Good and Evil

Frank trudged back to where he left June, his horse. Even she seemed especially chagrin today, as if she knew that her favorite person in the world just passed away. There were sobs in the background and Frank held back the sting in his eyes. So young, Sophie. So young and kind and hopeful.

As he led June back, he spotted the Scott brothers. He nodded to Kees; they were the same age and used to share the classes at school. The atmosphere was heavy and everybody seemed too grim. And then there's Sophie, under the ground. Frank held back a sigh; even that seemed too loud in the thick silence.
Violet was rushing around the house as she cleaned, she hadn't enough time to go to Sophia's funeral and even if she did Anna's mother had strictly instructed her to look after Anna and make sure she was alright. Speaking of which...where was Anna? Her eyes widened as she muttered to herself, "Not again!" She rushed into the kitchen, no Anna. Living room? No Anna. Dining room, No Anna. Bedrooms? No Anna. She checked every room and yet, No Anna. She threw down her dusting brush and hurried from the house, where was Anna? She sped through the streets, this was the 5th time she had managed to lose Anna, in just this week. She understood that the child didn't like to spend her time inside, but how else was she supposed to do her cleaning and keep her safe? Anna's mother expected Violet to look after Anna and that is what she needed to do; too bad she did such a bad job of it.
Kees put his thumbs in his pocket and nodded back at Frank. Him and Frank would spend little time with each other when they shared their classes, but outside of school, Kees had never seen much of Frank. Eric sniffed and started walking faster, only forcing Kees to follow his pace. Rolling his eyes, he kept in sync with his sorrow-struck brother, catching sight of a girl rushing around, seeming to be looking for something or someone. "Eric, is that Violet chasing her tail?"


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