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Fandom  ▸┆GOD EATER ﹙apotheosis﹚ ooc

Roleplay Availability
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A summary of your character here. It's much more important to me that you're able to convey a concrete idea of what you want to pursue for my roleplay. This also serves as a gauge on your abilities in the English language. Please keep yourself clear and concise; if you go past 750 words, that's way too much. Click the spoiler below to access the code. Simply post your application in the OOC! It is required to have your application approved before joining the roleplay.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed ullamcorper diam. Integer in urna eget sapien volutpat ullamcorper. Pellentesque purus tortor, fermentum quis finibus faucibus, finibus a ex. Vestibulum eget elit porttitor, volutpat purus sit amet, lobortis quam. Sed vestibulum sem et lacinia suscipit. Donec mi est, vestibulum et nibh ut, convallis egestas felis. Fusce tempor dictum nunc, et suscipit felis pretium at. Pellentesque venenatis nisi dolor, in interdum eros semper nec. Quisque vulputate laoreet nisl malesuada dictum. Sed fringilla nunc tortor, eget fringilla massa dictum nec. Donec id nulla maximus, dapibus odio ut, venenatis metus. Proin sed sollicitudin tortor, eget mattis arcu. Proin at finibus est, at convallis tortor. Donec urna felis, vulputate et feugiat et, suscipit et mauris. Maecenas faucibus, enim sed volutpat ultrices, lectus turpis fringilla lacus, in maximus nibh ante nec lorem.

Quisque vestibulum quam et ipsum vestibulum sollicitudin. Mauris fringilla dapibus ante, sed aliquam elit viverra nec. Aliquam ac ullamcorper purus. Donec consequat quam eget enim pharetra, quis pharetra ex sodales. Ut pellentesque rhoncus ipsum eu tristique. Maecenas placerat nunc est, a congue urna tempor vel. Quisque mollis convallis mattis. Curabitur a faucibus odio. Aliquam lacinia nisl et risus ornare, sit amet posuere orci pellentesque. Etiam commodo consequat sodales. Quisque nibh ipsum, congue ut tincidunt sed, rhoncus eu nisl. Cras feugiat, lorem eget ullamcorper dapibus, sem neque interdum felis, et semper augue dolor sed diam. Morbi tincidunt venenatis elit, ut lobortis arcu placerat sed. Cras enim eros, facilisis quis feugiat eget, tincidunt aliquam orci. Duis a congue purus. Sed et nunc risus.

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[size=14px][font=Roboto Condensed][b][color=transparent]mono[/color][color=white]# GEN[/color] [color=#a81616]MELEE / GUN[/color][/b][/font][/size] [div=
               margin-top: 15px;
               color: #b7b7b7;
               font-size: 13px;][font=Roboto Mono]A summary of your character here. It's much more important to me that you're able to convey a concrete idea of what you want to pursue for my roleplay. This also serves as a gauge on your abilities in the English language. Please keep yourself clear and concise; if you go past 750 words, that's way too much. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed ullamcorper diam. Integer in urna eget sapien volutpat ullamcorper. Pellentesque purus tortor, fermentum quis finibus faucibus, finibus a ex. Vestibulum eget elit porttitor, volutpat purus sit amet, lobortis quam. Sed vestibulum sem et lacinia suscipit. Donec mi est, vestibulum et nibh ut, convallis egestas felis. Fusce tempor dictum nunc, et suscipit felis pretium at. Pellentesque venenatis nisi dolor, in interdum eros semper nec. Quisque vulputate laoreet nisl malesuada dictum. Sed fringilla nunc tortor, eget fringilla massa dictum nec. Donec id nulla maximus, dapibus odio ut, venenatis metus. Proin sed sollicitudin tortor, eget mattis arcu. Proin at finibus est, at convallis tortor. Donec urna felis, vulputate et feugiat et, suscipit et mauris. Maecenas faucibus, enim sed volutpat ultrices, lectus turpis fringilla lacus, in maximus nibh ante nec lorem.

Quisque vestibulum quam et ipsum vestibulum sollicitudin. Mauris fringilla dapibus ante, sed aliquam elit viverra nec. Aliquam ac ullamcorper purus. Donec consequat quam eget enim pharetra, quis pharetra ex sodales. Ut pellentesque rhoncus ipsum eu tristique. Maecenas placerat nunc est, a congue urna tempor vel. Quisque mollis convallis mattis. Curabitur a faucibus odio. Aliquam lacinia nisl et risus ornare, sit amet posuere orci pellentesque. Etiam commodo consequat sodales. Quisque nibh ipsum, congue ut tincidunt sed, rhoncus eu nisl. Cras feugiat, lorem eget ullamcorper dapibus, sem neque interdum felis, et semper augue dolor sed diam. Morbi tincidunt venenatis elit, ut lobortis arcu placerat sed. Cras enim eros, facilisis quis feugiat eget, tincidunt aliquam orci. Duis a congue purus. Sed et nunc risus.[/font][/div][/div][div=
     margin-top: 25px;
     width: 100%;
     height: 15px;
     background: url(https://i.imgur.com/c9IErHn.jpg);
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Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
If you're unfamiliar with GE/Monster Hunter type games, there's usually people who are good at healing and will focus on it as the need arises, but for the most part everyone participates in dealing damage.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Personally, I'm unfamiliar with GE lore outside of the games, so this roleplay will be based primarily on GE:R and GE:RB. I'd recommend reading through the database thread instead.
Before asking questions, I'd say look through it! Many queries can be answered just by doing so.
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fluticasone fluticasone I would love to participate in this!

If its alright with you could we talk over PM about the character creation aspect and a specific idea I had?

“Maybe this is my fate. My destiny? Just let me do what I’m actually good at and leave me alone.”

Mathias Blumenthal, age twenty-one, is an Austrian God Eater who was shuffled off to the branch in Berlin during the beginning of his career before being transferred back into his home country to join the Vienna branch a year back. He was a bit confused about the transfer, but he was still grateful for being able to go back to the country that he was born and raised in. Not to mention, he was never able to get very comfortable in such a large branch and with having to deal with so many people everyday.
Mathias, though he often puts up a haughty front, is actually ball of nerves when heavy high expectations are placed onto his plate. He’s fine running through an important and critical mission. As long as he’s not the one organizing it or (god forbid) leading it, Mathias just concentrates on the objective and what needs to be done. But official leadership? He’d rather face down an aragami by himself (and probably die) than lead a whole squad by himself.

This, was likely the main reason why he was transferred back to Austria. The then twenty year old had the talent and brains to lead at least a small team, but much to the frustration of his superiors, he just panicked and lost focus when handed the responsibility as team leader. Even now, in a new environment with Galestrike (a Blood Art) under his belt, he can’t move past his anxiety.

Rather than leading, Mathias’ skills are more focused on quickly thinking on his feet and working off of what others give him. He’s much more suited to backing the leader up than taking the reins into his own hands. In fact, he often has trouble putting his own thoughts into words. How can he considered qualified to lead a team if he can’t give his team concrete directions?
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e v e Here is my app mono! this is as short as I can make the app okay don't judge It's more about the character than his great god eater powers. v - v;;
This is what happens when you're too noob in the fandom to dare to toe outside of what's given.
If anything is wrong with the lore (or the content itself) just shoot me in discord. >v>;;;
Lord save me bc I don't know how to organize things with more than one subject to cover
some info changes

Unfortunately, I've made some mistakes in the information thread. Specifically, the information about quick consume being scythe only. After playing with my brother's character, I learnt that boost hammers had a quick consume ability. From henceforth, I will now be operating under the assumption all weapons possess the option.

Lola's earned a reputation for being a delinquent officer and a star rebel. Oh, she has no issues with God Eaters; in fact, she has the utmost respect for them, considering she knows firsthand their hardships and struggles. No, her problem is the bureaucracy, the people who sit on their desks and give orders with no consideration for those down below. Growing up in the ghettos of a rundown base in south France lent the young girl a deep-seated hatred for Fenrir. The wall was perpetually in need of repairs, the God Eaters overworked and back when the red rain was a thing, her family had to scramble around the shack they called a house looking for dry spots where it wouldn't reach.

The only reason why she hasn't been dishonorably discharged from her post is due to her incredibly high compatibility with her God Arc and the Bias Factor associated with the third gen. Lolita knows this, and uses it to push her mini-rebellion acts to their extremes. It isn't surprising that she gets passed around on an almost quarterly basis, with many branch directors claiming they have too much on their hands to deal with a brat with no respect.

Despite the foulmouth and cocky attitude, Lolita has a profound respect for God Eaters and those she works with. She may gripe about your stupidity, or make a snide comment about your skills, but she'll always come to the rescue. Her reluctance to change (as evidenced by the minimal improvements on her God Arc) is both weakness and strength, but she's not difficult to sway provided you know which buttons to push. She likes old things, and instantly warms up to anyone like-minded, regardless of any past altercations. Lolita may be as finicky as the weapons she wields, but she's a force to be reckoned with once tempered to suit your needs.
fluticasone fluticasone
in wiki it says All Blood members are recorded as 3rd Generation God Arc users in the NORN. does that mean they can refill their ammo from violent gods?

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