Golden Academy

They looked around outside and jesse said''what ya thinking about?'' Nichole said''hmm just home and stuff..i got it!'' she strummed with her pick and sang''~here we are far from home we are all alone but we have each other so lets make the most of it! do do do do do do do cmon jump up lets have fun! fun in the sun! get loud get proud! lets dance and sing all day long because we wanna have fun! you may be scared but smile anyhow because you will have friends now! do do doo do do da da da!~'' Jesse said''nice!'' she blushed and said'thanks....''
"Drawing something?" David asked curiously, leaning over Alex's shoulder to try to get a glimpse at the sketchpad in her hands.

"Yeah," she said with a slight nod.

"What is it?"

"Just . . . stuff," she answered simply.

"Oh. Stuff. That explains it," David mused.

"You don't need to see every drawing I make," Alex said calmly, though there was a hidden venom to her words.

"Sorry," David said.
Jesse and Nichole talked some and looked for where their classes were. this is a free week classes start next week. Nichole hummed some and her stomach growled.
David decided not to further investigate what exactly it was that Alex was drawing. They continued walking about the school, discovering new buildings and getting a sense of the area. Every couple minutes, Alex would flip her sketchpad back to her map drawing and sketch a building or two. Every time, however, she would wind up flipping right back to whatever it was that was on that sketchpad that David could not see. He wondered what kind of drawing Alex could make that he couldn't be allowed to see. It was all so strange.

He still managed to stay quiet about the subject, however. He knew it would bother her if he brought it up again, so he focused their conversation on other topics.

"What classes are you taking?" he asked, mostly just making conversation. "Besides the cores, obviously."

"Art, of course," Alex began. "Do you have that class?"

"Yeah," David said with a smile. He thought it would be fun to have a class with her. "I hear the class is fairly laid back. As long as you're doing something art-related, you get an A."

"Good," Alex said, barely looking up at him from her drawing. It was almost as if she was using her head the block the image before her. "I'm sick of art classes where the teacher is like, 'Draw this, draw that. If you don't draw well, you fail.' I hate classes like that."

"I agree," David said. "In this class, you can sketch while I'm making a statue of a whale out of clay."

Alex laughed. "A statue of a whale?"

"It could happen," David said persistently, only making Alex laugh more. "You know what? Since you dare doubt me, that'll be the first project I do. A clay whale statue. It'll be beautiful!"

Speaking and laughing at the same time, Alex said something even she was not expecting to be said. "I love you, David."

It had come out so casually, so jokingly almost, David didn't know if she was serious. His eyes widened in shock. "What?"
Name: Kyra Stone

age: 16

gender: female

appearance:View attachment 11331

personality: Kyra is a quiet girl but when you get to know her she's bubbly and funny to some people. She does stand up for herself when people bother her and can be loud at times. She's really silly at times and some people enjoy being around her.

your talent or skill: dance, music, sports

other: doesn't really have friends, usually found practicing instruments (piano, guitar, ukulele, trombone, cello), practicing dance in the studio or playing sports
'Well I guess I'll just try to find my room...,' kyra thought and picked up her stuff. She walked to the dorms and finally found her room. She set down her stuff in the room and walked back out. She looked around awkwardly and decided she might as well just go to the studio and practice. Kyra grabbed her dance bag and started to find her way to the studio.
Nichole ate some of her lunch and smiled in delight. Jesse said''you like it?'' she nodded and they paid for their lunches and saw a girl looking lost. they walked over and said''need help?''
After several long, drawn-out seconds of silence, David finally said the only thing he could think of to say. "What?"

"I--I didn't say anything," Alex spit out awkwardly.

"Um . . . Yes, you did," David corrected. "Something big, in fact."

"But, I mean, I--I didn't . . . I didn't mean it."

"That's supposed to make me feel better?"

"No, no, no!" Alex said quickly.. "I don't mean it like that. I mean, like, I didn't mean to, you know, say . . . that. I just meant it as, you know, 'You make me laugh.'" She let out a nervous chuckle.

David nodded slowly. He couldn't help but ask the question that was on his mind. "But do you . . . ? Do you . . . ? Do you actually, um . . . ? Do you actually feel--?"

"Yes," Alex interrupted. "I actually feel that way. I just didn't feel I could say it. Until now."

Without hesitation, David said the exact four words Alex had feared him saying anything but. "I love you, too."
David wrapped an arm around Alex. "Where to now?" he asked.

"How about the cafeteria? I could go for some breakfast, if they have any."

"Sounds like a plan to me," David said.
"Oh, sorry i didn't see you there. Hi I'm new here, my name's Kyra," she replied. (sorry i haven't been on i had homework)

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