Good and Evil


One Thousand Club

To Louise the mountains were sanctuary. She loved the cool fresh breeze, and the lush green valleys that were teeming with life. Unfortunately, today they gave little comfort as the large black coffin that held her sister's cold, lifeless body, the only person she had ever really cared for was lowered into her final resting place. Who would be so ghastly as to murder such a kind soul? That was the question that the whole town was asking themselves....


~No Mary-Sues

~ Only accepting family members, towns people, and friends

~ Time period set in late 1800s

~ No technology

~ Please try and use your best grammar and spelling

~ Your character may not be the murderer

~ If you do not follow the rules, you will be kicked out of the RP

~ Part of Louise is reserved








Friend/family/towns person:



Name:Rosalind Faire

Age: 18

Gender: female

Occupation: She owns a bar in town

Personality: Fiery, down to business, she doesn't really take no for an answer

History: Her mother left one year after having Rosa which meant that she was raised by her father. She truly was a Daddy's girl and he raised her to be strong and independent. He died when she was 16 leaving her the bar to manage. Since than she has been training horses in secret and reselling them to make ends meet.

Towns Person

She does not currently have a boyfriend

Appearance: Her dress

Rosa :

Other: She is an amazing archer and has a real gift with horses
(14, you are accepted.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Lennon Scott

Age: 52

Gender: male


Occupation: lumberjack

Personality: Very quiet and sarcastic. He has no sense of humor and is very strict. Is very to himself except for talking to his childhood friend, Carter.

History: Grew up as the son of a poor blackmith. His mom died when he was 7 and his father died when he was 24. Lennon married Fiona Hale who died in child birth. He is currently a lumberjack and earns very little pay. He has just recently recovered from a leg injury.

Friend/family/towns person: father of Louise's crush, a boy named Kees

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Other: Through the stress of losing his wife alchohol became a major outlet. He also has a son named Eric and they live in a two-room log house.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Lennon Scott

Age: 52

Gender: male


Occupation: lumberjack

Personality: Very quiet and sarcastic. He has no sense of humor and is very strict. Is very to himself except for talking to his childhood friend, Carter.

History: Grew up as the son of a poor blackmith. His mom died when he was 7 and his father died when he was 24. Lennon married Fiona Hale who died in child birth. He is currently a lumberjack and earns very little pay. He has just recently recovered from a leg injury.

Friend/family/towns person: father of Louise's crush, a boy named Kees

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Other: Through the stress of losing his wife alchohol became a major outlet. He also has a son named Eric and they live in a two-room log house.
Name: Kees Scott (Pronounced "Case")


Gender: Male

Earns a bit of money by working as a stable boy. He is currently under an apprenticeship to become a farrier for the local horses.

Kees can act a little suspicious. He likes rebelling against his father, and it is this reason he is known to be a good liar. He will, howver, lie very rarely to anyone that is not a, in Kees's words, "smelly old alchoholic lumberjack with no disreguard for anything with a pulse". He spends a lot of time with himself, usually reading or sketching. Despite this mysterious behaviour, Kees is an easy person to love, but a little hard to become close to. He finds trusting people hard, but is very trustworthy. Kees finds it difficult to take most things seriously, and likes to make fun.

History: His mother died during his birth, but he doesn't blame himelf a much as he used to. Having never met her, he doen't have a lot to miss. Kees's father has been an alchoholic ever since he can remember, and he doesn't remember a time when his brother hasn't been trying to raise him.

Friend/family/towns person: Son of Lennon, Eric Scott being his older brother.

Crush/girlfriend: He is not dating anyone, and none of the girls in town pose of any interest to him.


Name: Eric Scott

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Occupation: Eric works as a shopkeeper

Personality: Eric is Mr. Nice Guy. He is a bit protective of those close to him, especially his little brother. He tends to try to take over the roll a Kees's father, only because he feels that his brother would spoil without one. As such an over protective man, Eric is sometimes known as the one who "needs to be needed", which is only half true. Eric is very easy to take seriously, and will always analyze a situation in full before jumping in. He is, however, a big joker.

History: Look at Kees's

Friend/family/towns person: Townsperson, brother of Kees, son of Lennon

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: No crush, no girlfriend. Brother of Kees


(Do you realize every character's mother has died in childbirth, (what do we have against moms) I think I might change mine )
(Cool :) )

Name: Frank Stukeley

Age: 19

Gender: male

Occupation: farmer

Personality: Frank is a competitive, ambitious boy. He loves working in the farm and is always trying to outdo his siblings. Energetic, he rarely ever gets tired and still has the energy to go out after work. He is easily prone to anger and never backs down from a fight.

History: The second eldest son to George Stukeley, he always has to compete with four other sons (William, Leo, Charlie, Jack) for the farm. Ever since his childhood, he has to struggle whenever he wants something. His passion and talent in farming has earned him much credit from his father, and he is closest to him than anyone else. His mother favors his older brother over him, though, which is why he is always wary of Will.

Friend/family/towns person: towns person

Crush: Rosalind Faire



Name: Rosemary Lea Schaffe

Age: Eighteen and a quarter

Gender: Female

Occupation: Seamstress

Personality: Rosemary is a very quiet and shy girl. She has a strong appreciation for art and anything that is beautiful in some way, especially flowers and things that have to do with nature. Some people in town think she is crazy because of the way she interacts with nature, especially animals, talking to them like they could actually understand her.She is unusually gifted at creating things. Rosemary always needs to feel like she's living her live the way she feels is right and destroys anything that doesn't feel right in someway or another. She tends to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well she holds back her ideas and opinions except from those who she knows very well. She is usually kind, gentle and sensitive when she is talking to others and is fiercely loyal to what she believes in. Rosemary is very independent and needs some time to be alone. People who don't know her well think she is carefree but she actually takes life very seriously constantly setting new goals and striving to reach them. Though she likes company when she is in a tight place with too many people in it she starts to panic.

History: Rosemary's mother arrived here when she was just a few month's old, her husband had died on the way to this town. Her mother died a few years back because of old age.

Friend/family/towns person: Towns person

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: "...I'd rather not tell..."

Other: Looks -

Name: Louise

Age: 18


Occupation: Candle maker

Personality: Louise is not nearly as sweet as her deceased sister, but is still very kind. It definetly takes a lot to tear down the positive soul, but if you do she slowly falls to pieces. She is a bit shy, but will always speak her mind. She is very strong and will always stand up for what she beleives in, no matter the cost.

History: Louise grew up in the mountaines and has never experianced the rush of city life and has no intentions of doing so. Growing up with mother and father a candle makers she followed in there foot steps and has had her own shop for almost a year now. She is just as close to her sister and parents as she was when she was little. Along with her shop and the awful death of her beloved sister, she must also take care of her father who is bed ridden ever since he had a horse back riding accedent about 3 months ago. Though her mother is alive and well the task of caring for her injured husband is far to challenging just for her.

Friend/family/towns person: towns person

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: Big crush on Kees.

Other: none

Name: Sophia

Age: 15

Gender: female

Occupation: dead

Personality: Sophia was the sweetest girl you will ever meet. Ever since she was small she would bring food and toys to homeless shelters and take in hurt animals untill they heal. She never did anything for bragging rights or titles, she believed anyone could do anything if they wanted to. She believed everyone had good in them and just needed a little help letting it show. Though she seemed perfect, even she had secrets.

History: Same as Louise's

Friend/family/towns person: dead sister of Louise

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: she never got a chance to have a boyfriend.

Other: none

First post:

A tear streamed down Louise's face, as she watched her sister be placed in her final reasting place bye her favorite tree, never to hear her sweet laugh again. Emotions filled Louise's body anger, sadnness, confusion.... So many events had taken place that day and she could barley grasp them all. She glanced around, trying to hold on to reality. Nobody could hold in there tears, for the sweetest person in the town was now gone. Trying to hold in a scream of sadness and anger, she fiddled with her dress. When the coffin was in place, one by one everybody tossed some dirt in the deep hole holding there beloved Sophia. Though she could barley move from all her shaking Louise forced her self to approch the hole. Grasping a hand full of smooth dirt, she took a breath and tossed it in, not daring to look at the coffin. As the funeral ended, people sadly walked back to there homes, eyes still filled with unstable tears. Choosing to stay behind, Louise bent over where her sister's gravestone sat and kissing her two fingures and laying them on the stone, she could no longer hold in her tears. She banged her fist on the ground as she exploded in tears and screams.
(Do you mind if Rosa and Louise are friends and is it okay for the funeral reception to be held at the pub?)

Rosa stood on the edge of the crowd clutching a white hanker chief in one hand and a single wildflower in the other. Sophia was so young an vibrant always wanting to be helpful but still quite tough helping her sister and her mother deal with her father's injury. Rosa already tried to help the family by bringing meals from the pub and helping Louise take care of the horses. As the people filed towards their fragile grave of a child to young to die Rosa tried to catch Louise's eye. Even if she did what would she do? How do you convey sorrow and want to help in a single look without offending the receiver? She finally gave up and simply laid her flower on the grave hustling back to her horse, Thorn. She had offered to hold the reception at the pub and she still needed to put the finishing touches on meal.

Her black dress was crisp against the white blouse underneath. Her hair had two thin braids that converged at the back of her head, keeping the hair out of her face but not constricting her favorite feature. Was it shallow to try and feel pretty at funeral, who cared her face was streaked with tears anyways.
Kees felt the lumps of clumped dirt in his hands as his fingers filtered the soil. He whispered Sophia's name as he threw the handful into her new resting place. Sophia, forever embedded in the earth.

Kees felt terrible for not crying. Everyone was crying - even
Eric was tearing up a bit. He just wasn't because he hadn't known Sophia very well. Yes, she was a sweet girl. Yes, she will be dearlt missed. Yes, it's a tragedy. Hell - maybe even a great loss to the universe. But Kees just couldn't cry over her. He was upset, and he would miss seeing her smile, but just not enough to cry about it. He released a sigh, feeling awkward, and looked over at Louise - who he knew much better then poor Sohpia. Louise was a mess. He made a plan to personally tell her how much he sympathized her. Sympathy....Kees was offended by sympathy.....Should he offer her his own? Funerals were frustrating.
Frank stood and remembered.

Sophia, light hair that shone in the sun. Eyes so green, so green that he thought he would fall forever. Light footsteps against the dirt of his farm. Ridiculously joyous smiles. The smell of candle and fresh air and morning light. Sophia, Sophia.

She was so kind, so happy. Her smile made his head spin and he would smile back, if only a little. And he thought that maybe he had loved her. Once, twice. But that was a long time ago. It didn't matter now, did it?

Frank stood and tried to remember.

Name: Anna

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Occupation: School student

Personality: Very wise and smart despite being young. Has a very strange outlook on life, is very nosy and is always going up to people and asking them what's going on or how they are. Very caring despite first appearances and has a love of kittens. Can be childish to cover up her cleverness.

History: Father was killed when she was three years old and her mother had to begin work to keep the family going. Her mother is still looking for a man to marry and because of her mothers work Anna has to spend a lot of time by herself which is why she has so much time to visit and speak to other towns folk.

Friend/family/towns person: Towns person/Friend of Kees (Only if it's okay with WalkingDisaster)

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: "I'm too young to have a crush....Or am I?"

Other: Has big blue eyes that always seem full of curiosity and wisdom, long black, wavy hair that reaches to her belly button with a middle parting. Pale skin and a small button nose. Doesn't smile very much.

(You are approved, but I am afraid because your character is so young you might be left out. I would like it if you would make her mother or another older character. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.)
(She acts a lot older than she actually is. She acts about 18. Does that make any difference? =/)
(I know, but they are going to be talking about a lot of adult things. You now it's murder. So, I am afraid she will not be included as much.)
Oh right, well here is an older character, sorry.

Name: Violet

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Occupation: Works as a babysitter for Anna

Personality: Is shy around strangers but once she gets to know someone she becomes more comfortable. Is very sweet and kind and is seen as the 'virgin mary' of the village, well, ever since Sophia died. Before Sophia died she was the second sweetest girl in the village. Now that Sophia is gone, everyone sees her the first sweetest girl. Likes to help out charity's and orphaned children.

History: Normal childhood, both parents still alive.

Friend/family/towns person: Friend of Anna's/Towns person

Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: Has a crush on Eric despite age difference

Other: Light brown long hair that reaches to bum, she often ties it back in a messy bun, big, deep green eyes that always seem filled with kindness, skin that is lightly tanned and naturally rosy cheeks with big, lush lips. Often wears simple dresses that compliment her figure.
Anna was standing in the crowd that had now began to drift away from the dead girl's grave. She watched with interest as the older girl cried fiercely over her sister's grave, her blonde hair hiding her tears as she cried harder. Anna was not crying either, she had no idea what it was to feel remorse or grief over someone's death; afterall, she was only three when her own father had passed and even then she hadn't known him too well. Anna's eyes flicked over to Kees and she noticed he was not crying either, it seemed they were the only two had kept their tears inside of them. She didn't see what all the fuss was about; people die, it is how life works.
Eric wiped his misty eyes and drew in a shaky breath. He really was going to miss Sophia. She served as a mood-enlightener, and Eric wished that he spent more time with her; despite how young she was. As he started walking to follow everyone to the reception, he saw two things that shocked him. Anna wasn't crying. Kees wasn't crying. Sure, Kees...No surprise. Eric's little brother was a heartless little bug, but Anna? Anna was so young. Smart, yes. Beyond her years, absloutely. But it still shocked him a bit. As Eric walked, he caught up to Kees. "Only one, Kees. I hope you know that."

Kees snickered, knowing immediately what his brother meant. "Since when is it a requirement to cry at funerals?"

(Bad post...)

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