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Fantasy God Slayer (Full)

If none of them submit, tag me in. I’m interested.
God...... Slayer....... *looks at my name* *looks at the rp title* I'll walk myself out.... ᕕ(⌣ヮ⌣” )ᕗ
Annelia Lastelle du Lema

Some ten-odd years before the fall, there circulated a story about a newborn girl brought into this world with an Illusory Eye.

Those who saw it, it is said, were stricken with such fear that they were never the same again. Not even the girl's father could withstand his daughter's latent ability; indeed, depending on which version of the story one hears, he is the one that banished her.

Surely, this girl must be of fighting age now. Where is she? And what of her fabled eye?

Some claim to know the answer. In a keep along the mountains, overlooking the one and only passage into a former city-province of great Caroline, is an unwavering guardswoman; a tall, armored figure, fair of skin and fairer of hair.

Ever-present upon her right eye is a metal eyepatch.​

  • Age: 23
    Birthplace: Lema, Province of Caroline
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: Heavier than you'd think.
    Hair Color: Blonde, near-white.
    Eye Color: Her left is blue. None have seen her right eye; even if they did, chances are its color would be the last thing on their minds.
    Skin: Pale.
    Physique: Athletic.

    Personality: The rare few that claim to have spoken with her speak of a woman whose demeanor matches the rising stones that sit upon the border to the Crystal Sea. Grey and unfeeling is she, honed with focus that has yet to crack, and orderly in a manner bestowed only upon those who have known naught but barracks for all their days. She is not fun, nor is she sociable, but she is dependable, imaginative, and strangely knowledgeable. Perhaps, in another world, she might have been a bookish, quiet girl, a scholar and artificer through-and-through. A pity, indeed, that the world could not have been treated to her crafts in times of peace.
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Hi, if you still need a last character, here is my CS, sorry if it isn't impressive or dull.
Name: Colt Korenic
Nickname: Kor, Colter.
Alias: Kor The Mute,Kor The Brutalizer, Kor The Blacksmith.
Age: 25
Colt was born in a settlement called the Vidadusti, a settlement located between The Last Kingdom and Land of Titans, A.M the ruined settlement is now known as Caecikalx.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 202 lbs
Hair Color: His hair is a charcoal shade of black, very common trait in his settlement, his uncommon trait was the razoredge sharpness of his hair, from a certain angle they look like quills laced on top of each other.
Eye Color: Cobalt Blue.
Normal white skin.
Physique: Solid athletic build.

Legend: B.M "They say he is the son of the chief blacksmith" "The chief blacksmith?" "Yes, him" The crowd whispered amongst each other as they encircled Colt and the body he towered over, staying close but viewing from a distance, Colt's fists were drenched in blood and even some pieces of flesh were dangling but that flesh wasn't his, instead it belonged to the man whose skull had been crushed beneath his fists, Colt was breathing heavy, tired from brutalizing the man below him. He looked down upon himself and saw his blacksmith apron stained with the blood of this disgusting animal... no, this man was not an animal, it was a monster in human form, he looked up at the crowd surrounding him, piercing them with his cold, blue eyes and began to move towards them, without a word, they parted and made way for him to pass, at the end of the parted crowd he was greeted by the tears of his sister, whose blue eyes contrasted the red vines wrapped around her white background. "They're dead.." She said with the sadness of a thousand birds, this revelation made him snap, tears began to run down his face but he never uttered a word, instead he kept moving and entered his father's workshop and would later emerge to be greeted by a dear friend of the family, another blacksmith that is said to replace his father as chief blacksmith. "Colt, I'm sorry but the town has come to a unanimous vote, you are to be exiled, along with your sister." Colt never said a word, even then, he returned back to the deep of the darkness and returned in this unholy armor, adorned with a pitch black Dane ax adorned with crimson jewels, from beneath his veil he uttered but a single word to this "friend of the family", "Fine" he traveled down from his family's workstation on the hill and reached the edge of the settlement, standing there was his sister, sitting on a rock with a horse tied to a fence and tied behind the horse was a chest filled with their belongings and the belongings of their parents. "Ready to go" she said, "Yes" he returned, his voice deep and overwhelmingly sad and they set off. Colt later learned that the man who he killed was his uncle from his mother's side, he was tasked to murder them from a rival blacksmith in another settlement, jealous of his father's creations. With ax in hand, he traveled to the settlement and decimated any who stood in his way, his strength and speed were unmatched by any enemy that confronted him until he confronted the blacksmith who sent his own uncle to kill his family, the blacksmith pleaded for his life but all Colt did was stare at him, unflinching, unwavering, he then grabbed the blacksmith and shoved his head into the furnace, a quick death, this envious creature deserved not but it was all Colt could think of, before he left the blacksmith's workstation, he discovered a glistening rapier and dagger, he took these two weapons as retribution for the life of his father and mother. After this event, he became a warrior for hire and master blacksmith in Caroline

Personality: During Colt's younger years he was a happy and optimistic child, always playing with the other children of the settlement and was naive of all the tricks they played on him, he didn't mind however and was just excited to be with others... However, after the murder of his father and mother, he became cold and distant, his optimism turned to a bitter pessimism as he struggled to see the good in people and situations, he was reserved and only spoke when needed, his quiet demeanor paired with his unusual silence during jobs has made him seem mute and most are taken back when they are greeted with a stern and determined voice. He sometimes finds himself reminiscing about the old days with the discipline of his father and the comforting nature of his mother and the warmth of his sister, he misses his mother's cooking. Because of the death of his parents, Colt has a strong fear of losing those close to him, he once wrote to his sister that he would take a lance to the heart in order to protect her or anyone that earned his respect, he hates himself for not being able to prevent his parents deaths and finds himself depressed over his incompetence at times. He is still naturally competitive however and fuels his anger and sadness to be best at something, if he can't be the best, he will still try to be the second best.

Background: As is tradition in the Korenic family, all the men are second born and all the men become blacksmiths, Colt wasn't an exception to this rule and was born after his sister, Margaret Korenic and was mentored by his father. Colt was born in Vidadusti, a settlement that was located a bit further from Caroline Kingdom and was known for its' amazing creations, whether it be the smallest cutlery or the mightiest weapons and toughest armor, you name it, it probably came from Vidadusti's legendary blacksmiths and the person responsible for these creations was Harold Korenic, the father of Colt Korenic, who acted as the head blacksmith of the settlement, he had the tedious job of directing, reviewing and testing the works of other blacksmiths in the settlement. Colt began his blacksmithing lessons since he was a child and became a master blacksmith when he entered puberty, during his mentorship under his father, his mother, Jennifer Korenic, taught him various other skills like cooking and also personally educated him as she was the settlement's teacher. Colt learned how to fight with weapons from his father's lessons "Because what's the point of making weapons if you don't know how to wield them." that was his father's favorite motto. After the tragedy that struck his family and his subsequent revenge, he became a citizen of Caroline Kingdom and became a warrior for hire, doing jobs until he could muster enough money to open his blacksmith shop, even after he opened his blacksmith shop he still accepts jobs for combat. His sister after his parents were murdered also became a citizen of Caroline and became a teacher like her mother before her. Colt one day received a letter, and donned his armor and weapons and left his blacksmith shop until further notice.

  • Coal Armor+Coal Helmet: Despite the name, his armor and helmet is actually made of a very strong black metal known as Vidadustium, only found in Vidadusti, it is known for its amazing durability and lightweight, it is adorned with a golden trim and crimson tabards, with fur made of the finest coat, the horns on the helmet are detachable if pulled with enough force. While vidadustium is extremely durable and lightweight, it has a flaw in that it is extremely vulnerable to fire, melting easier and faster than other armors when exposed to flame, this vulnerability can be surpassed if it's infused with special metal but that metal is extremely rare to find. Cons: Weak to flame based attacks.
  • Clothes: Colt usually wears a simple shirt and pants and his blacksmith apron and gloves is almost constantly on.
  • Satchels: Colt almost always has at least 2 satchels with him, that can carry various small items (i.e keys, money, hammers etc etc), these satchels can also be transferred to his armor.

  • Pitch black Dane ax Colt's main weapon is his custom made Dane ax that is adorned with crimson jewels, it isn't made of Vidadustium like his armor instead it is made of Carolinium named after the kingdom nearest to the settlement, carolinium gives his custom made Dane ax a beautiful sharpness and amazing durability, able to cut through wood and stone with relative ease, it is heavy but it isn't inhumanly possible to wield it. The wooden is enhanced with a metal lining that resemble runes but they aren't magical in nature and only serve to physically enhance the weapon. (Author's note: The ax in the depiction of Colt isn't accurate, the handle is longer and the ax head is smaller.)
  • Rapier: He stole this rapier from the blacksmith who ordered the death of his family, Colt uses this rapier along with the dagger as a side weapon, he doesn't know what the rapier is made of but he confirms it is a sturdy metal, and it has wonderful puncturing capabilities.
  • Dagger: A simple dagger that Colt uses alongside his rapier, it is sturdy and he mostly uses it for defensive purposes while he uses the rapier for offense.


Magic: Colt does not know any magic but he does express some desire to learn a spell or two.

  • Master blacksmithing: Colt can forge and repair anything if given enough materials and if he is present at a workstation due to his mentorship as a blacksmith.
  • Material gathering: Also due to his mentorship as a blacksmith Colt can gather material, most particularly metals if he has the tools without damaging the material.
  • Increased Stamina: Due to his role as a blacksmith, he has gained prolonged stamina, not as much as someone with stamina training but above the average person.
  • Fast Reflexes: Colt's reflexes are above the average person, being able to catch arrows.
  • Heat resistant hands: Colt's hands through years of forging and training, have become callous and extremely resistant to heat.

    Legendary Power: does not yet possess a legendary power but can acquire one.

    Extra: Vidadusti is a combination of the Latin words Vide and Adusti meaning See and Burning respectively, likewise Caecikalx is a combination of Caecus and Calx meaning Blind and Stone respectively.

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