Chitchat GMs and RPers that actually RP!!

I've found the best start to a RP is to find a core group of friends who will help and will certainly not quit. If you have that, then despite everyone else coming and going you will still be successful.
ChimpMan said:
I've found the best start to a RP is to find a core group of friends who will help and will certainly not quit. If you have that, then despite everyone else coming and going you will still be successful.
Well, If you're in need of an Interesting and Fun Rp whilst having a thing for Superpowers and such there's a lovely Rp known as AEGIS run by one of the wondrous Moderators Welian herself. She's just as lovely as the Rp itself and is more than dedicated to keeping it both interesting and active.

With a little help from an equally dedicated team of other Gm's.

All the players enjoy it quite a bit and we have a very large, diverse cast of characters!

It's not open as of this time, though I do believe she may be accepting additional characters some time upon August!

Meanwhile, though, feel free to check It out and possibly brainstorm any character idea's If the Rp actually catches your fancy. ^ _ ^

AEGIS: Training Facility 108

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It's sadly sort of how things tend to go. Every RP is its own risk when you invest- will you get a payout? Don't get me wrong, I am 100% with you because I took a long leave of absence from the site myself and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't largely due to my RPs dying. You put the time and energy into making a character game, you are psyched out, you are pumped up, and then come the messages (or worse none at all) that someone can't continue/needs to drop. UGH.

Some practical advice that helped me:

  • If you join a RP, scope out the other players. If the RP dies (and even if it doesn't) "follow" the reliable folks and see what future RPs they make or join. I don't want to tag anyone not in this thread and annoy them, but for example I follow @Elle Joyner because I know she sticks with the stuff she starts.
  • If you start a RP and it does, "follow" the folks that stayed with you until the bitter end.
  • Watch your feed and see what stuff the reliable folks make/join.
  • If you start a RP, don't be afraid to decline folks with sketchy posting history. Scope out other stuff they joined and if they bailed out after 2 posts you can guess what might happen if you accept them!
  • When joining a RP, don't be afraid to judge it based on who joins and how the GM is running it. If they have a rule they aren't enforcing (for example, requiring the applicants to follow a rule and accepting them even if they don't) you might be in for a rough ride. Do they have flakes you've seen before? Do they have any ideas for the plot other than "Elves are soooo cool?"

I've come back and I'm still not even sure what I want to join yet. Half of my friends have left the site so I'm starting from scratch. It's hard to evaluate what is going to go past the first couple pages and what RP will have stellar writers take their 30th "break" from RP and kill the game before you can blink. Not that you can't take breaks from RP, shit, I did, but it's so frustrating when you see something STELLAR and then it just IMPLODES immediately!

And don't get me started on RPs where 100+ posts in and you're still on the first day...
I'd like my first RP here to be one that will last. Does anyone know of any space westerns or space operas in the works? I like to get into an RP at the beginning.
@Syrenrei has the right of it. A lot of finding role players and game masters you like is just networking. I see @St Indigo is pimping my thread - what I suggest is that, although it's true I'm not accepting new players right now, that you go ahead and lurk through the RP and check out some of the users in there. It'll be like the Hitler game on Wikipedia (where you select a random article and click through related articles until you end up on Adolf Hitler's page), except you'll find someone nice at the end of the road instead of a genocidal dictator.
I will say I'm guilty of abandoning roleplays... BUT

I usually dont and if I join a roleplay I try to stick it out


there are some roleplays that once i make a character I realize i don't like it as much and I drop it

I'm usually pretty dedicated

It's just really hard sometimes
Hey all, I will reply to this later as I am off to work, though I will try to find some time inside of work to reply :3
I understand the feeling completely. Despite the times that IRL complications arise for me, I always try to commit myself into RPs that I've either created or joined. Now, I've just recently joined RPN like a few days ago, so it's hard to base off what I say with my statistics. But, I have RPed on other forums, like on and (well, the other section really. Not really interested in RPing in the actual Warrior Cats Universe). When I've joined or created RPs on other forums or via PMs, I would keep on going with it, even when I ran out of ideas and had to wing it. Then, some of the participants just... drop off the face of the Earth, thus, most likely, killing the RP! It gets frustrating, and I've even taking breaks from RPing cause of it.

But I always come back for more, because I just love to write, and playing either canon or OC characters interacting with other canon or OC characters being played by someone else. It's quite fluid and dynamic, which is something quite a bit different from just writing fiction/fan fiction by yourself.

On Skype, I actually do have a friend that I've known for perhaps 3 to 4 years now, and he's the type of guy who actually commits to his 1 on 1 RPs with me. We used to have a group, actually, but most of them are now in college or just graduated college and gotten jobs that take most of their time.

It's one of the main reasons why I've joined this site, to find and meet new friends to RP with, and hopefully stay committed to RPing, but I understand when IRL complications arise. It's nice if someone actually notifies you when something does happen, instead of just disappearing without a word.

Err... I apologize for my long ramble here, heh.
I, personally, am very picky about my RPs. 90% of my RPs have been ones I've GMed because of that pickiness. Yet most of them have fallen apart, perhaps I am too difficult a GM to get along with? Or perhaps I am unlucky or don't RP with the right people.
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Detailed - Revolt of the Outer Rim

Well, if you people are looking for a sci-fi role play, please do check this out. I know it's at pretty ambitous state, but it does look promising so far, and the lore's fairly intensive and flexible to all players.
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You have my word, Gradous. If you ever do decide to make a conversation, I will try my hardest to attend said conversation, or planning, either way, making RPs is one of my forte.

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