school? And if so, could I say that Jim Gordon is driving the two of them to the school on their first day? I figured since Jim is making them both go to school, they'd probably catch the same ride there, lol.
You could probably shove Jonathan in there too, he's relatively young and will probably be annoyed with the others' antics. If I finish his character sheet this century.
ByTheChesapeake ByTheChesapeake I'd guess she'd have seen him, seeing as he's been periodically wandering the streets around other kids his age since his dad died, but he is new. He's probably gonna whine about how Jim shouldn't be taking him to school because he's already at college level education.
I know what you mean. I have a post all written out. I'm just going to wait for the go ahead to include Jerome in it before I post it

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