Godless (Info, Rules, Sign Ups, and perhaps OOC)


Black Market Witch
Let me apologize now for the ridiculously long post.


We all remember our parents telling us about all the things that didn't exist: ghosts, the Tooth Fairy, the Monster Under the Bed. Too bad they were wrong.

No one can quite remember when the creatures have risen against the human race. It was just like any other day when the things we've so easily believed to be mere legends crept out of the shadows and laid siege to our cities. Vampires, werewolves, giants, demons and all the like joined forces and crushed the humans' attempts at pushing them back. It wasn't long before these monsters claimed the entire world as their own.

Just as humanity fell onto its last leg, a discovery was made that made it possible for humans to survive the attacks: runes. Runes were special gemstones that allowed humans to use magic or etherion, the same mysterious essence that powered the creatures. Now humans, like any of the creatures, have a regenerating supply of etherion within their bodies. The problem was that there was no proper medium to successfully channel the etherion to use it as magic spells. That is until the discovery of runes. Now humans could fight on equal footing as the monsters that plagued them.

But even with the weapons necessary to fight and even defeat the creatures of the night, the human population was dwindling. With the creatures attacking day and night and no proper shelter to keep them out, humans were either dying from exhaustion or had their morale diminishing. The entire world was down to a handful of humans. Tired and injured, the last of the human race stopped moving in what used to be known as Canada. They were prepared to die. But they soon came across the Morning Star or Shining One, a being who healed their wounds and promised them salvation from the darkness that plagued the rest of the world. The last of the humans, with hope back in their hearts, built Eden, a city protected by the Morning Star.

Hundreds of years later, Eden provides refuge for humans. Run by The Order, the church worshiping the Morning Star, the city knows little crime and those who commit a crime are dealt with swiftly. To become a member of the clergy is considered a great honor and any member is beloved and respected by the people. Runes are also common place and are sold in shops, thought the really strong ones are rare and are in possession of the clergy, reserved for the highest ranking officials. The city of Eden really seems to be living up to its name.

But not everyone is happy. A group of rebels has been formed who aren't happy about the seemingly limitless power that the clergy have. They are especially angry about how The Order has kept the most powerful runes for themselves. This group, known as the Witches (regardless of gender), is strong but have never done any large scale rebellions. They mostly pick fights with clergy members or try to steal runes from The Order. But who knows what tomorrow could bring.


Eden is set in a part of Canada that is rather cold but not enough to be considered a tundra. The land is blanketed in an eternal night (Don't ask how.). The rest of the world, including the the area right outside the boundaries of Eden, are infested with monsters of every shape and form. The more beast like monsters are the main source of meat to the humans seeing as ordinary animals are scarce. (If this grosses you out then just don't describe your meals or anything like that.) Technology in Eden is practically nonexistent. With many scientists dead and more people relying on magic, the humans have mostly devolved in terms of science. But if there is a job that needs to be done, most likely there's a rune for that (like iphone apps). There are runes for lighting and cooking, flying and communications. The city itself is very dirty and not the most beautiful but people have learned to appreciate the fact that they have shelter at all. The buildings are made of stone or wood and are sometimes lopsided.

The Order resides in a large church like stone building in the north part of town. The clergy wear masks as much as they can. Because once you become a member, you are to leave your old life behind. Once a month, the clergy have a "masquerade" as their meetings.

The Witches all live in separate homes but meet in a bar in the south part of town. Besides being part of the clergy, there is no set class system. And the currency come in paper or coins made from cheap metal and are called Jewels.


Runes are gems that allow a person to tap into their inner supply of etherion. Each rune is specific as to what sort of spell it does. An example being weapon summoning runes. If you have a rune that summons a rapier, you can't summon a katana or mace with the same rune. You would need a different one. Runes also don't last forever. After five years they break down and you need to buy a new one. One can technically have as many runes as one can but for the sake of this role play, I'm going to put a limit on how many combat runes you can have (check the skeleton). One interesting thing is that although you can buy runes, you can also steal them from people you've defeated in battle. Also, though I say you can buy runes, you can't buy combat runes, they must be won through battle. Rich people can godmod so easily. Also, there are no mind power runes, so no mind control or telepathy. There are telekinesis ones though.

Types and Prices of Runes:

  • Everyday runes: Weak runes that are used for mundane things like lighting a room or cooking a meal. They take up almost no etherion at all. These are very common and are worth about 50 jewels.
  • Weaponry runes: These are combat runes that can summon specific weapons. These take a moderate amount of etherion. They are also very common and cost anywhere from 500 to 1000 jewels depending on the weapon.
  • Magic runes: Pretty straight forward, these runes allow you to wield magic, except element manipulation. These spells range from invisibility to flying and everything in between. Although they can't allow you to manipulate elements, there are still elemental attacks, such as fire bolt or thunder lance. Just keep in mind that these are very specific runes. A fire bolt rune can't also do fire arrow. These take a range of etherion and cost anywhere from 500 to 10,000 jewels.
  • Elemental runes: These are the rarest and most powerful of runes. With a single elemental rune, you can freely manipulate the chosen element of that rune. There are a variety of elements to choose from (metal, ice, sound, fire, etc). These runes are in possession of the highest members of the clergy though a few can be stolen by other people. They take a lot of etherion. These are so expensive I'm not going to bother naming a price. Each element has only one rune, meaning there is only one fire rune and such.


  • No godmodding or bunnying.
  • No pure OOC posts.
  • One character per person, except for me because I also have to play the villain and . . . well this is my rp, I don't have to explain this to you.
  • You can only start out with two runes so choose wisely.
  • Try to avoid one line posts.
  • You get 3 strikes. If I see you breaking the rules (and there aren't that many) 3 times then you are kicked out of the rp.
  • If you want an elemental rune, put down the element you want as well as a dice roll (10). Only those who score an 8 and up will get the rune.
  • I reserve the right to deny access if there are too many characters. I only want a small group of players so yeah.

Character Skeleton:

Name: Last names are optional.

Age: (14-28)

Appearance: Pic or description. Anime or real. I don't really care.

Affiliation: Are you part of the clergy or rebels?

Rank: If you are a member of the clergy, are you a deacon, priest, or bishop?

Runes: Only two now. You'll have plenty of chances to gain more along the way.

Personality: If you want it to be developmental, then at least put down one word that best describes your character. I don't want six broody loners in the same place. That's just wierd.

Past: I don't know why I should put this here. It's not like Eden has much to offer in terms of angsty pasts but do what you can if you'd like. They have to be approved by me. But if you have some dark secrets and want it to be a secret, then pm me a general thing and I'll see if it's okay.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
I reply to your rather lengthy post with a short one.

Do you have any preferences to the size of CS?

It looks cool.

Can we choose our own path as an affiliation?

May I make a steampunk type character with body armor? Like one that looks like a medieval robot.

What is bunnying? I apologize for my lack of knowledge in rp vocabulary.

What about using a rune that might be used for lighting a room as a flash to quickly blind a person if used in their eyes.

Are we allowed to start with a weapon instead of a rune?

And that is all.
May I ask what you mean by "CS"? If it's character skeleton then . . . no?

You cannot choose your own path as an affliction. The reason is that I don't want this rp to get too out of hand. I'd like everyone to be able to stick to the storyline I have in mind.

As long as there is no fancy technology in your armor then I guess it could be okay. Though I'd have to see exactly what you have in mind before I can officially approve.

Bunnying is the act of controling another person's character. There is a better explanation in the site's official rules if you need to know exactly what bunnying covers.

The problem with using an everyday rune in combat is that they are extremely weak runes. A rune used for lighting a room is a weak version of a light spell rune.

I guess you can start out with a weapon though most people in this world use weapon runes so that they don't have to carry a weapon with them at all times. You can certainly try but if the church sees it as a threat to the people of Eden, you will be punished.
Name: Hircine

Alias: On the wanted posters,he's known only as "The Witch of the Hunt"

Age: 22

Appearance: Hircine wears a quilted tunic,belted trousers,and a pair of heavy boots. He stands five foot ten inches,and weight two hundred and ten pounds. His arms are well muscled,but the rest of his body is fairly average. Hircine's hair is thick and reaches the nape of his neck. His eyes are a pale green,and he sports a goatee. Whenever he goes out with his weapons,he wears a hood styled after a deer's skull,and wears an outfit made of animal hides,alluding to his title given by The Order. On his quiver hip is a quiver of arrows,divided into three sections;arrows for long range,short range,and specialty arrows,such as blackjack arrows and flaming arrows. On his left shoulder is a sling which contains his very unique melee weapon.

Affiliation: He's a Witch,although his public identity is unknown to everyone,even the Witches,whom he only approaches as The Witch of the Hunt.

Rank: The Witches are without rank,correct? However,he is regarded as the "Preserver of the old ways"

Runes: None. He dislikes using runes,saying that they dull the mind and body. He uses two weapons,a recurve longbow,and a very unique weapon. The weapon can be described as a one handed "pick-axe". The weapon has two striking surfaces,on opposite sides of the same head. The primary striking surface is a pick spike;long and with a barely preceptible curve,widening as it approaches the weapon's haft. The secondary striking surface is a bearded axe head,curved like the moon. The weapon is slung vertically,with the pick spike hend by a special sheath,pointed forward. Merely drawing the weapon is an offensive action.

Personality: Blunt; There are sharper ball bearings. He's also quite clever,despite his utter lack of tact. He holds a special disdain for people who follow without question.

History: Hircine,as were many in the world,was born and raised in Eden. Initially,he followed the Church of the Morning Star,as they protected the people,and gave them order. However,seeing the agents of the Church,known as The Order,keep the peace with swift and harsh action,he began to question if they were truly the only choice. He questioned if they crowned themselves the protectors and benefactors of humanity for more than just petty power. In the end,he came to the conclusion that their method was wrong;Their system cared nothing for the lower class,only for the protection and contingency of The Order. He began to make actions against The Order;tactical strikes against their members,staged rallies,and leaflet bombing from the rooftops,under the guise of The Witch of the Hunt,due to his hood's design. Hircine hunts from time to time,to feed himself and others;the butchers pay well for his hauls,especially when he brings in a normal animal. When not in use,he keeps his weapons hidden in a secret compartment under his bed.
Name: Lucia "Lucy" Felliceta

Age: 18

Appearance: Lucy is 5'6" and has a slender frame. Her golden blonde hair falls down down in wavy cascades and frames her oval shaped face. Her eyes are shy blue and her skin is porcelain pale. (I'll have a picture later.)

Runes: A rapier summoning rune and one that I'm going to keep secret for now.

Personality: Lucy seems like a naive and kindhearted girl but when in a serious fight, she is sadistic and serious. She is also a bit sarcastic and loves to poke fun at others. She's really hard to understand at times.

Name: Mathias "Matty" Casterwill

Age: 21

Appearance: Matt stands at six feet and has a fairly muscular frame from years of training. He has a face comparable to a girls with scarlet colored eyes and silver hair that falls into his eyes a lot. His skin is fair and also as pale as Lucy's. He has a long scar that runs diagonally down his back.

Runes: Secret.

Personality: Matt is cold, distant and a bit cruel. He shows respect only to those he deems as worthy and those people are few. He is also a bit laid back, not caring what other people do or what happens to them.
Name: Nell Tamsen

Age: 17

View attachment 6304

Affiliation: Rebellion

Rank: N/A

Runes: Nothing specific

Personality: Seems like the most innocent person you've ever met, right up until she's counting the coins out of your wallet. Nell is a bit mischievous, and is most certainly a kleptomaniac, but people tend not to spot it until she's already robbed them blind.

Past: Nell never really had anything wrong in her life, though she's done plenty of wrongdoing. Many blame nurture, but in this case, it's simply nature. Nell means no real harm in her acts of petty thievery, though she follows through on them compulsively all the same, and she decided to join the rebellion, in her own words, "Because I'd rather keep all my fingers where they are."
YO. Is it possible to own a rune that creates multiple weapons? Or a weapon that spawns other weapons? O_3 <----The weapons would all be the same kind, in case that makes a difference.
"If you have a rune that summons a rapier, you can't summon a katana or mace with the same rune. You would need a different one"

To quote the original post. I would also assume that this means one weapon to one rune,meaning if you want to make many,say,throwing knives,you need as many runes as you want knives. Feel free to correct me,Amdreams if I'm wrong.
I know about that part :P

But yeah, my question is sorta like the throwing knife statement _-_ Although the weapon doesn't exactly need to come in great numbers to be effective, i am curious if it could just come in numbers.
If they're the same weapon then I guess it can be okay to summon up to 4 or 5. So you can summon two rapiers, or in your case throwing knives, with the same rune. You can't have a weapon that spawns other weapons though.
Understood. Thank ya.

So, if the weapon of choice was a one-handed sword, would it fit under the rapier category or the up to 4-5 category?


Would runes that enhance your physical capacities also be allowed? _-_
The rapier thing was only an example. They'd all fall in the 4 or 5 category but I don't think anyone would be able to wield all that.
Name:Asmodeus (an alias, even he doesn't know his own name)

Age: Somewhere in his early twenties from appearance, he isn't sure.

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/a60ae6fa5243f8558816b8bd20f412e2/http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll177/emoish_person/VampireAnimeBoy.jpg

In addition to his appearance depicted here, he always wears black gloves.

Affiliation: By the Church he is considered a Witch, due to his bloody and heretical nature. He doesn't really affiliate himself with the rebels, however. But since more of them are actually growing backbones, this may change.

Rank: As a designated Witch, he is without a clergical rank.

Runes: The weapon rune pictured in his appearance is one of his runes, a black and decorated longsword with chains stemming from the hilt.

If my dice roll comes out at an acceptable level, I'll be taking the Darkness Elemental Rune. [roll0]

If that doesn't pan out, I'll be taking a magic rune that boosts the user's speed tremendously over the period of time it is activated.

His two beginning runes are actually etched into the back of his hands. The sword rune is located on the back of his left hand, and the other on the back of his right.

A broken mind and dark soul inhabit Asmodeus. He displays a warped sense of right and wrong, with most things declared good and right by soceity being wrong in his eyes. Along with his twisted perception of reality, Asmodeus has troubles holding back his violent tendencies that spring up quite often. He has gotten much better, being able to hide for long periods of time inbetween episodes, but otherwise is a seemingly normal and average person. Other than a very dark sense of humor.

Past: The first thing Asmodeus remembers is waking up in a fiery hell. What he supposed was his home was on fire all around him. His head was in massive pain, blood coming down and covering his vision, his left eye unable to see. Making his way out of his house through smoke and flame, he happened upon the bloody and mess remains of a family, at the hands of a squad of clergymen. Demons, to be purged, they had been labelled. Asmodeus was among them.

After making short work of the clergymen, leaving their messy remains to mingle with whoever's they had killed, Asmodeus went about his life from a new perspective, with no memory of anything that happened before that. He took the name Asmodeus, the name of a fallen angel, as a kind of irony towards the Church and clergymen. His sense of dark humor is one of a kind.

Age: 25

Affiliation: Clergy

Rank: Deacon - (He has access towards higher level runes due to his unwavering loyalty)


Rune of Flight- Self explanatory

Rune of the Holy Beam from the sky- A rune embedded in his gauntlet, it gathers all forms of energy to be shot off in a blast in one direction. The beam radiates heat up to 500 degrees depending on how close you are. 500 being it hits you directly. The beam is long and narrow and will dissipate after 50 meters or so.

Personality: The young man is nearly always silent, never saying a word unless ordered. Unlike other men, he craves no wealth, no woman, no fame. He cares not of death or life or joy. He will not even flinch when being mutilated by wicked hands, not until he is dead and done. He will obey you, wait on you, kill for you, protect you, offer you companionship, make you laugh, offer you a shoulder to cry on. He is your best friend and your worst enemy. Everything that he stands for, all his pride, discipline, strength and arms are for his master and his master only.

He is utterly merciless. He will slaughter babes, maids, and the tiniest of animals without compunction. He knows no love, no hate. He was never religious, til he was ordered to believe in god. His one purpose? To serve the clergy, kill the rebels and await further orders.

(I feel like I just described a dog for some odd reason)


Even hundreds of years in the future, there were slaves. Human trafficking still made huge amounts of money in the black market. Suffice to say, young Dracarys started out as a nice innocent young lad of 8, before he was spirited away by some men in black. He was bought by a rather perverse woman in the countryside who enjoyed absolute obedience from all her "servants", however she liked to break them in a little first. When the boy came, she lavished him with gifts, and a puppy and took him under her wing. Dracarys was of course grateful, but skeptical and confused at the same time. And then came the pain...

The woman took him one night, and afterwards she had her servants drag him to the basement where the "education" began. He was demeaned, humiliated, and learned how to serve his lady with whips and scorn.

The nights were the worst. He felt everything he stood for dissapear. He was alone, he had nobody, nobody but that dog. And then, just as he was about to recover, he was told to kill that dog...but not with a knife...not with a gun...but with his hands. Not even with a fist was he allowed to beat it. He refused, yet they whipped him....again...and again...they force fed him cinnamon, they drowned him and resuscitated him. They gave him to twisted men who preferred little boys... and then? He finally broke.

After that there was no hesitation. The dog fell limp from his shivering hands. Seeing him broken, the lady finally decided to give him some training so he might be useful as a bodyguard as well as a slave. The boy complied. Soon the tortures became customary, everything was just movements and air, nothing mattered sides his ladies needs.

And upon reaching manhood, he slew his first. A young boy, about 8, whom despite his age never relented to the tortures. And even as he died, he stared with fire in his eyes at Dracarys. And Dracarys? He did not so much as bat an eyelash. When the monsters came in an ambush, his lady was killed, the guards were killed, everyone died and Dracarys himself lay near dying, til he felt a warm glow on his face.

Thus he was discovered by the clergy. Dracarys was carried off to heal his wounds, but now he had no master. He learned that the clergy was the benevolent force that protected all people. Dracarys cared none for the cause, but resolved to serve for they were the most likely to be. The men of the clergy soon learned of Dracarys' ailments, but instead of putting him away, they decided to exploit him for all his worth. And now? The Master was transferred, yet the resolution is still the same: I will Serve


Extra Note: His fancy beam rune automatically uses up all his Etherion, so as soon as he uses it, no more magicky for him.

His flight runes can last up to 20 posts if he is just floating around or 10 if he is flying fast.
Riddle78 - Approved.

Heartsteal22 - Approved.

Coro Kouhai - Approved.

Temperance - Approved.

For anyone else who wants to join, I'll accept a few more characters before I close the sign up.

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