Goodnight Sleeptight Don't Let The Zombies Bite! (Open)

(I am so so very sorry! My computer charger died and I lost the charger and I didn't have a lot of time to go find it. I'm sorry.) :(

"I'm sorry I know how that feels your not alone, And at least you got Scar to watch out for you and you have to watch out for her too."Kite strayed his eyes over to Scar. "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have ever made it this far. I'd still be in that ditch probobly lying dead." Kite moved his eyes back to Charlie. "So thanks you now I have something and someone to live for. If I let this kill me I won't be able to protect everyone." Kite looked up at the cealing and smiled.

Izio had been driving for a little bit now. "So who are you new guy. I let you come along so I could talk to you and too see if you were alright to have around the group. Sadly Ember insisted on going." Izio looked over at Ember then back at the road. "Were almost there just about another 5 minutes and we aren't going to be able to talk in town so get talking." Izio said.
(I am so so very sorry! My computer charger died and I lost the charger and I didn't have a lot of time to go find it. I'm sorry.) :(

"I'm sorry I know how that feels your not alone, And at least you got Scar to watch out for you and you have to watch out for her too."Kite strayed his eyes over to Scar. "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have ever made it this far. I'd still be in that ditch probobly lying dead." Kite moved his eyes back to Charlie. "So thanks you now I have something and someone to live for. If I let this kill me I won't be able to protect everyone." Kite looked up at the cealing and smiled.

Izio had been driving for a little bit now. "So who are you new guy. I let you come along so I could talk to you and too see if you were alright to have around the group. Sadly Ember insisted on going." Izio looked over at Ember then back at the road. "Were almost there just about another 5 minutes and we aren't going to be able to talk in town so get talking." Izio said
(I am so so very sorry! My computer charger died and I lost the charger and I didn't have a lot of time to go find it. I'm sorry.) :(

"I'm sorry I know how that feels your not alone, And at least you got Scar to watch out for you and you have to watch out for her too."Kite strayed his eyes over to Scar. "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have ever made it this far. I'd still be in that ditch probobly lying dead." Kite moved his eyes back to Charlie. "So thanks you now I have something and someone to live for. If I let this kill me I won't be able to protect everyone." Kite looked up at the cealing and smiled.

Izio had been driving for a little bit now. "So who are you new guy. I let you come along so I could talk to you and too see if you were alright to have around the group. Sadly Ember insisted on going." Izio looked over at Ember then back at the road. "Were almost there just about another 5 minutes and we aren't going to be able to talk in town so get talking." Izio said.
(I am so so very sorry! My computer charger died and I lost the charger and I didn't have a lot of time to go find it. I'm sorry.) :(

"I'm sorry I know how that feels your not alone, And at least you got Scar to watch out for you and you have to watch out for her too."Kite strayed his eyes over to Scar. "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have ever made it this far. I'd still be in that ditch probobly lying dead." Kite moved his eyes back to Charlie. "So thanks you now I have something and someone to live for. If I let this kill me I won't be able to protect everyone." Kite looked up at the cealing and smiled.

Izio had been driving for a little bit now. "So who are you new guy. I let you come along so I could talk to you and too see if you were alright to have around the group. Sadly Ember insisted on going." Izio looked over at Ember then back at the road. "Were almost there just about another 5 minutes and we aren't going to be able to talk in town so get talking." Izio said
Name: Jay King

Age: 16 1/2

Gender: Male

Personality: Nice, sweet, an ass at times, and pretty sarcastic.


History: Before the apocalypse started, Jay lived with his parents and younger sister in a small house on Long Island, Ny. Him and his family were traveling and their plane crashed. Jay escaped, finding his mom dead and dad gone, sister gone to. He remembered the Machete he had in his suitcase. He then ventured off out of the plane crash area, until....the first outbreak he saw. His dad was being mauled and chewed by a....human? Jay backed up and ran the other way. ((The plane crash was in the middle of a field btw))

Starting Weapon's: Machete
Charlie smiled kindly as he rambled on. "Your welcome Kite. It's the least We can do. You helped us, remember?" Charlie glanced back at her sister, who was firmly asleep. She allowed her ee's to wonder back to him. She nodded to everything that he had said. It was true, she was very lucky to have her sister still. And Kite would have died without everyone who had arrived to help. "Well truthfully, you wouldnt have been hurt without us here." Her eye's flickered, with amusement. Charlie leaned her head away as she yawned slighty, glancing back up at Kite.

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