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Just a cutie
Hello, I'm HalcyonMaiden. I've never actually roleplayed before but I absolutely love to write and figured roleplaying might be something I would love to do. So, I thought this would be a pretty good place to start my first roleplaying experience. I've read some roleplays on forums before and feel like I understand the general concept of it but besides that I don't really get anything else. I find forums to be quite confusing as I've only browsed through some and so I'm not all that sure of how they work; The "Getting Started" seemed pretty explanatory though and I certainly hope most of the forum is like that as well. (Yes, I know, I'm quite the noob.) Anyway, help is extremely appreciated and I hope I won't disappoint! Thanks for reading!
Hello, HalcyonMaiden! Welcome to RPdom! *bark* :D

I'm Wolf, and since I just so happen to be the first to greet you, I'll give you the quick tour. It's simple, really. The index site (home page) of the forum is clearly organized into four groups, though I realize all the colors might have dazzled you for a moment! :tongue:

DISCUSSION - This section is for general stuff, and aside from Roleplay/Exalted Discussion subforums, it does not have to do with roleplaying at all. This is where you kick back and relax, and have some casual chit-chat or get creative in the Creativity subforum. Use the Site Discussion & Support if you need technical help.

ROLEPLAY - This section is about actual roleplaying on RPdom. The Interest Checks is where people post their ideas for future games to see how many members are interested, and whether the game would be a good idea at all (the checks are optional, though!). The Roleplay Submissions is where people actually make a full presentation of a new game, and here the Staff reviews it and gives the green light - usually :D . Here you can also take a look at the Our Roleplays subforum for an up-to-date listing of all currently active games - you can see by their tags which are Recruiting (brand new games actively seeking players), Joinable (games that still allow new players), Waitlist (games that don't accept new people right now, but could make room for them soon), and Closed (roleplays not accepting new players).

THREAD ROLEPLAYS - This section contains small-scale games that are played within a single thread and do not require a sign up process. You can just head in and play! :D *bark*

ROLEPLAY LIST - This section is actually a visual representation of all the currently running games on RPdom. You can see the name of the RP and the banner image, as well as some stats about it and if you hover over the name you can read the description as provided by the game's Storyteller. Also, you can filter the whole thing to match your search criteria and display only roleplays of a specific type, genre and/or system. Play with it :tongue:

I hope this clears it up, though the empirical method is always superior - simply go out there and browse. If you have questions of any kind concerning a specific RP, talk to the person running it, called the Storyteller via the private messaging system. If you have problems of a general nature, contact the Staff. The community is really great here and I'm sure you'll love it. Since you're new to roleplaying you should know that the most basic division between them is whether they're freeform games or dice games. Freeform games are more like several people writing a book together and focus the story and the art of writing, whereas dice games require knowledge (if not possession) of guidebook(s) and focus game mechanics. Some examples are Exalted, Crucible, World of Darkness, Dungeons & Dragons, etc.

If you require any assistance whatsoever, you can also utilize this thread you made ;) *bark*
Welcome! Wolf beat me to the punch with helpful posts with, possibly, the single most helpful post I have ever seen.

So you'll probably be fine. I got into RP the same way, way back when. But I quickly decided I enjoy RPGs for different reasons and purposes (chief among them being; I do not work well with others, so if I'm going to write a story I'll write the damn story, and roleplaying is for a different purpose entirely). Looking forward to seeing you on the Creativity forum, if not in one of my games for a while.

Also - Wolf, I resent the implication we don't focus on the story or the artistry. :P If you'd rather not try it, you should at least read over one...
Thanks for the applaud, Grey. I tried to offer the girl a healthy balance between too much scary info and too few confusing notes *bark*

And yes, I see your point. And I take back my hasty implication! What I should have said was: Dice games like the ones I mentioned usually don't put as much emphasis on writing itself in comparison to freeform games, but there are definitely alot of high quality stories to be found in that field, regardless. I am somewhat biased I guess, because I have more appreciation for the story itself than the mechanics and rules governing it. I agree that reading over a couple, if not playing as well, could do me only good.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Thanks for the applaud, Grey. I tried to offer the girl a healthy balance between too much scary info and too few confusing notes *bark*
And yes, I see your point. And I take back my hasty implication! What I should have said was: Dice games like the ones I mentioned usually don't put as much emphasis on writing itself in comparison to freeform games, but there are definitely alot of high quality stories to be found in that field, regardless. I am somewhat biased I guess, because I have more appreciation for the story itself than the mechanics and rules governing it. I agree that reading over a couple, if not playing as well, could do me only good.

I know biases like that well, Wolf, else I should be less polite. I have my predilections too, afterall. :P
Thank you both for the welcome and help! I will most definitely be returning to this thread whenever I'm in need of such assistance! Which will most likely be very, very often... I look forward to becoming an active member of the site! That is, of course, when I figure out where to start!
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