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Fantasy God Slayer [Character Thread]


The Black Knight

One Thousand Club


Name: Wil Ostberg

Nickname: Ost

Alias: The Marshland Halberdier

Age: 28

Birthplace: The Toblin Marsh

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 164 lbs

Hair Color: A warm chestnut brown, neatly trimmed into a fading quiff, and extends into a pair of sideburns before breaking off into a shabby stubble.

Eye Colour: Grey

Skin: Tanned

Physique: Broad-shouldered

Legend: "Look to the South. South of the Last Kingdom. Focus, and ye shall see... him. The one who carries with him a halberd on his back. He bears nothing else but his coffin. His armour: his sole possession and only companion. And before him, the foul hordes of the cursed Gods. They outnumber him a hundred to one. Yet he does not tremble, nor do his hands shake. He does not run in retreat, but charges head on. In the face of such tribulation, one would have no hope of victory. And yet, he smiles... for fate is brought him yet another challenge."

Personality: As a martial artist, Ost is an avid perfectionist. To him, anything can be better, regardless of how good it is. Such a trait has led him to travel across the known world in search of knowledge to hone his techniques. He seeks to extend his limits; to eventually rise beyond his inhibitions until he can do so no longer. But even that won’t keep him from becoming the best. From becoming a man without peer.

His desire to perfect his skill has led Ost develop a tendency to challenge anyone and everyone who may seem as if they are even remotely competent in the art of hand-to-hand combat, irrespective of who they may be - in one such case, having challenged a Carolinian noble to a respectful bout, before being tossed into the pillory for the week after having almost maimed the poor fool. Experience is the best teacher, after all.

A young Ost had learned that in order to become better, one must suffer through hardship. They must bear through the tribulation of defeat in order to discover their flaws and snuff them out. But such an attitude has left him with a foul opinion of magic-wielders. He sees them as cheaters in the game of life, unwilling to experience burden or adversity. For this, he has made vow to never use magic, not even when the situation is desperate. He is a man of principle.

Even after the events of A.M, Ost has gone through little change as a person. In fact, he sees the arrival of these ‘gods’, along with their cronies, as an excellent opportunity. Their defeat at his hands will reveal to all that his skill is unrivalled, and his life’s work will finally be complete.

Background: WIP

Steel Plate Armour:
A complete set of armour forged from steel, once having belonged to his father before his untimely departure to much better realm. It is, of course, not without his personal touches, padded with leather to better absorb the blow from a blunt weapon. A curious eye would know that certain parts of the suit appear to have replaced quite recently, given that such pieces lack the same discolouration as others. Beneath, Ost wears a chainmail hauberk, in order to ensure that no slippery blades may pierce his hide.

Clothing: A simple tunic and stained hose, complimenting Ost's distinct lack of grandeur. Most of the time, however, he barely removes any armour from the waist below.

There need not be a name for such a simple thing. Ost's halberd, whilst grossly enlarged, is nonetheless a precise instrument of warfare, very much capable of piercing armour and keeping the enemy at bay.

Arming Sword: Although not his weapon of choice, Ost always carries about a modest arming sword should he ever be thrusted into a situation where his halberd would be more of a liability.

Magic: Ost disregards magic entirely, believing that it is an easy alternative to hard work.

Martial Polymath:
Ost's eagerness to study the various fighting styles of the known world has led him to develop frightening proficiency in many areas of hand-to-hand combat, fully capable of switching techniques when the situation demands it.

Perceptive: With the tendency to bite off more than one can chew, Ost is well adapt in fighting multiple opponents at once.

Man of the Wild: Spending so much time on the road far from civilisation, one such as Ost bust have some skill in surviving in the wilderness.

Triathlete: The sheer physical demand needed to fight nonstop requires serious physical and mental endurance. Ost is the very embodiment of stamina.

Legendary Power: Ost has not been blessed with such an ability.

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[div class=leftBar][div class=smImage][/div][div class=infoBox][div class=header]Tatiana Yurievna[/div][div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]n.name[/div][div class=infoText]luna[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]alias[/div][div class=infoText]nightwalker, dark hero[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]age[/div][div class=infoText]21[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]birthplace[/div][div class=infoText]anima/the womb[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]gender[/div][div class=infoText]female[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]race[/div][div class=infoText]demi-human[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]height[/div][div class=infoText]180cm/5'9[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]weight[/div][div class=infoText]70kg/154lbs[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]hair color[/div][div class=infoText]black[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]eye color[/div][div class=infoText]blue[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]skin[/div][div class=infoText]fair[/div][/div]
[div class=infoBar][div class=infoTitle]physique[/div][div class=infoText]lean athletic[/div][/div][/div][/div]

[div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollBox][div class=textBox][div class=header]LEGEND[div class=border][/div][/div][div class="scontainer"][div class="sbuttoncontainer"][div class="sbuttonfilter sbtnone"][/div][/div][/div]
"A tall figure covered in black from head to toe, the Nightwalker guards the town after dusk. She got her name because she is as silent as the night, as swift as the wind, and the only proof that she was there are the corpses of monsters when we wake.

"The last known survivor of Darkwich now protects the towns outside the Last Kingdom. Blessed by the moon, she has curious magic and she can see in the dark as if the sun never set. Monsters become still in her presence, unable to fight back as she cuts them down with darkness. Her identity may be as mysterious as the night, but do not be frightened. She protects you from nightmares, she takes away the fear so we can sleep in peace. The Dark Hero lets us see another sunrise."

[div class=header]PERSONALITY[div class=border][/div][/div]
The demi-human preferred to be called Luna, not because she disliked her name, but rather she thought it didn't suit her very well. It felt too grand for her; like someone named Tatiana would have had a life of luxury, someone that's meant for great things, who would make big changes in the world. But that's not who Luna was, she grew up in a village in the middle of a forest that had long winters. And her dream was to continue her simple livelihood in the village for the rest of her days. She knew of the great big world Beloriel was, but she didn't have the curious drive that travelors had. She doesn't need to see the world in order to be happy. She already felt like she had everything.

Luna has always been selfless. The close-knit community she grew up with in Darkwich village taught her to share limited resources and care for each other dearly. As a child, she gave out what little candies her mother would give her. She may not have received education, but she was blessed with people that loved her. She's proud of where she came from, confident about herself and her allies. She would support her friends when they are down and isn't the type of person to bottle her struggles and is instead quite open about her feelings. Luna isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it brings conflict. She will merely tell others her opinion and can sometimes be unintentionally callous with her words. She can raise morale and celebrate but also knows when it's time to stop and listen. Her choice of words are very simple and usually gets straight to the point unless she doesn't know the right word to describe something. Despite the lack of vocabulary, the amount of confidence she has when she speaks is charismatic yet almost laughable.

Luna was barely a tween when the meteor struck. Her world turned from peace to chaos and it was the first time she saw death and felt despair. But she wouldn't have become who she was if it weren't for her stupid bravery in the first place. She merely did what everyone in the village was doing and she continued doing it despite the danger. Sticking her neck out for the people she cared about because she's more fearful of being unable to do anything and losing her family. But her greatest fear became a reality. She blamed herself for not being stronger, for not being there when she was needed most. Mourning over her loss, she nearly drowned in self-pity and depression. But saving a group of defenseless strangers gave her life purpose once more. She will use her body till it was time to reunite with her mother. She slowly returned to the person she was before the meteor. Although with the mask on, she was quiet and merciless towards the monsters. The Nightwalker strikes with every intention to kill and destroy as if seeking revenge. Luna isn't sure which is her true self and which is the mask.

[div class=header]BACKGROUND[div class=border][/div][/div][div class="scontainer"][div class="sbuttoncontainer"][div class="sbuttonfilter sbtnone"][/div][/div][/div]
There was once a demi-human village in the middle of a forest called Darkwich, just south of Frozen Valley. The forest grew in a climate of harsh winters, the weather deterred many humans and demi-humans away from the forest and the village. Not many liked the bitter cold after all. The villagers treated each other like family, no one leaves and not many visitors stay for very long. Their livelihood was simple, they would hunt; fish; make clothes. And they also trained in combat. A style very different to most of Beloriel. Sure, they had swords and firearms, but what made them special was their ability to fight in the darkness and mask the sound of their movement.

A foreign mother from Anima carried her child protectively in her arms and sought refuge in Darkwich. The villagers welcomed her, used to many who would leave after a season. Surprisingly, both mother and daughter stayed and made Darkwich their new home. The child grew up watching the villagers live and train, her blue innocent eyes in awe and wonder. The toddler would try to mimic their training on her own, scared and shy to ask if she could join them. The fighters would catch her and instead of reprimanding her, they saw the child's potential and invited her.

Anyone could see the child was special, a genius maybe. She soon followed the hunters during night and day. They asked about her parentage, but her mother would only reveal that she was born under the full moon. Perhaps she received the moon's blessing and that was the reason why she could do what she can. The fighter in her bloomed and with the story her mother always tells, she was called 'Luna'.

Darkwich could feel the terrifying tremors of the meteor crash and they sent out a group of fighters to investigate. Only one villager returned and he brought a group of Anima survivors back. The tragic news of Anima and the invading monsters shook everyone. Many of the survivors fled to the western kingdom and suggested the village should too. But they were unwilling to abandon their home. They vowed to protect it. The monsters came every day, taking a life nearly every week.

At the time, Luna was only 11 and she couldn't stay behind any longer. She fought for her home; for her family. It was during a raid of Snow Men, their numbers overwhelmed the small village, and cornered them. Luna was consumed by fear, but she desperately clung on to her will of protecting her home. With a great shout, black chains erupted from the ground, immobilizing every Snow Man. Both Luna and the fighters were confused, but they took the chance to slaughter every one of them. From then, Luna started rigorous training with her new powers, but it wasn't enough to save everyone.

For 5 long years, she fought. And within those years, she lost so many friends, seniors, and even her mother. The monsters had pillaged their home while the fighters were defending outside the village. It was a long battle and they had suffered an utter defeat. The three survivors of Darkwich held a mass funeral, deciding to leave the village after. While packing her things, Luna found a letter from her late mother addressed to her. It contained her mother's love, pride, hope that Luna continues to live on... and regret. Regret that she didn't manage to get her love to see or acknowledge the fruit of their love. Her mother fell in love with her father on a midsummer eve all those years ago; hence the name Tatiana. Then it revealed that her father was the late King Leonidas Animaeus. Luna didn't know how to feel, she only hoped that her mother would be able to rest in peace since she found and read the letter. The teenager lost her mother, her home, and her purpose. An empty husk of who she was, the girl wondered aimlessly. Fearful screams and the cries of children 'woke' her up, and her body moved on instinct. Slaying the Stone Men that were about to kill the defenseless. The strangers she saved thanked her relentlessly, tears of relief streamed down their faces. It was this moment that Luna found her next purpose; when she became a hero.

It's been a decade since the meteor crashed and 5 years since her home destroyed. Instead of seeking refuge in the Last Kingdom, Luna had decided to try and protect the settlements outside. She would try to make sure no more children would have to lose their home and family. Stories of her heroic acts spread, she would travel without her mask during the day, and bear the title of the Dark Hero at night, some calling her the Nightwalker. Luna hasn't heard from her friends and assumed they were keeping a low profile and tried not to think of the worst. Her attention was briefly stolen one evening by a dove that landed on her shoulder. It carried a message; a cry for help. So she would leave for the Last Kingdom the next morning.

[div class=header]COMBAT[div class=border][/div][/div]
[div class=infoTitle]gear[/div] Luna is usually seen in simple dark clothes with leather armor including a vest, gauntlets, and boots. She also wears a black ankle-length cloak, which is made of a rare material that is flexible, cold resistant, strong enough to protect her from firepower, and durable to withstand sword attacks. She also carries a rucksack that holds various items such as food and extra clothes. Her black ears are exposed and her long hair is usually tied into a ponytail. As the 'nightwalker'/'dark hero', Luna puts on a black mask with simple embroidery. The mask covers her neck and her entire head with white eye holes and some breathing holes. This is made of the same material as her cloak, making it cold resistant and durable.

[div class=infoTitle]weapons[/div] Like her clothes, Luna's weapons share the same colors. She has her main sword on her back. The hilt long enough to hold with 2 hands, but Luna is capable of wielding it with one just as well. Her cloak hides another shorter sword and a flintlock pistol as well as gunpowder and ammo in small pouches, all of which are tied securely on her belt.

[div class=infoTitle]magic[/div][div class=border][/div]
[div class=infoTitle]lock and load[/div] Magic in the form of chains; the chains burst from the ground around her targets, wrapping around them until they are rendered immobile. Luna only breaks her hold on the targets when she makes sure they are dead. The chains are breakable by stronger opponents, though none of the monsters she's encountered has been able to do so.
[div class=infoTitle]night fury[/div] Enveloping her magic around her sword, the magic is released as a wild flurry of slashes directed to opponents. The magic also enhances the power of her strikes and stabs to a certain extent. This is her only attack spell.
[div class=infoTitle]night's protection[/div] Luna can form a defensive barrier. It has a dark tint to it but still permeable enough to see through. The barrier can form a 5m sphere around her or can take the form of a wall. The barrier cannot be formed in the air, it has to start from the ground.

[div class=infoTitle]abilities[/div][div class=border][/div]
[div class=infoTitle]blink[/div] Trained as a hunter and fighter, Luna can reach speed a mere human cannot. She can run so fast, the naked eye will only be able to catch glimpses of her in a blur, hence the name.
[div class=infoTitle]Night Vision[/div] Growing up in a climate where it is dark half the year, Luna can is able to see in the dark and even clearer and further during the day.
[div class=infoTitle]the leopard's prowl[/div] Years of training and hunting has given her the ability to stalk her prey with quiet movement. Camouflaging in the dark till she gets close and pounces. Luna can climb trees, jump between trees, scale walls and leap from roof to roof easily.
[div class=infoTitle]dance of the blades[/div] Luna knows her way around sword fighting like the back of her hand. Her enhanced speed and cat like movements make her swings look like a dance.
[div class=infoTitle]wild predator[/div] During her time in the village, she learned how to track, hunt and fend for herself in the wild.

[div class=infoTitle]legendary power[/div][div class=border][/div]
[div class=infoTitle]moon palace[/div] An impenetrable sealing technique that traps her opponent in a large black sphere for an immeasurable amount of time. It would take several minutes to activate the spell, and would drain most of her magic and energy.

[div class=header]EXTRA[div class=border][/div][/div]
[div class=infoTitle]character theme[/div] Two Steps From Hell - Unleashed (ft. Merethe Soltvedt)
[div class=infoTitle]combat theme[/div] Witcher 3 (Wild Hunt) - Killing Monsters
[div class=infoTitle]artist[/div] guweiz
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code by RI.a
Name: Ynyri Allementhium

Nickname: Niri, little flower.

Alias: The Child of the Forest, or The Heart of the Forest.

Age: 24

Birthplace: The Forest of Whispers; near Snake River.

Gender: Female

Race: Demi-Human (snake)

Height: 170cm/5'7''

Weight: 47kg/107lb

Hair Color: Sleek Black

Eye Color: Iridescent blue; has slit pupils

Skin: Pale skin, with patches of blue tipped white scales around her cheeks and neck. Her shoulder and ankles.

Physique: Slender, lightly toned.

Within the Forest of Whispers, a woman of great knowledge and magic makes home near Snake river. She is a woman who was known for her pure heart and great knowledge of healing and survival. Many tell she is a woman with such tremendous power she could cure anyone of any sickness with a touch of her hand. And those who personally encountered her say she is so powerful she can summon great storms and entities to protect. Before meteor, she acted as a guide through the forest as the terrain tend to be misleading. She offered shelter and food before showing them out. There are times when she has also left her home to travel far away to help others on the far east. In dire times, many had sought after her for her ability to heal and purge impurities. After meteor, she helped those rushing from the east and south flee from Eulla's mystic grasp, staying as an elusive guardian against the fae.

Ynyri, or niri, is a stoic woman who tends to obersve a scene rather than be in it. She gives off an welcoming air to her and her eyes gleam with wisdom. Though very reclusive with others, she will often make checks on them (rather out of habit or genuine concern, no one really knows unless asked). There are many moments niri will be seen slinking off in public situations to a much more quieter area or towards someone she is more familiar with. Her lack of experience with nobles and royalty - or anyone with a title really -, has her seem quite disrespectful or lost. She does not find such things to be important, as they are all the same to her. Human, demi-human, animal or plant. They are alive and they can be sent to the afterlife. She can prevent this and help them live longer.

Because of that view and her merciful nature, she often times comes off as naive. Her desire to simply help anyone, good or bad, is a dangerous trait. But that does not mean she will try to save someone who has done her or her companions great harm. Without good reason, she will hold off from completely healing them when they are a threat. She tries to be welcoming rather than intimidating to everyone she meets.

She did not change much before or after meteor, but she found she had become more cautious and moved to sadness quite often. Many had come to her when the meteor came, and only a handful she could save frim the clutches of beasts and the new gods. She does not know how to process these feelings, often burying her thoughts into her book, never confiding in those who were around her. She felt it is not too important, as she is alive and able to still be the salvation others need her to be.


Outer Robes; niri has a beautiful blue robe sewed and enchanted herself. The wearer will be protected against the cold and extreme heat, regulating temperture. She made this mostly for people who visited her, rather than herself (being cold blooded and all).

Book of Whispers; this is a prized possession of niri, always having it on her person, hidden away in her robes. This book contains everything that she has learned and developed about medicinal plants, including some various of other things related to tracking and personal entries. The book cannot be burned, nor will it fade or smudge. It seems to be in an language made up by Niri.

Niri does not use weapons, but when she does it is often times a bow and arrow. She is by no means an expert but is skilled enough for general hunting. She does carry two bone daggers, small and easily hidden on her robes, she seems to use them for general cutting and plant gathering more than for hunting.

Niri has several plants which she uses for appropriate situations. Some are harmless, while others can be quite dangerous if it is intended to be. (Poisons, remedies, sleeping powder, and various of other plants with different purposes).

Mend; niri, upon touch, will mend any wound over a minute or more, depending on the severity of the wound.

Cleanse; upon touch, niri can purge poisons amd other impurities within someones system, or within food or water.

Elemental Manipulation; niri can create flaming spheres or ice spears, wind walls and condensed water prisons. She has never really tampered with this power until after meteor so she is uncertain to the extent of this power.

Summon: elemental guardian; niri has the ability to create a creature from a series of incantations which will follow her every order. Though it is limited to whatever its summoner form (fire, water, air, earth) can do, it serves to be a powerful creature that will serve it's summoner to the best of it's ability. These creatures resemble animals that inhabited the Forest of Whispers before meteor and cannot resemble humanoids.

Welcoming presence; niri has a natural welcoming air around her, so its quite easy for people to feel more comfortable and open around her. Enough to feel less guarded.

Immune to poison; strangely enough, niri is immune to various of poisons. Not many know this as she does not display this trait often (since it is kind of scary to see someone attempt to eat a poisonous item).

Heightened perception; after meteor, niri has developed her sense of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and tastes further as her nerves has been on high alert from the strange things that had invaded her world.

Expert medical skills; niri, being a healer, is quite experienced in the health of many humans and demi-humans. She knows various of procedures to take and how to save a life without use of magic (though it helps).

Master of natural properties; niri shows expectional knowledge of the natural world, being able to identify when the sun will rise and set, where it is safe to settle, what is safe to eat and what is not, and many others. However, after meteor, her hunting abilities has dropped as she has no experience for the new hunting patternings.

Legendary Power:
Child of the forest; niri has the ability to summon a great tree which will spread life throughout her allies and any land within 5 miles of her. Her allies will be reinvigorated and given a blessing of the forest, which will protect them while within the spells vicinity. The spell will cause any terrain, manmade or desert, or in the middle of the ocean, to flourish with life best fitting for the terrain. While this soell is active, Niri will be unable to move as she will be held within a great tree or a dome of sort which can be broken with great effort.

Niri is very flexible, so much that it can be disturbing. She often uses her flexibility to climb trees or reach a more comfortable position to sleep.

Niri likes honey very much, so much she will even add it to meats.

Niri has fangs which peak out from the corner of her lips. When yawning, these fangs seem to get longer and flex much like a real snake. She is often embarrassed by this as some find it unsettling.

Due to a few couples coming to her before meteor, she often day dreams over having a mate. She hopes it will come true one day.

Theme; to be added -
Battle theme; to be added -

Name: Band'lur Wallbreaker

Nickname: Band. Banda. Banny.

Alias: The Wallbreaker. Occasionally referred to as 'Ironback'

Age: 43

Birthplace: Land of the Stone Men, bordering the Worm Lands

Gender: Male.

Race: Demi-Human. More Demi/Beastman than Human.

Height: 7'2"

Weight: 320 Lbs

Hair Color: None. Sports a bony crest on his head.

Eye Color: Steel grey.

Skin: Blue scales.
Physique: Tall, powerfully built, and slightly hunchbacked, Band'lur's form certainly bears the markings of his Beast heritage. The man's grey-blue scales are thick and glossy, indicating that he takes a great deal of care when grooming himself. This naturally extends to Band'lur's teeth and claws as well and he takes great pains to keep both sharp and well polished. A series of ridges and spines cover Band'lur's head in place of hair, extending well down to his face and chin to form a bony 'beard'.

His well muscled and bulky frame keeps Band'lur from being easily overpowered and he is quite fond of throwing his weight around both on and off the battlefield. Intricate tattoos seemingly inked in gold, sprawl across the man's upper body and compliment his blue scaled form well. A thick, trunk-like tail allows Band'lur to maintain balance despite his hunched stature, and it's a particular help when the Demi-Human needs to climb, often acting as an extra limb.

A number of prominent scars cover Band'lur's body, with a rather notable one marring his broad muzzle. A large burn scar is situated squarely in the middle of Band'lur's chest and serves as a memento from a rather unfortunate run-in with a powerful Mage. The rest are the result of countless battles and accidents, and as such Band'lur well evokes the image of a grizzled soldier. Band'lur often loudly boasts that he's considerably handsome, though as with all works of 'art' the matter is entirely subjective.

Legend: Among those that know him, there is an adage oft repeated. "If you have a problem, just point Band'lur at it. Then you won't have a problem anymore." Band'lur is a simple man and has always felt that a straightforward approach to all issues is best. He's exemplified these beliefs on the battlefield, for as long as he was able to hold a blade aloft. Beastmen that are good with a sword are not uncommon in the lands of Belorial and Band'lur is no different.

In all honesty, if you asked Band'lur about the battle. Where and when it took place. Who was involved. He probably wouldn't be able to recall. He simply didn't care to remember. One problem resolved so that he could set his focus on others. But this particular battle is notable in that it was not merely one of many. But the very first.

Band'lur's Clan was not overly big, or prosperous and quite frankly they all liked it that way. The Demi-Humans were content to perch high in the rocky hills and cliffs of their homeland, watching the other Tribes and Clans quarrel over food and territory. The Clan of the Rocky Cliffs had no business in the lower lands and had no interest in the people squabbling over them. They had nothing to give, and even less desire to take. But as is always the case, War takes as it pleases and all pay the price in some manner.

One of the weaker Tribes approached the people of the Rocky Cliffs, begging for assistance in the form of generations old promises that hadn't been invoked since before the time of Band'lur's Grandfather's Grandfather. Many would say thereafter that the Clan of the Rocky Cliffs simply wished to uphold their old laws, their long-standing traditions. All as a point of honor. But in truth, they knew that if one Tribe would stoop to begging for help that things had indeed grown dire. Band'lur's Clan had avoided the fighting for as long as they were able to, but they knew that the shadow of war loomed ever closer to their borders.

And so they went, out from the Cliffs and through the hills, and down into unfamiliar plains. Band'lur stood among what able-bodied warriors that his Clan could muster, but soon more men and women joined their paltry ranks. Their numbers swelled on the march and soon enough they had enough hands to wage a proper battle. The combined clan's forces had but one target in mind and so they made all haste towards it. A Fortress nestled into the hills, overlooking merchant road through the territory. Trade was sparse out in the wild lands that the Beastmen Tribes called home. The more 'Civilized' of their kind along with Humans tended to give the place a wide berth. Packs of roving beasts made short work of lost travelers, and not all of the Clans and Tribes were open to the idea of visitors.

The Fortress in question was a rather bland affair. Four sturdy walls, and one gate to go in or out. It was all that the small army squatting in it needed and it had withstood a great many assaults since the start of the War.

The Poor man's army wheeled to a halt before the looming walls, preparing for the prolonged effort of a Seige. Ladders were assembled and prepared, and a shield wall was erected to defend those that would make the climb from the Archers on the wall.

Their charge was messy, it was chaotic and loud. And moreover, it was an utter failure.

The combined Clan's efforts to mount the wall were only met with a hail of arrows, and more soldiers fell to their death than those that made it to the top. They struggled valiantly, but ultimately they struggled in vain. Climbing the wall was not possible now, and it probably wouldn't be possible ever so long as Archers were seated atop it.

Band'lur was not overly enthused or impressed by the display. 'Why do they try to climb the wall? Walls are not for going over.' He thought. For as long as he could remember, any wall worth passing through had an opening. And if the assembled soldiers beyond it weren't willing to open the gates then an opening would have to be made.

And so that's what he did.

The chaos of the battle around him meant that no one was paying Band'lur any mind. A lone man standing at the base of the wall was not worth much notice in the ensuing bloodbath. The young man eyed the stone wall for a moment, brows furrowed in thought. Walls, like all things, were very simple to understand. They were made of hard things, and when hit they didn't crumble. And so it made perfect sense to Band'lur that he would have to hit the wall harder than was the norm for it.

The Lizardman was already quite strong. A thick hide and a thicker skull backed by hundreds of pounds made pummeling the bricks that made up the wall rather easy work. It was unknown how long exactly, Band'lur stood there raining blows on the Fortress wall, but it was certainly long enough for the stones to come loose and for the mortar to crumble. Steel claws and heavy bulk widened the hole bit by bit and soon enough Band'lur was tunneling his way through the barrier. Several other Soldiers noticed what he was doing, and made way to help Band'lur, but they fell considerably short in the face of his efforts.

Band'lur could see nothing, and the sounds of battle were muffled deep in the stones. But he pressed on and forward. It was, of course, the simplest thing to do.

His efforts were rewarded shortly. Whoever it was that stood on the other side of the wall had no time to react. Not that they could be blamed, it wasn't every day that a man threw himself through a stone wall. Less still was it every day that hordes of armed Tribesmen came streaming in through the breach after him.

By the time that the men inside the walls had time to respond it was too late. They were stalled before they could secure the newly opened hole, and their foe's numbers increased steadily. This was wholly different from standing perched on top of that wall and shooting down enemies. The enclosed space was soon choked with bodies, and before the sun had begun to touch the western horizon, it was all over.

Band'lur, covered from head to foot in dust received the highest honor that day. Men and women cheered his name, and soon enough a chanting cry of 'Wallbreaker!' arose. The young man was baffled by it all in truth. He'd done what he felt needed to be done, no more and no less. But Band'lur would have been lying to himself if he said that he wasn't pleased.

Besides. 'Wallbreaker' did have a rather nice ring to it.

Personality: Gruff mannered but easygoing, Band'lur is an incredibly loudmouthed and crass individual. While this can be off-putting to some, others have been known to find the Demi-Human oddly amusing and charming.

Band'lur can be hard to get along with sometimes. Never one to hold his tongue, and always having several insults ready to let fly at a moment's notice, the Lizardman has (rightfully) earned his share of punches for failing to keep his mouth shut. These scuffles have done absolutely nothing to stop Band'lur from running off at the mouth when and as he pleases, however, and he often seems TOO eager to bait others into anger for his own amusement, even at great risk to himself.

Despite this Band'lur is still quite friendly. He is amiable and approachable, though he is not usually one to wait for others to speak first, and has been known to insert himself into ongoing conversations. A lover of drink and food, the Demi-Human is most at home in various Bars and Inns. Band'lur is particularly fond of stories, not really caring if they are true or not, only interested in if they manage to keep him amused for their duration.

As evidenced by his often aggressive manner, Band'lur enjoys fighting and considers 'friendly brawls' as both a good way to both introduce oneself and to make friends. Not all agree, with the man's opinion on the matter, but unfortunately, just enough do that he has no interest in changing it.

While not an intellectual by any means, Band'lur is far from stupid. The Lizardman is notable for his efficiency in all things. Simple solutions to complex issues is the mark of a man who understands what does and doesn't work, and Band'lur understands and holds the firm belief that practice makes perfect. Confidence in all things done is also tantamount. Band'lur always strives to be sure of what he does, even if seems as if he's doing nothing more than throwing himself headlong into.

It can be said that Band'lur is a rough individual, but he has chosen to temper that roughness with great kindness. Scars tell the story of many hard fought battles, but the Lizardman believes that strength of character is of higher priority than the strength of one's sword arm. The loud-mouthed Demi-Human prefers to use his strength to assist others, even in the most menial of tasks. It is not uncommon to see Band'lur running errands for others or performing chores that they're unable to. He is especially fond of children, and always does what he can to make them laugh and smile.

Band'lur holds a particular hatred for bullies. In his eyes, to use one's power to harm those that cannot defend themselves is not only needlessly cruel but an utter waste of that power as well. Strength not put to use for the benefit of others is strength undeserved. The Meteor's impact and the subsequent chaos that it unleashed has only reaffirmed already deep set beliefs. The Demi-Human believes that even in the overwhelming face of disaster, to be endlessly cheerful and to make others the same is worthwhile in the fight against darkness as lifting a blade.

Background: Band'lur's Clan is but one of many last to the Meteor's Impact and the subsequent darkness it unleashed on the world. Nestled high in the rocky peaks bordering what's now the Land of the Stonemen and the Worm Lands, the small Tribe of Beastmen was able to carve out a living in the dry cliffs. Band'lur's Clan, like many of the same that inhabited the fringes of civilization, were wholly self-contained and each Tribe policed themselves only. Despite living in the lands of Caroline, Band'lur could not recall anyone paying the King taxes or even having an opinion of the King at all.

There was however, a story told of a Demi-Human King high in the Peaks. It was not about the King of Anima far across the sea, a man unknown to them all. No, it was a tale passed down for countless generations. A story from a time long before Band'lur's people came to the Rocky Cliffs they now dwelled in.

The Great Beast King, he was called. He who stole the stars from the heavens to illuminate the deep darkness his people found themselves in, thus giving them the gift of fire. He who battled the storms with naught but his bare hands, stealing the lighting and so forging its searing bite into the first of many blades. When the animals were at their most wild at the world's beginning, it was the Beast King who fought them all and forced them to submit so that now all animals flee at the coming of man.

The Great Beast King, and all Beast Kings and Queens that came after him were awesome legends. Fearsome warriors and cunning scholars all. These tales filled Band'lur's head with great and glorious images, and the Beastman holds fondly in his heart a youth spent around the fire while Elders recounted the tales.

But in the end, that was all they were. Stories for children. Legends so old that they were forgotten by the rest of the world.

Band'lur grew from a boy into a man, as they all do in the end. He learned to survive on his own in the peaks, as all men did. And when he became of proper age he went to war for the first time, Clans and Tribes eventually did. The Demi-Human earned his name that bright, sunny day and from thereafter he was known as 'Wallbreaker'. The Clan agreed that it was a good name. A strong name for a strong young man, that would grow stronger still. Band'lur liked it because it was very simple. With a name like Wallbreaker, one knew exactly to expect and Band'lur made every effort to live up to it. If there was ever a wall blocking his way, Band'lur would tear it down. It mattered little if the wall was tangible or not. Every obstacle set before the Lizardman was met with unyielding fists and equally stubborn sensibilities.

His name became known among the Tribes and Clans there at the fringe of all Civilization. To the Demi-Humans, Wallbreaker meant many things. Unrelenting fury. Overwhelming strength and an utter refusal to step from the path. But above all, and most importantly to Band'lur. The name Wallbreaker came to mean 'friend'. Band'lur was an energetic and chaotic man. But he held a soul overflowing with kindness and goodwill. Life was harsh enough in the wild lands, the man figured. And so he strove each day to lessen the burden on others, even if all that he had to give was a smile and a few kind words.

Band'lur did not question himself, or the world around him. Things were as they should be in his mind. Things were as they would always be as far as he was concerned.

But, as is always the case. Fate deems only what she will.

Band'lur would never know what the Clan Shamans saw in their visions. It was not the right of those not gifted with Spiritual sight to know, only to listen. 'Go North they told him. Into the Toblin lands. There among the reeds, you will hear. And there at the top of the Great Cypress, you will see.'

And so he went. Band'lur left his home in the Rocky Cliffs, waved goodbye to his Clan and descended into the Steppes below to begin his journey. The trip was long, but not arduous. He fasted in the Swamps, as was the custom for those on a Spirit Journey. And on the sixth day as he meditated in the tall reeds Band'lur heard the lone cry of a Loon. The Demi-Human followed the sound eagerly, knowing that it was the sign the Shamans told him to wait for. Deeper into the swamps the man went and as he grew closer to the sound, Band'lur spied a great Cypress tree sitting in the middle of a watery clearing. Climbing the massive gnarled trunk was a simple feat for the Lizardman, and after a time he emerged through the branches at the very top.

The view around him was undoubtedly breathtaking, and far in the distance Band'lur could faintly see the peaks of his home. He wasn't quite sure if this was what the Farseers meant for him to see, but the man had been patient thus far and was ready to wait for another sign. And so he did. Band'lur waited and waited.

And the sky was torn apart.

Band'lur did not learn about the Meteor's impact and the eradication of Anima across the sea until much later, so isolated his people were. But what happened before his eyes was just as awful.

The clouds seemed to part and though it was daytime, the sky darkened as if it were the dead of night. Band'lur could only gaze up in awe at first. He was certain that what he was seeing was no more than a result of his meditation and a mind clouded with hunger from fasting. The stars twinkled in his vision, bright and cold but they began to extinguish one by one. Something great and dark overtook his sight and the shadow only grew larger by the second.

He realized that it was descending. Some titanic shape was hurtling towards the ground with fatal intent and Band'lur's awe became an all-encompassing terror. At that moment he felt smaller than he'd ever felt and dread knowledge filled his mind. 'Go and see.' The Farseers had told him.

And so Band'lur saw.

He saw the living mountain fall from the sky like a stone dropped from his own hand. He saw it strike the Peaks he'd called home. The Cliffs that he'd lived in all his life. He watched as they shattered even from miles off, erased from existence in a mere heartbeat. He saw the massive cloud of dust thrown miles into the sky, thick as any wall and choking out what light there was that awful, awful day.

And before he blacked out, overcome by all-consuming grief, terror and deep confusion, Band'lur saw the mountain look straight at him. Two giant eyes burned with fire as it stared over the land it had easily ruined before the dust cloud overtook it.

And in his deep, dark sleep, Band'lur heard the Titan's rumbling laugh. Earthen tremors that wracked his frame from miles away.

He didn't know how he managed to survive the following weeks. He awoke in the tree, covered in dust and barely able to breathe and his sudden jolting awake cause Ban'dlur to fall into the muddy waters below. There was no light here, not anymore. The Sun, Moon, and Stars blocked out by the dust cloud. Band'lur wandered the swamps in a haze of sadness, and fear. Even the animals that made the marshes their home had fled, cowed by the display of cosmic fury. If he ate, it was whatever he could scavenge. If he slept it was fitful and dreamless.

Band'lur only knew one thing in those dark days. That he had to get away. The Peaks were gone. His Clan was gone. Those Tribes closest to the impact were most assuredly gone as well, with only outliers managing to survive. The Demi-Human knew that there was nothing back there for him.

He wandered the Swamp for days, and when he emerged far to the North he found the world in Chaos. Towns and villages burned, and monsters pulled from deep primal fears in one's mind stalked the people like animals. The world had been thrown into chaos, the Lizardman found. Not from the Titan descending from the sky, no. From a Meteor that had heralded its fall mere days prior. Band'lur heard all manner of cries about the end times. That they were all being punished. He saw the great Egg floating high in the sky, the writhing entity contained within only another portent of doom.

Band'lur saw and heard much after the Meteor's fall. And he hated all of it.

And so, Band'lur did what was natural to him when he was confronted with something he didn't like. He fought against it.

The Demi-Human killed the Demons that stalked the lands. He put down the newly arisen worshipers of the foul Gods. He rebuilt walls instead of breaking them. He shared what little food he had to share with starving refugees. He fought and fought. Not only against monsters, and the men that would side with them. He fought the icy grip of despair and the heavy weight of hopelessness. The name Wallbreaker had always meant something in his home, and Band'lur swore that so long as he drew breath it would continue to bear meaning. To his foes, it was a mark of his strength and immeasurable stubbornness. But to the weak, the terrified and hopeless Wallbreaker would only ever mean one thing.

It would always mean 'Friend.'

A decade passed and things were no better than when the whole affair started. If anything, they'd gotten worse. The Monsters were as bold and numerous as ever. Ten rising for every one put down. The God's demented worshipers slunk like rats through the streets of the Last Kingdom. Their insidious words poisoning minds one by one, slow and sure as death itself. The people starved. Those in power refused to aid them. The people revolted, and the Nobles responded with violence in kind.

The Egg grew.

Band'lur did as he always had. Helping when needed. Fighting when needed. There was more of it to be done by the day, and the Lizardman wondered if there would ever come a time when the fighting would be done. He knew, deep down he knew. But it was a thought he did not like to consider.

He survived as best he could. Hunting in the wilderness when safety was tentatively promised. And there he found it. Caught in his snare was not a hare or a pheasant. It was a single white Dove. Doves, as Band'lur knew, were not usually good for eating. At least not for a big man like himself. And so the Demi-Human let the little bird free. He'd seen the scroll tied to its leg and assumed that it had places to be. The message it carried had to be of importance and Band'lur did not wish for the Dove to be kept from its duty.

He watched the small bird flit away into the sky with a smile. But the smile became a look of confusion as the Dove looped back around to perch on Band'lur's crested head. He tried to shoo it away, but the Dove cooed and flapped around his head before perching back on it. It pecked at the scroll tied to its leg and Band'lur sighed before removing it. Perhaps it held a name or address he could take it to. If it was news of foul work in the area, then Band'lur would at least have the means of fighting it.

The scroll said none of those things.

A Hero was needed. Someone brave, strong and valiant. Band'lur had never considered himself any sort of hero, but as far as he knew he was at least two of the things listed on the scroll. Surely that had to count for something, right?

Gear: Band'lur often forgoes any kind of protective covering in battle, much to the confusion and appallment of everyone around him. Iron hard scales and tremendous bulk is more than enough to stave off dangerous blows, and the Demi-Human only dresses to reflect that. Band'lur normally wears simple cloth pants and a belt. He also goes barefoot to facilitate climbing with his claws. The Lizardman finds shirts to be an affront to his physique, and getting him to put one on is a hard-fought battle.

Weapon: None immediately apparent to others. Band'lur does, however, carry a small hunting knife for skinning and other fieldwork.

Magic: Band'lur possesses no outward Magical knowledge, though his physical capabilities tend to border on the Supernatural at times. The Demi-Human has expressed interest in learning some form of Magic, however, believing that it will be of great assistance in combat.


  • Unarmed Combat: Band'lur forgoes the use of weapons altogether and has made the effort to hone his entire body into one instead. Decades of practice have granted the Demi-Human the ability to dance around awkward foes to deliver crushing blows with hands, feet, and even the bony crest adorning his head. A long tail provides Band'lur with another option to assault foes with, and he puts it to use by stunning and tripping up his enemies.

  • Enhanced Strength: Band'lur is capable of lifting and moving immense weights far beyond what can be considered normal. This strength is put to terrifying use in battle, and the Demi-Human has been observed to toss opponents several dozen yards with little issue. Most often, however, Band'lur takes the role of pack mule, carrying items for others though he doesn't seem to mind.

  • Iron Scales: A thick hide and hardened scales keep Band'lur safe in the manner that a full suit of armor would, but without the added effect of weighing the man down.

  • Mountain Man: A life among steep cliffs and hills has granted Band'lur excellent climbing ability. Clawed hands and feet, along with a thick tail allow him to keep his balance on the steepest of inclines. Naturally, Band'lur is less affected by the thinner air of high altitudes as much as any other person that make high places their home.

  • Gourmet: Of a sort. Life in the Peaks doesn't afford one the opportunity to try new and exciting Cuisine and so Band'lur makes an effort to sample all that he can. This has extended to his own cooking as well, and the Lizardman will spice up his own meals with ingredients gathered from the wilds during his travels. The downside to this is that Band'lur will eat anything that seems remotely edible and isn't particularly strict about what goes into his stomach.

Legendary Power:

  • Unshackled: Band'lur calls upon ancient knowledge written in his very blood and projects this ancient and unspoken knowledge through his physical form. Iron scales grow harder and there is a sharp increase in height and weight. Ban'dlur is forced to all fours or crouching if he's at all able but it matters little in the face of his unrelenting rage. The Beastman is no more. Or at the very least, far less man than he used to be. Steel claws and powerful jaws make short work of foes, backed by hundreds of pounds of seething muscles. The effect is nothing short of a wild armored beast being set loose on the battlefield. Weapon blows and magic missiles serve to further enrage Band'lur more than halt his advance and he throws his bulk into the fray with more ferocity than he'd display normally. Friend and Foe mean nothing in this state. To the Demi-Human all are but prey caught in his grasp. The effect lasts but a few short minutes, long enough to rout brazen groups of attackers but not suitable for long sieges. Band'lur is incapable of differentiating between his allies and enemies while he's possessed by his own bloodlust, and it's advisable to give him as wide a berth as possible when the Lizardman regresses to this state. Provided he doesn't suffer a devastating injury during the change, Band'lur will be severely weakened when the change leaves him, but not wholly incapacitated.


  • Band'lur is very fond of cats and can often be found surrounded by the small fuzzy creatures.

  • He doesn't look it, but Band'lur likes to draw. He carries around a leather-bound sketchbook along with his other personal effects.

  • Band'lur is a very poor swimmer and grows increasingly nervous the larger a body of water is.

  • Likes stargazing and sleeping in high places.

  • Dreams of getting into a fistfight with a Dragon to prove his dominance. He's positive that he'll win despite all evidence saying otherwise.
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[/class] [class name="mnamehide"] transform: translateY(200%); pointer-events: none; transition: transform 1s ease-in-out; [/class] [class name="maliases"] display: block; font-size: 2vh; color: var(--textcolor); padding-right: 3%; transform: translateY(-80%); [/class] [class name="maliases" maxWidth=88vh] font-size: .3em; transform: translateY(-20%); [/class] [class name="exit"] font-size: 5vh; position: absolute; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; color: var(--accentcolor); top: 10px; right: 20px; cursor: pointer; transition: all .85s ease-in-out 0s; [/class] [class name="exitshow"] opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; transition: all .85s ease-in-out 2.85s; [/class] [script class="mname" on=mouseenter version=2] (addClass "bgimageshow" "bgimage") [/script] [script class="mname" on=mouseleave version=2] (removeClass "bgimageshow" "bgimage") [/script] [script class="mname" on=click version=2] (addClass "mnamehide" "mname") (addClass "bgimageperm" "bgimage") (removeClass "legendboxshow" "legendbox") (addClass "bgrightshow" "bgright") (addClass "sbcontainershow" "sbcontainer") (addClass "mcpositionshow" "mcposition") (addClass "exitshow" "exit") [/script] [script class="exit" on=click version=2] (removeClass "exitshow" "exit") (removeClass "mcpositionshow" "mcposition") (removeClass "sbcontainershow" "sbcontainer") (removeClass "bgrightshow" "bgright") (removeClass "mnamehide" "mname") (removeClass "bgimageperm" "bgimage") (addClass "legendboxshow" "legendbox") [/script] [div class="root"] [div class="bgimage"]qklel[/div] [div class="mcposition"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="flexcontainer"] [div class="contentbox"] [div class="paragraph"] The leader of Belvedere dislikes the titles set upon him by the public and even his own guild. More often than not, he prefers to be called Ryland. Even as his name has been counted amongst the heroes of the land, he remains a simple man. In his youth he may have had his fair share of brashness and pride, but years have tempered his greed for glory while loss made him appreciate what he has. Even now he lives a life lacking in luxuries. He considers home whatever inn he can stay the night, and his sword the same blade he carried 9 years ago when he founded Belvedere. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] The ego that once came with his words has long disappeared, replaced with a weariness and reluctance to believe in the world. A nearing decade of fighting against the monsters weighs down on anyone. While his successes are many, the number of times he's failed has sombered his optimism. He hopes for the best, but he knows reality will always give him the worst. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] Rather than dwell on it however, Ryland makes an effort to simply look forward. Solve the problem ahead first before worrying about the rest. Some call it simplistic, but his belief is that it's the best you can do when there's no certainty in the future. He's a rock for Belvedere and to anyone whose lives he's touched. That weighs heavily on Rye, as he's already failed his first family. He doesn't know what he'd do if he failed the second one he found. [/div] [/div] [div class="cbtitle"]personality[/div] [div class="contentbox"] [div class="paragraph"] The village of Ascott survived by the sea. And it was to a humble fishing family that Ryland was born. He didn't receive much of an education, but he never sought it in the first place. The simple accounting for profit in their day to day bartering was enough. Frankly, he was content with the life, even as he reached his adolescent years. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] It wasn't until a knight pilgrimage from Caroline that Ryland began to think there was more to life. They had simply stopped by to rest on their way to Anima, bearing gifts of diplomacy. In retrospect, Rye realizes they were simply showing off. But to a teen who'd seen only the ocean all his life, everything about the knights were fascinating. The day they left, he made plans for his own travels, leaving within the week for the kingdom of Caroline. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] He was immediately accepted into their training ranks, which surprised him and frankly made him suspicious. That wariness was quickly confirmed. He, and everyone else who'd come from a commoner background, were being used as simple confidence fodder from the nobility amongst them. Pissed, but determined to show that he could rise above, studied and trained harder than ever before. He inspired those in similar straits to do the same. When they completed their training, he held himself with pride as a good number of the new knights had come from backgrounds similar to his own. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] But even as he felt proud of his accomplishments, a lingering sense of doubt filled him. As Ryland unearthed how even as a knight bloodline overtook effort in many ways, he felt defeated. The system he'd sworn to enforce and protect was flawed so deeply. While petty criminals would be jailed, the true masterminds were allowed to sleep soundly simply because of the power they held. After two years of futile efforts, Ryland renounced his knighthood. He spent the following years wandering around as a sellsword for various towns, taking only what he needed to survive as payment. It was around this time that tales of his deeds began circulating around the commonfolk, eventually gaining enough traction to be discussed even amongst the nobles' houses. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] It was during these travels that he who would be his wife, Yulia. The two were wed in Ascott. While Ryland continued his travels, he knew the town would protect and cherish his wife as one of their own. And they did - until the meteor hit. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] When monsters began ravaging the land, he made a mad dash for home. But it was too late. Monsters from the meteor made it before him, and whatever else remained Manera's creatures ensured their destruction. To this day, he doesn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse that he didn't see his wife's body in the massacred village. Maybe it was better that he never her swollen with their unborn child. The anguish that followed may have killed him. Later, the waters where Ascott once made their livelihood would be dubbed Mermaid Cove. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] The year that followed was a nightmare for Ryland. He struggled with his grief, burying himself in destroying as many of the monsters as he could. Along the way, others joined his cause, clearing what they could of the tiny settlements outside the Last Kingdom. One of his comrades suggested he give them a name. It came quick - Belvedere, after Yulia's favorite flower. But as she had once told him, the meaning of it was not be trifled with. When given, it was a declaration of war. And he offered it to the monsters that took his family away from him. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] He found a measure of peace in his Guild. While the grief never went away, he no longer felt the desperation and almost suicidal wish to join Yulia. Belvedere accomplished much where it would've been too much on his own. Inspiring his comrades when it got tough, weathering the storm when one of the god's children attacked; they formed bonds beyond what normal circumstances would've forged. But as the years went on, a feeling of futility began to settle in his heart. For every monster they slaughtered, two more would come. For every village they saved, another in some distant land would disappear. He never voiced it, but Ryland felt it. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] It was one of the few quiet evenings Belvedere had, sitting around a campfire while they joked and shared stories. A dove landed on his shoulder as he watched over his new family. He took the small scroll, unravelled it. He looked to the members of the Guild again, and understood the message was for only for him to answer. That very same night, he told his second-in-command to take his place in the interim. Ryland left for the Last Kingdom, the very place that brought him to where he was now. [/div] [/div] [div class="cbtitle"]background[/div] [div class="contentbox rows"] [div class="bp"]weapon[/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] Ryland carries a long sword which he often wields one-handed. The blade is as long as his torso, and despite its size, is very well-balanced. It was a town's treasure from one of his first jobs. [/div] [div class="bp"]armor[/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] Ryland's entire left arm is encased in an intricate metal armor, its many joints allowing him the movement normal armor wouldn't have. It was blessed by Yulia, who'd once been a smith's daughter and would cast simple incantations of protection on her father's pieces. [/div] [div class="bp"]magic[/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] His time in the knights did teach him something to useful - to invoke an element into his weapon. He doesn't know anything more difficult than that. He can light a small fire, and heal shallow wounds. Rye doesn't possess a natural propensity towards magic. [/div] [/div] [div class="contentbox rows"] [div class="bp"]abilities[/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] Thanks to his stay with Yulia and her family, Ryland has some ability in smithing and can do small repairs on his sword and armor himself. He can even make some rudimentary kitchen utensils. [/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] A strong swimmer and able to hold his breath longer than most. It comes with growing up in a fishing community. Alongside that is a patience befitting of a fisherman. [/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] Some business acumen, though it's tempered by his innate desire to help people. When needed though, he can barter and haggle like a desperate merchant. [/div] [div class="paragraph" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 10px;"] Though he doesn't realize it himself, Ryland has a natural knack for inspiring others and leading. It's why Belvedere believes in him. He doesn't achieve this with fancy speeches, but with getting his own feelings across with simple words. [/div] [/div] [div class="cbtitle"]combat[/div] [div class="contentbox"] [div class="paragraph"] Ryland's legendary power is one he has very little mastery of, as he's only activated it once. He suspects it has to do with his sword's ability to channel magic easily. In the one time he has called upon his legendary power, his invocation of the elements gains power comparable to a mage's spell. The strength of the blade itself increases, able to cleave through stone as if it were butter. This lasts for a few minutes. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] He vaguely remembers feeling weakened after, but not incapacitated. His fighting definitely suffers however, which is why it's best to ensure that it's the finishing blow. [/div] [/div] [div class="cbtitle"]power[/div] [div class="contentbox"] [div class="paragraph"] Belvedere is a guild that was founded a year after the meteor. Much like the man who founded it, the payment for tasks accomplished only extends to how much they need. Anything more is a gift of choice by the client, but isn't required. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] At the beginning, the guild simply comprised of Ryland and 6 others. But as the years went by, more members were added to to the group. Before long he was running several operations at once, working with the knights of the Last Kingdom in their effort to keep the last bastion against the gods safe. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] While Belvedere's leader is Ryland, other members of the guild look up to and follow the other acting commandants. These commandants are the original six that were with him when the Guild was founded. In a situation where Rye is unavailable such as now, they have free reign on which direction Belvedere should go. [/div] [/div] [div class="cbtitle"]extra[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="bgright"] [div class="sbcontainer"] [div class="img"]
[/div] [div class="titleblock"] [div class="border"].[/div] [div class="sbname"]ryland nustram[/div] [div class="border"].[/div] [/div] [div class="basicinfo"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]nicknames[/div] [div class="answer"]Rye, Ryland[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]age[/div] [div class="answer"]Forty-One (41)[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]Birthplace[/div] [div class="answer"]Ascott[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]gender[/div] [div class="answer"]Male[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]race[/div] [div class="answer"]Human[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="basicinfo"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]height[/div] [div class="answer"]6'2" / 189 cm[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]weight[/div] [div class="answer"]198 lbs / 90 kg[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]hair color[/div] [div class="answer"]Light Blond[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]eye color[/div] [div class="answer"]Slate Gray[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]Skin[/div] [div class="answer"]Tanned, marked with several scars[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="metadata"]physique[/div] [div class="answer"]Muscular and Heavy-Built[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentbox legendbox legendboxshow"] [div class="scrollbox"] [div class="paragraph"] There are places that the Last Kingdom has abandoned. Small settlements, tiny villages, lone men and women who're too proud to concede to the monarch's protection. Belvedere marches to these forsaken lands to keep them safe, at least for a night, in exchange for some food, a bit of coin and a place to rest. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] Amongst their ranks is its founder, Captain Rye. Once a knight for nobility, he turned his back on a system that benefitted the select few, chosen arbitrarily by which family they were born to. He cleared out bandits, found missing people and vanquished feared beasts. All he took in return was what he needed. The townsfolk began calling him a hero for hire in affection. [/div] [div class="paragraph"] When the meteor crashed down, most assumed he'd been amongst the names lost to the void. But as a Guild named Belvedere took what was his place, it came to light that it was the Squatters' Knight lead the charge. Though they struggle in vain against the monsters, they continue their war, their very name a pronouncement of their intentions. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="mname"] ryland nustram [div class="maliases"]leader of belvedere / the squatters' knight / captain rye[/div] [/div] [div class="exit"][/div] [/div]
Name: King Leonhardt Jourdain Animaeus
Nickname: Leon, Leo
Alias: The Lion, The Lion Heart, King Slayer
Age: 26
Birthplace: Anima, the destroyed Demi-Human kingdom. Now called, "The Womb."
Gender: Male
Race: Demi-Human
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: Sun blonde and feathered, it appears to glow under certain lighting. He keeps his hair cut short; however, it is capable of growing into a thick mane and his jaw is capable of growing an impressive full beard.
Eye Color: Gold. His pupils will become like slits when he is angry.
Skin: Bright cream
Physique: Solid

Legend: (B.M.) Prior to the arrival of the gods, Leonhardt was the royal family’s firstborn and heir. They say he was born under the sun and when he was pulled from the womb, his body glowed. He always seemed to carry this glow as he grew older. The royal family’s sigil was the golden lion, and many of his people believed that he exemplified this. Leonhardt grew into a strong young man. He often traveled Beloriel and participated in tournaments. Under the alias, The Lion, Leonhardt appeared on stage donning a bronze helm in the shape of a lion’s head. He won numerous tournaments without ever revealing his identity, and he turned down every single prize: gold and marriage proposals. The prince competed merely for the sport and challenge.

Once upon a time, relations between Human and Demi-Human became hostile. There were many protests and claims of discrimination against the Lands of Caroline. The discord went so far that the king was nearly assassinated by a Demi-Human panther. The attack sparked an immediate call to arms. The Caroline army and navy crossed the Crystal Sea to confront Anima, and it was the Anima King, Leonidas who waited for them. At his side was his stubborn son Leonhardt, who refused to stay behind. The three royals met on the battlefield, and they realized neither of them wanted bloodshed. Instead, they decided to settle the war with a fight between champions.

Leonhardt challenged the Caroline champion to a duel and won. With no intention of killing his opponent, Leonhardt attempted to help him to his feet when an arrow was fired from the Caroline side and struck the prince in what many a Demi-Human feared was his heart. The assassination attempt triggered an outrage. Arrows were loosed, and to the kings’ surprise, Leonhardt had used his shield to guard himself and the champion from the flurry. It was then from Leonhardt that a roar so thunderous froze the entire battlefield. “STOP!” No arrows were loosed. Not a word was spoken. An angry prince rose to his feet and walked away from the champion. He returned to his father with the arrow still lodged in his chest. He was fortunate that the spade had barely missed his heart.

Mounting his horse, Leonhardt asked his father to withdraw their army. The Anima army withdrew without pursuit from Caroline. Amazed by the Demi-Humans’ show of honor, the Caroline King forgave them, and instead honored them at a Peace Ball. Leonhardt was deemed, “The Lionheart,” by the Caroline King.

(A.M.) There once was a surviving settlement between the Dragon Lands and the Toblin Marshes. It was a human settlement called Keld, a village once known for its cheeses and freshwater food. Toblins were stealing the women and taking them back to the marshes to breed with them. Keld became a village of single fathers. When Leonhardt arrived, he was initially unwelcomed. The Keldians didn’t like strangers, especially Demi-Human ones. They refused to give him food and water or a place to rest. It was one child who approached him and snuck him into his father’s barn. The boy named Jakob had told him that he looked like a strong warrior. He told Leonhardt about the Toblins and begged him to get their mothers back. Jakob stole Leonhardt a meal and allowed him to rest for a day. During the night, the Toblins came to Keld again, seeking out women. Leonhardt met them and single-handedly slaughtered the band. He had one of the Toblins lead him to their hideout in the marshes where he faced an ambush. Leonhardt dispatched the ambushers and pressed on into their cave. He found the women locked away in a prison and set them free. As he was escorting them to safety, a gargantuan creature followed them. He thought at first that it was a dragon, but it was a fat salamander, one of many Toblin Kings, who tried to douse them with fire. Leonhardt guarded the women with his shield and told them to flee. The last they saw of him was a man in gold standing amidst a great fire.

The women returned to Keld, but the mysterious warrior did not. To this day, the Keldians wonder whatever happened to him. They knew he was still alive for one morning on the village outskirts, they found the corpse of the dead great salamander. The Keldians used the corpse to ward off anymore Toblins, and they have been safe ever since.

Personality: Leonhardt is mostly humble, but when it comes to a challenge, he can be very cocky. Before Meteor (B.M.), Leonhardt used to travel the land, challenging every warrior and champion, and dominating various tournaments. He fought mostly to learn and test himself. He wanted to constantly assess his strength, techniques, and improve his training, and what better way than to get his butt kicked around a few times. In Anima, his subjects were too afraid to cut him, and so he never got a real fight. The former prince was always starving for a real match to his might.

As a former prince, Leonhardt grew up very pampered. He had the best education and lessons on etiquette. He knows how to play the role of an ideal diplomat and pose as a role model gentleman as opposed to the beasts Demi-Humans are stereotyped to be. He still talks with a proper tone to his speech. As The Lionheart, he is fearless. He charges into battle without tremble and will walk up to the greatest threat unshaken. As kind and gentle as Leonhardt appears, the grief of his lost family and home still weighs on his shoulders heavier than his armor and gear. His worst fears have already happened. He has lost everything. He has even lost his identity. Who would believe he was the true heir to Anima and not some look alike? Not even the Caroline King would believe it for he was a teenager when he last saw him, and Leonhardt has since been aged by hardship.

There was much Leonhardt had to learn about the world After Meteor (A.M.). Before, he crossed it like a tourist; a sightseer seeking entertainment. Once he was no longer royal, he learned about betrayal. Thieves stole from him. Creatures that hadn’t existed before tried to kill him in his sleep. He learned about starvation, and was pushed to the brink of suicide. It was kill or be killed. Whether anyone believed it or not, Leonhardt had pride! A lion’s pride! He overcame the hardship and learned to survive and his legend strode on.

In a team, Leonhardt plays a defender role. He will protect those who need to be protected and come to their rescue if they are in a tight spot. His actions are often deemed foolish and reckless. Having lost everything, Leonhardt sometimes doesn’t even value his own life. He harbors a secret depression, which causes him to do things as though no one would care what would happen to him. Did they succeed? Yes? Then that’s all that matters. Leonhardt doesn't want his team to worry, and he doesn't want their pity. Therefore, he keeps his sadness hidden behind a pleasant mask.

Background: Leonhardt was born to King Leonidas and Queen Akali Animaeus. He was their firstborn son and destined heir to the Anima throne. The boy was fortunate to have been born in Anima, the largest city in all of Beloriel. He was given the best food, clothes, education, but not exactly the best training—at least not to Leonhardt’s standard. Therefore, the boy often went on tours mainly to escape the kingdom and compete in tournaments. He kept his antics a secret and often paid his servants to keep their mouths shut. As mentioned in his legend, Leonhardt once ended a war with a roar. With such honor and repute behind his name, he was set to occupy the throne. But everything vanished in one great flash.

His battle lust had saved him. Leonhardt was on his way to participate in another tournament when his home disappeared. His knights who were with him at the time continued to guard him as they rushed back to the kingdom. What they found was only a crater; a nightmare; a hellmouth. Leonhardt couldn’t believe it. The monsters that crawled out of it forced them to retreat. Leonhardt spent five years running. His knights protected him until he was 20 years old, and then grew tired. They were no longer bound by duty. Leonhardt wasn’t even their king anymore. They abandoned him and left him to survive alone in a world that was transforming into hell. Leonhardt wandered, struggled, and nearly went insane. He fell beyond rock bottom. There didn’t seem to be anyone left alive. Those who were alive only wanted to steal from him and leave him to be eaten by monsters in their desperation to survive.

There was a period in his life where he thought about dying. A great predator had hunted him. The creature followed him, taking its time as though knowing Leonhardt would soon grow tired. Leonhardt eventually dropped to his knees and submitted to the creature. He figured that if he died, then the nightmare would end. He would be reunited with his family, and disappear as his story was meant to. When the predator lunged, Leonhardt surprised himself when he reacted. Grabbing a sharp stick, he drove it into the creature’s eye. Out of fear of being mauled to death, he continued to drive the stick deeper until he believed it pierced its brain. The beast died, and something was born in its place—inside Leonhardt. Determination. Pride. What a horrible end to his story that almost was? Leonhardt decided that if he was to die, it would be in battle, where he was meant to be. The one place he always sought. If he was to die, it would be glorious.

From taking on small predators, Leonhardt’s strength grew the larger his challenges became. He started traveling the land as he once did, seeking challenges in the forms of monsters. His legend continued. One day, Leonhardt was resting in the Valley of Steeds, having tamed a new companion. A dove landed on his knee and curiously hopped across his chest and pecked his cheek. Leonhardt opened his eyes and saw that the dove had a scroll tied to its leg. Unraveling the message, he read the summons and rising to his feet, he donned his armor and equipment, mounted his horse, and rode off to The Last Kingdom.


Lion Helm: A helm bronze in color and yet gold in the light of the sun. It is fashioned in the same mold his tournament helm was designed. It is the head of a lion, and through its maw Leonhardt is able to see.

Lion Armor: A heavy armor of silver and pseudo-gold. It was tempered using the flames of a salamander, a creature whose breath is fabled to be hotter than a dragon. He wears a micro-chain mail beneath, designed by an eight-legged Demi-Human blacksmith. Leonhardt’s armor is not only for fashion, it is heavy, and while it does steal speed from him, his lack of speed is made up with a sturdy defense. No normal man can wear Leonhardt’s armor. Anyone who lifts it is usually shocked that he is even able to move. Perks: Fire Resistance.

Clothing: Beneath his armor, Leonhardt wears simple clothes. Tunics and stitched trousers, and deer-skin shoes. Seeing Leonhardt out of his armor can surprise some since he is mostly seen wearing it. Once he’s shed his shell, the body which carries it is revealed, and it is brawny.


Lion Sword: Leonhardt is pretty simple when it comes to naming things. Like his armor, his sword was tempered from the same salamander flames. The blade is sharper than an average sword. He can cut through the trunk of a tree and through a boulder. Perks: Fire Resistance.

Lion Shield: Tempered from the flames of the salamander, Leonhardt’s shield is fire resistant. While he mostly uses it for defense, he will bash enemies with it, and with two hands, he can send it flying like a discus. Aided by magic, the shield always returns to him. Leonhardt will also use his shield as a sled to slide beneath larger foes or for a quick downhill charge. Perks: Fire Resistance.


Roar of the King: Leonhardt will unleash a scream that saps the enemy’s courage. Lesser enemies will often turn tail and flee. Formidable enemies will be aggravated and take his roar as a challenge, drawing attention to himself.

Shield Throw: Leonhardt will lob his shield at an enemy. Whether the shield misses or hits, it will return to him. He can charge the shield with sunlight and use it as a blazing disc to scorch multiple enemies it passes through.

Reflect: Leonhardt will absorb magic and kinetic energy with his shield. He will determine when to release the energy, but if his shield absorbs too much, it becomes at risk of breaking. The absorbed energy is returned along with Leonhardt’s own magic, making it ten times as strong.

Sun Blade: Leonhardt charges his sword with sunlight and his every swing becomes large, white-hot crescent blades. The blades fly swiftly through the air in the direction of Leonhardt’s swings, incinerating anything in their path.


Inhuman Strength: Leonhardt is very strong. The armor he wears is not exactly made of cardboard and he walks around in it much like a normal person wears clothing. He can throw his great kite shield like a boomerang and tank the hits from enemies inhumanly strong.

Diplomacy: Having once upon a time been royalty, Leonhardt has a way with words. His persuasion arts are pretty impressive.

Indomitable Will: Having been on the brink of self-destruction, Leonhardt overcame himself. He has taken charge of his life, and he is determined to see it through to the end. No one will get in his way.

Animal Affinity: As a Demi-Human, Leonhardt has a way with animals. They strangely gravitate toward him. It’s almost like they understand each other. He was able to tame a wild horse in the Valley of Steeds.

Legendary Power: Secret. Will be revealed if ever used in game.


Moonrunner a.k.a. "Horse"
Description: Moonrunner is a white mare, and even though Leonhardt has given her a name, he still calls her "Horse." Again, he's very simple with his naming conventions. She completes his unintentional knight in shining armor appearance. He gave her the name Moonrunner because her stark-white pelt glowed on a moonlit night. The two seem to understand each other like good friends. She carries all of his equipment and is capable of traveling for three days straight until she needs to rest. However, Leonhardt takes good care of her and would never push her so hard unless he had to.

Leonhardt's Theme
Annelia Lastelle du Lema

Some ten-odd years before the fall, there circulated a story about a newborn girl brought into this world with an Illusory Eye.

Those who saw it, it is said, were stricken with such fear that they were never the same again. Not even the girl's father could withstand his daughter's latent ability; indeed, depending on which version of the story one hears, he is the one that banished her.

Surely, this girl must be of fighting age now. Where is she? And what of her fabled eye?

Some claim to know the answer. In a keep along the mountains, overlooking the one and only passage into a former city-province of great Caroline, is an unwavering guardswoman; a tall, armored figure, fair of skin and fairer of hair.

Ever-present upon her right eye is a metal eyepatch.​

  • Age: 23
    Birthplace: Lema, Province of Caroline
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: Heavier than you'd think.
    Hair Color: Blonde, near-white.
    Eye Color: Her left is blue. None have seen her right eye; even if they did, chances are its color would be the last thing on their minds.
    Skin: Pale.
    Physique: Athletic.

    Personality: The rare few that claim to have spoken with her speak of a woman whose demeanor matches the rising stones that sit upon the border to the Crystal Sea. Grey and unfeeling is she, honed with focus that has yet to crack, and orderly in a manner bestowed only upon those who have known naught but barracks for all their days. She is not fun, nor is she sociable, but she is dependable, imaginative, and strangely knowledgeable. Perhaps, in another world, she might have been a bookish, quiet girl, a scholar and artificer through-and-through. A pity, indeed, that the world could not have been treated to her crafts in times of peace.

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