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Realistic or Modern Glasynys OOC

Finals? I suppose that means you’re in grade school :) Good luck with those! I hope you do great. Get plenty of sleep. And water and food. Sleep is good.
I’m sorry. I know how stressful finals can be especially on students these days. Senior year in and of it self is very high stress. My finals were about three weeks ago and I’m glad thats over.

Are you heading to college next year?
Congratulations on that. I mean it. As much as I love my pedants, there’s nothing that feels more lid=berating than leaving your parents’ view lol. Do you have a major picked out?
Dorm life is fun! Well... depending on what school you go to I guess. Georgia’s state schools’ dorm life is fun but dangerous... except for the one that was just straight up dangerous lol. Also that’s quite a prestigious major! Or would it be a double major?
I'm going up to Indianapolis, so that's gonna be fun. Dangerous as hell but *shrug* lol
I'm not really sure. I think I'm doing pre-psych for four years and then moving into pre-med. I just have to discuss it with the people in charge during my orientation. I'm not entirely sure whats happening at this point XD

I'll get a response up tonight you guys!
Ill be honest I’m half way through college and I still dont know whats happening lol. You’ll figure it out, even if it feels like you’re not. Trust me.

Also I think imma send out a little message Incase the others have forgotten about this fun place.... look out for it.
Rozydoodles Rozydoodles omg TWICE in that last post I know I typed “gestured” but “guttered” and “fester” were there in stead. I fixed it but if you were reading that and it made no sense I’m sorry.

Also im jess saying im jess saying I low key failed to do the mention thing again. Sorry I fail at that. I fixed it but I know it doesnt notify when I do.
That sounds horrible! *weeps for you*

Glad you’re not dead, though. I hope you have a nice ride! My lover lowkey lives there lol. Wish I could go with you.
I may be leaving the site (most likely), as a lot of these RPs aren't healthy for me, but I like this one, so I might check in and try to stay in this one. :) Maybe.
I may be leaving the site (most likely), as a lot of these RPs aren't healthy for me, but I like this one, so I might check in and try to stay in this one. :) Maybe.

Oh no.. I’m sorry to see you leaving, Smol. I hope you can still drop by, as I really, really enjoy rp’ing with you. But I know you got to do what’s best for you.
Thanks for the understanding.... I’m still getting notifications for Glasynys, but that’s all, so I’ll drop byyyy

It’s been a bit quiet lately I think, but there’s not much else for my two to do!
I’m actually not sure at all why it is so quiet... In the past when my rps have slowed down, it was purely my fault (n_n’) because I used to be bossy...

I need an out side eye, I guess.

I wish you the best of time, though, and hope you start to feel better. (:

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