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Fandom GOT/ASOIAF/HOTD Magic Enhanced AU

Which Era

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Neuro Vampire

Senior Member
This is the world of A Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones but with way more magic. In this Alternative Universe, there are various forms of magic throughout the known world.

Everyone in the world can utilize Magic Energy in its raw form. It’s uses include enhancing armaments and their bodies. Advanced users include being able to do things like project attacks through infusing magic energy into the displaced air. Advance users tend to be those who get to marry into Vassal Lord houses.

In Westeros, what has taken root are the use of Magic Crests. Magic Crests have become a method of story magic, sharing magic, and magic items amongst themselves and vassals. Each of the Great Houses have stored their own magics and ancestral weapons within their Magic Crests.

Targaryen of Dragonstone: Dragon Magics

Stark of Wintefell: Therianthropy/ Shapeshifting, Beast Taming, Cold Magic

Lannister of Casterly Rock: Transmutation

Durrandon of Storm’s End: Storm Magic

Tyrell of Highgarden: Poison Magic, Venom Magic, Miasma Magic, Toxic Magic

Arryn of Eyrie: Psychokinesis

Martell of Dorne: Anti Magic (Resistance, Nullify, Absorb)

Tully of Riverrun: Vampirism, Blood Artes

Greyjoy of Pyke: Aquatic Magic

Those born to that household can manifest the magics of that crest. Those born to two separate bloodlines can sometimes manifest the talents both but most often just one. However, only the Head of the Household whose the holder of the Magic Crest can create Vassal Crests.


Rhaenys Targaryen of Targaryen and Baratheon would have her Dragon Magic and Baratheon’s Lightning Magic.

Robb Stark would be able to use all the powers of the Stark Crest but only Nedd Stark would be able to create Vassal Crests.

Vassals Lords or Bannerman are then handed subordinate crest which contain a magic ability within that crest. Those vassal lords can pass the crest onto their own bloodline but no further.


If the Durrandons have Storm Magic in their Crest. Their Vassals Crests would have Lightning or Wind. Yet members of those bloodlines develop even lesser talents such as Lightning enhancement or wind gusts.

If Arryn has Psychokinesis in their Crest then Lord Baelish’s Crest would have Telekinesis with others in the bloodline having tactile telekinesis.

If Targaryen has Dragon Magic in their crest. Then Lord Velaryons’ crest grants the ability to transform into a dragon and others in the bloodline gaining the ability to manifest scales, claws, wings, and tails.

When it comes to passing of Crests. The heads of Household normally identifies a crest bearer within their bloodline to take it. Whenever they abdicate or die it will pass to them automatically.

If one wasn’t identified beforehand then the crest will instead manifest in physical form. At which point it can be taken or stolen. Even physical manifestation can be tricky because if there’s an armament or item registered to the crest then it manifest on that object as opposed to inform of an orb at the corpse of the last bearer.

Alternatively, Magic Crests can be yielded voluntarily. It will not strip anyone of their magic. But if it’s yielded to an outside the bloodline individual it will change the line of succession and the magic within their bloodline will dwindle through the next few generations.


Nedd chooses Robb as his heir but Robb didn’t choose an heir so when Robb dies it will manifest on the Ancestral Weapon Ice.

Bastards of a crest bearer can manifest crests as well. One’s that don’t know however normally don’t discover their power unless under duress.


Jon Snow would be able to use the Stark Crest but would never attempt to use any power in the Targaryens without knowing he is Targaryen.

Gendry would not attemp to use the Baratheon magics without knowing he is a Baratheon.

There are items that contain magic of their own most often granted during their creation or right after. Magic runes is commonplace to make magic enhanced armaments and magic reinforced armaments. Valyrian Steel is really good for creating Magic Armaments.

For Example: Dark Sister has the ability to generate dark flames that overwhelm even other flames.

The Wildlings use Runic Magics among their other mystical talents like Warging. The White Walkers will possess ice magic in addition to their necromancy. However, outside of Westeros there are various mystic arts. Each civilization in Essos practices a different mystic art from each other.

The era of the roleplay can be voted on whether it’s Aegon’s Conquest, Dance of Dragons, Robert Rebellion, or the War of Five Kings. Aegon’s Conquest or Dance of Dragons would be easiest. The whole disappearance of dragons thing would be harder to explain under this world’s lore.
definitely interested!! for the house? it'll depend on the era. per the votes, it looks like dance of the dragons is leading, so maybe a targaryen 😂
monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Reigning Monarch Reigning Monarch LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

I am one to strike while the Iron is hot. We can start this with just us four. My rule of thumbs is a minimum three players required to start.

If we had to choose between the Dance of Dragons and Aegon’s Conquest which would it be?

I figured either way we’re probably going to the Targaryens in Aegon’s Conquest and the Blacks in Dance of Dragons. It really comes down to what characters you guys would like to play.

If it’s Aegon’s Conquest I can play Aegon if no one wants but I’ll probably either play Lord Velaryon or Orys Baratheon.

If it’s Dance of Dragons. Someone’s definitely going to want Daemon. I am likely opting for Jaecerys or a dragonseed.

Honestly depending on he consistency and if the story can be fully played out. We could do other eras like the Blackfyre Rebellion.
I think I'm leaning more towards the Conquest, only because watching the show right now and it might have a heavier influence on actions taken in the rp.
I think I'm leaning more towards the Conquest, only because watching the show right now and it might have a heavier influence on actions taken in the rp.
It would only influence what the major incursions points are. The outcome of events and therefore timeline would be severely affected by the new lore additions in this universe.

I think I’lll play a Targaryen/Tyrell offspring.
Probably looking at the a descendant of Elaena Targaryen then

I am really down for either also. If Aegon’s Conquest, I’ll have to do a little research.
The wiki is real good and meticulously kept it seems

Looks like we’re doing the conquest and I’ll be Aegon the Conqueror

Go forth

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