Gone Experiments


calvin collet 4 president
You can have up to three characters. Please do not write about how gorgeous or irresistible or hot your charrie is.

Remember that slots are limited and humans can be just as complex and important as an experiment or hunter.

UPDATE: NO MORE EXPERIMENTS NEEDED. just two more hitmen and many humans. many humans. i also want to see a hitman or hitwoman that secretly does not want to be a hitman/woman or a hitman/woman that secretly sides with Armour the protector organization and is undercover. 1 male experiment needed. (this update was posted 7/26/14)

Application for a hitman/woman

First and last name:

Alias used for school:

Age: (18+)

Bio: (3+ sentences)

Appearance: (make sure you put a name of a real life person / you can also attach a photo but with a name)

Skills: (Up to 5)

Weaknesses: (3 or more)


Application for a superhuman experiment

First and last name (given by the elders): (you still choose)

Four digit number on dog tag: (experiments will sometimes refer to each other as this)

Age: (18+)

Appearance: (make sure you put a name of a real life person / you can also attach a photo but with a name)

Superpower(s): (up to 3)

Skills: (Up to 5)

Weaknesses: (3 or more)

Snippet of past: (one sentence. it is a blur since their memories were wiped clean. this small fragment is all they have. ie-- her cousin's fist came down fiercely and stung as it made contact with her cheek. or the kitchen smelled of fresh cookies.)


Application for a human

First and last name:

Age: (18+)

Bio: (3+ sentences):

Major / Minor:

Appearance: (make sure you put a name of a real life person / you can also attach a photo but with a name)

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First and last name (given by the elders): Damon Greyson

Four digit number on dog tag: 0010

Age: 23

Appearance: Sean O’Pry


Superpower(s): Magnetic Field Manipulation/Controling Electromagnetism(the power Magneto from X-men has. for further understanding of the power look here http://www.magnetowasright.com/pages/analysis/the-science-of-magneto.php)

Skills: He is very agile meaning his stealth is at its peak and makes him move within any surface easily, He can sense danger before anyone else can, he has mastered martial arts and is skilled in combat fighting, He has a great tolerance for pain, He’s a skilled detective and can track anything

Weaknesses: He’s too damn stubborn at times, he’d never leave anyone behind.

Snippet of past: being operated as Doctors mumble some unrecognizable blabber, a shock spreading agonizing pain just flowing in his entire system.

Other: He was one of the subjects who was put to the test for one of the most deadliest experiments. They completely changed his DNA allowing to achieve his skills. Batman, Deadpool
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First and last name: Cleo Lott

Four digit number on dog tag: 0667

Age: 22

Appearance: Blake Lively


Superpower(s): she controls the weather and she has cellular regeneration where she can heal from anything fast

Skills: spying, advanced hearing, flexibility

Weaknesses: always pissed off, bossy and wants to be a leader even though she doesnt pay attention to what is going on, does a lot of stuff without thinking, makes enemies easily, careless

Snippet of past: fresh hundred dollar bills rolled up, diamond credit card lining the white powder, popular music blasting in the background

Other: dont get on her bad side tho
First and last name: Magdalena Eastwood

Four digit number on dog tag: 2113

Age: 21

Appearance: Sara Sampaio



  • Willpower Manipulation When Lena looks into the eyes of another person and concentrates enough, she can suggest something out loud (or implant a thought with her touch) and the person she spoke to will have the strong urge to do what she said. Only some are powerful enough to resist.
  • Phasing Magdalena can walk through walls, other objects, and living things when she chooses.


  • Lena has a very high stamina and can run at her full capacity for a good amount of time
  • She has excellent reflexes and balance
  • Magdalena is sly and is good at sneaking up on others
  • She's also intelligent and easily adapts to new things and environments.


  • If she tries to manipulate the minds of someone with a stronger mind than her own, or if she tries to manipulate too many at once, she will grow faint and her nose might start to bleed.
  • She can, at times, be hard to deal with or negotiate with because she might only want to do what she sees as best
  • If she grows attached to someone or something, seeing it/them in danger will cause her to not think clearly and she will only act on whatever emotion she is currently experiencing.
  • When nervous or afraid, she phases on accident

Snippet of past: Lungs burning as she crosses the finish line before the others, her eyes scan the crowd until she realizes there's no one and that familiar sting reemerges.

Other: She looks out for those she woke up in the forest with and would do anything to help or protect them. She tries to use her best judgement. Magdalena usually has a level head and is typically pretty calm. Kate Bishop is pretty cool, or Peter Parker.
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Application for a Superhuman Experiment

First and Last Name: Jace Penning

Four Digit Number: 0022

Age: Eighteen

Appearance: Sean Faris



• Physical Strength: Jace's body has been altered physically; he sprints longer, can jump higher, and is overall stronger then the average human.

• Physical Manipulation: With intense focus, he can manipulate physical objects with his hands, and shape them into any way he pleases and solidify it at any time.


• Being physically strong, he is excellent at close-quarters combat.

• He reacts with no hesitation, and can think of a plan in the heat of combat.

• Jace makes a great scout: he's the youngest, the fastest, and can take people out in complete silence.


• Can get in over his head at times.

• He easily grows attached to people; in this case, the group, and would do anything for them.

• Though he usually has a laid-back personality, he can lose it and run off without thinking in a fit of rage.

Snippet of Past: Jace was in a baby blue colored room, the sunlight pouring in ─ he looked down, and there in his arms, was a baby boy looking up with green eyes.

Other: Being the youngest of the group, he hasn't been nearly as altered as the older ones have. He has grown overly attached to the other experiments; he does what he is told, and would do anything and everything to keep them safe.

I've heard Iron Man and Batman are cool, too. :3
Application for a superhuman experiment

First and last name: Jenna Finch.

Four digit number on dog tag: 6239

Age: 20


Superpower(s): Jenna can talk to animals, meaning animals trust her and when ever shes in a bad situation she can still talk to them. Example: Pack of Wolves, she tells them to let her see there leader and they talk back so on so forth.

Jenna can also Shape shift, but it seems like she can only turn into animals she has seen before or a person she has seen, nothing she has not and shes trying to understand why that is.

She also has the power of Foresight, meaning she can see the future or bits and pieces of the future, but not her or anyone elses past. She only wishes she could see the past, that way she could see her mother again.

Skills: She is a really good runner, like she can keep up with wolves. Shes figuring that is either from the Shape Shifting or she was a good runner in the past. Jenna has pretty good eye sight as well, she can see from a fair ways away. A big thing with Jenna is shes smart, like supernatural smart, she thinks that this is backlash from all the animals she as seen and there knowledge she knows what berry are ripe and okay to eat and shes excellent at math.

Weaknesses: Jenna's main weakness is anyone saying they know something about her past life, but Jenna also has anger issues and she dose not like people she prefers the company of animals.

Snippet of past: Three Great Danes on the couch with her, a huge pile of money on the table and a mansion with all the animals and books she could ever want/and/or need.

Other: Rouge
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First and last name (given by the elders): Alexander Summers

Four digit number on dog tag: 5064

Age: 25

Appearance: Matt Bomer


Superpower(s): Invisibility - He is able to turn invisible at any moment

Ghost Walking - He is able to walk through things and if He walks through a person they feel a cold chill.

Skills: Piano - He doesn't know how he knows how to play it but he just does

Jiu jitsu - He is very good at only this martial art

Finding Pressure points - He is able to find any pressure point in any body with little to none effort.

Weaknesses: Over-confident - He commonly thinks he can take on anything on his own.

Emotional - If he thinks that anyone of his friends is in danger he will get very emotional and fragile

Dishonesty - He has a tendency to lie a lot.

Snippet of past: Coming home to a strange woman with green eyes and black hair and kissing her.

Other: He is very suicidal since he doesn't know where he came from. He is very protective. Deadpool
First and last name: Sophia Wood

Four digit number on dog tag: 0549

Age: 22

Appearance: Ashley Benson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-23_19-11-57.png.936b0f7256c4385e873da62a5d7e5c83.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-23_19-11-57.png.936b0f7256c4385e873da62a5d7e5c83.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Superpower: Telekinesis - Sophia is able to move objects with her mind. Sophia also has the power of Clairvoyance but she has not used or noticed her power yet.

Skills: Flexibility, Balance (Gymnastics)

Weaknesses: She is careless, disobedient. Sophia is also very bad at socialising.

Snippet of past: Hours spent in the gym, perfecting the floor routine over and over again...

Other: //

I see that you said 6/7 so if it's a problem with my character being a Superhuman I don't mind changing them x



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I will figure out who will be an experiment after a few more experiment apps and hitmen apps

after some hitmen apps, i will figure out which apps make it in for the group

so for now feel free to put in more apps for more characters. you can either have 1 or 2 or 3 characters. if you put in more (if ur okay with playing 1 or 2 or 3 charries) then it gives you a higher chance of being a part of this rp

thanks guys
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First and last name: Alexandra Sannikov

Alias used for school: Addison Barclay

Age: 19

Bio: Addison's family consists of hunters. Her mother and father were both well known among the community for their large contribution to the decrease in experiment numbers. To ensure the family's positive history remained, Addison trains day and night. She's cold and heartless. Just like her parents wanted her to be.

Appearance: Edita Vilkeviciute


Skills: Knife throwing, close combat fighting, flexible, agile

Weaknesses: Reckless, over confident, short tempered

Other: N/A
First and last name: Eric Jaeger

Alias used for school: Alexander Diedrich

Age: 24

Bio: Eric has trained hard to be where he is right now. Starting from the bottom and going up in ranks until becoming best of the unit back in Germany. He has k!lled some of these supers but at the same time he obtained help from really good hunters. Now being called over, he will have to join forces with the others in order to find and eradicate these individuals on the loose.

Appearance: Julien Descamp



Skills: His entire body is at it’s peak(endurance,speed,agility), Master Martial Artist, Weapons Master

Weaknesses: Stubborn, Arrogant, He does what he thinks is best.

Other: He’s Ruthless and has no compassion in his killings.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.6c9215fa92e02c49caeecebd1a01c651.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.6c9215fa92e02c49caeecebd1a01c651.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First and last name: Jason Vinitti

Alias used for school: Daniel Nova

Age: 25

Bio: Jason is a monster, simply put. Born in Russia but raised in the U.S. since he was 10, he was abused by his parents, mental and physically. When he was 19, he killed his parents with a simple neck snap. He accused them of being jail escapees and this was revenge for all the abuse. The thing was, he was high at the time. May we also add he has anger issues. Jason feels like he needs to be in control of something, anything. He managed to escape the police and live quietly in the suburbs of California. When he killed his first super, he felt oddly good about it. He tried to push away the feeling of guilt by simply killing more of them.

Appearance: Ian Somerhalder

Skills: Karate, Judo, Weaponries like a staff or sword (Something that can be used with just one hand basically), and Gymnastics

Weaknesses: Weapons that require the use of both hands, his left side, and his underlying control over his anger issues.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.4d242aa53eaf9886bfe65cef1c59ecda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.4d242aa53eaf9886bfe65cef1c59ecda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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First and last name: Kristina Rodowsky

Alias used for school: Lola Nelson

Age: 24

Bio: This is thing Kristina knows. She's been training in martial from a young age and after finishing high school she turned to this and has devoted her life to it. Kristina is very tense and stressed after living out of various foster homes as a child when her parents died in an arsenic fire when she was young.

Appearance: Scarlett Johansson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-24_21-28-58.png.116dbbaa2b77f0cff4cc357223c2b00e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-24_21-28-58.png.116dbbaa2b77f0cff4cc357223c2b00e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

For the mission she died her hair blonde,


Skills: Flexible, Agile, Weaponry.

Weaknesses: Reckless, Impatient, Bitchy, Inconsiderate of others feelings.

Other: Fluent in Russian.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.351dbe8c820946b4eb412161aa62f41c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.351dbe8c820946b4eb412161aa62f41c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.6d4d468eb9039678f5db2e4305fc0bba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.6d4d468eb9039678f5db2e4305fc0bba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First and last name (given by the elders): Emiele Santana

Four digit number on dog tag: 0077

Age: 22

Appearance: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Superpower(s): Illusion Manipulation

Skills: Her flexibility, fast thinking, and ability to seem to adapt quickly to her environment.

Weaknesses: Sometimes, her Vulnerability, not knowing how long she will be able to keep up the manipulation, and that she can be just as affected by them, not. In fact, she can't see any changes because she knows it's a manipulation.

Snippet of past: The grass and sand mixed underneath her feet.




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First and last name: Gibson Driver

Age: 21

Bio: Gibson never had any friends growing up. He weirded out the neighbors and the kids at school because his love for star wars, video games, harry potter, and super hero comics. he made most of his friends online because they were the only people that loled at his jokes. the only thing he is serious about is science and his nerdish things. college is exciting to him because he is sort of kind of making real friends. he is lovable even tho he can sometimes be annoying

Major / Minor: genetics / biology

Appearance: dylan o'brien


Other: he wants to go into veterinary medicine mostly because animals have always treated him better than humans & his dog max h is his best friend 
here are the lists so far. the last experiment is still being decided. if you do not see your name on this list then please please please (i would recommend) make another character (hunter or a cool human) because everyone here had a great & interesting charrie so far & i would like to rp with you all

last minute experiment apps will be accepted still but chances of getting in is low


  1. Cleo Lott 0667 ? princessjade
  2. Damon Greyson 0010 ? imbatman
  3. Magdalena Eastwood 2113 ? palma
  4. Jace Penning 0022 ? alivia
  5. Sophia Wood 0549 ? rockyxx
  6. Emiele Santana 0077 ? anopaquerosethatsna
  7. - (?) [open]

Hitmen / Hitwomen

  1. Kristina Rodowsky aka Lola Nelson ? rockyxx
  2. Jason Vinitti aka Daniel Nova ? anopaquerosethatsna
  3. Eric Jaeger aka Alexander Diedrich ? imbatman
  4. Alexandra Sannikov aka Addison Barclay ? soccerdog2222
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. - (?)


i am shooting to start this on friday july 25
First and last name :Solotov his lats name is unknown

Four digit number on dog tag:0001









Multi close combat traning

Multi wepon traning


Medical traning

Neverful(he can never forget anithing)


the lost of sombody close like a friend or member

He is tempermental and gets mad very easy

Over use of his powers may do effects on him

Snippet of past:Gunshots....screams opeople.....blood splater

Other:he has an odd Symbol on Both of his palm of a Circul

Information on the vectores

  • Low frequency = Can go through objects without causing physical interference and canot be seen.
  • Medium frequency = Can lift objects and throw them, as well they are still invisible
  • High frequency = Can slash through wood too rock. Can now carry more hevy objects and now are slightli visible
  • Extremely high frequency = Highly visible and gain potentially crush objects easy and other uses for its Strenght
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First and last name: Vivienne Sinclair

Four digit number on dog tag: 0918

Age: 19


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_lg4x7oSNVD1qfqbvko1_500.gif.464a7a31d66e561e1ad1fd964cbea49d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_lg4x7oSNVD1qfqbvko1_500.gif.464a7a31d66e561e1ad1fd964cbea49d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Illusion Manipulation: She can create realistic illusions causing people to hear, touch, smell and taste things that don't actually exist. With this power, Vivienne can create illusions to make you feel unbearable pain, leaving her victims to go insane.

  • Empathy: She can sense, feel and understand the emotions, feelings, hopes, dreams, desires and fears of others. Vivienne is currently trying to enhance her empathetic power so she can master empathetic mimicry.


  • Since Vivienne is an illusionist, she is immune to illusions and can tell if someone is using an illusion against her
  • Able to heal emotional wounds due to being an empath
  • Intelligent– book smart and street smart


  • A person who has enhanced senses can overcome Vivienne's illusions
  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Experience headaches if exerting too much of her power
  • Cannot use her empathetic power against machines or people who use apathy

Snippet of past: Vivienne hears a woman's voice, "I present you the class of 2013," and everything goes black.

Other: She loves to read.



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Application for a superhuman experiment

First and last name (given by the elders): Lexa Grey

Four digit number on dog tag: 0017

Age: (18+) 21

Miranda Kerr

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Miranda-Kerr1.jpg.4accca2c162132209bd949f05730b57f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25301" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Miranda-Kerr1.jpg.4accca2c162132209bd949f05730b57f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Miranda_Kerr_VS_Beauty_Breakdown_01.jpg.d102757e32f8358665d0266b1ef1108b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Miranda_Kerr_VS_Beauty_Breakdown_01.jpg.d102757e32f8358665d0266b1ef1108b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Mind Imprisonment:
The ability to make people fall into a coma/ be awake but have no control over their own body. So basically, imprison the consciousness of someone's mind.

Memory Implantation: The ability to implant real memories, or made-up memories, that are indistinguishable from the person's true memories.

Superpower Manipulation: The ability to create, alter, or change supernatural energy in all beings. In other words, she can take on the superpowers of those in extreme proximity to her(they still retain their power, no worries!), or she can temporarily enhance or surpress other's powers.


Physical combat- She's strong and good at fighting- with or without a weapon.

Endurance- She can run/fight/ engage in physical activities for long periods of time without getting tired.

Persuasion- With a bat of her eyelash, or a false implantation of a memory, she can make almost anyone do as she pleases

Intelligence- She's smart, clever, and can think quickly on her feet and in pressured situations.

Eyesight-She has impeccable eyesight, and can catch the slightest movement.


Mind Imprisonment: People with psychic shields are highly resistant.

Memory Implantation: People with powerful minds can recover eventually.

Superpower Manipulation: The power is weakened when she creates it, and it slightly weakens the energy source she is drawing from.

Morality: She doesn't care for the morality of the situation. Meaning, she will cross the line, she will do the unthinkable, and she will do so with no emotion. Basically, she's "heartless" and doesn't care about how harming something will be emotionally.

Temper- She has a short temper,and no one can stop her anger once she gets started.

Snippet of past: "I still love you.. after all we've been through, I won't get over you," he yells as she walks away with a tear streaming down her face. She turns a corner on the street, then utter blackness.

She's a bitchy control freak, and she wants to control others, but hate when people try to control her.



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@princessjade Yay! Its Lucy, (Colie) It took forEVER for me to get this site to work with my retarded laptop so lol.

First and last name (given by the elders): (you still choose) Alyssa Mayson

Four digit number on dog tag: (experiments will sometimes refer to each other as this) 3926

Age: (18+) 19

Appearance: (make sure you put a name of a real life person / you can also attach a photo but with a name) Ariana Grande

Superpower(s): (up to 3) Can change her appearance and voice, speed and can control weather.

Skills: (Up to 5) Music, throwing knives, extreme hearing and flexibility

Weaknesses: (3 or more) If Alyssa is surrounded by loud noises, as of her extreme hearing she grows faint and blacks out. The scent of lavender makes her collapse to the ground. Her weather power is still in need of taming, for now, it just goes with her mood. Happy- Sunny, Sad - Rain, Angry - Storm... you get the picture

Snippet of past: The smoke thickens in the house, screaming can be heard in the near distance, fire. Its everywhere.

Other: She is very sweet, or that is how she seems to be. She is so sweet that any rumor spread around, she is the last person you would think of. Yet she is tha person. So.. here is her lowdown... Sweet on the outside but an utter bitch on the inside.
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First and last name: Kian Preston

Four digit number on dog tag: 7416

Age: 22

Appearance: austin butler


Superpower(s): diamond mimicry, object creation, mind reading

Skills: melee combat, detecting lies, hacking computers, KARATE MASTER

Weaknesses: blood grosses him out, cats make him uncomfortable, he has bad balance

Snippet of past: she wouldn't stop crying...

Other: he chill
First and last name: Oliver "Oli" Barnett

Alias used for school: Aaron Ames

Age: (18+) 29

Bio: (3+ sentences) Oliver came from a wealthy family and lived a very extravagant lifestyle that consisted of drinking, sex, getting in trouble and out of it, and of course, scandals. Oliver and his family went on their yacht for a simple trip that turned out to be a nightmare. The ship sunk and Oliver drifted to an island that turned out to be Hell on earth. While there he was beaten, tortured, burned (25% of his body), and survived. He found a group that, like him, were just trying to survive and they, being of military background, taught him how to fight to survive. Because of them, he became the person he is today.

Appearance: Stephan Amell

Skills: Master hand-to-hand combatant/with weapons, Free running/Acrobatics/Stealth, Multilingual, Master at subterfuge (lying), and Indomitable will/Tolerance for pain

Weaknesses: Even though he spend 5 years on an island from Hell and has learned to turn off his emotions, he still has a heart, and sometimes that heart can get in the way if he feels something for the person. His past. If anyone asks him about what happened on that island, he immediately changes the topic and refuses to talk about it. No one really knows what he went through except him.

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