Good News Everyone!


Junior Member
After months of searching, I have found an artist who will help me work on the comic! As you may have noticed, I haven't updated in the past while since school started up. 21 credit hours will do that to a person. (I've just dropped it down to a more manageable 17 credit hours.)

But anyway! The artist is really talented, and it blows my mind that he would help with this silly comic. I'm probably going to become a bit more serious, to reflect the style, but there will still be jokes, don't worry. :)

Alright, now; I always hate it when I'm reading a comic from the archives and the artwork keeps shifting all over the place. So this is my plan:

[*]Move the comics into a 'prelude archive' folder.

[*]Start the comic hours (in comic-time) after the last comic panel.

[*]Call this new starting place "Chapter 1"

What does this mean? Well, first off I want to reassure you that everything so far is still canon. However, I'm going to make it not-necessary to read for new readers, so the art style change isn't so jarring. So you might have a bit of repeat information on who the characters are, but it shouldn't be too redundant.

P.S. I think my ability to tell a coherent story has improved, so this "psuedo-new start" will let me wrap it up in a tighter ball of plot points.

Yay good news!
Dragonmystic said:
What does this mean? Well, first off I want to reassure you that everything so far is still canon. However, I'm going to make it not-necessary to read for new readers, so the art style change isn't so jarring.
In other words, it's a prologue, showing how the cast got together. The part of "you all meet in a tavern" that most comics would glaze over (aside from KoC which did it in a humorous fashion).

Still, all I can say is

Dragonmystic said:
What does this mean? Well' date=' first off I want to reassure you that everything so far is [i']still canon.[/i] However, I'm going to make it not-necessary to read for new readers, so the art style change isn't so jarring.
In other words, it's a prologue, showing how the cast got together. The part of "you all meet in a tavern" that most comics would glaze over (aside from KoC which did it in a humorous fashion).

Still, all I can say is

Er..yes. That would be a better, more succinct way of putting it, wouldn't it?


Um. Yay, comic returning! :D
Holy shit, that first page looks ridiculously cool. I was just interested before, but now I am anxious for this to keep going.

I stumbled upon the first page! I was almost thinking it died, really

Careful now Dragonmystic. You might people interested in Exalted. We don't want Exalted getting found out by the media!Can you imagine?
DukeGod said:
I stumbled upon the first page! I was almost thinking it died, really

Careful now Dragonmystic. You might people interested in Exalted. We don't want Exalted getting found out by the media!Can you imagine?
No, it was just traversing the underworld, trapped in obscurity and development hell caused by my woefully busy schedule! But then the amazing happened: it EXALTED!

....I'm going to say into a Lunar. Because Lunars are far more interesting the Solars.

...and then if it eats another webcomic's skin, it can take their guise? Or maybe it spends its time as a search engine? (hmm, this metaphor seems to be failing me.)
DukeGod said:
We don't want Exalted getting found out by the media! Can you imagine?
Inevitably they would try to make a video game of it. I've played with the idea myself, and see that it just wouldn't work. The movie adaptation of the game would also fall flat, for different reasons.
DukeGod said:
It should be tomorrow right?
Chapter 1 *-*?
Yep! Chapter 1, cover, has now been released! And now to just do this every Tuesday and Thursday!

...oh gods what I have I done to myself. o_o
The first page looks absolutely incredible. It's incredible you got Bentti Bison on board.

Looking forward to next Tuesday now.
So who is the artist? The art is very impressive. Really! The page that's up today is a very awesome characters-standing-around-looking-awesome page.

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