• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.


Junior Member
Interested? Please read the RP guidelines first, and then view available roles here and apply here! Please note that we are asking all writers to play 1 male and 1 female (1 from each clique) to keep the balance even!

  • tumblr_nesu0dRV6t1rcf4rko1_500.jpg
    New York is the city that never sleeps. Known for its skyscrapers, tourist attractions, commercial, financial and cultural centers, it's a place where there's always something to do, and things never get boring. Although its a city that has an allure to it, regardless of whether you're living in a tiny studio apartment, or a penthouse overlooking Central Park, there's no denying that everyone would prefer the latter over the former. Even those living on a budget in Manhattan are probably wealthier than the average American living elsewhere, but those who qualify as being wealthy in New York are on an entirely different level of wealthy than those labeled as it in other places. Manhattan's upper class citizens are a type all of their own, and though their money sets them apart (and above) the rest, it doesn't come without a price, even for the children of those wealthy New Yorkers. Drama seems to run rampant in these crowds, and the students at two of the most exclusive private schools in New York, Constance Billard School for Girls, and St. Jude's School for Boys, lead the pack when it comes to this. Some love the drama, and others want nothing more than to avoid it all costs, but almost everyone seems to agree that it's hard to look away when things start going down. There's some sort of appeal to the drama, and when one person realized this, they capitalized on it by creating an undercover alias, known only as Gossip Girl. If anything worth knowing about occurs in the Upper East Side, you can bet that she'll be the first to know about it, and the first to share it with the rest of the world too.

    It appears as if no one is safe from her wrath, which only seems to increase her appeal, since even those at the top of the social ladder are susceptible to being brought back down to earth with a few taps on a keyboard -- and while it's all fun and games to read about everyone else's drama, it definitely adds an extra layer of stress and challenge to the already difficult life of a high school junior. Since there's no indication that Manhattan's most notorious anonymous blogger is going away any time soon, though... let the fun and games begin, and just hope that your secrets don't end up plastered on her page any time soon.

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Just to update anyone interested, the available roles as of right now are listed below! I bolded the ones with no WIPs, but any of them are still up for grabs!

  • The Queen Bee (female)
  • The Traitor (female)
  • The Bully (female)
  • The Motherly One (female)
  • The Bookworm (female)
  • The Overachiever (female)
  • The King Bee (male)
  • The Charmer (male)
  • The Sweetheart (male)
  • The Class Clown (male)
  • The Party Animal (male)
  • The Entrepreneur (male)
Updating anyone interested with the new list of characters still available!

  • The Traitor (female)
  • The Bully (female)
  • The Motherly One (female)
  • The Bookworm (female)
  • The Overachiever (female)
  • The King Bee (male)
  • The Charmer (male)
  • The Sweetheart (male)
  • The Party Animal (male)
  • The Entrepreneur (male)

Is having two characters still a requirement?
Ah. A question from me as well. Is having a male and a female character a requirement? If so cool beans, I just low key forgot that was said and was wondering if it was still a thing.
Our current open roles are:
  • The Traitor (female)
  • The Overachiever (female)
  • The Motherly One (female
  • The Party Animal (male)
  • The Sweetheart (male)
i'm interested! i'm just wondering is this first come first serve, or based on what characters you feel fit?
Hey! It's not first come first serve :). We're aiming to choose the best character available for each role. We have a few roles left that your're welcome to try for, so if you're interested in any of the ones below, feel free!

  • The Overachiever (female)
  • The Motherly One (female
  • The Party Animal (male)
  • The Sweetheart (male)
Hey! It's not first come first serve :). We're aiming to choose the best character available for each role. We have a few roles left that your're welcome to try for, so if you're interested in any of the ones below, feel free!

  • The Overachiever (female)
  • The Motherly One (female
  • The Party Animal (male)
  • The Sweetheart (male)
thanks! that's clears stuff up for me!

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