Gone- description & sign up


In the blink of an eye, everyone disappears. Gone. Everyone except for the young. Teens. Middle Schoolers. Toddlers. Anyone under the age of 15. But not a single adult. No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents. Gone, too,mare the phones, Internet, and televisin. There is no way to get help

Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. Animals are mutating. Ad the teens themselves are changing, some of them developing new talents- unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers- that grow stronger by the day. Not to mention there is a never ending wall encircling their little town of Perdido Beach. If you touch it, it burns you and there is no way over or under it - you're stuck.

It's a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen and war is imminent.

There are 2 social classes of kids:

1. Public school - For the lost part, the good guys

2. Coates Academy - The majority of the bad guys

The public school would be your standard school.

But Coates is where parents had sent their troubled teens. Most of them have powers and aren't afraid to use them. They are the antagonists of this story.

You could be just a normal human being, or have powers. But nonetheless, your role in the survival of EVERYONE is important.



Age(14 or younger):



Abilities(Y/N): (describe what they are)



YOU CAN USE THE SAME CHARACTERS AS TE BOOK, and I'm not gonna kill you if you create your own :)

You may have up to two!
lol easier to create my own...it's been a while since I read the book...

Name: Selena "Missy" Jones

Age(14 or younger): 11

School: Public school

Abilities(Y/N): (describe what they are) Yes. Draws power/energy from objects and uses it in a different way, (like for strength or speed). Side effect: if it's a living object it dies (depend on how much engery she took, could die slowly or quickly)

Personality: Has sort of a loud and dramatic personality but knows how to keep it in check. She's usually good at solving problems that arise and compromising. (still working on this part, bad at coming up with personalities..)

Appearance: pretty much like this:

Name: Jesse Late

Age: 13

School: Coates Academy

Abilities(Y/N): She has the power to give minor souls of the dead to anything of her choice. The draw back is that every time she uses this ability, she becomes a temporary host for transferring the soul.

Personality: Quiet and calculating. Her ideas involves trickery, lying, and pain. She does have a morals. Any mercy from her comes after shes done with you.


Other: She owns a doll named "Dol". Dol is a living doll that is inhabited by the murderous spirit of Jack the Ripper.
Name: Michael "Mikey" Barnes

Age(14 or younger): 13

Gender: Male

School: Public

Abilities(Y/N): No

Personality: He is very protective of anything he deems important. He is a little shy and has a serious, get-stuff-done attitude.



Name: Dahlia "Dali" Jones

Age(14 or younger): 12

Gender: Female

School: Coates

Abilities(Y/N): Yes/ she can control the thoughts of people for a short period of time

Personality: She is very stand-offish and a little bit abrasive.


Name: Sydney Nelson

Age(14 or younger): 13

Gender: Female

School: Public

Abilities(Y/N): Yes, she can pass through solid objects. On the bad side when she does so it knocks the wind out of her, making it impossible to do back to back.

Personality: She's never taken things as seriously as she should, she always makes terrible jokes and insists on laughing at them. Despite the joking attitude in general she is a cynic and pessimist.



On other notes, I have not read the books, but find the idea interesting. Feel free to tell me if anything is off or needs to be changed :)
Name: Samuel Trevisick (Sam/Samie)

Age(14 or younger): 13 almost 14

Gender: Male

School: Public

Abilities(Y/N): Yes; kind of a necromancy. He can talk to people after they've died, but only if the person's died within seven to eight hours of the encounter.

Personality: He's generally quiet and conscious of the world around him. He's surprisingly good with little kids, maybe because he always babysat his younger cousins. He usually keeps to himself, but is thoughtful of other people. He keeps serious things serious and leaves the joking for when it's appropriate.



I've only read like the first two books and it was a year ago, so I don't remember much except loving them, haha...
Name: Bryce Petit

Age(14 or younger): 13

Gender: male

School: Coates

Abilities(Y/N): No

Personality: Bryce is a practical person, he avoids things that have no purpose. Despite that he dislikes routine and has a habit of getting into trouble by "changing it up". He is excitable and enthusiastic and always loves to be the center of attention. His impatient and rebel against the establishment.


Name:Night Misuki

Age(14 or younger):13



Abilities(Y/N): Yes, due to the entire area going to hell he developed two powers, and a disorder sort of. (Read personality to understand the way abilties are worded)

Ability 1: His 'light' side or main side has the ability to control water, nothing huge like a river but a medium sized amount.

Ability 2: His 'dark' side or inner self, has the ability to control earth. Mainly small things, largest thing is maybe a rock the size of a 40'' television.


Calm and very kind towards others.

his 'dark' side which has developed with his powers as they were found, his dark side is very angry, aggressive, and doesn't deal with people well.

Explanation cause I have no photo :D

Night has snow white hair that goes down to his eyes, the sides cover his ears, and the back stops at the edge of his neck. Night has a soft tan tint to his pale skin. His left eye is a hazel blue while his right eye is an ocean blue.

His clothes are a white hoodie he almost always wears with "Angel" stitched in midnight blue letters across where his shoulder blades would be on the back. In the front there is a blue flame design in the middle with "Demon" stitched in black letters. His pants are a pair of black jeans, and his shoes are a pair of sneakers, they are a dark purple colour with white soles.


Name: Riot Heart

Age: 13

Gender: Female

School: Public

Abilities: Riot can control fire with her mind and her hands. She can only control it for a short amount of time. Eventually if she takes the fire from its burning source it will loose its energy to keep burning.

Personality: Riot is a rebel but she hardly ever gets in trouble. She is upbeat and outspoken. She is also blunt and will tell you she dont like you.

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*peers through door curiously* O u O

Hey there~

Hope you're still looking for a character or two, if not, feel free to throw my keyboard out the window in retaliation. xP

(The Gone series is easily one of my favorite series, nearly died when I saw this thread.)

Name: Aden Ryker

Age: 14

Gender: Male

School: Coates

Abilities: Yes; Aden will find himself in a situation where consuming the carcass of a contaminated wolf will be the only means of surviving. He will procure illness from his meal, consisting of hyperaware senses. (Sight, sound, touch, ect.) While this could be a useful power, Aden will struggle to exist, the overwhelming amount of information being shoved into his brain will be too much for him to make sense of or process. (He will be a vomiting, irritable mess.)

Personality: Before the enigmatic barrier and disappearance of adults, he was a model student. Albeit a streak of laziness and flirtatious quirk. Following the FAYZ, (assuming it's still called that) Aden looses his grasp on sanity, transforming into an antagonistic, paranoid soul.


Sounds great. I'm still trying to get in touch with the other people in the RP, but this is fine. :) thanks for joining!
Thanks c:

I love you for making this RP, the Gone series is just perfection, I can't wait to get started. Should I post an intro? (it might take me a bit, I have some other RPs I need to reply to first.)

June Alison Daniels








Yes, she has the ability to see auras or read emotions.


Bubbly, bright, snarky, and smart



Name: Conner

Age(14 or younger):9

Gender: M

School: Coates

Abilities(Y/N): Y Conner can channel energy through his body from any open source. when released it is like a weak lightning bolt. mostly uses water and metal. cannot draw from organic things. water evaporates when he uses it and metal starts to vibrate rapidly. he carrys a metal project he put together himself that looks like a giant Turning fork with straight prongs

Personality: a self dependent kind of person he hate most guys because men have always picked on him and put him down

Appearance: and that what it looks like when he channels energy

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