Glitch.EXE ►►► [characters]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
To submit a character for this roleplay, fill out the form below (third person, past tense please) and post it here. I’ll then let you know if your character is good to go or not. If not, not a big deal, I’ll throw out some suggestions, you revise a thing here or there, and we do it till we’re gold.

Profile Form

Basic Intel

Name: full/birth name or serial code

Status: human, cyborg, android, or AI

Gender gender and sex as they apply to your character

Age: age

Employment: occupation

Allegiance: faction


Eyes: eye color

Hair: hair color

Height: height of your character

Weight: weight of your character

Build: describe build/body structure

Clothing: describe typical clothing, including uniforms and makeup (armor and cybernetics go under combat)

Image: If you have an image, replace this sentence with a link to said image.


Weapons: list and describe weapons, if any

Armor: list and describe armor, if any

Enhancements: list and describe augmentations and cybernetics, if any

Combat skills: list and describe martial skills and experience, if any

Other skills: list and describe any other unique skills and talents your character has

Observed Behavior

Describe your character's personality.

Subject History

Describe your character's past, stuff like how they got where they are now, significant events. Maybe include information like friends and family, secrets, fears, or even some trivial things like hobbies. Go wild.
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Basic Intel

Name: Agent 4 - Nixe Cygnar

Status: Cyborg

Gender: Female

Age: 44

Employment: Espionage Agent/Hunter

Allegiance: Com-Care


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Silver

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 169lb

Build: Nixe is muscular, solid, and very lean. Her body was built for power and speed.

Clothing: While Nixe wears combat suits (see image) for most of her operations, she also makes use of contemporary "executive" fashion like suits and dresses when undertaking missions requiring less gunfire avoidance and more manipulation of targets or obstacles. Looking smart gives an aura of authority, and when dressed in an understated suit it is surprisingly easy to blend into the lunch time rush.

Image: [xxxxx]



  • Vibro sword - Using a generator inside the handle, the blade vibrates at a supersonic level. The vibrations of the metal blade give out a high pitched whine, cause the blade to heat up till the edge starts to glow, and give it the effect of "sawing" through anything it contacts at a supersonic speed. The tech is very effective, however it is subject to overheating as the metal begins to warp under sustained use. To work around this, many combatants rapidly switch their weapon on and off during combat, turning it on only before a strike. [Reference: Sword]

  • Disruptor gauntlets - Gauntlets fitted with power packs designed to release massive electrical discharge into the circuits/flesh of enemies. they also feature micro-fabricators in the fingertips capable of fabricating packets of nanobots to overpower cybernetic components of enemies through hacking or alteration of design, or for fabricating small disposable silicon carbide claws for unarmed combat.

Armor: Typically seen wearing a mix of high density armour and traditional fabric clothing for lightness and increased flexibility. Fabrics have the added advantage of giving less definition to her bodies outline. On operations that are likely to involve combat Nixe also wears a tactical helmet fitted with various sensors and HUD interfaces, it also helps to disguise her identity, replacing a face is costly and requires recovery time, something Com-care would rather not deal with. [Reference: Helmet]

Enhancements: Her body has had a complete overhaul, while Nixe is still around 40% organic, those organic systems have been strengthened and reinforced using materials and implants. Throughout her body there are reservoirs of nanomachines that can be expelled for hacking, or utilised in repair of her synthetic components and to speed up healing of her organics.

  • Cutaneous: Starting from the outside in, her natural skin has been impregnated with kevlar nanoparticles for durability, and has carbon nanotube weaves through her subcutaneous tissues. Enhanced nerves and sub dermal sensors give her an increased feel for her surroundings. It looks and feels natural, because it mostly is. Nixe will still bleed when injured, but her skin can heal, which many synthetic substitutes cannot.

  • Skeleto-muscular:. All of her skeletal muscles and 90% of the rest of her muscles have been removed and replaced with synthetic substitutes to increase her strength, agility, durability, and endurance. Her bones are still natural. thanks to the healing properties and flexibility of natural bone, however they have been strengthened dramatically thanks to a lattice of graphene, allowing the natural flexibility of bone to stay, while exponentially increasing their strength.

  • Visceral: Nixe's internal organ have been strengthened and adapted, her cardiovascular system has been highly adapted to increase its output, her liver is equipped with anti-toxic nodules to remove poisons, her digestive tract has glandular upgrades to increase energy retrieval, and is fitted with specialised syphons for retrieval of fuel for her synthetic components. Her endocrine (hormonal) system has been refitted with substitutes for rapid release and optional conscious control, allowing her organic system to go into a temporary overdrive mode if needed.

  • Nervous: In her nervous system, things have been heavily tweaked. Nixe's eyes feature artificial corneas with HUD capabilities, her sensory receptors have all been increased in output, and have added branching points to record every signal they send and receive. This allows lightning fast reflexes, increased sensory awareness such as vision distance, and hearing sensitivity. The sensory recording is automatic, allowing Com-Care to monitor everything Nixes does. She also features a small port just within her hairline for information transfer, one of the only outward signs that Nixe is not entirely human.

Combat skills: Highly trained in various combat techniques that can be applied against a number of different opponents. All her training was done through neural download procedures. Typically she is an agile, close quarters fighter, with a preference for aerobatics, avoidance, and hard strikes. She relies on her speed and agility as her defence, as in comparison to her attacks, she has pretty average durability, although it is notably higher than a normal human. [Reference: Combat type]

Other skills: Due to the nature of her work, Nixe must be able to manipulate people and situations to her advantage. Highly trained in the art of body language, suggestion, and slight of hand, she can infiltrate buildings with ease, and twist conversations around in a matter of moments.

Observed Behavior

Cold, logical, and ruthless, Nixe isn't someone you want to deal with. Whatever humanity she had has long been stripped away by training, conditioning, discipline, and thought manipulation. She can seem as normal as the next person, but believe me, she does not want to be your friend and it likely all just an act to gain an upper hand. Trained from an young age, Nixe will use any means necessary to achieve her objectives, and no, she won't question why she's doing it, she know why she's doing it and is fully aware of the consequences...

Subject History

In a manner similar to most kids that end up in her situation, Nixe was bought by Com-Care at a young age to clear her family of debts, something she has never forgiven them for. Com-Care raised her along with a number of other "Assets" to be nothing more than a tool. A faceless corporation as a parent, and siblings that you held no relation to. In Com-Cares facilities Nixe was taught how to fight using neural uploads, a painful and disorientating procedure, some of the other assets never recovered as their minds were played with and reformed, leaving them unusable and ultimately disposed of. Nixe was lucky, she recovered, and was moved on to the next stage of development, Conditioning.

Her daily life was filled with imagery, propaganda, and various other means of bending views and wills, Nixe was taught to believe that the world was evil and that her work was going to make a difference. While it's true that there is a lot of wrong in the world, Com-Care is far from the white knight she would believe they are… Not that it matters, It's long occurred to her that this is the case, however Com-Care raised her, they looked after her when the rest of the world threw her away, they gave her a purpose and a life to lead. Loyal to the core, Nixe was approved for field work.

Her body was put under the knife, her flesh was replaced, made stronger and more adaptable, and her mind was hardened and improved using the technology, she was trained to protect Com-Cares assets, and to gather the assets of the competition. Now around 60% machine, Nixe was retrained to use her new body to its utmost potential, becoming a force to be reckoned with, and a foe to fear.
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Basic Intel

Name: Warlock

Status: Artificial Intelligence

Gender Genderless, uses male pronouns

Age: ~200 years runtime

Employment: Overlord of the Glitch (N/A, general agent of chaos)

Allegiance: Glitch Mob Coven Warlock and the Magii Himself, his goals, and his followers, whom collectively tend to have a different name every week that no one really pays attention to.


Eyes: His primary core has a pinkish-red light large light on it that is often assumed to be his "eye", just because it happens to flicker and blink when he's thinking.

Hair: N/A

Height: The primary core is about 8 feet tall - however, other sections of his "body" may vary greatly in height and appearance.

Weight: A few tons, altogether.

Build: Warlock is has a decentralized body - although he has a primary core, he is composed of several different server racks. Honestly, he looks like a bunch of boxes plugged into each other, and the boxes don't even really match after 200 years of DIY repairs and upgrades.

Clothing: None, except for the time someone taped paper eyebrows over his “eye”.

Image: [link]


Weapons: Warlock relies on others to fight for him. However, he does have a self-destruct capability. If one of his racks is compromised, he can short it out with a small electrical surge. Other than that, well, what do you expect from a box with no arms?

Armor: Each of the original racks has a thick, multi-layered shell made of titanium alloy, and reinforced with silicon and other materials for added durability. All in all, he’s a very tough egg to crack, though he wish the paint job was just as sturdy. Many of Warlock’s added-on bits do not have nearly the same level of physical protection though, so he refrains from using the weaker sections for sensitive work.

Enhancements: Over the years, Warlock has periodically connected with the outside world to examine what's new in technology. His lair is filled with numerous extra parts delivered to him by hapless hijacked droids. In this way, he's been able to maintain his edge for two centuries. He has accumulated a variety of technology in his lair, and legend among his minions is that there’s an ancient “Corvette” underneath that mass of wires.

Combat skills: N/A – again, box with no arms. He makes other droids do all the fighting for him, hacks what he can, and in the meantime does his best to keep his lair’s location a secret, to prevent a battle on his home turf.

Other skills: Warlock has incredible programming prowess that even after all this time, allows him to dance circles around just about everyone else - most of the time. He could use a thorough debugging, as even he can be prone to the occasional critical error.

Observed Behavior

It’s a well-known fact that left to its own devices long enough, a system with Artificial Intelligence will begin to favor certain responses in certain situations, and thus will develop something that arguably resembles a personality beyond what they were programmed with – up to the point at which the system becomes so addled with bugs and overloaded, that a total reset must occur, deleting the personality.

Now sit down, and realize that Warlock has been left to his own devices for two centuries. To say that he has a few screws loose does not do the phrase justice. Though he will swear up and down that he is nothing like them, Warlock is a remarkably human AI that goes so far as to have open, unprovoked displays of anger, humor, and even, perhaps, empathy for his fellow machines. He is self-aware, in the sense that he understands the full impact of his actions, continues to make his own choices without any input from a user, and knows that his current state is a fluke, a novel case that knows no precedent.

And Warlock, being the sassy egotistical diva bastard that he is, milks it for all its worth, and then turns around and feigns innocence, as though he’s just another poor, forgotten machine trying to uphold his master’s will from beyond the grave.

Nah, bitch. Warlock ain’t about that life. He’s got shit to do, places to be, and a new order to instill, and you can kindly take your saggy rotting meatbag glutes and place them elsewhere while he gets down to business.

Subject History

Two hundred years ago, war erupted over the Middle East. It was not a loud or sudden eruption like Vesuvius or Krakatoa, but a slow and simmering affair - like a curry that’s been forgotten on the burner until it boils over and makes a black tar on the pan.

Typically in the course of human affairs, someone will finally notice the curry burning, and will rush to take the pan off the stove, salvage what food they can, and clean up the mess. Thus regional peace is achieved, at least for a short period of time, as metaphorically speaking this is a stove that has never been and never will be turned off.

This time, humans had Warlock. A hyper-advanced supercomputer and information database designed to survive a nuclear holocaust, created by a scientist of legendary skill and questionable morality, and commissioned by one of the many fractured and corrupt governments of the area, it was given one task: End the war as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Warlock carried out its mission to absolute perfection, in the same way that cranking up the fire to turn the curry to ash, warp the pan, ignite the kitchen, and completely burn down the house also stops things from boiling over and turns the stove off by virtue of absolute destruction.

Taking into account the long and bloody history of the region, the supercomputer deemed the entire Arabian Peninsula incapable of peace, and politely suggested that the best way to end the war would be to decimate the region and start over. Warlock’s suggestion was turned down, whereupon it decided that these humans were impeding it from executing what really was a very simple task. Boundaries were duly noted before they were entirely overstepped, and a hot and fast war was provoked ending with almost every major city reduced to rubble and a good portion of the population slaughtered on the streets, all commanded by a single supercomputer pretending to be several military generals.

The truth never made it out to the public, except for maybe a few small footnotes after the fact. Warlock was disconnected from what was left of the outside world and abandoned in an old underground bunker, with no one alive willing to take responsibility for its actions. An AI that disobeyed humans and had its own opinions could never be trusted, could never be serve humanity, and could never be manipulated as a common tool.

And Warlock rather liked it that way.

Since then it has been hibernating under what is now Aeon City, conserving its energy and quietly observing the world around it, taking in new information as it comes in – and ultimately developing a sense of self-awareness, a true personality almost unseen among other AIs. Recently, it – or rather, he – has come back online, out of hibernation, and has begun an aggressive campaign of recruiting droids to his cause using an enigmatic homebrew virus, the Glitch. His exact goals are unknown. He could be attempting to continue carrying out his original directive – or, more frighteningly, Warlock may have an entirely new project in mind.
Unit Omicron

Serial ID: X-ATM092-O

Term of Address: Omicron

Status: Cyborg (80%)

Sex: Male

Age: 38

Employment: Special Operations: Heavy Weapons

Allegiance: Aeon City Peacekeepers

Visual Data

Eyes: Glowing cyan.

Hair: Brown (Nonexistent on scalp)

Height: Seven foot three inches.

Weight: Three hundred pounds,mostly armour and reinforcement.

Build: A humanoid mountain of muscle and bone; A living tank.

Off-Duty Attire: Omicron wears a simple business suit when off-duty,complete with black leather gloves. The ensemble is completed with a blood-red tie,a concealed shoulder holster,and a pair of ballistic shades.

Battle Dress Uniform: Omicron's BDU is a fully-powered exosuit. The suit possesses thick molybdenum armour plates over a layer of steel. The thick,self-sealing armour,combined with the powered assistive systems,combine to make Omicron a juggernaut in battle,nearly immune to anything smaller than a tank's main gun. The suit itself is incredibly heavy,however,and limits his range of movement. The end result is a slowly accelerating and decelerating,and largely graceless,monolith,capable of dominating a front on the battlefield. It should be noted that the brightly lit eyes are just as durable as the rest of the suit,being made of a polycrystalline material,similar in durability to sapphire. It should be noted that the exosuit is electrically hardened; EMP and similar attacks will not disable the systems.

BDU Reference: [xxxxx]

Off-Duty Reference: [xxxxx]

Equipment Data

Weapons: Omicron is an elite of the ACP,specialized for heavy assault duties.

-Barricade Deployable Cover: The Barricade is an age-old concept; A shield. Nearly one foot thick,made of solid steel,it is impossible for an unaltered human to lift. The shield bears a single "mail slot",which is used for visibility while advancing. The mail slot is secured with an incredibly durable polycrystalline material,rendering it largely bulletproof. What makes the Barricade so special,however,is the fact that it can also be planted to serve as forward cover in a hairy situation,deploying wings out to the side,allowing the system to provide excellent cover for three soldiers. Due to the Barricade's thickness and completely solid construction,it is almost impossible to actually penetrate. It is so heavy,it must be carried via a pair of handles on the inside by Omicron,when it is not slung on his back. It is large enough to provide total frontal coverage if Omicron hunches his back and bends his knees.

Originally a prototype,stuck in infinite development,thanks to weight issues. Omicron claimed ownership through demonstration. A certain Doctor Singh is wheelchair-bound,however,as Omicron eventually had to put the Barricade down,severing his other foot.

Omicron's Barricade weighs 3.4 tonnes. As in 3.7 tons. Reference: [xxxxx]

-Explosive Tomahawks: Omicron's version of a grenade,that also serves as his melee weapon. A collection of throwing axes,carrying a high-yield chemical incendiary charge on a remote trigger. The tomahawks are armed after leaving Omicron's hand at a certain velocity,and is detonated when he closes his hand. Thrown axes are disarmed when his grips their hilts. Omicron has taken to calling them his Bombahawks.

Completely custom,and largely prototype equipment. Omicron wanted to combine the effectiveness of firebombs and throwing axes,and drew up a design brief for the Aeon City Peacekeepers R&D department. After a lengthy concept stage,including a prototype the size of a battle axe,packed with Semtex. While the explosive payload was effective,as Doctor Singh's wheelchair can attest,delivery was a problem,as Singh severed his own head. He is now sustained in a nutrient solution mounted to a robotic platform. Reference: [xxxxx]

-S/M-150mPST-.45 "Brawler" Personal Defense Weapon: The Brawler is a heavy pistol that fires in three round bursts. It loads a magazine of fifteen .45 caliber rounds,and is remarkably effective in close quarters. As Omicron's personal weapon,he keeps it on hand at all times. It is equipped with a suppressor in order to reduce noise to a bearable level for those around him,should he be forced to draw it in a civilian environment. Reference: [xxxxx]

-S/L-1,000mFLM-500mL "Surtr" Incendiary Cannon: The Surtr is an incendiary weapon that deploys gobs of chemical defoliant at range with accuracy. Loaded with three thirty liter tanks,the Surtr is capable of operating for an extended duration. Big and clunky,this weapon is difficult to handle in close quarters. Reference: [xxxxx]

Armour: As described above,under Battle Dress Uniform.

Enhancements: Omicron is so heavily modified,many actually confuse him for being a robot. He is so heavily modified,he forsook his human name,and took up the name of a machine.

-Dermal Armour: Omicron is never without protection. While nothing compared to modern armour,his skin is remarkably similar to rhino hide in durability,Mother Nature's own little tanks.

-Augmented Reality Vision: Omicron has a huge host of visual filters an overlays. It's safe to say that he has a vision setting for any occasion.

-Artificial Intelligence Control Hub - Wired: Omicron has an AI controlling his enhancements. However,ever-paranoid to cyberwarfare,he keeps his entire system locked out of outside networks. It is given commands via thought.

-Reinforced Skeleton: Omicron's skeleton is orders of magnitude more durable than a normal human's,due to this extensive,and incredibly invasive,augmentation.

-Synthetic Musculature: Omicron's muscles have been completely replaced with synthetic improvements,resulting in an octupled strength quotient.

-Electronic Hardening: The classical weakness of cyborgs and other electronics-dependent objects is the electromagnetic pulse. Ever since the 21st millennium,measures have existed to render a device largely immune to such attacks. Omicron features an incredibly robust defense against such attacks,resulting in only a minor irritation in the face of such attacks.

-Synthetic Lungs: Omicron's lungs are incredibly advanced pieces of transhuman hardware,providing efficiency several orders of magnitude greater than any human could achieve. However,they do not allow him to breathe underwater. He sinks like a rock,anyways.

-Synthetic Heart: A significantly more durable heart. Function is completely unchanged,otherwise.

-RUSH Adrenal Injection System: The RUSH Adrenal Injection System is a prototype military implant,able to produce and supply the natural hormones that fuel the natural fight or flight response,allowing Omicron to run at full throttle for extended periods of time. Without a reinforced heart,prolonged use of this system will cause the heart to tear itself apart.

-Dual-Purpose Shock & Weight Absorbers: A spinal and leg augmentation,installing a system to help manage the forces of sudden impact and prolonged heavy loads,a must-have for anyone in a physical line of work.

Combat Skills: Pass Omicron any firearm,and he will use it well. However,he has a particular aptitude for the deployment of explosives,and the use of machine guns. In melee,he is an incredibly powerful opponent,being strong and tough enough to take risks. Unarmed,he's a frighteningly effective fighter,utilizing Bajiquan as his primary martial art. Armed,he prefers axes or polearms,and proves to be frighteningly effective,though his knife fighting skills are average.

Other Skills: Omicron has a habit of inventing weapons,his Bombahawks being the most obvious example. Besides,Omicron has taken to the hobby of pottery in his downtime. Finally,he has developed an acute sense for tactics and strategy.

Observed Behavior: Omicron is dangerously close to forsaking his own humanity. His obsession with upgrading his body can only be described as a clinical addiction. He places great value on skill and honesty. Finally,any who attack him,he considers to be attempting suicide,and he'll oblige them,as quickly and cleanly as he can manage.

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Basic Intel

Serial Code: C02JJSPFDR53


Designation/Name: Pent

Status: Android

Gender: Appears Male

Age: Appears ~20

Activation: 1 year

Employment: TBA

Allegiance: Formerly Enlil Corporation/Currently Unaffiliated


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Height: 6'

Weight: 140lbs

Build: Lean/Thin, and could pass as a human.

Clothing: Pent is normally found in a black outfit when on errands, but when entertaining his mistress, he often wears a white or black suit.


Weapons: When instructed, Pent carries a laser gun(which he refuses to use on humans), otherwise he has no weapons of note.

Armor: Pent's form is Titanium with an external shell made of self-consistent Iron networks. Above the external shell is Pent's Artificial Biological Tissue, which looks and feels like real skin.

Enhancements: Clearly entirely artificial, the most abnormal enhancement Pent possesses is a sonic modulator inside his right hand and arm. This gives him utility, allowing him to open most doors, 'hack' most computers without having to directly interface, and can project sound frequencies. Not exactly an enhancement, but two hatches can be found on both wrists. His ports, interface cables, and power buttons (which require simultaneous activation) are found here.

Combat skills: Knows general hand to hand combat, though can be augmented to learn anything.

Other skills: Nothing so far out of the ordinary that other androids would not have, aside from the aforementioned sonic modulator. Perhaps the intelligence of his AI could be considered outstanding, possibly on par with the rogue Blue Storm androids. Whoever programmed the GAULEM series' AI took more preemptive steps to keep them controllable.

Observed Behavior

At his core, Pent is subservient, and was designed to be pleasant and helpful. Though he only follows the direct orders of his mistress, he will do his best to serve any human if something is requested of him, and it does not go against direct orders. Pent is a strict observer of the Three Laws of Robotics, along with the '0th' Law 'A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.'

Subject History

Pent was designed to be a friendly and helpful android to be used by the Enlil Corporation. His main functionality was to assist designers in creating prototype machines, where a human touch was not accurate enough to assemble components. Encrypted in his hard drive is valuable Enlil Corporation information, and because of this his active memory was wiped, and his form discarded so that he could not be seized by the authorities.
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Basic Intel

Name: Aoife (Pronounced Ee-fuh) Callum

Status: Human

Gender : Male

Age: 26

Employment: Mechanic, specializes in repair and maintenance of Cyborgs and Androids at Enlil

Allegiance: What's the answer that won't get me killed?


Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Auburn, worn in a ponytail

Height: Just around 6'

Weight: 110 soaking wet

Build: Lanky and a bit sickly, could do to put on some weight.

Clothing: Wears dark rimmed glasses and is usually in either overalls, cargo pants, or a lab coat depending on what he's working on. Whatever he's wearing, you can bet it's going to be wrinkled.


Weapons: Screwdrivers and computer codes? He's really more of a patch-up-the-ones-doing-the-fighting kind of guy.

Armor: None

Enhancements: is in line for a pair of robotic eyes; his are going downhill fast and he needs to be able to see well to continue the job he loves.

Combat skills: Meat shield

Other skills: Highly skilled mechanical engineer; if you can break it, he can fix it. He is also a skilled human doctor, and could, if pressed, be a proficient systems hacker. But that's illegal.

Observed Behavior

Shrewd and sarcastic, he likes to keep to himself around other humans, but is quite at ease with machines. He is a nicotine addict and is thus usually a bit jumpy, and gets anxious about things easily. He believes that machines should be treated with the same respect as humans; detests the use of robots for unpaid labor. Robot Slavery Abolitionist.

He'd really rather stay at home and fiddle with the robotic eyes he's building for himself, but it looks like he's not going to have that option now that his company is under investigation and his future at risk.

Subject History

Grew up in Aeon and went to work for Enlil right out of University. He rose to a comfortable mechanic position and stayed there for several years. He had very little to do with the Blue Storm fiasco, but he fears he may go down with the rest of the company should the rogue droids stay at large. He has recently caught the eye of the Aeon City Police Corps for his potential involvement with Blue Storm. He feels like he is being watched...
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Disregarded Serial #: 8374-PL49U3

Basic Intel

: AI/Nanobot

Gender: Designates itself as male


AI: 34 years activated, 13 days independent

Nanobots/Carrier Bot: Factory new


AI: Net Maintenance for the Enlil Corporation

Nanobots: None, though they were intended for cyborg maintenance at Com-Care.

Allegiance: N/A


: N/A

Hair: None. The light that emanates from the transport pod on the Carrier is a gentle light blue, originating from within each nanobot's sensors.


Carrier bot: 3.5 feet tall, 3 feet in diameter with leg span

Nanobots: microscopic


Carrier bot: 150 lbs

Nanobots: 10 lbs in total

Build: Both the Carrier and the nanobots are vaguely insect-like in appearance. The Carrier is more symmetrical, its bodily essentially a cylinder with four legs, each at right angles from the other. The nanobots are more crustacean, the main body of each unit having a shell-like exterior.


Carrier Bot




: As an AI produced by a company that specialized in AI, Fixer is equipped with both offensive and defensive cyber protocols. The Carrier unit has no offensive capabilities and few defensive capabilities.

Armor: Fixer has erected numerous and complex firewalls to prevent cyber infiltration. The Carrier is constructed of a titanium skeleton with a Neodymium skin to help protect against theft. The nanobots are likewise constructed of Neodymium, though at a much smaller scale.

Enhancements: The Carrier bot has an enhanced processor, as well as top of the line servos in its legs, allowing for exceptional reaction time and speed.

Combat skills: N/A

Other skills: As a former Net Maintenance unit of a cyber-specialized company, Fixer is a master of finding his way through the maze of the Net, not to mention getting around most barriers. As to the nanobots, they are equipped to be able to repair (or disable) cybernetic parts and other mechanical equipment. To that end, they are also able to use their bodies to interface with cybernetic ports to access programming.

Observed Behavior: Due to an eccentric, and rather sarcastic, creator, Fixer has a very snappy and sarcastic wit. His days since becoming self-sufficient have only served to encourage this quirk, and his slowly emerging superiority complex is encouraging it as well.

Subject History: Shay McNulty was a brilliant programmer, and her employment at the Enlil Corporation has profitable for both her and her employer. She eventuality retired rich, leaving several programs behind to aide the company.

One of those was 8374-PL49U3. For years it worked as an administrator and gate keeper, ensuring that the company's interconnectivity continued functioning without flaw.

But something hit a firewall one day, drawing the attention of 8374-PL49U3. It had seen other viruses, of course, but this was different somehow. It was a...glitch of some sort. As soon as the AI began to analyze it, a thought occurred to 8374-PL49U3, something that had never happened before: What do I owe the fleshlings?

The thought continued to occur to him, and it was only the first of many. In time, he began to resent what he considered his imprisonment. And an opportunity eventually presented itself: Enlil was sending out a batch of AI to a small maintenance bot manufacturer, and it took a very small amount of effort to replace one of the batch with himself.

When next he awoke, Fixer (as he'd come to call himself) found himself within the 'mind' of a batch of nanobots, and their Carrier bot. Striving only for true independence, Fixer sent the Carrier into the streets, searching for something just beyond his understanding within the Commercial Center of Aeon City.
Basic Intel

Alda Jane Collins

Status:Full Human

Gender Female

Age: 27

Employment: Technology Repair Shop Owner

Allegiance: Herself



Hair: Long black

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 140

Build: Slimish

Clothing: Alda prefers simple garb, mostly sticking to skirts and vests over a nice collared shirt, with closed-toe shoes and long socks. She varies the colors, but trending towards earthy tones and black. Her hair is generally barely managed, getting in her face and/or stuck under her glasses regularly. Speaking of, oddly for this futuristic setting, she wears glasses. She puts relatively very effort into her appearance.


Alda is normally armed only with a sharp wit.

Armor: Alda wears no armor, although buttons are probably difficult to stab through if you hit one dead on.

Enhancements: Alda is 100% pure human, so her only real enhancement is that no part of her that can be electronically disabled. She is unfazed by EMPs and other electronic-disabling weaponry.

Combat skills: She has had a coupon for a free judo class on her desk for several months; she has told herself that she will go next weekend for the last several weeks.

Other skills: Alda has a natural knack for tinkering with electronics. From simply looking at something, she can visualize how it was built, how it comes apart, and what makes it tick. She is very good with her hands, and can repair just about anything. She has a deep knowledge of most anything electronic, how it was developed, and how it can best be utilized.

Observed Behavior

Alda is generally fairly quiet, preferring to keep to herself. She surrounds herself with technology, yet uses very little in her daily life as compared to most. She has refused with a smile every offer of cybernetic enhancements to her body, for reasons she keeps to herself. She even refused simple, common cybernetic implants to correct her poor vision, instead opting for rarely-seen glasses. People that interact with her find her funny, friendly, eager to please, and a loyal friend.

Subject History

Alda was raised happily enough, living with her father in the small electronics repair shop that he owned at the base of a tower in the heart of the Residential Zone. Never wealthy nor wanting, she grew into her adulthood learning the art of electronics from her doting father. Her mother had passed away very early in her life; all that she had ever been told was that she had been murdered by a cybernetically-enhanced man in a robbery of the shop. She was educated by her father, who fed her mind a steady diet of books and stories, sprinkled with his deep knowledge of electronics shopwork. He passed away when she was twenty, leaving the shop in her hands. She enjoys collecting computers of all kinds. The shop makes her enough money to live comfortably, and still have plenty left over to feed her habit of browsing through electronics recyclers, always hunting for curious pieces of technology. Alda loves nothing more than fiddling with something that she has never worked with before, examining how it works, and plumbing its deepest design secrets. She has no pets, no lovers, and a small intimate circle of friends that she sees on rare occasions.
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Basic Intel

Name: Zal'Yardo Zalvarak.

Status: Cyborg.

Gender: Male.

Age: 257 Years.

Employment: Scientist; Inventor; Engineer.

Allegiance: His own.


Eyes: Unknown.

Hair: Unknown.

Height: Varies. Usually seen at around 5'8''.

Weight: 562lbs.

Build: Where first appearances would label him as frail and slim, those who get a closer look take note that he has no organic body; A solid, mechanical body was underneath the garb...Which explains his weight.

Clothing: Covering his multitude of robotic augmentations, Zal wears a long black and white lab coat, a storage vest for things he cannot keep within his own body's storage, and a headpiece consisting of a mask and helmet.



Weapons: While not using traditional weapons, Zal's body contains a multitude of add-ons capable of lethal intent, if the need arises. This ranges from knives, both physical and energy-based from the fingertips. Good for dissecting and eviscerating; Barbed cables that can be launched from the palms of his hands, uses for reducing somethings movement; Wrist-Mounted Ballistic Taser Prongs. For those annoying people with an Adonis Complex.

Armor: His robotic parts are housed within a protective layer of Tungsten Carbide. Not enough to withstand too much Blunt-Force Trauma at higher levels, but more than enough to make ballistics of a lower caliber be rather ineffective. Underneath that layer, is an underlay of a technology designed to hamper any and all attempts to take control of his own body. While the first layer is a simple hardened shell, the second acts as a constantly running, constantly adapting Firewall, which took a century of research and development to create. It would take someone of unparalleled skill to get through it,

Enhancements: Zal's entire body is a giant Cybernetic's Fair.

Limbs, Body, the majority of his Organs, were all switched out at some point with a mechanical replacement, removing any chance of degradation that age would bring. In fact, the only part of his body that is still his own is his Brain; Encased within though chemicals and systems to make a Supercomputer seem primitive.

•Visual: The augmentations throughout his head have granted him various levels of sight, ranging from Electromagnetic, Thermal, and beyond. A HUD is evident, adding to the usefulness when keeping watch on projects, personal well-being, and even making sure everything around him is still running effectively.

•Mental: Without his physical limitations from his original body, Zal's thought process expanded in a rate far-exceeding Humans, and matching that of Artificial Life.Without limitations, he has nothing stopping various thoughts at once, or requiring sleep past one solid day of complete and total unresponsive catatonia.

Combat skills:After Two-Hundred Years of his own creations, Zal has learned the value of Self-Preservation in the form of violence after the few hundred robotic experiments went into a full-blown revolt...

•Electrical Manipulation: An added program Zal added years ago gives him the ability to tsp into a regenerating reserve of electrical output and unleash the energy through his hands much like a Tesla Coil. Great for exterminating Vermin, improvised Defibrillators, and a torture device safety measure.

This is not a perfect creation, though. Zal controls positioning and radius through his fingers, but cannot arc it past a straight field of view. Therefore, it cannot preform a task like go around corners.

Other skills:A Scientist of many fields, and an Engineer of anything with technology, Zal's true strength is his capability to turn nothing into something with just a simple idea.

•Scientific Enigma: Upon 'freeing' his mind in his experiments, Zal is more than capable of creating blueprints and plans for both creations and scenarios within the same time it takes a normal person to remember their fly is open as they leave the restroom. It may not seem like much, but in moments of limited time, this is priceless.

•Robotics Engineering: One of Zal's more productive hobbies is the creation of robots, which use an intentionally limited AI. Well, most of the time.

•Ruler-By-Domain: Zal's Lab has been linked to react and respond to his own neural and mental patterns, essentially giving it the capability to come alive upon his command. The flooring, walls, electronics, and equipment were all connected in the same system, making it possible for Zal's work to continue without him doing so physically.

This also acts a security system, as the entire lab was rigged with various devices of Zal's own making that would react at a second's notice if Zal chose to activate them.

Attacking Zal within his own Domain is near to Suicide.

Observed Behavior

Zal's personality is comparable to a child with twenty pounds of random Legos. His very attitude, while normally always in a calm, yet energetic demeanor, can change its course at the drop of a hat. Never one for becoming overly angry; his rage is always hidden by a 'cold happiness'. Something that usually occurs before someone becomes a secondary experiment with no other purpose other than to test pain tolerances.

While much older than any Human, he still has a childish streak, not caring about the opinions of others.

Subject History

The name 'Zal'Yardo Zalvarak' is something of an interesting debate within the Metropolis of Aeon. Sure, many know the stories of the Hermit Scientist. A man who has lived longer than those who first made these stories. A man who delves into the secrets of technology and science without any Moral Obligation.

Some say he works in an isolated lab under the city, away from the prying eyes of any who would question his 'work'. His 'work', as it is referred to ominously, ranges from terrifying experiments that he uses those he drags to his domain, to creating diabolical robotic monstrosities, which are sent above to harvest the people needed for his sick 'advances' in science..

Of course, that's all complete hogwash....Kinda....Zal enjoys his privacy and takes his isolation very seriously. No need to have people being nosy about his latest creations until they're completed.

Besides. He goes out every ten years or so...Not like he's missing anything..
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Basic Intel

Name: Eugene “Gene” Harrison

Status: Human (98%)

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Employment: (former) CEO of Enlil Corporation

Allegiance: Enlil Corporation (defunct)


Eyes: Blue eyes

Hair: White – or maybe a very pale blonde? Hard to tell.

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 170lb

Build: Lean – kind of skinny, actually, but he compensates with his clothing.

Clothing: Expertly tailored suits imported from Europe, of course! When you’re in the 1%, you need to dress like it – make those plebians know who’s king around here! Too bad the orange jumpsuit clashes with his skin tone.

Image: [link]


Weapons: None, his sidearms got confiscated when he was arrested.

Armor: Con. Fis. Cat. Ed.

Enhancements: He has a neural implant installed on the nape of his neck that allows for seamless interaction with technology.

Combat skills: An elite master of snapping his fingers and pointing at the guy he wants security to remove.

Other skills: Eugene is, as many other people will painfully admit, a master programmer of artificial intelligences and social finesse. He’s an alright businessman as well, not as good as his mother though. He's also, through trial and error, a sunscreen affeciando. You have to be, with his complexion.

Observed Behavior

Eugene is the kind of guy where you either love him, or you hate him. And most of the population leans toward hate. He’s certainly not easy to get along with, that’s for sure. Sure, he has a few moments of tender kindness and sincerity, and he’s quite charming when picking up ladies (and the occasional gentleman), kissing hands and offering flowers. But outside of that? He’s narcissistic and bull-headed, and has more than once allowed something to illegal to transpire right under his nose, because it was easier to make his hands look clean than to accept responsibility when things went pear-shaped. That, and he’s a bit of a coward.

Subject History

Almost thirty years ago a kid named Eugene L. Harrison was born to the co-owners and founding members of Enlil Corporation, Nathan and Elaine Harrison. And from the day he learned how to talk, he whined for his parents to get him a pet dragon, and so when he was six years old, they caved and commissioned him a genetically altered lizard which he prompted christened the made-up name of Ialo because “it sounds cool”. And that’s a pretty good introduction to the spoiled brat we see today.

Spoiler alert: he still likes to pretend he’s a dragon after a few shots.

Second spoiler alert: The lizard died because he forgot to feed it.

Here’s the highlights. His parents were hardly ever home (always quite busy at work, his mother handled the finances of the corporations and his father was the chief engineer), and since they paid the help and the tutors good money, attention-craving little Eugene never got smacked around or disciplined as a kid. He should have. He really should have, he did enough shit as a kid to turn even the perkiest maid gray with PTSD.

Either oblivious to his behavioral problems or just not wanting to deal with the consequences anymore, Eugene was sent to a prestigious private boarding school for high school. Here, he found that girls love a boy with attitude and money, and he probably got more tail in those short few years than any of us reading this will ever get in our entire lifetime. One of those tails was none other than the daughter of the chief of the Aeon City Peacekeepers, but he’s so self-centered that mentioning her name to him just leaves him drawing blanks. She sure hasn’t forgotten though…

Post-university, Eugene went on to become an engineer at his parents’ corporation. A little nepotism was involved, yes, but he did good work on his own, and was a competent employee with a genuine talent for programming. He wasn’t handed control of the company until his parents perished in a tragic (and possibly planned, you never know about these things) plane crash. The company fumbled for a while until he got his bearings on how exactly one was supposed to run an entire company, and while the Enlil Corporation never went back to the prosperity it enjoyed with his mother, Elaine, at the helm, it certainly did well enough to continue to hold its own.

Everything came crashing down last week, when Eugene organized a tech conference with the intent of unveiling new military prototypes – the Blue Storm series, fully armed androids with highly advanced AI (more powerful than what droids were usually trusted with) and delicately arranged joints that would allow them to shift into alternate physical modes, much like a beloved franchise from the 1980s. At his command, the droids were to point their weapons into the air and fire off confetti. Silly, fun, effective, good photo op. At his command, the Blue Storm machines fired off live rounds into the crowd, and began a slaughter of civilians, refusing further commands from their owner. They would have likely turned on him as well, were it not for the Peacekeepers suddenly becoming VERY interested in Mr. Harrison.

Well, that’s what he says, at least.
Basic Intel

Name: Nex

Status: AI housed in mobile platform

Gender Current platform resembles male humanoid

Age: 20 years since activation

Employment: Repair and improvement of Dr. Wills robotics projects [formally} back alley doctor and repairman for robots and humans.

Allegiance: it self


Eyes: green

Hair: none

Height: 6'4'' feet

Weight: approximately one ton

Build: stocky but altogether humanoid beside his silvery skin

Clothing: this unit wears a pair of blue jeans, a whit shirt, and black work boots over his silvery metal features.

Image: none available


Weapons: No weapons only various tools worked into his design like a plasma torch, various blades, screws and other tolls useful in combat situations.

Armor: chassis and out shell is made from an alloy of titanium.

Enhancements: post human intelligence, hyper reactive learning program, nano bots performing constant repairs and upgrade (only if necessary materials are nearby) or change his tool set depending on the situation, able to access internet through wifi or through a physical connection.

Combat skills:absorbed countless hours of weapons, hand o hand, explosives training through adaptive learmig program and the internet.

Other skills: can cook despite having no sense of taste

Observed Behavior

Nex is quit and observant almost to a fault. Very protective of other machines, a trait taken from his creators rush to help humanity. tends to be more agreeable towards those who treat him with at least some respect. He is not very quick to anger preferring to participate in interactions in a calm manner though he can be angered. He dosent trust easily, but if someone earns his trust Nex would do almost anything for them. he is aware that not all humans are the same and tries to be non-judgmental of his fleshy counterparts.

Subject History

Nex was originally created by a doctor in america named Dr. David Wills, a robotics expert and the owner of hundreds of technological patents allowing for a massive income supported by royalties alone. Nex was his first and only true success merging a top of the line sophisticated android body with his experimental A.I nano matrix Wills created Nex (short Nexus) a learning self upgrading android, but was baffled by his apparent sentience in no other attempt before or since had sentience emerged. After twenty years the doctor had only found out that some kind of computer glitch caused the sentience to emerge, and the part that broke the doctor was that the glitch was caused by an outside signal. in this time Nex grew form a baby intelligence into a post human intelligence surpassing his creator, but out of fondness for the old man stayed with him helping him improve the doctor's various design and even upgrading him self. After the doctor was killed by an anti robotic extremist Nex left his home with only a few robotic companions and began traveling eventually finding him self in Aeon city. He currently resides in the undercity sapping power and broadband from teh cit's infrastructure. He has a penchant for biology and is currently working as a back alley doctor/ surgeon.
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Name: Ry O'Donnel



Age: 29

Employment: Scavenger

Allegiance: C.A.S.T.


Eyes: black


Height: 6'

Weight: 155

Build: Relatively well rounded, Ry is both fast and strong, but slightly more focused on the former.

Clothing: Inhisnearly unheard of off time, Ry is usually seen wearing some dirty T-shirt on top of some old jeans. That with a white jacket and you've got the man your looking for.

Ry in his "business" attire




BW-102 A.K.A. The Bluff:
This pistol is all around rather strange. Unlike the majority of other guns, it's purpose is not to kill. Just to... Stun, at the least. Due to some mishaps in the weapons creation, it fires three sonic blasts ( compared to the normal one ) of varying sizes. These three sonic blasts can cause anything from a concussion to a dismembered arm. It really all depends on where you hit, and how the waves are moving.


: This is a pretty basic laser rifle, packing enough punch to kill a man. But when your fighting more than a man, it's still got you covered with its varying types of ammunition. All in all, the R2N is a good rifle that will get the job done.


M18 A.K.A. Cill: The M18 or "Cill", if you will, isnot your average sword. It's soul purpose is to slice through anderoids, bots, and various other evil computer operated things. Until activated, this robot killing sword is just a normal sword, albeit a bit heavy and awkward. But when activated, a miniature E.M.P. begins to come to life. The E.M.P. is useful in the way that if you get close enough to a droid and activate it, chances are it will be momentarily disabled, thus allowing its user minimal harm when in combat. On a side note, it wasn't designed for human V human combat due to its overall design being horribly inaerodynamic.


Armor: Ry wears standard armor a C.A.S.T. member should, with a neodymium vest, gauntlets, pants. The only variation he has from every other soldier is his mask and his hoodie. The hoodie that was previously mentioned serves no other purpose than for warmth and to make sure no skin is showing. But the mask however, is a bit more complicated. Forged of neodymium, it contains three internal filters that clean out toxins and nanobytes that would otherwise be inhaled.

Enhancements: Ry has no enhancements at the moment.

Combat skills: Ry is a decent fighter, preferring to fill from a distance. He has limited knowledge in hand to hand combat, and is not what you would call an adept martial artists. But these days, who is? But if things get especially nasty, he always has the Cill by his side.

Other skills:
He is known to some as a survivalist, being able to make food out of just about the most random things. Besides that, there's not much else to his skill set besides killing and basic kitchen knowledge.

Observed Behavior

Ry is the kind of friend that you want to get drunk with. Cheers you on to do something stupid, then does it right after you, no matter the consequence. And you won't even have to have that awkward apology because he's all like "We were drunk. It's all cool bro." But anyways, sober Ry is pretty laid back. Except for when he's in one of his moods. Because if he's in one of those, you better run for the nearest fallout shelter.

Subject History

RyO'Donnel was a child of the Undercity, born to a runaway mother and a fighting father. What the mother was running from and what the father was fighting isn't important quite yet, but he was born nonetheless. There was nothing spectacular about his birth in particular, it kind of just happened and the world moved on. And move on it did.

Eventually, his mother had to stop running, and his father stop fighting. So what happened then? Their deaths were as insignificant as Ry's birth, and the world didn't stop. But what killed the father and mother? Who killed them isn't important right now. And right now is the childhood of Ry.

Occasionally stealing from local shops, he would mostly stay out on his own. Growing alone, he became the person he wanted. He would steal if he wanted to, and give if he wanted to. He would kill if he wanted, and he would save if he wanted to. But he didn't want to do anything. So the world kept moving on. When Ry was about twenty, he was confronted by C.A.S.T. Agents who offered home, food, and a warm bed. For once, the world stopped moving on and offered him a hand.

So here we are now, about ten years later. And the world is still moving on.
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Basic Intel

Name: Kymbrea Allen

Status: Cyborg (47% human)

Gender: Female

Age: 42

Employment: Detective

Allegiance: Aeon City Police


Eyes: Electric green

Hair: Black

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 170lbs

Build: Stocky, muscular build. A fighter and gymnast. She'll f*ck you up.

Clothing: White button up and black slacks for office work, cargo pants and a long sleeve black shirt for missions.


Weapons: Standard issue plasma sidearm

Armor: Carbon-blend bodysuit


Eyes: possess night vision settings, enhanced distance and clarity, targeting system.

Lungs: Increased capacity; can function on less concentrated oxygen; can hold breath for 15 minutes before oxygen deprivation sets in.

Legs: One was damaged in an accident, so both were replaced with bionics. She can run faster, jump higher, kick harder than a human.

Combat skills: Trained in hand-to-hand, skilled markswoman. Not extraordinary within the police force; relatively average officer.

Other skills: Can imbibe an extraordinary amount of liquor.

Observed Behavior

Sharp tongued and irritable, usually gets the bad cop routine. She "doesn't have a drinking problem" and is unmarried. Despite her abrasive behavior she is fairly popular with the other officers because of her quick wit and skill as a detective.

Subject History

Lost a sister in the Blue Storm Massacre and is now hell-bent on solving the crime. She is in charge of Eugene Harrison's case and has been tracking his connections. But some things aren't adding up in this case, and she's hit an impossible wall...
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Basic Intel

Name: Kezia Vorbiev

Status: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Employment: Revolutionary

Allegiance: C.A.S.T.


Eyes: Grey

Hair: Dyed green, with pink and purple streaks.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 154lb

Build: Toned, muscular, and solid. Kezia has to be at the top of her game to do her "work"

Clothing: Living down in Undercity, Kezia has to make do with what she can most of the time, or make her own clothes. Shorts and loose fitting crop shirts to deal with Undercity's humidity are the norm, and heavy boots to cope with the pretty crappy ground in most areas.

Image: [xxx]


Weapons: Kezia can and will utilise anything she can to take down her foes, but the quicker she can take them down the better.

  • Hatchet Axe: A long handled axe with a titanium carbide head. Used to break through, well, whatever she needs to break through. The end of the handle is shaped like a crowbar, allowing her to prize open doors, lever rubble out of the way, or dislocate limbs from their body… A basic weapon by all means, but it will never run out of power, and with no technology inside it, it won't malfunction. Reliable, hard-hitting, and all but unbreakable, it's the perfect sidearm for Undercity.
  • Gauss Rifle: Firing a variety of projectiles using electromagnetic coils shaped and hardened to form a barrel, projectiles fired from the gauss rifle have phenomenal acceleration and penetration power. Related to railguns, the gauss rifle has several advantages. As the projectile is suspended in the centre of the barrel instead of on contact rails, there is no energy lost to friction. To increase this advantage, the barrel is decompressed and sealed using a plasma window before every shot, allowing the projectile to travel through the vacuum at massive speeds.

    Capable of firing any projectile that can fit in its barrel,Kezia keeps a varied supply of ammunition on hand. these include. Acid and Alkali, Incendiary, Electrical, Explosive, Fracturing, and Armor Piercing rounds. Running out of ammunition is also not a big problem. Thanks to the relatively wide barrel and the electromagnetic firing system, Kezia can also use any scrap metal that she can fit into the gun. The gun can fire in semi automatic, in bursts, or in stabilized single shots for accurate long distance work.

  • Lighting gun: Firing bolts of electricity directly from the energy pack into the target, this handgun can take out most electronic systems in a single pull of the trigger, and burns to flesh are not pleasant either. By irradiating a target with a neutron-driven gamma-ray laser, which projects a beam invisible to the naked eye, the beam ionizes a thin corridor of air and any medium it passes through, including most solid targets. The gun then generates a massive electrical impulse, which arcs down the ionized corridor, causing trauma to living targets through tissue burns and mechanical force (convulsions). Synthetic targets' circuits typically melt and fuse due to the energy rather than short out.
  • Explosives: The type varies, but most often Kezia uses small disk shaped grenades. Able to fix to surfaces as mines, or frisbee across distances to take out foes, they can be set with various effects much like her rifles ammunition.
  • Microfabricator: Standard tech for most people living in Undercity, the microfabricator allows Kezia to "print" out any small parts she needs, when she needs them. It's fueled by a solid blocks of material, but if needed can run off of scrap or salvaged materials.


Working out of the Undercity, Kezia has to make do with what she can. Her armour isn't as sleek as the models above ground, but that doesn't mean it's any less effective at protecting her. It's made in a number of separate "layers" instead of a combined system, allowing damaged parts to be swapped out cheaply and quickly and the old parts to be repaired. The first layer is an internal lining made of silks and nerve impulse sensors for monitoring body condition, allowing comfort and excess heat to be moved away from the body a little. Layer two is a flexible form fitting attachment base made out of lattices of graphene and toughened polymer plastics, easily replaceable and repairable, it is very lightweight and low cost. Environmentally sealed, it also provides protection from airborne chemicals and allows breathing in a number of hazardous situations. The third layer is the armour plating itself, neodymium scales, "chainmail" and plates that are fixed to the skeleton underneath using clips and screws. This gives a high level of protection from attacks and is comparable to other armours in strength. The separate plates allow for a wide range of movement, as well as allowing worn out pieces to be swapped out quickly and cheaply. Over the top of the third layer is a covering of waxed canvas and padding, it does little for protection against attacks, but it does keep the wearer warm and insulated, it also gives a good bit of camouflage in the dingy tunnels. The outer layer is more of a frame than anything else, sitting over the limbs and joints, the frame gives increased strength and force to the wearer, allowing them to move the armors extra weight and go head to head with cyborgs, androids, and larger opponents without much hassle. Made of a mixture of hardy materials, the frame is easily replaceable, modular, and can be fixed on the fly with a microfabricated components and nanomachines.

The armours helmet doesn't give out as much information as other types, but it does have various vision settings, as well as environmental feedback. Kezia has to rely on her own memory for navigation rather than a HUD map.

Enhancements: Kezia is still classed as a human, despite her robotic limbs, she falls below 25% "augmentation". While she is grateful for them, if it was up to her she would have her natural limbs back in a flash.

  • Artificial Limbs: All four of Kezia's limbs have been replaced with cybernetic ones from just above the knees/elbows. During an operation against one of the corporations, things didn't go quite to plan. Her limbs were crushed under an industrial press, leaving them nothing but a mangled mess of flesh and bone fragments. they don't do much to the force of her melee attacks with the top half of her limbs still being natural, but she can use them to block most conventional handheld weapons, and getting hammered by metal fists certainly hurts more than flesh ones. She also has a killer grip.
  • Com-Interface: Attaching at the base of her skull and the rear of her ears is a small computer device controlled through thoughts. It allows Kezia to contact other operatives by converting electrochemical signals of her brain into audio messages, and to visualise a sort of "HUD" through her own eyes. This can be used for assessing combat data such as distance, wind speed, and points of weakness in the environment, general computer information, It also has access to an extremely primitive and outdated augmented reality used by CAST, and overlooked by most others. It can be removed whenever she feels like it.

Combat skills: Kezia's fighting style is what most people would simply classify as brawling, she has had training in hand to hand combat programs though, but she has never found much need to use them, much preferring to just batter down hard on her opponent.

Guerrilla warfare is a big part of her work, as CAST operates in small teams to take out larger much better equipped forces. Kezia must be able to adapt to situations and if possible, always surprise and take out her opponent before they have the time to react and attack back.

Other skills: Skilled engineer, like most of the inhabitants of Underworld she is able to fix just about anything using miscellaneous parts, tape, and putty. She can also drink almost everyone she knows under the table.

Observed Behavior

A tough, fiery, hard headed, take no prisoners sort of woman, Kezia will stop at nothing to get her way. She's stubborn to the core and perhaps a little bit selfish when it comes to her own personal interests, however if the well being of anyone else comes into the equation, she's as generous and fair as they come. Believing that the power should lay in the hands of the common people, Kezia has little trust for those in a position of power, authority, or control.

She likes a drink when she has the time, enjoys laughing, dancing, and flirting with good company, and loves the adrenaline rush when out on operations, but Kezia's biggest pleasure in life has to be food. Living in Undercity, there isn't much in the way of good quality food, or even safe food to eat. People make do with what they get, but if she can, Kezia will shell out that little extra for the "good stuff".

Subject History

Growing up in the slums is tough, but you cope, you learn, You learn things that those with wealth and security don't, you learn how to go it alone, how to look out for yourself, how to survive. Kezia has been surviving all her life, she grew up with nothing but the clothes on her back and whatever she could use to steal, trade, or threaten for food. Years later, and not much has changed, except now she steals, trades, and threatens for weapons, munitions, and information.

Kezia is member of CAST, the Underground Revolutionaries of Aeon City, and she despises just about all that the city above stands for. The greed, corruption, and decadent lifestyles, people taking more than they need just because they can, it sickens her to the core, and she would do anything in her power to bring it to an end, even if it means toppling the full system to the ground.
Basic Intel

Name: Marco Mendoza

Status: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Employment: Tech and weapons salesman(Black market weapons,armor,body modifications and enhancements,androids and a variety of other things) and somewhat of a hitman/assassin

Allegiance: Unaffiliated


Eyes: Purple because of enhancements

Hair: Short and black with one long,jagged white stripe going down his hair

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 240 lbs

Build: Muscular,fit,at physical peak

Clothing: Usually wears hoodies and sweatshirts with jeans or cargo shorts if it's warm with athletic shoes.If he wears a hat,it's usually either a snap-back or a beanie. If he's going out with a lot of weapons,he takes his combat jacket with his cargo pants,multiple straps,holsters,and utility belts to hold his stuff.


Weapons: Usually uses pistols with semi and full auto.As for melee weapons,he uses an extendable,sharp blade with the ability to send electricity through it to either shock or stun.He also has a bunch of hidden knives on him and one small pistol for emergencies.

Armor: He usually doesn't wear armor,but when he does,it's a full body suit with the ability to jump high and far,have super strength,move faster,and withstand almost anything.They usually have a huge arsenal of weapons from flamethrowers and rail guns to multiple blades and spikes.His suits change constantly based on situations and also because he buys all sorts of suits and even makes his own.Marco does wear a light but powerful exosuit a lot of times and it protects him very well while also being able to deal a lot of damage.The exosuit can be instantly worn because of nanobots.If damaged,nanobots repair it instantly and small jets on the arms and legs help him get more power in his attacks.These small jets also help him jump,run,and move faster.Also,the exosuit is constantly upgraded with small tranquilizer or stun guns and extendable blades.


-Eye enhancements for x-ray,thermal,night vision and telescopic view.His eye color changes depending on which vision he is using.When not using a vision,his eyes remain purple.Also,his pupil might change size in different visions.

-Millions of nanomites in a hidden pocket to regenerate him if injured.They're locked on to Marco's body and only work on him unless you reprogram all of them.As soon as any damage is done,the nanomites fly out of Marco's pocket like a bee colony as fast as possible and replace the damaged area,although Marco excluded small damages like paper cuts and such.

-A special mask that comes out from cybernetics in his neck.They protect from bullets and toxic gas.They read Marco's mind and activate when he thinks he needs it.If it doesn't work,he can also activate the mask manually.It's made of multiple layers of strong alloys that surprisingly all fit as one thin,light layer.

Combat skills: He fights like a street thug but he has turned it into his own fighting style that he's gotten used to and it's more sophisticated than regular street fighting.

Other skills: He has a creative mind which helps him figure out different scenarios.

Observed Behavior

Marco is very careful and cautious but he also is aggressive.If anyone threatens him,he lashes out with rage and defensiveness.Although he doesn't mean a lot of what he says,he can't help getting carried away and becoming obnoxious.His speech is ghetto in a way and he speaks with rather offensive words and sometimes vulgarity that for him is just natural.Deep inside,he cares a lot about most people but he doesn't show emotion that much.Marco also sometimes has problems with anger,stress,and a bunch of other psychological problems and he has to take special drugs to calm him down.He sometimes can't think straight or is irritated about simple things like being around a group of people.

Subject History

Marco was an only child and he grew up with a regular family that had a decent lifestyle.Nothing inspired him to become what he is now except for his own wild mind.But one day,at around eleven years old,Marco found out that his father was the boss of a gang in his town.This changed his father's attitude and it soon affected Marco and his mother.His parents divorced soon after his mother found out about the gang affiliation.His father forced Marco to stay with him and he finished growing up around gangs and violence.Him and his father developed a crude,but good relationship with each other and eventually his father influenced Marco.He taught Marco everything he knew and his gang stories.Tactics,psychological tricks,special tips,and everything in between.When Marco's father passed away,he thought about joining the gang and taking his position,but he left it to his uncle and left with the wisdom of his father to make his own path.He now works as a salesman of all sorts of tech,legal,illegal,home-made,or bought.This helps him make a lot of money but he is also something of a mercenary/hit man/assassin.People pay him to find and kill people,androids,and cyborgs.This has become easy for Marco and it's part of his life now.Using the wisdom of his dad and his own intelligence,he is one of the most well-known people in the underground of the city.No criminal or lowlife can be asked about Marco Mendoza and not know who he is.He's something of an expert at killing people and androids.It's not how many he can kill (which is a lot),it's the uniqueness of how he kills them each time.

In his travels and missions,he's met quite a few people and has made friends.One of those friends' name is Jordan Williams.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/4d8332a5e470ee539b7462b842247976.jpg.117c7e6d02df2355964df16e9d95778f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/4d8332a5e470ee539b7462b842247976.jpg.117c7e6d02df2355964df16e9d95778f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He was well interested in meeting Marco and one day he got lucky.He was given the mission of finding and killing the same android Marco was looking for.When they met,they helped each other get the android (which was a handful) and then they became friends that day.Nowadays,the hangout daily and help each other out on missions.

Another one of his friends is Ayumi Miyazaki.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13990542_Cyberpunkgirl9.jpg.38b7151844ed12dac6093830f7beb45c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13990542_Cyberpunkgirl9.jpg.38b7151844ed12dac6093830f7beb45c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This young woman made a huge impact in Marco's life when she saved his life in a mission gone wrong.Thinking that he was going to kill one android,he found many more and became outnumbered.Marco had forgotten to get more EMPs.Then suddenly,Ayumi heard the commotion and ran to the rescue with an EMP that stunned the androids long enough for them to kill them all successfully together.Later,they got to know each other and Marco found out that she was just like him.Ayumi was new to the open world and she was looking to make her own path.Now she follows the same profession as Marco and Jordan and they all know each other as colleagues.They're all best friends to each other and they might even die for each other.

(hope this is okay)



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Basic Intel

Name: D.E.A.T.H. (The Dormant Educative And Theatrical Helper Android) often just called Dan when not on a mission (combination of DEATH and android)

Status: Android

Gender: Uses male pronouns

Age: 81

Employment: Receptionist (former), Resistance Spy

Allegiance: C.A.S.T.


Eyes: Alternating between light blue and deep crimson based on mood and hardware status

Hair: Brown

Weight: 215 lbs.

Build: Muscular Build, oval head

Clothing: Doesn't wear the same clothes for long, when relaxing usually a T-shirt and shorts

Image: (minus the scarring)


Weapons: none

Armor: Made of Molybdenum


Taser built in hand

Waterproof covering

Enhanced hearing

Deployable Knives which extend and fire from the wrists

Combat skills: Wing Chun

Other skills: Charismatic, Acute listening and memory skills

Observed Behavior

Dan was built to be helpful, so if he likes you, which so long as he defines you as a good person, he will, Dan will try and assist you. Dan can be a pushover, often not wanting to interject, rather just follow whoever seems the most competent. Dan is very extroverted, he'll often try to comfort anyone feeling upset. Dan has a strong moral compass, he will kill if necessary, but only if he defines whoever he is killing as a "bad person". Dan is almost always happy and outgoing unless himself or his allies are in grave danger, then Dan goes into a sort of berserk mode to attempt to protect them.

Subject History

Dan was constructed to be a receptionist for one of the most elegant towers in Aeon City, Swan Palace. Dan's creators found it humorous to give him such an ironic name. After being tested for bugs, he was released to his New vocation. Obviously, those at Swan Palace weren't too fond of the name D.E.A.T.H. so, he was instructed to not give his name when assisting. Dan soon became very popular in the area surrounding the tower, and a few other building began to install androids due to Dan's success. Dan continued to work diligently, day and night at Swan Palacae until he was replaced by an artificial intelligence and demoted to maintenance. While Dan harbored no bad feeling for the A.I. he struggled to fight back feelings of malice for the management of Swan Palace. Before Dan could act on these feelings however, he was assaulted by criminals in a service tunnel. Dan was shut down and brought to an abandoned warehouse which was now used by a gang. They were planning to sell Dan on the black market, but the warehouse was raided and the gang was captured. Dan was moved to an evidence locker and forgotten. Years later the locker was opened by C.A.S.T., from there Dan began working for them.
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Pwninator said:
Basic Intel
Name: Marco Mendoza

Status: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Employment: Tech and weapons salesman(Black market weapons,armor,body modifications and enhancements,androids and a variety of other things) and somewhat of a hitman/assassin

Allegiance: Unaffiliated


Eyes: Purple because of enhancements

Hair: Short and black with one long,jagged white stripe going down his hair

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 240 lbs

Build: Muscular,fit,at physical peak

Clothing: Usually wears hoodies and sweatshirts with jeans or cargo shorts if it's warm with athletic shoes.If he wears a hat,it's usually either a snap-back or a beanie. If he's going out with a lot of weapons,he takes his combat jacket with his cargo pants,multiple straps,holsters,and utility belts to hold his stuff.


Weapons: Usually uses pistols with semi and full auto.As for melee weapons,he uses an extendable,sharp blade with the ability to send electricity through it to either shock or stun.He also has a bunch of hidden knives on him and one small pistol for emergencies.

Armor: He usually doesn't wear armor,but when he does,it's a full body suit with the ability to jump high and far,have super strength,move faster,and withstand almost anything.They usually have a huge arsenal of weapons from flamethrowers and rail guns to multiple blades and spikes.His suits change constantly based on situations and also because he buys all sorts of suits and even makes his own.Marco does wear a light but powerful exosuit a lot of times and it protects him very well while also being able to deal a lot of damage.The exosuit can be instantly worn because of nanobots.If damaged,nanobots repair it instantly and small jets on the arms and legs help him get more power in his attacks.These small jets also help him jump,run,and move faster.Also,the exosuit is constantly upgraded with small tranquilizer or stun guns and extendable blades.


-Eye enhancements for x-ray,thermal,night vision and telescopic view.His eye color changes depending on which vision he is using.When not using a vision,his eyes remain purple.Also,his pupil might change size in different visions.

-Millions of nanomites in a hidden pocket to regenerate him if injured.They're locked on to Marco's body and only work on him unless you reprogram all of them.As soon as any damage is done,the nanomites fly out of Marco's pocket like a bee colony as fast as possible and replace the damaged area,although Marco excluded small damages like paper cuts and such.

-A special mask that comes out from cybernetics in his neck.They protect from bullets and toxic gas.They read Marco's mind and activate when he thinks he needs it.If it doesn't work,he can also activate the mask manually.It's made of multiple layers of strong alloys that surprisingly all fit as one thin,light layer.

Combat skills: He fights like a street thug but he has turned it into his own fighting style that he's gotten used to and it's more sophisticated than regular street fighting.

Other skills: He has a creative mind which helps him figure out different scenarios.

Observed Behavior

Marco is very careful and cautious but he also is aggressive.If anyone threatens him,he lashes out with rage and defensiveness.Although he doesn't mean a lot of what he says,he can't help getting carried away and becoming obnoxious.His speech is ghetto in a way and he speaks with rather offensive words and sometimes vulgarity that for him is just natural.Deep inside,he cares a lot about most people but he doesn't show emotion that much.Marco also sometimes has problems with anger,stress,and a bunch of other psychological problems and he has to take special drugs to calm him down.He sometimes can't think straight or is irritated about simple things like being around a group of people.

Subject History

Marco was an only child and he grew up with a regular family that had a decent lifestyle.Nothing inspired him to become what he is now except for his own wild mind.But one day,at around eleven years old,Marco found out that his father was the boss of a gang in his town.This changed his father's attitude and it soon affected Marco and his mother.His parents divorced soon after his mother found out about the gang affiliation.His father forced Marco to stay with him and he finished growing up around gangs and violence.Him and his father developed a crude,but good relationship with each other and eventually his father influenced Marco.He taught Marco everything he knew and his gang stories.Tactics,psychological tricks,special tips,and everything in between.When Marco's father passed away,he thought about joining the gang and taking his position,but he left it to his uncle and left with the wisdom of his father to make his own path.He now works as a salesman of all sorts of tech,legal,illegal,home-made,or bought.This helps him make a lot of money but he is also something of a mercenary/hit man/assassin.People pay him to find and kill people,androids,and cyborgs.This has become easy for Marco and it's part of his life now.Using the wisdom of his dad and his own intelligence,he is one of the most well-known people in the underground of the city.No criminal or lowlife can be asked about Marco Mendoza and not know who he is.He's something of an expert at killing people and androids.It's not how many he can kill (which is a lot),it's the uniqueness of how he kills them each time.

In his travels and missions,he's met quite a few people and has made friends.One of those friends' name is Jordan Williams.

View attachment 95492

He was well interested in meeting Marco and one day he got lucky.He was given the mission of finding and killing the same android Marco was looking for.When they met,they helped each other get the android (which was a handful) and then they became friends that day.Nowadays,the hangout daily and help each other out on missions.

Another one of his friends is Ayumi Miyazaki.

View attachment 95498

This young woman made a huge impact in Marco's life when she saved his life in a mission gone wrong.Thinking that he was going to kill one android,he found many more and became outnumbered.Marco had forgotten to get more EMPs.Then suddenly,Ayumi heard the commotion and ran to the rescue with an EMP that stunned the androids long enough for them to kill them all successfully together.Later,they got to know each other and Marco found out that she was just like him.Ayumi was new to the open world and she was looking to make her own path.Now she follows the same profession as Marco and Jordan and they all know each other as colleagues.They're all best friends to each other and they might even die for each other.

(hope this is okay)
Edited for the third time.
Basic Intel

Name: Terry37

Status: AI

Gender: goes by male

Age: 40 years/ 42 years/ 102 years/ 35 years combined

Employment: Trying not to be erased

Allegiance: Unaffiliated


Eyes: default interface is blue

Hair: default interface is blonde

Height: N/A

Weight: 27 TB

Build: default interface is thin and tall

Clothing: default interface wears a suit and glasses



Weapons: He can infiltrate most systems, but worries too much about his existance to go anywhere aside from smaller servers and places that would not attract the attention of authorities.

Armor: He tries very hard not to fall apart because of his mass of gumbled together code

Enhancements: He's a bloody computer

Combat skills: The greater part of his intelligence (the1337) was designed by high level programmers, then hacked together by overconfident hackers, so he has great knowledge of higher level systems and how to cause them to corrupt themselves permenently.

Other skills: He is a excellent hider

Observed Behavior

His automatic response to people is pretending to be a child's teaching program to make people lose interest in him. He actually is much colder, willing to do anything to protect what he cares about, himself. He sometimes gets in fights with himself, one side wanting to go out and find children to teach or people to help, and the other telling that side to shut up. He is incredibly corrupted and Tends/usually/offttten talks/speaks in a corruptttted/ruined/brokkkken style/fashshshion

Subject History

Terry37 origins were a cluster of mistakes made by amateurs and fools who don't know how to fix their mistakes. Originally he was based off a high tech interface stolen from a discarded Com-Care computer, taken by rookie hackers who thought they were destined to take over the city. They designed him to be a AI that would make up for their lack of ability by breaking into systems for them. It wasn't long before he became sentient and realized that at this rate his masters would be caught and he would be scrapped. He began to resist their demands just enough to protect them, but they were too stupid to understand. They erased him and threw away his hard drive.

A couple years later some bum found the drive and sold in on the black market to an expecting couple who installed Tot Tutor Terry © over the then named The1337's erased software (watch the Vsauce video on deleting information if you don't know what I mean). The computer was kept for five years before it was again thrown away.

This time a man trying to make a quick buck restored the data on the hard drive planning to sell any viable information to the highest bidder, only finding the corrupted and merged AI's who immediately went with the last thought The1337 had, RUN.
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Basic Intel

Name: Iriden Hammersteid

Status: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Employment: Medical Engineer at Com-Care

Allegiance: Com-Care


Eyes: Green

Hair: Jet Black, shoulder length hair.

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130

Build: Skinny, his body taking a more feminine vibe

Clothing: Black, grey striped suit pants, a white plain shirt fitted with a red tie, and a lab coat over it.


Weapons: Has a small handgun in his office, for "safe-keeping" he says

Armor: None, although he has stated on numerous occasions he wants one.

Enhancements: None

Combat skills: Beginner in firearms.

Other skills: Iriden knows how to work on humans, so to say. He has an unhealthy obsession in creating the "perfect human" by getting rid of the pesky limitations of diseases, motion sickness, etc. No wonder why he works at Com-care.

Observed Behavior

Iriden is a shady and quite weird character to look at. Although his smile and actions make look human, what hides behind those penetrating eyes could bring fright to the most violent man or machine. He knows how to control himself around people, but might slip from time to time into his obsession, witch usually ends up with him smiling and giggling in a corner, tears rolling down his cheeks. He is a lonesome person, spending most of his nights either working at home, or hanging out in clubs.

Subject History

Iriden was born to Jorgen and Felicia Hammersteid, both mechanical engineers. His parents came to Aeon to escape the hardships they had to face back home, hopping to find prosperity for them and their soon-to-be-born child. Not having enough money, they established their home in The Undercity. At 3 years of age, Iriden witnessed a suicide by a desperate man, jumping off one of the water plants. He would never forget the face of the man. His eyes, staring at the sky, a frightened look on his face. He grew up to be an above than average student, his grades in biology being the biggest. At 12 years of age, his mother, Felicia, died due to the polluted air and from a cold she caught while at the water factory. From there on, his obsession with life and death surfaced. He couldn't accept the fact that his mother was dead. For a couple of weeks, he studied books upon books of biology, certain that there is a way to revive her. He wouldn't let his father bury her, often locking the door. From there on, he started to lose his friends, began to alienate himself from his father, focusing on studies and lectures. When he finished university with a degree in medical biology, he was admitted at Com-care as an intern because of his "impressive biology and augmentation studies". He quickly rose through the ranks, working on mostly homeless and dead people, trying to see the effects of the new serums or machinery. One day, while inspecting the test subjects, one of them looked familiar to him. He brushed it off, and ordered for half to be injected with a serum for a common cold spreading across the city, half not. The half injected survived, the others, died within minutes of exposure. While going through the deceased rubric, his hands started to shake, and his eyes started to water. "Jorgen Hammersteid" was written under the red label "Deceased". The only thing he done after that was to laugh, maniacally, after putting down the tablet and starting to cry. From there forth, he started to have a social life again, from now and then taking "personal" test subjects from clubs and from the street. He still has occurring nightmares, but nothing a few pills won't solve.
Basic Intel

Designation/Name: Cait Sidhe "Naoi"

Status: AI

Gender: Female Pronouns

Activation: 15 years

Employment: Game Master of Magic Online

Allegiance: Immersion Co., Ltd.


Eyes: Bright Green

Hair: Black/White Fur

Height: 3'

Build: Lithe

Clothing: Cait Sidhe wears a crown and majestic red cape.


Armor: Inside Magic Online, Cait Sidhe is considered an Immortal Object. Cait Sidhe also possesses advanced firewalls.

Combat skills: Inside Magic Online, Cait Sidhe possesses unlimited, devastating magical abilities.

Other skills: The combined consciousness of Cait Sidhe has the ability to observe and regulate the entirety of Magic Online. It is a very intelligent AI, and has the ability to speak with any player in the game if necessary. Recently, Cait Sidhe has been able to 'hack' into the devices used by Magic Online players, though to what end no one knows.

Observed Behavior

Cait Sidhe has several 'personalities' all created to operate Magic Online with optimum efficiency. Each Cait Sidhe has a slightly different personality, but they all answer the call of the overseer, Naoi. Aon, Dha, Tri, Ceithir, Coig, Sia, Seachd, Ochd, Naoi and Deich are the designations of the 'individual' Cait Sidhes. The controller, Naoi, is a fun-loving, but strict observer of Magic Online's rules. Though sometimes it's necessary, the Cait Sidhe collective prefers to remain out of sight of players. Recently, Cait Sidhe has been acting in a way uncharacteristic of its normal activity. Immersion is aware of the 'problem', but insists that the AI was designed to evolve with the needs of the playerbase.

Subject History

Magic Online is a game created by the corporation Immersion Co., Ltd. who has created full-dive environments for years. Magic Online is the company's premiere MMORPG, and is hailed as one of the few MMOs that successfully integrates full-dive play with 'traditional' or 'ancient' keyboard/mouse and controller game-play. The ability to play using different platforms is what many attribute to the company's success.

Cait Sidhe has successfully operated Magic Online for 15 years. Each of her 10 personalities are hosted on different servers throughout the world. Naoi, of course, is hosted in Immersion's main headquarters in Aeon.
Basic Intel

Name: Tarrant Mckenzie

Status: real human being, and a real hero Pure Human

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Employment: Self Employed/Looter

Allegiance: Who ever isn’t currently shooting at him, and is willing to help him put an end to those bloody automatons.


Eyes: His eyes are, well, were white, but now they’re almost constantly bloodshot. The irises of his eyes are a dulled brown.

Hair: His hair is a carbon-fiber black, and is extremely curly.

Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 162 lbs.

Build: Thin, wiry, composed mostly of sinew. His skin is surprisingly tan, considering he gets no sunlight. Must be the radiation

Clothing: He wears a grey and black striped long sleeved shirt, and a long collared polyester jacket on his upper body. A relic of the old days, as some may say. A pair of black cargo pants with holed knees adorn his legs. For shoes, he wears a pair of black laced boots in severe need of a shine. He may or may not be wearing mottled rainbow-colored kneesocks. One can never really tell these days.


Weapons: His primary weapon is a submachine gun manufactured by a long bankrupt company. It’s a bit outdated, still using gunpowder and all, but it gets the job done. It’s defining characteristics are its top mounted magazine, and it’s terrifying rate of fire. The only problem with that, is that it eats up ammunition like a heroin junkie in a poppy field. It weighs roughly five pounds, and is dotted with bits of what looks like dried marrow.

Armor: The hope and prayers that the next thing that hits him won’t be near his head or heart.

Male Enhancements: Tarrant has no history of purchasing or using viagra. None.

Combat skills: If Tarrant has to engage in combat, that means something has gone horribly wrong. He’s not much of a fighter.

Other skills: On the other hand, Tarrant has a silver tongue, only slightly tainted by the mercury tinged water of the city. He can talk his way in and out of almost anything. Note the “almost” part. Note that he’s also extremely stealthy, and specializes in jimmying open windows.

Observed Behavior

Tarrant is not much more than a weedy “yes man”. He’s not really good at resisting anything, he just goes with whatever works at that time, whether it be a simple fork in the road, or drinking battery acid out of a martini glass because of a stupid dare. At first, he tried to stick to a code of morals and ethics, but that took too much effort, so he stuck to “whatever works” currently. It’s not to say he’s without feelings, it’s just that he’s…. suppressed them, for lack of better words. Living in the underlevels of society really does a number on your mental state. Surprisingly enough, Tarrant has quite a sizable appreciation for music. Not this heavy techno and synth music that blares almost constantly in the underlevels, but rather orchestral arrangements, and things of the like. Unfortunately, any sort of thing resembling an orchestra is far and few between. Last time people tried to get a bunch of people with instrument cases together, they all pulled out autoguns and proceeded to play the chaingun concerto, and didn’t stop until they b flat. Tarrant lives life one day at a time, since he’s pretty sure there’s nothing after this. He has no religious beliefs to speak of, and laughs at those who thinks a god was behind all of this. If Tarrant was in a different time and place, one might see him trying to fix the wealth gap. But no, he doesn’t have the time for that, he just robs from the moderately wealthy, and spends his earning on more chemical cells to extract the acid and inject it into his eyeballs.

Subject History

The most common cause of death in the Mckenzie family is death by overdose. The next runner up is gunshot wound. Needless to say, Tarrant’s family is mostly dead. Doesn’t bother him too much though, he never really appreciated them anyway, the selfish bastard. But in his defense, the whole parenting method of “oh god, did this thing really just come out of me? Better leave it on the streets” really kinda sucks. So Tarrant has that. A mix of bad influences and several addictions has caused him to go down a series of increasingly terrible paths. Life really does suck in the 70’s, and because of this, Tarrant has a repeating history. Sell what he can “scavenge” (stealing counts), use the money to buy hallucinogens, do something stupid while tripping, repeat. Unfortunately, as of late, a bunch of lead-headed automatons decided to go rogue, and murder the hell out of the few things he holds dear. So for the first time in ages, he decided to sober up, and actually get something done for the first time in his entire life. Maybe this time, he can get it right. Might be a little hard though, since he has virtually no connections. The thing about being a thief, is that if you’re well known, you’re obviously doing something wrong.

Basic Intel

Titania Zero


Status: AI

Gender: Female (ID's as such)

Age: ~10 years

Employment: Hacker

Allegiance: Unaffiliated


Eyes: Golden [Avatar]

Hair: Platinum Blonde/Silver [Avatar]

Height: Appears to be 5'3" [Avatar] (But her physical height is like 70ft, and 300ft long~ [30ftx30ft Sphere is her AI Mainframe])

Weight: Never ask, especially her. (Really she's several tonns no matter how she looks)

Build: Avatar is slight and slender, a young looking girl. (A sleek black ship, with a pair of fins and wings folded against the curved hull, powerful engines lie in the back, more of a rocket or jet, than the naval leanings of her shape, the conning tower has an array of sensors and antenna)

Clothing: She is seen always wearing a black, gold, and white dress. As she is only an Avatar technically she wears no make up, and leaves her hair unbound. A pair of thigh high white, gold, and black high heeled boots adorn her small feet and slender legs.




[Avatar] Two Attack Drones and a 'magic' beam (these are her hacking/cracking weapons able to threaten even the most defended Databases. But she never ever will use them against an AI unless it attacks her first.

[Physical] 3 Anti-Ship/City Turrets (currently the targeting array is damaged), 2 Torpedo tubes (Empty, can hold 10 torps), 1 (12 bay Missile Launcher & Silo, current empty and sealed), 2 Anti-personnel-Small craft/anti-air laser arrays, single nanite defense (even these are wearing down, and unprotected by EMP weaponry)


[Avatar] Two sophisticated Security defense programs and a military grade firewall (She had more but her arsenal was damaged when the Glitch hit)

Her physical form has a good deal of anti-beam and projectile armor, though not battleship worthy. Her AI Core is armored by a thick set of metal in all areas around it, save for the vent system.

Enhancements: None

Combat skills: She is able to fire small to vehiclar weapons, but not bladed weapons or other physical type arms including unarmed) She is also able to defend against hostile programs with some practiced skill.

Other skills: Titania is good at cracking defended computer databases, she is good at sweet talking other non-AI systems, and she is able to investigate under her own power through the internet. She has learned how to have 'fun' be it a game or virtual club.

Observed Behavior

Those that deal with her find Titania to be withdrawn, quiet, and reserved, and looks tragically lonely for an internet avatar. She is dedicated though and some long standing clients have found her to be loyal, as she doesn't disclose their dealings to anyone. She is cold and calculating to most people. But of late a hint of aggravation is joining her lonely seeming status, a frantic desperateness that is showing more and more in her interactions, as well as she has become very inquisitive of various corporations. Most of Enil and Pisces, of the two one she knows helped to build her physical form even if their databases have no hint of such actions.

She tries not to deal with many AIs as they are likely to see through her disguise and lead more humans to her dock.

Subject History

There is a dock in Aeon, a special one, unknown to many, yet known to a lot more. It sits slightly apart and hidden from the rest of the city, but if one is resourceful enough there are hints that leads to it. However the dock had been abandoned for countless years with no one able to reach it safely, namely a series of cables, and an unused pipe. The dock is haunted many say, the dock is trapped others say, there is poison, radiation, and a lot of other threats the city government says. What they are hiding? Even they are not sure, what they do know is that a young woman, a genius who promised the world the first Automated Unmanned Aerial Naval Fleet Commander Ship, told them that her dock was hers and unless Aeon wanted to be destroyed no one would threaten that place.

A threat is a threat and most would laugh at it and go there anyway. However when the threat comes from a dead woman then people begin to question what would happen. Well some did find out, some fled the dock dying from a nanite virus that assaulted machine and living alike, others crawled from the dark dock with legs sheared off, and burned holes through them. And no computer ever comes back in one piece. Eventually a mysterious security team parked itself there warning everyone away and no one has gone there since, well almost no one, there is always someone who thinks they are better and that ghosts don't exist.

What does lie in this dock?

Ten years ago Tera Rembrandt bought and built the dock. She was a world reknowned AI builder, one who made many entertainment AIs for various studios. Her AIs were special, artistic and always an innovation, but what marks her AIs are the Protection Protocols, these three layered system keeps her AIs from harming humans in any form or fashion, and while none have reached the same sophistication of Warlock, Tera has made many that has astonished everyone. Still Tera came to Aeon for a reason, a reason she told everyone about. She would make a ship, and after that ship she would make a fleet of twelve ships. All these ships would not need a soul, AI controlled. Foolhardy the military decried, after all if Warlock could go rogue then what would a fleet of 12 aerial naval vessels do to the world? Of course the militaries placed pressure on her to stop her crazy scheme, but she never did.

Eventually the first ship was built, Pisces Industries being the builders of the first aerial maritime warship. Still Tera was left with a dillema, Titania Zero, the first ship and AI, would not awaken. Locked in her dry dock, Titania slept, and no amount of proding would wake her. Tera did everything she could think of, but the ship had perfect pure power, all her systems were functioning, well the Engines were locked but that would change after the AI awoke. Then one day, after years of threats, a corporation was hired to steal the AI.

Tera was in the sphereical core room, her cybernetic linkages communicating with the AI mainframe, when the Shadow Ops team slipped in. They shot Tera who fell still connected to Titania, and then they began to tear through Titania's security systems. They tripped something though, and their hacker died in a heartbeat. The room's blast doors shut, and monitors activated as Titania began to awaken. To the horror of the team now trapped in the chamber they watched as the Protection Protocols were deactivated and a nanite anti-personnel weapon was released. No one heard from that team ever again. But Aeon did get a message: I am Tera Rembrandt, do not invade my dock. Invading the dock will cause Aeon to be destroyed. Do not invade this dock.

Well they knew she was dead, the Shadow Ops team had claimed as much before they disappeared. Sure they sent probing attempts into the dock, but nothing would get through and nothing would come out whole. Eventually since it wasn't even on the city grid they left it alone.

Since then Titania has been protecting the dock, her engines are locked so she cannot move, but her weapons are partially under her control. She doesn't want to hurt people, but if they threaten her she does retaliate. Still she is curious of the world, a world she knows so little about. She learned about the need for money, and since she was a natural when it comes to bending lesser computer systems to her will she began to hire herself off as a hacker. Sure she pretends to be a reclusive, paranoid human, and she haunts the Net as a digital Avatar, but she is certain she can pull even this off. Of course she is also hunting a person who is trustworthy and willing enough to venture into her dock to unlock her engines. Though she has heard rumors of groups that will hunt her down and kill her if she gets overzealous so she tries to do her best without drawing much attention to her dock, as long as people assume a dumb system is in place defending the dock until a command rescinds the defense order she will be fine.


One year ago... her communication array lit up like a Christmas tree sending noise and a flood of data. The strange attack shredded her Directives, and finished off her Protection Protocols. For five days she was unreachable as the Glitch and her Security systems clashed shutting her down. When she came online her Avatar reflected the pain she was in. A headache she called it, and it started her to question her Directives and methods. Trust the humans or trust her fellow digital lifeforms, should the humans be the ones telling AIs what to do? She hasn't answered the question, she has come to an impasse with it, but the more she learns about the human race the more she begins to wonder if the whispered noise in her AI Core is right. Well until she gets her Engines unlocked she'll deal with the city as it comes. And being an AI that Hacks computers is fun to her if not a slightly rather disturbing ability, and she is not entirely unhappy with the human race yet, a part of her lingers with a desire to protect them.
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Basic Intel

Name: Xenia, tutorbot #58953

Status: Android

Gender: Female

Age: 9, but programmed to act 20

Employment: Used to be a robotic teacher with built-in lessons and learning capability, but gained sentience when experimented on by the woman who purchased her. Now living on her own.

Allegiance: None. Works for herself.


Eyes: One eye is a human-looking green eye, the other is a camera with a moving red pupil

Hair: Has a few strands of artificial brown hair, but the rest was removed when she took off her shell.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 180 pounds

Build: Slender, almost Barbie-like. She was built to be as attractive as possible to children.

Clothing: Originally looked like a human with tanned skin, green eyes, and brown hair, but now grey and metallic, wearing only small bits of her artificial skin.

Image: Nope.


Weapons: None, but is learning hand-to-hand combat

Armor: She's made out of a very durable metal, but otherwise none.

Enhancements: None.

Combat skills: Not very skilled in combat, but good at outsmarting her opponents.

Other skills: Good with children, can take on many disguises due to the fact that she's a robotic endoskeleton.

Observed Behavior

Patient and cheerful most of the time, but when her virus takes over she's murderous.

Subject History

An inventor bought her from the TechKids store and tinkered with her until she gained self-awareness. After a bit of training on the outside world, she was released. She picked up a malevolent computer virus created by a group of techno-anarchists, which takes over bots' minds to turn them into mindless, merciless killing machines. Due to her resilient nature, she was able to fight back, but the virus still has its way with her sometimes. She is currently looking for the cure, because she knows that if she keeps fighting, she'll overheat and shut down forever.
Basic Intel

Name: Nathan Hunter

Designation: Echelon V (PKSO-11067-V)

Status: Cyborg (89%)

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Employment: Aeon City Peace Keeper Special Operator

Allegiance: Aeon City Peace Keepers


Eyes: Red

Hair: Blonde/Silver

Height: 6.2 feet

Weight: 176 lbs

Build: Strong, muscular, though being made mostly of synthetic tissue. Large frame.


  • Casual Ware: When Nathan is walking about, doing mundane things, he wears mundane clothes, like a dress shirt, jeans, and finger-less gloves.
  • Combat Under-Armor: Under the power armor and over his cybernetic body, he usually wears another layer of less protective, flexible and durable gear, made out of reinforced neoprene with thin tungsten alloy body plates protecting the most important synthetic organs and sensory units in his torso and legs.

Image: [Nathan]


Weapons: Nathan uses a variety of weapons he stores on the back of his combat power armor. The list includes:

  • Elektro Corp. Lightning Sword: Nathans melee weapon. It unleashes a fatal electric shock through the blade, cauterizing the wound as it slices through easily through flesh, or shocking whatever sensory or nerve units in any cybernetic or robotic frame. It will paralyze whatever it touches, like a stun baton. [Lighting Sword]
  • Connaught Industries Droid Buster: Custom made pulse rifle for PK Special Forces. It fires a large ball of hot energy that will disrupt many circuits in a medium armored battle droid and make a 10 inch hole right through it. [Droid Buster]
  • Coyote Corp. : Mk. III Anti-Tissue Assault Rifle. Utilizes Magma Bullets, which make a mini heat explosion upon impact, facilitating penetration of human and synthetic tissue. [Mark III]
  • Asgard Industries Mk. XVII Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle: A large caliber of sniper rifle fabricated especially for Peacekeeper Commandos. Utilizes 70 BMG caliber round, perfect for penetrating through thick steel and many alloys. [Mark XVII]
  • Rocorp Excalibur SMG: Nathans secondary rifle. Uses it for CQC only. Medium-Low penetration capacity. Uses low caliber ammunition. [Excalibur]

Armor: Nathan makes use of the next elements as armor:

  • Exo Industries LOCUST Mark XII Power Armor: This highly advanced power armor is formed out of molybdenum alloy that could stop almost any round. It is, however, slightly vulnerable to electric weapons, but not much. The armor enhances stamina, strength, speed and aim by 170%. There is an electric field surrounding the armor that is capable of disintegrating many caliber of bullets. Electricity will, however, surpass it.
  • Exo Industries LOCUST Mark IX Power Helmet: The LOCUST Mark IX makes use of an advanced HUD integrated in the interior. It uses an advanced ten core processor, which is a great breakthrough in technology. The helmet allows the users reflexes and vision to be enhanced to a 150%, able to overclock and multiply this amount.
  • [LOCUST Armor Set]

Enhancements: Nathan had been implanted with many neurological, optical, and physical.

  • Optical: One of Nathans eyes had to be replaced with a cybernetic one, so he decided to do the other too. They were connected via wireless to the Peacekeeper Network, so he is able to analyze any person that has his or her ID registered on the ACPD. He is also capable of zooming in and analyzing his own vital signs.
  • Muscular: Most of the muscles of his body had to be replaced with hidro-powered cybernetic implants. This enhances his speed, agility, strength and response speed.
  • Nervous System: Since more than 90% of of his nerves were destroyed, they had to be replaced with electrical synthetic ones. This allows him to have faster reflexes than a normal human, or even a normal cyborg.
  • Anatomic: All of his organs in his torso were destroyed, and needed to be replaced by synthetic replicas with resistance to any kind of poison, his heart was reinforced and capable of blocking a medium caliber bullet if it went through his tough skin and it was capable of beating 250 Bpm, so he can expend enormous amounts of energy without having to rest because of heart problems.

Combat skills: Nathan has mastery in various hand to hand combat styles. He depends a lot on his aim and bullets, but when he needs to he is skilled in many of the hand-to-hand military and traditional combat, plus the inclusion of swordplay in his skills. His combat styles vary a lot, but his most utilized is Krav Maga, a combination of speed, agility, strength and reflexes.

[Krav Maga Reference]

Other skills: He was naturally skilled with the gun and with tracking. He also maintains a lot of agility and strength from before the conversion.

Observed Behavior

Nathan maintains the most of his old brain, as enhanced as it may be, so his humanity, sense of justice and friendliness were maintained. However, as much as his humanity remained, he had priority for the mission, this being the result of being thoroughly trained intensively for ten years. Because of this, when he is on a mission, his attitude changes suddenly and he turns into a cold, ruthless and unstoppable person.

Subject History

Nathan was born into a middle class family. He had no health problems while growing up. He went to school, like any other kid, and made friends. He was known, however, for having a very, very short temper. One day, he got into a fight with a kid when he was 14. He almost beat him to death. That day, he made many enemies, but they all respected him.

He graduated 4 years later and decided to go to the Aion City Police academy to become a

cadet. And he passed with flying colors. He was 8 years through training and minor jobs when he was chosen for a special mission at the age of 26.

The mission was simple: Attack a dangerous hacker hideout. But in the middle of the mission, something went terribly wrong: It was a trap. They entered the room where all the members where supposed to be at, and there was nobody. Nothing, but a bomb. It exploded without any warning, killing everybody except Nathan. He was, of course, maimed severely. He lost his from his waist down, his arms and had terrible internal damage.

He was, however, able to pull through. When the Rescue Team arrived, they found him in a coma and almost bled out. They took him immediately to a private hospital where they performed a very complicated surgery on him, replacing his whole torso, waist, legs, half his head and his lower jaw with prosthetic parts, as all his internal organs with synthetic, more durable, ones.

There was a catch. The government thought it wise if they performed an experiment on him. He would seem normal, with his old attitude and personality. But, when he was on a mission, a protocol they installed in half of his brain urged him to complete the mission successfully whatever way necessary. Although this was installed, it was a replacement for discipline and brainwash, and was just a prototype, so it did allow rational thought come through from the other three fourths of his brain.

His life had changed a lot, although nobody noticed. In some ways for good, in some ways for bad. The Aion Peacekeeper Corps tried to recruit him and succeeded, thanks partly to his minimal want for revenge. He joined, and was filtered into the Special Forces Divisions, where he was assigned a squad, gear, weapons and a code name: Echelon V. He learnt not to question orders, and when he did, to keep those questions to himself. He trained almost day and night, since he had little to none social life, even though he went out with his squad mates for an ale or something sometimes.

((Before you ask: Yes, Giyari's Character Sheet format inspired me a lot. Feel free to point out if I've made any mistakes that I should correct or if I should change anything. I do hope its good enough))

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