Goodnight Sleeptight Don't Let The Zombies Bite! (Open)

Charlie and Scar had risen from the place that they had been sitting. "Where exactly is this Cabin, your talking about?" Scar inquired. She watched the group quietly awaiting for somebody to answer her. Charlie held her sister's hand as she slipped her pocket knife into her hand, if she had to fight. She was ready.
Ember looked over to the girl and glared some. She can see now. She was not going to get along with this girl. "Its about a mile from here. Wont take us an hour to get there. Or are you not up fro it princess?" The hick smiled at the girl. She shakes her head and looked at Izio "So can we go get my motorcycle and get a truck?"
Scar's Eye's narrowed, she gritted her teeh as she step forward Hastily. Charlie's grip tightened as she pulled her sister back. "Don't Scar. Not worth it." Scar nodded as she fully understood that her sister was right. "Princess. huh!" Scar snickered to herself. She glared at Ember. "We need something big enough for all of us. A motorcycle won't do." She shot back, sniddly.
Ember chuckled some as she looked over to the girl. "Yes, I just called you a princess. While you sit here at camp. The guys will be making runs or protecting or trying to figure out what will happen next and Ill be here doing the same plus hunting. I have the quietist long range weapon." Ember rubbed her temples and her grip tightened on her crossbow. "And thats why I said 'and a truck'. Why don't you go play and let the big people talk." Ember shot at her. She turned toward Izio keeping her eye on Scar and Charlie.
"Alright girls stop your dang bickering already it's getting really anoying. First things first we need shelter so we are going to go and find the cabin Ember was talking about first. Then I will take one of you with me to go to town to make a run to get some food and the truck and motercycle Ember was talking about." Said Kite.

"That sounds good Kite lets gather the things around here then head out. I'll lead and Ember will tell me to go just incase something happens." Said Izio.

Kite was picking up stuff around where Scar and Charlie was. "Can't you just try to get along we don't have many options here the more of us the stronger we are." Kite had almost finished picking the rest of the stuff up.

"Ok thats everything lets head out Ember which way is the cabin?" Asked Izio.
Ember listened to Kite and glared at the girls. "Im staying with Izio at all times." Ember started off toward the trees. "Its this way." She mumbled as she stalked toward the trees. She turned toward Izio and looked at him. "You coming?" She called out to him and the others. "Killing daylight dammit!"
"Yeah yeah I'm comming. Come on guys lets go." Izio pulled out his survival knife just in case anything were to go wrong. "Let me go first Ember, this way right?" Izio started walking through the woods in a crouched state to avoid any and all contact with the zombie kind.

After a while of walking they came to an opening in the woods. "Hey Ember is that the cabin in the middle of the clearing there? If so were gonna have a hard time getting in there." Kite was looking at about 10 to 15 zombies eating on a dead dear carcus. "And there could be more inside too." Kite sighed.

"Hey Kite I've got a plan but it's some pritty scetchy stuff. First of all I will go out there and get most of the zombies attention without gunfire we don't one more zombies comming if this works. Then Kite you will go out there and kill the rest of the zombies that don't follow me. You then will drag the dear away from the zombies over to the edge of the clearing and then get the zombies attention towerds the dear and then the girls will slip to the back of the cabin. After that Kite you need to get away from them and we will repeat this process until all the zombies are dead. Does that sound like a good plan?" Izio asked?
Ember looked up at Izio and nodded. She reached up an pulled her new frind into a hug. Before letting go she whispers "Please be safe. Dont get killed." She took a step back and raised her crossbow. She looked back to Scar. "I was in military training. I dont care you like it or not im stronger and I have a better shot. Stay behind me." She begin to move so she can have a straight shot for the door of that cabin.
"Ok lets go for this Kite get in position." Izio ran out. "Hey you stupid zombies come get some of this." 12 out of 15 zombies started chasing after him. "Good luck." Izio smiled.

Kite ran out with his axe and killed one of them instantaniously with a single wound to the head then pulled it strait out. "Your next scum bag!" Kite swung the axe around him and hit the second one in the head but it got stuck in there and he couldn't pull it out. "Crap! Dangit! I can't get it out." Kite let go of the axe and punched the zombie in the face knocking it to the ground. Kite found the time to be able to drag the dear carcus back but that zombie was still chasing him.

"Hurry it up Kite I can't distract them forever!" Izio yelled.

"I'm working on it!" Yelled Kite running for his axe. Kite fell to the ground and the zombie was creeping closer and closer. Kite reached for his axe and finally got to it and stabed the zombie in the head with it at the last possible second. "Izio run this way change of plan were going to have to lure them away and sneak back to the cabin I'll take that half and you take the other." Kite ran away leading 5 of them into the woods and 6 followed after Izio.

"Where is the last one Kite only lead away six and that makes 14 counted for where is the 15th oh no the girls!" Izio had to trust that they found it before it found them he couldn't lead the rest of the zombies to them. "Hey girls there is one zombie not accounted for watch your backs also some covering fire would be nice." Asked Izio.

"Ok come at me scumbags." Kite ran around tree to tree and suddenly there was this big barbed wire in the way that Kite didn't see it traped most of the zombies but also cut Kite up really bad his entire arm had been cut down the middle and he let out a scream.

"Oh no Kite I have to help him!" Izio had now killed 3 of the 5 zombies surrounding him.

Kite crept back into the opening holding his arm with the uncounted zombie chasing after him. "Help!" Kite ran around to where the girls were sopposed to be and ran to them and he collapsed right in front of them but still retained countiousness.
Ember lowered to the ground and looked over at Izio "Kill them! dont get killed!" She pulled off her shirt, not caring that she was in her bra. She ripped it up and tied multiple pieces on his arm. She pulled him to his feet and helped him up to the now cleared cabin door. She leaned Kite on the railing as she slammed her foot against the door. It flew open and She pulled kite inside. She looked down to the cut and frowned. "I'm going to go out and help them... Then Im ta- she was cut off by the figure standing beside her. She looked up to a guy no older than 16. She pulled up her crossbow and pointed it at him. "Who in the hell are you?!"

The boy looked at her "My name is Damon! Let me help!" She watched him run outside and take out a dead with a knife.

She looks back to Kite and touches the young boys cheek "Im talking Izio with me on a run. We will get medication for you. I will not let you get sick." She sighs and shakes her head. "Ill be back.." She took off outside and seen all the Dead where dead.

"DAMON! Protect Kite and the girls. Izio! Me and you are going on a run Kite needs medication!" Ember ran up to Damon and eyed him. "Give me your jacket." She motioned to his leather jacket.

"What? NO!" He shouted

"Shut the hell up! I dont want to go out there shirtless now hand it over!"

Damon sighed as he took off his jacket and handed it over to the girl he just met. She slipped it on and grabbed her crossbow. She grabbed Izio's wrist and pulls him into the woods. She stops and looks around... "This way!" She took off running toward the main roads.
"What? Ok I'm comming." Izio ran off to follow Ember into town. "Hey Ember wait up what happened? Also we have to still be descreate about this if were not we are never going to get back to Kite!" Izio ran up to Ember and grabbed her hand. "This way. I know a few places to get into hospital without being noticed, probobly." He walked over to where one of the places thought were safe and it wasn't. There were about 6 or 7 zombie's in there way. "Dangit we can't get in through there here follow me." Izio walked over to another place while still holding Ember's hand. "There but were going to have to be quick." Izio took a deep breath in and smiled at Ember. "Lets go." Izio ran through a zombie and pushed it over and ran into the openning in the hospital draging Ember right behind him. "Now we have to block this up watch my back Ember." Izio grabbed acouple wooden planks and covered up the opening. "Now lets find that medication." Said Izio.

Kite had just regained countiousness and saw Charlie, Scar and a stranger. "Hey guys what happened why did I pass out?" Right after Kite said that he felt a stinging sensation in his arm and looked over to his arm and almost let out a scream but he held it back for the others to be safe. "Hey Charlie where did Ember and Izio go please tell me they made it." Kite's eyes started to get very blurry and then he lost contiousness again.
Scar and Charlie eyed each other. Scar leaned close to Charlie, "Watch The Stranger. He could be infected." She commanded. Scar knealed at Kite's side, the bleeding looked as though it had increAse. She placed her hand's around Kite's upper arm and held tight. Stopping the blood flow was critical in his condition. "Your so Lucky to be alive, Moron." Scar muttered.

Charlie had drawn her blade and stepped behind Damon. While Charlie watched Scar applie pressure she thought about the situation. "If those thing's eat living things... Do you think they would be drawn to the smell of blood?" She shrugged. "Just a thought." She mumbled. Scar glanced at her sister. "Ember and Izio should be back soon, They should have medication for him. All we need is to keep Kite alive for a few more Hours." Charlie smirked "Should." Charlie considered.

Scar released Kite's arm once she was sure the bleeding had slowed. She turned to Damon, "Who are you? I'm Scarlett and That's Charlotte. But Call us Scar and Charlie." She had crossed her arms and sat on a nearby chair. Scar was trying not to panic at the question that her sister had asked. Was that possible?
With the beeding slowed Kite ragained contiousness and he shouldn't pass out again form bloodloss. *Yawn* "So what happened while I was out? And who is this did he help you? If so, hello my name is Kite it's nice to meet you though I wish I was in condition to shake your hand." Kite tried to sit up with all his might but couldn't do it he was too drained of energy. "Hey Scar could you move me over to that couch over there? It would be alot more comfortable then on the hard floor." *Yawn* "Guess I'm still sleepy." Kite smiled and laughed a bit. "Also where is Ember and Izio did they make it?" Kite asked with a sudden urge.
Scar and Charlie help lifted Kite onto the couch. "You shouldn't sleep, you could slip into an coma or worst." Scar consolted. Charlie went into one of the room's and retrieved a baige blanket, she came back and placed it over Kite's legs. "Ember and Izio did make it." She assured. "They're out getting supplies for you." Scar announced, she glanced at the door heavily. "Twothings. If you would have lost any more blood, no doubt you would have died and You need to eat to gain some strength." Scar went through her pack and pulled out a granola bar she tossed it onto Kites lap. "They should be back soon."
Ember ran through the hospital. She was medically traned when she joined the military as she knew what to get. She skidded to a stop and ran into the room where much medication was. She looked around as she ran out of the room, running into Izio, knocking them to the ground. "Sorry." Ember mummbled as she got off him and ran to a patients room dumping out a dufflebag. She ran back into the medication room and filled up the bad with gauze, needles, antibiotics, other medication, wraps... Ember stopped as she laid her eyes on a sharp object. She could feel the scars on her torso and back burn through the jacket she wore. She shook out of it and grabbed more things. She ran back out of the room and tossed the bag by the door. She ran into the supplies room and grabbed pillows and sheets. She also tossed them by the door and she looked over to Izio. "Stay here... hold the door Im going to go get a truck." Before he could argue she took off out of the door holding her knife. She hopped into a nearby Ford F150 and looked around. She grumbled as she quickly lowered down and hot wired the truck. She took off to the door and backed it up, blocking it so any dead couldnt get in. She pushed open the door and grabbed the things they got, tying them down. She pulled Izio into the passanger seat as she got in the drivers seat, after she shut the doors to the hospital. She took off down the road, leaving all the dead behind. She turned into a corner store and hopped out.

Damon looked down to the girls and looked over to Charlie. His eyes widen as he smiles a crooked smile. He then looked over at Kite and nods. "Yea I helped. Might as well... Mrs. Badass kicked down my door... Whats her name?" He thought for a second and shook his head. "If they aint back befoe dark Ill go find them."

Ember looked at Izio as she smiled and moved ito the store with her crossbow raised. She took out the only Dead in the store and smiled to herself. She hopped behind the counter to grab some bags and her eyes lit up. She filled 3 bags with cigarettes and lighters. She then moved to the store part and begin to fill up bags with water and food items. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a smile as she looks over to Izio.c "I want to hit up a clothing store after this... Then the hiking store."
Izio was just standing there in shock. "Wow Ember your amazing I never knew what you were capible of. But we need to get this stuff back to Kite he needs them ASAP so we will just have to come back tomorrow and go to get some clothes." Izio walked over to where Ember was and smiled at her. "Plus it isn't safe here we need to make little trips so we don't draw back many zombies. After hotwireing that care and driving away we are bound to be followed by at least 5 or 6." Izio grabed Embers hand and pulled her out of the store. "We will get some clothes later today." He smiled at her. "Judging by the sun it was only about 3:00 in the afternoon he had plenty of time to go back and get stuff later expecially because it is spring right now and the days are getting longer each day. "Now lets go." Izio threw everything into the truck and sat in the passenger seat.

Kite grabbed the bar and looked at it. "How am I going to open this." He asked himself. He kept looking at the bar and finally came up with an idea. "I know!" He blurted out. Kite picked up the bar and pulled it to his mouth and opened it with his teeth. "Thank you Scar." He said with his mouth full of the granola bar. "You know it sucks being right handed in this condition." Kite looked at his arm and wondered if his arm was ever going to be the same. "It should get better and Izio and Ember are going to be back soon with the antibiotics that will be good." Kite sat up a bit from slouching. "Thanks for the help Scar, Charlie, and umm I still don't know your name mister?" Kite tilted his head while he asked.
Ember nodded and slid into the drivers seat. She pulled out and drove along the main road with a cigarette in her mouth. She sped up some thinking about Kite. She then looked off to the side. "Thats my motorcycle. We can comeback and load it up in the truck." She ground and turned into the trees onto a hidden road that lead to the cabin. She pulled up to the cabin and jumped out grabbing the medical supplies. She called out to Izio as she ran up to the cabin. "Get the rest of the stuff!" As she slammed through the door to the cabin she yelled to Damon. "Help Izio!" She dropped down by Kite and tied a elastic band around his upper arm. She pilled out a needle and sucked some antibiotics in it. She grabbed his arm and pulled off her ripped up shirt that was tied around it. She inserted the needle into his skin and let the antibiotics flow into his bloodstream. She then wiped down the cut and around the cut with alcohol. She pulled out thread and a curved needle. She shoved cloth in his mouth so he can bite down on it. She pressed the needle in his skin and stitched up his cut. When she was done she tied it off and cleaned it again. She then wrapped it and handed 2 pills plus a water to Kite. "Take the medication. Its for pain and so you don't get an infection." Ember sighed as she stood and became overwhelmed with tiredness. She fell against the wall and closed her eyes then opened them slowly as she tried to keep herself standing.

Damon darted outside and helped Izio bring in the things they got. He drooped some of the bags and pulled out out a sheet. He walked over to Charlie and wrapped it around her shoulders then did the same to Scar and Kite.
Charlie Blushed slightly at Damon. "Thank you." She mumbled, Charlie sat onto the floor, as her sister came over and sat next to her. "We need a plan!" Scar announced, she glanced at Ember and Izio. Seeming that they took the role of leadership. Charlie kept glancing nervously at Kite. Charlie leaned over and whispered into her sister's ear. "Not Possible." Scar confirmed. "It could be." Charlie hissed. "You seen what happened to Marie."

Scar nodded. "Drop it." Scar glanced around the room. "What about the night. Shifts? Does this place have a lock at least?" Scar asked glumly. She laid her pack down to be used as a pillow. Charlie laid and leaned her head up against the pack. Scar leaned up against the wall. Taking in the scene.
Ember growled at Scar. "Izio can take first shift. Ill take the next one. Then if i think anyone is up for it ill wake them up." She closed her eyes slowly and opened them again. She leaned against the wall. "What the hell... I'm so tired...." She closed her eyes again and her legs almost give out on her as she catches herself on the wall.
Kite was still in pain about to take the pills. "Thanks Ember. But why does it have to hurt so bad." Kite glanced over at his arm and threw the pills into his mouth and chugged them. "Sorry I'm not going to be able to take the shift tonight I know how much you've done for me and I can't even take a night shift." Kite glanced at the floor in sadness. "Hey Charlie could you come over here for a second? I wanna ask you something, alone." Said Kite.

Izio just ran inside and walked over to Kite. "Hey buddy you doing alright. It's been one heck of a day today hasn't it." Izio smiled. "I'll be back hey new guy wanna come with? I'm going to go get some stuff in town as well as a motercycle. Ember your staying here you need to rest." Said Izio walking back out to the truck. He waved behind him. "I'll be back." Said Izio jumping into the driver's seat. "Hey new dude you comming?" Izio asked looking at him. "Also I didn't catch your name." Said Izio.
Charlie and Scar exchanged glance's ever so quickly. Scar slightly nodded. Charlie stood as she approached Kite. She kneeled next to the couch that he was bed strucked on. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked, in a soft voice. Truthfully, Charlie was a bit Nervous about talking to Kite. Scar watched Charlie leave, until she switched her gaze to Ember.
Kite scooted back up from slouching in the couch. "I wanted to talk to you about a few things. First of all you need to learn how to shoot, sorry if I'm judging but you havn't killed many zombies have you? Tomorrow I'll be able to teach you my arm should be healed enough by then." Said Kite. "Also the second thing I wanted to talk about. I don't know who this Marie is but we have all lost people in this horrible time." Kite looked down at the floor then looked back up to Charlie. "Don't worry we are all going to be fine and if you ever want to talk about Marie or anything I'm here for you." Kite put his good hand on top of Charlie's head and smiled.

Izio started the truck to let the engine warm up it wasn't good for a old truck to run right after the engine was turned on.
Damon drew his eyes from Charlie and ran outside with Ember following. She ran over to the drivers side and looks Izio in the eyes. "Let me come with..." She watched him closely. "Please.." She looked over to Damon who opened the door and was about to get in. She quickly ran around the truck and slid into the truck next to Izio. Damon watched Izio for his reaction as Ember glanced at the two. Damon sighed and ran over to the cabin. "Kite, Scar, and... Charlie..." We will be back Ember is coming with.." He took off back to the truck and slid in next to Ember and shut his door. He glanced ahead and nodded his head. "Lets go."
Charlie watched Kite heavily, "I'm So sorry, I didn't think you were listening..." She glanced back at Scar who had curled up against the wall. Scars breathing shadowed as she passed out. Charlies eye's rested on Kite again. "Marie had died a while ago. She was my Sister, the eldest one in fact." Charlie mumbled, as she glanced down. "We were attacked and..." She trailed her sentence out.

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