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Fandom Good Dog Bad Rap Café

Creepypasta Hound

I always Smile!

"Oooh Snape wake up pup, your mother and I have something we need to tell you."

The voice of Snapes' father echoed up from the lower level of the stairs into Snapes' ears. He opened his eyes and blinked the sleep out of his eyes "Wha? What time is it?" He yawns as he rolls over in his woven basket stretching as he pulls himself out of bed. He exits his room through the doggy door and heads downstairs "Ya Da? Ma? What is it that you want to tell me?" Snape asks sitting at the bottom of the stairs tilting his head to the side.

His parents look at him smiling before saying simultaneously "You're moving out! And you're getting your own place!" Before he could object he was shoved out of the house with the door slamming behind him as his parents coo loving phrases to him. Getting to his paws Snape looked bewildered for everything happened so fast that he was surprised that he didn't get whip lash. Seeing that he was out of a home he decided to go to Brassy, a good friend of his.

He walked along the road until he reached Brassy's place. He stood on his hind legs with a paw on the door and scratched the door calling out to her.
Brassy sits in a bush just outside her house. She's been there since dawn on a stake out. There's been some beast hijacking her mother's strawberries from the garden, and Brassy wants to solve it. She's about to call a quits, but when she sees snape, a new objective pops up.

She needs to bite the dog.

Brassy watches him scratch the door for about ten seconds, then just before she attacks, she sneezes.

"Oh well. I'll have to attack you some other time!" She says at the same volume of the sneeze previously. She gets out of her hiding spot and viciously hugs snape's head.

"What do you want puppy? And you have a dog door now. My dad just made one yesterday. See?" She says as she crawls through it. Once on the other side, she sticks her hand back through to pull the dog inside.
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Snape yelps out of surprise as he is practically dragged through the door "B-Brassy!" He stammers "When did you get so strong!?" He wails, but he was relieved to be inside. The little Pitbull squirms free from the powerful tike and he looks at her curiously "Um why do you smell like strawberries? Were you eating them?" He asks curiously as he begins to sniff her.
"No!" She stomps. "I was protecting them from the demons!" She then takes six strawberries out of her pockets and chunks them across the room.

"Be free my children! No one can harm you now!" She turns back to snape and smiles.

"Now for the serious talk, why are you here? Are you lost again?"
Snape watches as the strawberries soar the air before landing with light thumps onto the carpet "Ah..." He glances over his shoulder before dashing like mad and gobbles up the red fruit "I was kicked out of my place." He says swallowing the fruit "Da and Ma believes I should be on my own now but I don't know a thing about living on my own...can I live with you guys?" He asked trying his hardest to look cuter than he already is "I know that you like animals you told me before that you wanted a dog. So pleeeease?" He said rolling over on his back exposing his belly and wiggling legs.
Brassy thinks over the situation for a couple of seconds before running off somewhere inside the house.

After about 2 minutes, she comes back with a huge smile on her face.

"My mom said no." She starts to laugh hysterically at the thought of the dog having no place to go.

"I'm just kidding, momma said sure. You just gotta help guard the house when no one is here. It use to be my job, but now since we have an actual dog, you can do it." She then goes into the kitchen for a snack before returning back to the dog.
Guarding the house that is easy enough...wait "You're mom made you watch the house? But aren't you still a little kid? How would you er...I mean how you do it?" He asked curiously. He figured Brass would answer in some 'big fish' way then again this kid could do pretty much anything. He recalled a time where she threatened to break some old guys knees because he was teasing her with a pink stuffed Chihuahua that she wanted.

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