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Fandom  ▸┆GOD EATER ﹙apotheosis﹚

Roleplay Availability
Two years after the Blood unit ended the World Closer, evidence of their actions spread throughout. Though Aragami continue to roam freely and god eaters maintain their duty, a stability and sense of peace had been reached alongside the earth's slow re-terraformation. Routine had been established.

Maybe that's why when it came, so many fell swiftly.

A burst of resonance so strong, both Aragami and God Eater stilled as it rocked through their systems. The entire continent of Europe paused for just a beat. Like the calm before the storm, the minutes that followed the silence were frenzied and violent. When they computed the aftermath, at least ten god eaters were lost, countless more injured. So many satellite bases were ravaged in the Aragami's sudden rampage.

Explanations were sought, but no real answer could be provided. In their investigations, an incredibly strong oracle response was recorded during the time frame's reading. It was enough to awaken every Aragami in Europe. But anyone who was even remotely familiar with Aragami could guess that. No one could explain the "whys" of the incident they now called the apotheosis.

When it happened once again, memories of only four months ago still fresh on their minds brought god eaters a favorable win, but a heavy heart. When it happened yet again, this became frustration. How long would the peace last this time? Were they really forced to simply accept their fate? Fenrir didn't think so, or at least, refused to accept it without learning more.

The Vienna branch long overshadowed by the much larger Berlin branch was re-established. Now it houses apotheosis researchers and the new unit dedicated to assist them, a month and a half after the last resonance spike. Lodestar is a group of handpicked god eaters who each bring something unique to the table. Will they find the cause and manage to stop these seemingly random resonance occurrences? Or is this simply part and parcel of the earth's eventual transformation?
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Bregenz City
eliminate all aragami
ogretails, cocoon maidens
Welcome to Lodestar and the Berlin Branch everyone. I'm Cynthia, your operator. I'm still fairly new, so please don't hesitate to inform me of things I need to improve on.

We only received full approval for mission dispatch yesterday, hence why all you've been doing recently are support calls for other units. This will be Lodestar's first mission together; we'll be acclimating some of the new recruits. Please guide them on their first field mission.

It's a standard search and destroy mission in the abandoned Bregenz City. While it's not uncommon for aragami to pass through the area, a Lodestar research team left behind some equipment there. They humbly request assistance in clearing out the vicinity for their instruments. A sizable hoard was spotted; thinning down their numbers by at least half would be ideal.

A medium-sized reading was detected some ways off; it's not predicted to come near the battle zone. Just don't stray too far and this mission should go smoothly. Happy hunting!

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Bregenz City was no stranger to Aragami, if the state of the place was any indication. The once populous city was now nothing more than ruin, the debris of war turning the area into a dangerous battlefield where the enemy could lurk in any given corner. The sector they'd been assigned had once been a large university campus, but the scattered remains of books and the scratch marks of vicious claws were the only decorations left on it. Whatever could be used had been rescued long ago, and what didn't make the cut helped form the desolate scene.

Lolita was the first to climb down the ladder off of the aircraft, being one of the more experienced fighters in the group. After confirming the immediate vicinity was safe from Aragami, she informed the operator. "The rest can get down now," She wasn't one to take on a leadership position; quite frankly, she would much rather be working on her own. But she wasn't one to leave the newbies to the wolves, especially since a lot of them had yet to experience the field. Things out here was vastly different from the simulation room they all practiced in.

"Okay! All God Eaters, it is safe to deploy from the craft. Please exercise caution and keep watch of Aragami projectiles as you get down."

Cynthia's all too cheerful voice felt too loud in Lolita's ear, but she knew better than to mute the team's operator. Fortunately, none of the newbies met an untimely death climbing down which meant things were off to a decent start. As per instructions, Lodestar separated and fanned out into teams of four. Her team would be taking care of Sector A and B.

The callsign registered of those near her read Matt, Rose and Leanne. Simple enough to remember. At least it wasn't something silly like that wannabe royalty she'd once gotten teamed up with in the Paris Branch. She shifted her grip on her scythe; the oversized weapon was vastly disproportionate to the young girl's lithe form, but much like the other God Eaters, she carried it with ease. The weapon had become an extension of her over the years, and so she knew it as well as she did her own arm.

And if she was reading it right, it was raring for a fight.

It didn't take long for its request to be answered. A rumbling beneath the ground was familiar to any God Eater who'd been out a few missions. As if on cue, a cocoon maiden popped out from beneath the earth. She quickly switched to her buckler as it threw an attack, dodging the next few ones with an ease born of experience. Thankfully, this particular Aragami was immobile and wouldn't be too much trouble to deal with.

Around a meter and a half from her target, Lola jumped and struck the Aragami diagonally, the scythe extending to meet the rest of the distance. The black creature within her weapon was briefly covered with blood before it redacted, returning to its former length. She landed on her feet, and when she looked up, she could see around three or four Ogretails heading in her direction.

"Small herd of Aragami in Sector A. We should be able to deal with it." She looked pointedly towards her teammates, spending the short reprieve harvesting the Aragami core. "Right?"



Bregenz City


⏩God Arc⏪
Toto. Old-type long blade with buckler.

Matt: Let me work with a permanent teams pls.

...We’re the only ones here so...

After he’d been given the go ahead by their operator, Matt briefly glanced down to see around where he was going to land before following his team leader down the ladder with his god arc in hand. All while hoping that this relatively simple mission would go well because, while he recognized them from seeing them around the base every once in awhile, this was their first mission in the field. And, from Matt’s experience, teamwork often determined the success of mission no matter how “easy” it was supposed to be…

Shaking the negative thoughts from his mind as he dropped down to the earth, he stepped up closer to his teammate as she finished off a cocoon maiden on her own. Instead, he focused on the situation on hand and eyed the small group of Ogretails that were making their way towards them.

“Yes, technically Ogretails aren’t too bad. What’s your plan?” he asked as Lola’s god arc consumed the cocoon maiden’s core. Glancing at the cocoon maiden’s empty body for a moment, he muttered under his breath about their eternal creepiness before commenting, “You do have a plan, right?”

He swallowed the snarky “other than just beat the shit out of them” that threatened to follow because now was not the time.

It wasn’t...impossible to just wing it. Matt did that all the time (and lived) when his team’s strategy went down into shit and chaos. But it didn’t mean that he didn’t want to know what his team leader wanted from them. And just because he knew how to fly without a plan didn’t mean the others did.

‘I mean, this is Lodestar. Dealing with giant dino chickens. ...That eat people.’

He really hated first mission nerves.
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Leanne Baldric
With the cue to leave the aircraft, Leanne was the fifth to exit; three being unknown and two being her current teammates exiting beforehand. Upon reaching the ground, Leanne took three steps forward before witnessing the aftermath of a battle. Ignoring the fact that the area in general was likely once a battleground, she looked towards Lola, who was harvesting a core.

She was strangely taken aback - almost as if aragami attacks this early into a mission weren't common. The hairs behind the back of her neck began to slowly stand, feeling slight waves of uneasiness, though not enough to be externally noticeable. Taking one short but much needed huff, Leanne was now fully composed, prepared to finish the mission.

"Hey, what aragami are exactly here-"

Before acquiring an answer from one of her allies, a simple look to her left gave her an answer. A small group of ogretails stomped towards the four: each eager to take a bite out of them. Leanne frowned. "Ogretails?" Expecting something much deadlier, she felt a tinge of disappointment touch her: though being disappointed was more fulfilling than being dead.

Producing her weapon from her back and switching it into a tower, Leanne slowly reached battle mode, letting them come to the group rather than vice-versa. Matthias (Leanne believed it was his name), was asking their leader for any plans she may have. Leanne turned her head back towards the two, waiting for Lola's answer.

STATUS - Healthy || LOCATION - Bregenz City


With the cue to leave the aircraft, Leanne was the fifth to exit; three being unknown and two being her current teammates exiting beforehand. Upon reaching the ground, Leanne took three steps forward before witnessing the aftermath of a battle. Ignoring the fact that the area in general was likely once a battleground, she looked towards Lola, who was harvesting a core.

She was strangely taken aback - almost as if aragami attacks this early into a mission weren't common. The hairs behind the back of her neck began to slowly stand, feeling slight waves of uneasiness, though not enough to be externally noticeable. Taking one short but much needed huff, Leanne was now fully composed, prepared to finish the mission.

"Hey, what aragami are exactly here-"

Before acquiring an answer from one of her allies, a simple look to her left gave her an answer. A small group of ogretails stomped towards the four: each eager to take a bite out of them. Leanne frowned. "Ogretails?" Expecting something much deadlier, she felt a tinge of disappointment touch her: though being disappointed was more fulfilling than being dead.

Producing her weapon from her back and switching it into a tower, Leanne slowly reached battle mode, letting them come to the group rather than vice-versa. Matthias (Leanne believed it was his name), was asking their leader for any plans she may have. Leanne turned her head back towards the two, waiting for Lola's answer.
Code by pyo, dew not stl pls

Noa di Maria

Noa’s stormy gaze swept across the scenery below. Meeting the desolation face to face, an unreadable emotion seemed to flick through her eyes, though the brief flinch that followed hinted towards that of discomfort. This was by no means her first mission, and the sight before her was a far cry from the worst of things she’s seen or experienced. However, there was always that hesitation which wrenched itself in her gut. A life of relative luxury cut short by a dive into the grim duties of a God Eater, though done willingly, was enough for a sense of paranoia to fester. A mission could change or go wrong at any given moment, and that was the greatest of her fears. Luckily, those worries were always pushed to the side by her determination. Today was to be no different.

At their operator’s signal, Noa dismounted from the craft, deftly switching gears into “battle ready” mode. Soon enough, a cocoon maiden appeared, though it was quickly dealt with by their current leader. A small herd of ogretails was soon to follow, upon which Lola shot a pointed comment towards the rest of the team. If anything, her god arc seemed more enthusiastic than Noa herself, but a mission was a mission.

“Understood,” came Noa’s curt reply. Her god arc—currently a sniper gun—was held ready by her side. A series of muttering, courtesy of Matt, brought about her brow to raise a fraction, but she remained attentive nonetheless. A plan. Ogretails of this quantity were scarcely much of a threat to a well-equipped team such as theirs. However, the man did have a point that a plan would be optimal should something go awry be it an unknown factor or an unexpected outcome.

“Perhaps we should consider plans after dealing with the ogretails?” Noa stared intently at the approaching aragami. For something that seemed to be a sad excuse of a cross between a dinosaur and a chicken, they seemed to be able to run rather quickly. Luckily, a common aragami meant that their weakness was also common knowledge. So long as you stayed out of the way of its tail, taking one or two down was no big deal, especially with a well-aimed shot to its side. Likewise, the team shouldn’t have trouble making short work of them—plan or not—before taking a short break in action to formulate any plans and backup plans they may require.

Of course, discussing battle plans while fighting the ogretails was another option, but she wasn’t too sure if the others would be so keen on doing that. That is, if they decide to wait after the incoming wave in the first place.

status: battle readyxxx||xxxobjective: deal with ogretailsxxx||xxxlocation: bregenz city

Lola didn't bother giving Matt the courtesy of a reply, instead heading straight for the nearest enemy. The others followed suit, probably realizing that looking to her for guidance wasn't going to net them much of anything. However, the team dealt with the Ogretails, if a bit disjointedly as each pursued their own target. What mattered was that they eliminated the threat; it's hard to expect perfect teamwork during their first mission together.

As her God Arc retracted back to normal, she looked to her teammates as everyone else harvested the last of the cores on the ground. "Team in charge of Sector A and B ready for transport back to base. Where should--"

The transmission was cut off by a blast. A couple of sectors over, one could see ruins of the old world collapse; the earth rumbled with the violence of the falling debris.

A few seconds later, the static disappeared and Cynthia's voice rang through the comms, crystal clear. "Hello? Is everyone okay?" Everyone affirmed their status, one team in particular apologizing for causing the ruckus. Apparently, a poorly aimed blast gun shot was the cause. Lolita wondered what exactly were they fighting that would require the force of a blast gun, but held her tongue. These were, after all, newbies. They'd yet to learn the value of conserving their OP.

"Sounds like everyone's alright, that's good. Please be more careful next -" There was an audible gasp, and Lolita felt herself tense. Cynthia's next words made her grit her teeth. "All God Eaters evacuate Sector F and head to Sector C. I repeat, all God Eaters evacuate Sector F and head to Sector C."

"Lola, Matt, Leanne and Rose?" The four God Eaters exchanged glances as their call names were cited. Director Wolf is temporarily assigning you as Team Alpha." Four more names were cited, calling them team Beta. Lola had a feeling she knew what was about to happen, and readied her God Eater for quick transport.

"A mid-sized Aragami was attracted to the noise generated by the collapsing building. It's expected to arrive at Sector F in one minute. Team Beta is in charge of leading and covering for the evacuating God Eaters, who will be gathering at Sector C. Team Alpha will be eliminating the Aragami threat." The team of four began making their way to the aforementioned sector, Lola silently cursing the newbie who'd caused the predicament in the first place.

They arrived in Sector F with 20 seconds to spare and fanned out to hide in various debris to minimize chances of discovery. Cynthia conducted last minute checks on their health status; considering they dealt with the ogretails and cocoon maidens easily, there wasn't much to report.

Then they heard it; the sound of skittering legs and heavy breathing. Unlike most of the Aragami she'd fought before, this one seemed to be on the quieter side. Hidden behind a wall that had begun leaning against another for support, she peeked through the gaps to take a first look at what they would be fighting. More than its features (though they were very distinct), was one much more distressing, intangible fact.

Lolita's next few words were the first time they'd be uttered in two years. "Unknown species encountered."

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Bregenz City
gather data and eliminate threat
unknown species
Lola, are you sure? There hasn't been a report of a new species in almost two years. (pauses as if talking to someone) ...Director Wolf trusts your judgement. If anyone knows about Aragami species, it's going to be someone from the Intelligence Center.

Team Alpha, your mission goal remains unchanged, with some additional details. The equipment left behind by the research team is specifically for recording Aragami behavior; one is a camera. We'd like you to turn it on and position it so we can record the Aragami to share with the other Fenrir branches.

Please exercise caution. As this is new Aragami, we have no prior data on its weaknesses and abilities. Unfortunately, we haven't been given clearance yet to add elemental abilities to our weapons, so you'll have to make do with your God Arcs' neutral states. As your operator, feel free to rely on me and listen if you're in danger. I'll be keeping track of its oracle levels and alert you of any changes.


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