GONE - the RP


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Michael sat up abruptly as he saw something. Well, it was more what he wasn't seeing. Why wasn't there anymore- a murmur ran thorough his classroom, mixed with a few cries of horror. Their teacher was gone - the only thing left of him was a remote he had been using to control a slide show.

Dahlia barely moved or said anything. The only thing she did was widen her eyes and part her lips slightly. The professor was gone, the older kids around her were gone too. Only the few younger kids in we class remained. "Is this some stupid prank?" Someone asked angrily. Dahlia only smirked.
((I`m gong to pretend to be in the same class as Dahlia. Is that alright?))

"Where did Mr.Hardor go?" asked Jesse. The older students were gone as well. She clutched her doll Dol tightly to feign a childish fright. In reality however, Jesse didn't give a rat`s about them as they always bullied her and her doll. The same doll whose appearance destroyed Jesse facade. Yellow, eyes bulged slightly underneath a dull blue cap as her arms squeezed around its torso. Jesse petted Dol`s head as she glanced around the class, or, what was left of it.

((This is Dol, only without the blood and the red around the eyes. They come later. Also check out this song for Jesse and Dol. D=>[media]

[/media] ))
The teacher was gone. Its not like he walked out the room, because even some of the students had left. There was no way Sydney missed that many people leaving the room. Sure, she had zoned-out five minutes ago as the teacher began to drone on over his presentation, but surely a group leaving would have gotten her attention. I didn't just miss them leaving, she thought, some kind of weird joke with projectors and plexi-glass or something. She looked around, feeling a odd sort of discomfort settle over her. "This is a really elaborate joke," she said finally as others started talking. "Where is the flair I mean, there could have at least been some blinding lights or something," she joke as she looked around at the other students in class, "could have been better I say." She chuckled as she waited for the teacher and students to walk back in, and half believing they would.
Michael turned towards the door and stood as he saw students running past the door, some laughing and others screaming for help. "I don't think this was a joke." He said over the talkative students. Their talking died down to hushed whispers as they took in what he said. He opened the door and saw all the classroom doors open, students pouring into the hall. Something was definitely wrong.

Dahlia stood up and turned towards the girl with the doll. "You. Stop asking dumb questions - it's not helping anyone here." She walked up to her. "What's your name?"
"..." Jesse looked up from petting Dol to see a classmate in front of her desk rudely addressing her. Apparently not all of the annoying nitwits had left. She started massaging Dol's hand as she faced the girl.

"Pardon," she asked politely with a calm face. " Are you talking to me? If you are, there's no need for your brash and sudden rudeness here, at least not in front of me. My name, if you must so desperately know is Jessica Glen Yolanda De Gardivia Late"

((It's really just Jesse Late))
After a watching Micheal get up and check the door, giving his evaluation of the situation, Sydney leaned back in her chair. Her heart had done a flip, she could hear the kids in the hall whooping, and sobbing all in one. If this isn't a joke what the heck is it then? She wondered as she glanced around the room. If all the older kids and adults are gone, what about mom and dad? The thought was just one of many that drifted through her head. That one stuck there, if the adults here are gone what about my parents, the thought went through her head again. This prompted a scramble for her phone, then a panic when she simply got nothing from it. "My phone isn't working," she said, half expecting a tidal wave to come crashing in the school, with her luck that was a possibility.
Michael checked his phone - no service either. "Crap..." He said to himself. He let his phone fall to the ground, and followed the yelling crying mob outside. What he saw was pure horror. Cars crashed into each other, smoke rising from hoods. Bags and briefcases strewn across the sidewalk. Kids began to tke notice that this wasn't a positive situation they had gotten into. Many reached for their phones, only becoming more worried when they didn't work.

Dahlia simply stared down at the girl. "Sorry for my tone, Jesse." She sai it a sweet as she could. She looked out the window, noticing a plume of smoke rising from Perdido Beach. "Guess we aren't the only ones." She crossed her arms.
Well this is great, Sydney thought finally standing up, the panic is setting in. People are going to start doing crazy stuff now. She followed a group outside, making sure to stay within sight of people. Just stay calm, she thought, you've watched enough horror movies to know the person who panics is always the first to go. The scene outside was no better than that inside the school. The adult's had disappeared here as well, leaving purses and files lying on the sidewalks. Those who'd been in cars had left as well, their suv's and sedans crashing into parked cars and running into curbs or light poles. Eerie was the only word to describe it, the only people in sight were kids. Maybe its just this place, maybe everyone is just at home, Sydney thought. That is definitely what happened, she added hoping to convince herself. With that in mind she started to walk in the direction of her home.
Michael cursed under his breath. He had no idea what to do here..kids were running in every direction, yelling for their parents, mommies, daddies...it was enough to break your heart. He himself began to get worried. After all, none of the parents were answering...he hurriedly went in the direction of his house.
When she got to her house the garage door was open, her mothers car had run to the far wall and was still running. I know what it looks like, she told herself, but we don't know anything for sure. She tried to open the door of the car, but it was still locked. If she had gotten out it would be unlocked, there's no way she locked it with the keys inside. Her mind began to race again, this time telling her that she'd fooled herself into false hope. She pressed the buttons on the door to get the locks to pop, then leaned into turn the ignition. She found herself sitting there, in the last place her mother had been, sobbing.
When Michael got within a block of his house he stopped dead. What the..., he thought to himself. He walked forward, slowly and with caution. His house had been destroyed, along with the houses next to it. By what? A huge, tall as a skyscraper, blue, humming wall. Like an electric fence, everywhere Michael looked was closed off. It never seemed to end. He just stood there. No one would have survived that destruction. He clenched his fists. If he had any hope left...it was gone now.
Samuel's eyes widened when the teacher and some of the class disappeared. He glanced over to his friend's seat, only to discover that he wasn't there. This was odd. Extremely. A few moments later, everything felt like chaos. Kids rushing out of class, younger kids shrieking or crying. He stood up and made his way out of the class room. He definitely wasn't calm, but he wasn't panicking and going out of control, either. What happened? He swallowed, walking over to a group of crying kids, second graders. "Shh," he said. "It's going to be okay."

They didn't listen to him, so he laid a hand on one of their shoulders. "Stop crying, it's not going to help," he said soothingly. "We'll figure out what happened, okay?" Sam turned and walked out of school and surveyed the town, swallowing hard. What had happened to all the adults? Was his mom okay? Running a hand through his long hair, he looked all around at the cars and destruction. Then he bolted in the direction of his house, running as fast as he could, arms pumping at his sides. He had to see if she was there.

Finally making it to their tiny house, he noted there was no car in the driveway, but that didn't mean anything. His older sister might have taken it to school today. He ran inside and looked everywhere. "Mom?" he called loudly. "Mom? ... Mom?" He was unable to find her. The only sign of her was the oven was on, and so was the stove. He turned both off, walking out of the house. He felt so helpless -- with his mom around, he liked to act like he could take care of himself, but he knew he needed her. What was he going to do? And what had happened to all the adults?

He walked out of his house and back toward the school where most of the other kids were. He refused to cry, because if he did he might never stop. Sam shoved his hands in his pockets and sat on a curb near the others, completely at a loss.

((Wow, that's long. o_o Sorry, heh...))
He didn't hear any screams, no one yelling for help. He was almost disappointed that he didn't hear them - no one was there. He walked along the wall for a few minutes before getting tired of seeing it. He picked up a rock he had been kicking and threw it at the wall. He was only half-surprised when it disintegrated. I'll have to remind myself to tell people not to touch it..., he thought to himself, making a mental note.
Missy was worried just as much as the other kids that all the adults disappeared. Well most of the other kids that is. Some of them were excited. "This means no school." They said cheerfully and ran out of the classroom to go roam the streets freely. I guess we should look on the bright side and besides they have to come back eventually, right? She thought to herself. She got up and decided to also leave wondering if it was only the teachers who had left.

As she walked the streets that were now so empty and barren she began to wonder if really every adult had disappeared. Hearing the sad screams and cries of young children she realized that they had. "No way..." she whispered. What in the world had happened?
Sydney pulled herself together when she spotted a kid wandering around in the street outside. She worked at wiping her tears as she walked out towards the kid. "Hey," she said waving hoping to get his attention attention, "You should head to your house." I don't really know what he should be doing, she thought glumly. When he walked towards a house down the street she looked around some more, checking other houses for people. The only people she ran into where kids though. What is going on? Why did this happen? She continued to wander until she reached a giant wall. Another what the heck moment to add to the list, she told her self as she turned back around.
Dahlia opened the window in the classroom, hearing yelling from Perdido. She looked around, noticing a wall that seemed to envelop the entire area. She then turned back to the class, examining the few people that were left besides Jesse. "You," she said to a boy who had been sitting there. "What's your name...something Petit?"

"Don't touch it." Michael had come up behind a girl who had just turned away from the wall. When she looked startled, he sighed. "Sorry..."
"It's Bryce," he answered Dahlia, not really knowing her name either, but not willing to admit it. Standing he took a look out the window, curious as to why she was still looking. It was then that her caught the sounds of yelling. The smoke coming up from the town wasn't a good sign either, obviously whatever made adults disappear had affected the town as well. That's a new level of odd, Bryce thought as he propped himself up on the windowsill.

(I'm assuming that girl you mentioned was Sydney)

"Its just really quiet out here," Sydney said after she'd calmed from the scare. She looked back at the wall as she said, "Yeah, no its humming I don't think that's a good sign. Why not touch it though?" She put her hands in her pockets waiting to heat what Michael was going to say.
"I tried that with a rock." Michael retorted. "And it's not a rock anymore - it's dust. Actually, not even that. It's nothing. It's just gone." He looked at the wall yet again, marveling at its enormous size. "How the heck does this get here in under a second..."

Dahlia made an in satisfied sound. "Bryce, huh? Well, Bryce, I'm Dahlia, but you knew that..." He better know that... "Anyway, I think we need to find out who else is around here at Coates, see who is actually useful."
"That's nice to know, I'd rather not...do whatever that rock did," Sydney said brushing back her hair with her fingers. "Ugh, just don't even know what to do. I've been wandering around looking for people, but its just kids," she whined. Everything is just so weird, I want to restart the morning the way it was before, she thought kicking at the pavement.

"Actually useful, and I fall into this 'actually useful' category do I?" Bryce said half smiling. She has no idea, he thought, no adults means nobody to tell us no. This is gonna be great! He hopped down from the sill and mockingly bowed for her to exit.
"So, far yes." Dahlia began to walk out of the classroom but stopped in front of Bryce. "But someone has got to step up and take control - that's us. And we'll take control there, too." She said gesturing towards Perdido. "But first we must assemble the forces, and see what we can do." (Not referencing powers, no one knows about those...yet!)

Michael looked back towards the school then at the girl. "I'm Michael, by the way." He stuck out a hand.
"I like this plan," Bryce said broadening his grin. "In fact I was just thinking the same thing myself." He took a step or two out the door then turned back saying, "Shall we?"

Sydney shook his hand saying, "Sydney." She let go quickly and said jokingly, "Nothing like a tragedy to bring people together huh?"
Dahlia smirked, her eyes narrowing in a mischievous way. "We shall." She began to walk with him.

The sides of Michael's mouth twitched into into a smile. "If only it weren't this tragic..." He said, looking around. "Everything is just so...chaotic."
Bryce looked around the hall and said, "We should start on the far side and come down. That way we'll see anyone before they head for the doors." He moved his hands a lot when describing his plan, trying to illustrate knowing his explanation was below par.

(Perhaps putting that on hold until other Coates kids appear is a good idea?)

"I'd actually stopped noticing," Sydney said looking around to see kids crying and wandering again. She smirked as well, feeling better now that she had someone to talk to. Then she broached the subject at hand, "Have you been home yet?" she asked shakily.
(Yeah, probably)

Michael nodded slowly. "Not really much there anymore...thanks to this wall. It's completely flattened."
That was considerably worse than I'd thought, Sydney thought, and now I look insensitive. "That's terrible," she said kicking at the pavement again.

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