Good RPGs or Story-Driven Games?

A personal favourite game series of mine has always been Rune Factory. It's sort of a more actiony and fantasy Harvest Moon.

There is an obscene amount of stats in the game to level so you can really play however you want, if you wanted to play primarily as a fighting character then you certainly can, if you wanted to farm more, you can do that too. Basically the levels bring down the energy cost of an action in the category you've leveled, they also boost stats in different ways, but it's a fair bit strategic. Like at the beginning of the game you are incredibly weak and you will water about two square of crops and you'll be completely out of energy. But by day 20 you'll already have leveled enough that you will have a heap of left over energy for the day to explore the dungeons or do whatever else.

Also all the charcaters are adorable and loveable!

In the series I'd recommend 4 the most, it's the newest one. Also one of the only two (With Tides of Destiny) that you can pick your gender to play as. (3DS for RF4 and PS3/wii for RFToD)

3 is a lot of fun too! With a strange mechanic where, as well as being human, you can change into the sheep monster in the game, a Wooly. That one is on the DS and didn't get a Europe/Oceania release as far as I know (Though if you are there you could buy a bootlegged copy like I did, or emulate it)

2 is the game that got me into the series, it's much more polished than the first one and still a great game despite being a little more fidgety and not as realised than 3/4 or either of the home console games. This one is on the DS too.

Back on the wii is Rune Factory Frontier, which is a pretty good game, though you don't actually unlock the first dungeon for a while so if you'd rather get straight into the fighting and action this one isn't really for you. Also without a guide some events can be incredibly vague (For example, to get close to Lara you must visit Mist on day 4 and catch the cold she has. If you weren't a person that insistently talks to everyone in the game you wouldn't have ever known really.)

And then the one I don't really like is the first in the series, also on DS. It's still a decent game, and probably the one that throws you into dungeon exploration the quickest, but it's not as polished as the other games in the series, and the characters are much flatter than later entries. Since the games don't tend to tie together at all (Though Frontier is a sort of sequel to this of sorts) it's not too important you play this one. I'd recommend trying it if you play a few of the others and enjoy it, then maybe you can trudge through the first game.

This ended up a lot longer than I expected or even intended. I'm sorry!
I'm not sure if this counts but if you're for good action RPGs try Monster hunter. At first it's slow but after a good 30 minutes it starts to ramp up in terms of fun. Just be warned you'll be sinking in a lot of time into those games. If you have a 3DS wait for monster hunter generations. If you have a PSP look for Monster hunter freedom unite.
Telltale Games usually have amazing stories! All of the ones I've played have been amazing. I would highly suggest you play them, especially is you like good storytelling and relatable characters. Telltale's Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead are my personal favorites. Dragon Age and TTGOT are the only games to have made me tear up. The Wolf Among Us was great too. Have you played Life is Strange? That one's fantastic. Just finished.

Also! Try JRPGs. I've never personally played one but I do watch let's plays, and the stories are amazing. OMFG. It's astounding how creative people can be no funding and limited graphics. I'd suggest starting with: IB, The Witch's House, Mad Father, Misao, and The Drizzling Forest. IB is my absolute favorite! Just look at fan art from it. The creativity is astonishing. I know you can play Corpse Party on console.
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I would have said Final fantasy X...but you have an Xbox. I would have also said uncharted and Last of Us, but same issue. You could play mass effect.
I've got a lot of recommendations to make in this field, but just because I haven't seen it mentioned, I am going to highly recommend Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall.

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