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Fandom  ▸┆GOD EATER ﹙apotheosis﹚ ooc

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
This question is answered in the database linked above. Please read it, thank you. c:
I have no issues with queries, but if the answer is already explained somewhere in my provided information, then it gets tedious. It would be a different matter if you were asking for clarification on present information, but in this instance it isn't the case.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
This question is answered in the database linked above. Please read it, thank you. c:
I have no issues with queries, but if the answer is already explained somewhere in my provided information, then it gets tedious. It would be a different matter if you were asking for clarification on present information, but in this instance it isn't the case.
sorry i was looking but i couldn't find it but i'll look again.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
It's within the first entry under God Arcs, where I explain what the three generations/classifications are. The "database" I made was specifically designed to cater to those who aren't familiar with GE, and I've bent some existing facts to fit better with a roleplay perspective.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
It's within the first entry under God Arcs, where I explain what the three generations/classifications are. The "database" I made was specifically designed to cater to those who aren't familiar with GE, and I've bent some existing facts to fit better with a roleplay perspective.
fair enough and thanks for baring with me
I feel a little dumb should of highlighted it but yeah now i get it, at the moment no one has posted a medical char, but what's the limits on a medical char
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Considering the fact GE's portrayal of healing isn't realistic in the first place (they shoot out a random green orb/laser and hit the injured party, which restores HP), this is difficult to say.
However, I do know that healing is strictly gun-based or item-based (save for a couple of Blood Arts, but they're self-healing rather than party-healing).
No one physically runs up to a person to heal them, and healing bullets/rounds are usually OP-heavy. So I'd assume under a more realistic setting, the healer only heals on a need-to basis, otherwise, they assist in damage dealing. Their primary task is to keep their teammates alive, although not necessarily at tip top shape, during a fight.

"In a way, "The Truth" is something that is always changing."

Overly serious at times and valuing the importance of preventing even just one less casualty—even if said casualty is the life of one accepting of their potential death—over all else, many assume that the young sniper comes from a background riddled with some range of tragedies. However, the true meaning behind that resolute spirit of hers lies in the simple desire to keep her friends close and others even closer. Naturally, this philosophy and a certain brashness of hers has often led to several disagreements with the higher-ups here and there, but thankfully, her skills have been deemed valuable enough to allow these "mishaps" to be swept under the rug so long as she doesn't commit some truly grave form of insubordination.

One could say that Noa lived the first few years of her life looking at everything through "rose colored glasses". Having lived a relatively sheltered life within a walled city in Southern Italy, the girl had been blind to the struggles of the people living in much less fortunate circumstances and barely scrapping by every day. Needless to say, she wasn't so naive to believe every bit of the lies that her parents had told her about how Fenrir's gallant efforts to save humanity ensured the safety of everyone from the Aragami. She just didn't know to what extent the plight of others may have been.

As a long time admirer of the God Eaters who were the forefront of the defense against the Aragami, it's an understatement to say that Noa jumped at the chance to volunteer to become one herself. This eagerness only increased upon finding out her high compatibility with a New Type God Arc, and (much to the protest of her family) she trained rigorously in order to fulfill any expectations which may have been placed on her. However, with her admission into the God Eater program came a quick realization that no, the situation was not quite as bright as it had originally seemed.

Yet this realization only seemed to rekindle her determination into an even larger flame.
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Just noticed that I never explained elements, so I'll be adding it into the info thread once I finish graphing this last equation. :x
more info changes

I've added a section called elements under basic information, and bullet classification under God Arc. Additionally, I have added information about guns and bullets in their respective sections. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding how I treat the subject, as I've modified the source material to better fit a roleplay setting.

edit: added info about how old the lodestar program is in the IC thread c:
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One of a couple thousand residents within the slums of a base residing in Great Britain, the majority of Leanne’s life has been less than wonderful. When compared to the slums of other cities, Leanne’s life seems to pale in comparison - yet poverty is poverty, and it was something she had to live with for the majority of her life. Her only motivation through those times were shared by many other children her age, and they were words of a handful of local God Eaters: “Pass the test and become one of us. Spend your life out of these cruddy shacks. Instead, spend it in a comfortable home.” They may have conveniently left out of horrors of battle - and even though Leanne was knowledgable of this fact regardless - she continued on and eventually passed.

Leanne’s acceptance into the God Eater program - as with many - was a new beginning. With this new beginning, she began to shape her attitude. Drop the meekness, add more confidence, and become a beacon of hope! Or at least she attempted to. For the past few years Leanne has been attempting to play as a femme fatale type of individual to no avail. The day always begins with an overly-confident Leanne. Big, smug grin, confident stride, and an aura shouting, “I am ready for anything the world has to offer!” As the day progresses this attitude seems to slowly decay until Leanne is back in her pre-God Eater quirks: a tired smile, a quick shuffle from place-to-place, and a rather meek and modest cadence to her voice. Her battle style seems to shift during this personality shift as well: becoming a great asset in the beginning of the day, and a lost puppy of sorts as the sun sets. Her attacks turn less organized and more frantic; focusing more on “killing the ugly thing” than producing a plan.

Nonetheless, Leanne consistently displays herself as a competent enough fighter. While Leanne does not offer any unique niches to the table by any means, nor does she possess an above-average damage output over the course of a battle, she shows extreme confidence and proficiency with her charge spear in particular. Practically the only thing she is prideful of, Leanne is a self-proclaimed “maestro” of spear history - as specific and trivial that may be. Leanne specializes in close-range attacks with both her shotgun and spear, drawing the agro off of her allies for a lack of a better phrase.

ic opening

We have enough characters to start off the roleplay, but we're definitely open to more players if interested parties come in. The opening post will be up by Monday, latest. Thanks for submitting your CS's, everyone who applied! c:

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