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Fandom Gladius: A Multi-Fandom RP (Open and Accepting)

The Hunting Grounds
Wild Space
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Noam Noam Thepotatogod Thepotatogod The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"A... game reserve?" Cooper asked, confused by the man's words. "What, like one of those planets the IMC uses to hunt native wildlife for sport?" He paused. "Monsters, huh? Hunting people for trophies? Well, isn't that new." He muttered.

While Ash hadn't technically hunted anyone for sport, she did use captured Militia grunts as test subjects. Besides, she seemed to be especially fond of tormenting the unfortunate few who got in her way, just like how she did with him back in the IMC Dynamic Testing Facility. And yes, she also used him as a test subject against the new Reapers.

Boy, now that was fun. He was never doing that again.

"Whatever these monsters are, they're not gonna make trophies out of us. Not if I can help it." Cooper told the group.

"We must be careful not to underestimate these 'monsters'," BT warned. "Until we know their true capabilities or what they are, we should practice extreme caution."

BT reached the bottom of the cliff and touched down on the forest floor, bending down for everyone to get off. Once that was done, he pulled out his chaingun.

"Keep your eyes open." Cooper said.
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Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Namorae relaxes a little bit. “We have a constant telepathic link, and we are very close emotionally, if that is what you mean.” She replies to the guardian. “I’ve spent the vast majority of my time with him since my birth.”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Harley Quinn: Omega (Gladius-IV)

Harleen put a finger to her lips "Shhhh! What if she's like Voldemort where if you say her name she shows up?!"
She looked around, her eyes wide and alert "Yeah, she's here. But you gotta request a meeting...Or do something to get her attention. As I don't wanna get smeared across the walls of this club, I'm gonna do the first one."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don, Tellestia (Gladius-I)
Douglas took one step back as the man appeared to be having a seizure. He thought about just walking way, but what if the man released something? The way his eyes changed, and with the strange veins there was a chance that he could be the host to something supernatural, or worse.
"Shite." He muttered, walking back over to Imperial "What's happening?"

Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The Guardian nodded slowly and reached a hand towards Namorae's forehead.
"It's alright." Venkman tried to reassure "I think this is just how the spell works...Right?"

The Guardian nodded
"Okay, good."
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The Dhampir shivers, nervous letting this creature touch her, but doesn’t flinch away. Her father is nervous as well, but they keep up a conversation about where each of them are and what is happening, hopefully making the link between them stronger.
Samus-007/Gladius I: The Presidium (The Ward?)
[Interacting with: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ; Open to Interaction]

'What the hell..' Boss muttered, audibly coming out as a low series of hums heard underneath Samus's helmet. They had been so close. So goddamn close- and now this alien-woman was not only saying her universe was destroyed- but she was sent into the past? Something wasn't right- no amount of instruction from Deja could have deduced that this was what a Dyson Sphere was capable of. Erasing years and years of evolution, war, conflict... The Covenant, the UNSC, her home... The Great Hunger sounded almost like it was written from a storybook; so trival sounding, yet if this was one of the results that happened because of it, it wasn't to be underestimated. Much like The Flood, this new threat sounded just as deadly. Samus stood in silence for several seconds, turning her attention briefly to the affected Alva as a wave of sympathy overcame her. Clearly, this woman wasn't from her world, yet it still hurt to see a Civilian suffer.

Samus refocused her helmeted gaze back over to the masked alien woman, and spoke up with a light urgency. "How do we contain it? Stop it from spreading?

Vasu 'Koromai/Gladius IV: The Badlands; New Metropolis
[Interacting with: Open to Interaction]

Vasu snarled upon entering, looking around the area with disgust. Since this was the only place harboring some sort of activity, perhaps he could get his bearings by going around and, regrettably, asking just where the hell he was. It betrayed every instinct in is body not to slaughter the first Human he saw, but that was only if they were armed. Vasu never liked killing unarmed Civilians, and was reprimanded several times during his various deployments for not doing so. Depending on these Humans' conduct toward him, perhaps he wouldn't have to slaughter them where they stood. The eight-foot tall Sangheili Zealot began to make his way through the streets leading into the main center, walking with a warrior's gait that commanded respect and asserted intimidation.
Victor Zsasz
Afterlife Club, Omega
Wild Space, Gladius-IV

"To get her attention.." Victor looks at Harleen for a moment until he shifts his attention to Headhunter. Victor is having a quick decision whether he goes to the professional way or the Gotham way. Headhunter looks back at Victor.

"Zsasz, which way do you prefer?" Headhunter asked Victor with a curious tone.

"Hmm.. well, remember when the GCPD and Oswald's forces raided our turf?" Victor asked Headhunter.

"Yeah?" Headhunter said as he remembers that day where Jim Gordon and Penguin combined their forces to capture Zsasz.

"That way." Victor smirked.

Victor grabs his two Golden Desert Eagle in his waist belt, clicking it to safety off. He aimed his two pistols upwards and pulled a trigger a few times to get the people's attention. When the few shots were fired, Headhunter grabs his two scoped pistols, clicking it to safety off although he isn't aiming at anyone.


"Hello, everyone!" Victor said as he observes everyone in the club.

"We request a meeting to Aria urgently. Well, if you all fail to get what we want. You know what will happen here, right?" Victor grins at the people who are listening to him.

"Clock's ticking, people!" Victor yelled at the people, commanding them to call Aria immeadiately.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Sandrino Imperial
Trap Street, Seoul-Don
Tellestia, Gladius-I

Sandrino went quiet for a second, like dead quiet. A demonic laugh could be heard behind Douglas in order to distract him. After that, Sandrino lifts himself up on the ground and then he stared at Douglas to the soul for a moment, observing him from head to toe.

The evil counterpart staring at Douglas.

After staring for almost a minute, Sandrino disappeared in front of Douglas' eyes for a moment until he appeared in front of him. Sandrino uses his enhanced strength to lift Douglas up using his collar. He looks at Douglas' eyes to use his ability that will reveal the backstory of Douglas. Seconds later, Sandrino demonically laughs and drops Douglas on the ground. He looks at him once again.

"No wonder why he was confused. A werewolf hiding his true identity but I'm impressed of this magic you are using. I can't smell you as a wolf but as an ordinary human, exquisitely done, Douglas." Sandrino said as he scoffs.

Sandrino knelt down on Douglas, grabbing his collar.

"You said to us that our world is destroyed. So that means my mortal enemy is dead." Sandrino chuckles, releasing his collar.

"Anyway, you've mentioned that there are murders happening in this place. How about we make a deal? We help you find who did this and you help us create an army of supernaturals to take over this planet with peace and order. What do you say?" The evil Sandrino waits for Douglas' response.
Sir Alonne: The Hunting Grounds (Gladius IV)
So his hypothesis was correct.

"A game reserve..." Sir Alonne gave a hum as he got onto the automaton so it could ferry them down the cliff "Just like then..."

It was odd being on the other end of one of these. The Iron King had many of these implemented against the growing number of undead in his kingdom, made it a sport to hunt them.

This was a far larger scale hunt if the sheer size of the forest was any indication. But why them?

Once BT let them off at the bottom of the cliff, Sir Alonne took a time to subtly give Penny and Daisuke a once over.

Once more Cooper took point, making a point to ask them to stay alert, "So far they've proven to have quite a specific selection." Sir Alonne noted as he followed behind.

As he walked, he looked back to Penny and Daisuke "So far the common thread we've established so far is that all of us were involved in some type of conflict when we were taken, is the same true for you two?"

Corrosion Corrosion Noam Noam Thepotatogod Thepotatogod The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Jesus Christ: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius IV)
"What do you mean the world's gone!?!"

"Shut Up."

"What happened to everyone back at the bunker!?!"

"Shut Up."

"You can't be human, no human can raise the dead like that! Unless... what were you all doing on the moon this whole time?"

"Shut! Up!"

Honestly, Jesus had only spent about ten or so minutes with the android and already he wondered why he didn't just put a bullet through her skull. She was a soulless machine if her story was accurate, he wouldn't even have to judge her. But in this strange new world, he was unsure whether they had ammo for his revolver. Every bullet counts until he can locate someone who can make him more.

"This architecture doesn't match records of this area..." Operator 6O muttered as he dragged her towards the front door of the building.

"Because this isn't the same planet!" he groaned "What aren't you getting about any of this?!?"

"The logistics of your story don't make any sense! How can a universe just go around abducting people?"

"Well how can I raise the dead, huh?"
he spun around to ask "Doesn't seem common where you come from now does it?"

she shook her head "That's what I'm trying to figure out, what happened on the moon?"

"I'm from another..."
he held himself back, knowing in her state he'd just have to answer more questions and lose valuable time "We're going to find people who can answer that for you."

With that he turned and kicked open the old door before stepping out into the street. To his delight, the group he'd spotted from above hadn't moved, and even seemed to gain new numbers while he had been dragging the android downstairs.

"Are those androids or..?" Operator 6O squinted to look past him at the group "How many of you are down here?"

"Let's find out."
he shrugged before dragging her over to the group.

As he drew closer, he could tell immediately that at least one of them had to be in a similar situation to him and the droid. They just looked too out of place. He was from Nevada, he knew the post-apocalyptic vibe well, and some of these individuals just didn't look the part. Only two actually seemed to fit the scenery, but then again, perhaps they'd been taken from another apocalyptic planet and were as equally confused as the android.

Jesus sighed as he drew near, dealing with people from different realities was gonna be a pain in the ass, he could already tell if 6O was any indicator. But still, he could at least follow this easier than most of the shit that happened because of that damned improbability drive. So he resolved to get his search underway as quickly as possible .

He dragged 6O close enough to the group until he could clearly understand the words being spoken by the two who seemed to fit the scene better. He only caught the tail end of what was said, but it was enough to confirm that those probably knew more than the other two, or that group of ugly creatures that one chick seemed to have following her.

he shouted out to them as he finally came to a stop, causing 6O to bump into him rather annoyingly "Any of you guys native to this place? And I ain't talking about earth, I mean here right where we are now.."

Several of them looked armed, while some others seemed rather unarmed. He wouldn't draw his revolver yet, wouldn't want any trigger fingers here getting in the way of him and some info. Besides, even if someone did start attacking, he had a perfect human shield ready for use.

Operator 6O finished rubbing her arm after accidentally bumping into him, but wasted no time in viewing the assembled group "How could we have missed an assembly of androids like this?" she murmured

"Shut up." Jesus hissed at her, trying not to miss any responses to his question.

DrBones DrBones Noivian Noivian Ennuis Ennuis The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Gen. John Connor
North: Machine City/ Gladius IV: The Badlands

Somehow Skynet seemed more interested in human workers for its burning camps and the Sentient shared its plan somehow but instead using humans as extra expendable energy. Both were out for its own survival.

The two monkey cars were surrounded by a terminator with flesh and bone over its metallic skeleton and a even bigger sentential nearby for back up.

The group of mixed age military and Resistance members had come together, mainly Whiskey Alpha who was patrolling and had already lost Lt. Sarsk due to poor planning.

Private Arnph had commands from the others and “Bear” himself to rescue these strangers from the two monkey cars.

“Bear here, listen. Skynet and the Sentintal must be hiding something or someone inside those monkey cars. I want your squad to break them out. Might be useful to our cause in the long run.”

Private Arnph responded “There’s a few of us left, Bear in our squad. Me and Natra will try and pull these human prisoners out.”

Bear nodded “Right, stay stay out there, soldiers. Bear out.”

Lt. Natra eyed the Private and nodded “What did Connor want?”

“He wants those prisoners away from the metal basterds and the Sentinel. Wonder why they got the big guys on these monkey cars?

Private Arnph shrugged “Not sure, but these are the orders. Let’s go load up.”

Both checked their standard issue plasma rifle and eyed the laser blasts and bent behind a few broken down building walls, waiting for the perfect moment.

As soon as they were ready, Private Arnph started running and aimed at the terminator, trying to get it off the path of the two monkey cars. As shots began to fire, Lt. Natra began to keep the Sentiental off track of the monkey cars as well.

Laser shots were fired and it turned into a another firefight as the cars slowed down suddenly with a jolt and the creatures were pulled away.

Lt. Natra nodded at Private Arnph and he began to extra pepper both creatures at once.

The Resistance soldier combo immediately began to lift worried and crying people off the first monkey car and looked at them “GO! Find a safe spot really quick… We need the help..”

Several of the folks grabbed some random weapon or whatever from metal or fought off a regular metallic terminator for its plasma rifle. Some sadly, got dissolved in the process. But a few fought back.

It gave time for both the Lt. and Private to check the second monkey car, seeing two strangers. One Asian and one with white hair and bikini.

“Come on, if you guys want to live.”

Then the shots began peppering the vehicle in question as one growls “COME ON!”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Keep your eyes open, Cooper had said. Cassie stepped carefully into BT's shadow, scanning the jungle for anything that looked like a monster. But the trees were as dense as any jungle on Earth, and she couldn't see all that far ahead of her. The thick, wet coating of vegetation on the forest floor muted any footsteps that might have been coming their way, and it was all she could smell, too.

The thing about humans was that they were really good at making tools and forming social connections, but their sensory perception kind of sucked. Cassie had a way around that, of course, but...she cast a wary glance back over her shoulder at the other humans. Probably humans. She was like 80% sure that at least two of them were human.

"Hey, BT?" She hurried forward so that she could look up at his face. Or the spot on his front that looked most like his face. "What planet are you and Mr. Cooper from?" And has it been taken over by evil brain-stealing slugs?

Corrosion Corrosion GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Thepotatogod Thepotatogod The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Steve Rodgers: Brymor Crossing, Sword Coast North (Certh, Gladius-II)
Steve was the first one out. Although parts of his body still ached, he could still run much faster than the average man. He saw a lizard-like woman with bronze scales (a Dragonborn) with overalls stained in blood.
"Are you hurt, ma'am?"
"They took my kid..." She muttered "Don't worry about me..."

@Freshet @Donder172 @MikaboshiEinst
"Who took your kid and where did they go to?"
Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The Guardian took two of her fingers, resting them on Namorae's forehead. Her eyes went blank for a few moments and she let out a deep, long breath. Namorae would re-experience a memory of her father, a strong positive one that he would see as well.
It only took a few moments, and the Guardian casually stepped away, looking at Venkman.
"He is on a planet I believe you call Darkened Skies."

He shook his head, stepping back
"Fuck!" He snapped

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Harley Quinn: Omega (Gladius-IV)

Harley backed away from Victor and Headhunter, sitting down at a table and watching what would happen next. The moment Victor's guns went off, a few people in the club ducked for cover while others drew their guns on him. A total of twenty people had a mixture of pistols, shotguns and rifles all pointed at the two.
"And I thought I'd be the one starting trouble..." Harley sighed, stroking behind the ears of Bud. Lou pushed forwards, jealous of his brother so Harley used her other hand to scratch behind his ears too.
"Weapons down!" One of the thugs commanded
"Which one of you idiots mentioned me?" A voice came from behind the two.


"You were trying to get my attention, right? Now you've got it. You come into my club and start shooting. So I'll give you five seconds, just five to explain why I shouldn't flay you alive...With my mind."

Harley stared over "I was kinda expecting a big scary alien." She muttered to herself "A lot more teeth or tentacles or somethin'."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don, Tellestia (Gladius-I)
"You idiot. I smell like a Wolf because I'm a Wolfblood. I'm related to Werewolves, not an actual Wolf. You wouldn't catch me howlin' at the moon or eating some...Ah, you know what? Feck it!"
Douglas raised his hands and started to slowly applaud.
"Well done, you Vamperic bastard." He laughed "You're the first one to work it out. Problem is...Who are you going to tell? The magic is that strong that nobody would believe you, and besides...You just got here. People would think you're just a madman."
He laughed even as the Vampire had him grabbed by the shirt, dropping his hands to his side.
"Counter-deal...You help me solve these murders, and..."

There was no way he was going to let this madman start an army. Not only would plans of world domination break the Masquerade, but some people could be killed in the crossfire. People he actually cared about.

"I help you navigate this place. I wouldn't be much good in starting an army, but I know folks. I could point out the power-players, the sort of people who might be able to help with that. Otherwise you're just walking around blind."


Alva Bòideach: The Citadel Presidium (Gladius-I)
Alva was still on the ground, breathing heavily as Oliver tried to calm her.
"Remember the other exercise? Try to count four green things in the room, alright love?"

She opened her eyes "Potted plant, uh...Chair."
Although Samus couldn't see the Quarian's face, she might be able to tell that there was a sympathetic look in her eyes.
"I wish I had better news for you, but no. The Great Hunger can't be stopped. As far as I know. Millions of people, perhaps even more are working on a way of combating it though...I'm hoping that when it arrives. If it arrives, that it can be killed.
"Second potted plant." Alva muttered
"Is she going to be alright?" The Quarian asked
"What do you think?!" Oliver snapped

Specialist Specialist
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Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Namorae smiles at the memory, one of her father teaching her to fight when she was young. But Venkman reacting like he’s been stung is another matter, making her grow serious. “Is he in danger?” She asks worriedly, having to assure Farator that the memory wasn’t a mental attack.

Farator: Unknown, Darkened Skies (free space)
Once he has calmed down, Farator sighs. A planet called Darkened Skies. Hmph. A suitable place for his kind, he supposes. Now he has to find out more, and locate a place to hide. With a thought, his body, clothes, and everything he carries turns to a black smoke, searching the city for an empty house. He would only be able to enter an abandoned one anyway, so his chances of intruding are precisely none.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
--Sawatari Kazumi, Himuro Gentoku and the Hokuto Crows--
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
At the hangar bay, five men, all clad in jackets though of different color were all sitting at the crates near one of the mechs made for group travel, all talking and chattering amongst themselves. They wouldn't be considered as Hostiles since they were found by the outpost a few days prior. Since then, the group has been working with the Secield faction just to have a roof over their heads for the time being.

"That seriously happened?!" One of the yellow jackets with a red bandana asked in disbelief, "Man, I should've seen her face then!"

"I kinda expected that, really." The other yellow jacket, this time, with a black hat and the blue flannel deadpanned with a grin, "I mean, this is the Boss we're talking about here."

"Yep, yep!" The yellow one with the yellow hoodie and ski hat chuckled gleefully, "The boss always had a huge crush on Mii-tan, after all!"

"Come on, cut it out you guys!" The one with the brown jacket, who was addressed as Boss shushed the rest of his team, before raising a finger, "We all know that we're past that right now."

"Oh?" The one with the black leather jacket asked, "Is it because we couldn't find her?"

"No, idiot! It's cuz I have you guys again!" The one with the brown jacket corrected the one with the black leather jacket. "I mean, come on, Beardo! We're still gonna find her!...Somehow."

"I doubt that." The one named Beardo shook his head, "We're only allowed to go out to the field when we're invited by someone of higher ranking, like say, the Avengers or that D.Va girl I've been hearing about."

"Oh, you mean that mech girl?" The Brown one asked, "Yeah, it kinda sucks we have to wait for orders like that." He sighed, hanging his head low, "I mean, doesn't it suck when you find out you're outclassed by some chick with an overpriced toy? I mean, come on. We're soldiers, aren't we?!" He ranted, earning the agreement of his crew. "We've probably been in the battle field longer than she did!"

"Well I just hope we get to go on missions soon." The yellow one expressed his desire, "I mean, I heard they've been spotting more and more crazy stuff out there."

"Hey, hey, don't get too curious, Kiba." The red one told the yellow one off, "The last time you ran off, you got yourself killed!"

"Can you blame me, Akaba? They got our families hostage!" The one named Kiba replied, "What else can I do?!"

"Now, now, settle down, you two." The blue attempted to calm the two that were about to argue, "We wouldn't want to get another complaint."

"Aoba's got a point." The brown jacket told the trio, "We might get in trouble if we ended up fighting here...Plus, we wouldn't want them to take away our bottles, would we?"

"Right, boss." The trio nodded in agreement.

Shortly afterwards, their discussion on various subjects began again. It's clear that these five weren't busy at all...

Agent Stevenson would enter the hangar bay, his hands behinds his back. Some found it odd that he wore sunglasses indoors, but as the group already knew they were a piece of SECIELD equipment, giving him the ability to see through walls and monitor heart-rates. The so-called style was just an extra feature.
He cleared his throat to get the group's attention.

"Bored, are we?" He asked "I'll fix that."
He took a few steps forwards "You've been on the base a few days at least, and yet I haven't seen what you're capable of. Not yet. If you want to be agents, that's going to have to change."

He pulled up a chair and sat down "Show me."
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (sorry I missed this earlier)

Samus-007/Gladius I: The Presidium
[Interacting with: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ; Open to Interaction]

Before Samus could reply, Boss stepped in for her; the cold, calculative voice of the soldier being replaced seemingly instantly by a gruff, gravelly voice with a slight lisp to it this seemed to emit through the helmet's front. However, this was directed at Oliver as well as the occupants of the room, mostly. "Elevated stress levels, possible neurological shock. She's going to be fine. Guardian or not, yelling isn't going to solve anything here. We get this over with, then we move on to finding out what can be done from here. If this was meant as a signal to make something change to avoid this fate, then we're going to act upon it." Samus paused, then spoke up after. "Boss is right. Save for his heroical theatrics, we were obviously all brought here for something." She turned her gaze to the Quarian. "What can be done to help?"

Vasu 'Koromai/Gladius IV: The Badlands; New Metropolis
[Interacting with: Open to Interaction]

Vasu approached the center of the cityscape, looking for anything that would be noteworthy as to where he could gain his bearings. It was oddly stormy and rather grim-looking to more he dwelled in this cesspool; the buildings on the Earth he knew were much more... cleanier, sleeker, and less depressing-looking than this. He snarled again, looking through the bumbling crowds, passerbys and loitering silhouettes to determine just who he could approach.
Victor Zsasz
Afterlife Club, Omega
Wild Space, Gladius-IV

Victor's smiles went to a frown as twenty armed men were all pointed his guns at him. The reason why he frowned because he isn't in the mood to skin his self by tallying how many he have killed. As for Headhunter, he merged his two scoped pistol into scoped assault rifles, aiming back at the thugs. Victor aims at the thugs.

"No, you put your gun down first." Headhunter said as he reloads his scoped assault rifle.

With the arrival of Aria, he aims his other Golden Deagle to her as well. Victor was expecting to be something horrific but it's just a humanoid with a threatening mouth. He grinned when Aria said that she'll flay him and Headhunter with out of her mind.


"Hi, Aria!"

"Since you are the boss of Omega, my friend here request for a ship." Victor's grins fades as his expression became serious.

"Unless you have something in mind to counter my offer. You know, I am not in the mood to kill you and your men because it is so tiring to tally about how many people I will kill using my body." Victor said in a serious tone as he waits for Aria's response while aiming at her at the same time.

Sandrino Imperial
Trap Street, Seoul-Don
Tellestia, Gladius-I

The evil Sandrino doesn't even care if Douglas is a werewolf that hides his true identity. He just wants world domination but Sandrino is well aware that it's difficult to do, especially that he is so unfamiliar to this place and doesn't know who would be his rivals in this new world. He just nods, smiling at him. Douglas is right since both Sandrinos; the redeemed and the evil isn't so familiar to this place. Sandrino accepts the deal. Helping this werewolf solve the murder case and he would help navigate this place including the information about the power-players of this place. He would kill him if he deny to met Sandrino's offer. Sandrino grabs Douglas' right hand to lift him up from the ground.

"Alright, deal, but.."

"He was right, the man you were talking before I came. Someone is here but I can't sure where the mortal is.." The evil Sandrino cracks his neck from left to right, observing the surroundings.

"And also," Sandrino shift his attention back to Douglas.

"Do you know a place where you can drink blood? Either human or blood, because me and this damn redeemed individual that is inside me - are weak at this moment and caused an imbalance of transition." The evil Sandrino waits for Douglas' response. After all, without drinking blood for several days, they would become weak and die out of 'starvation'.
Corneilles, Mos Eisley, Gladius IV

On the way out, Corneilles froze up the second King began speaking. The bounty hunter quickly put two and two together and realized this man was the cantina's bouncer.
Theoretically, Corneilles was confident he could take him down, but honestly, why would he? This guy was just doing his job and keeping the peace-something Corneilles was secretly grateful for because that could mean everyone's too busy beating each other up, no one can offer jobs without taking a chair to the head, all sorts of stuff that would stomp on all prospects of a job, at least for the day.
The bounty hunter decided to take King up on his offer and turned around to the bar-it would seem this King commanded an extremely high amount of respect, meaning a second brawl wasn't likely.

Zerohex Zerohex The Mad Queen The Mad Queen (sorry for the rather short post)
Messier: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

The approach of the hooded stranger brought some relief to Messier, at the very least she wouldn't have to yell to be heard. Plus, she would be able to get a better look at the weird animals which was more than welcome. What wasn't welcome however, was the stranger's attitude. Sure, she had misunderstood what she claimed to be, but that's no reason to bring parents into it.

But before she could say something, the male stranger joined in on treating her like a child. "I'm not some dumb kid, so stop that. Both of you." She then turned her attention back to what she now knew as a Shaper, whatever that was. "So... Shaper is it? Yeah, I'll be honest, I've never heard of one of those. So what do you shape?"

The male stranger then started talking about lights and teleportation, which made some sense, but seemed rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things. "Oh, yeah, lights. I probably saw a blue light at some point. But more important, if this one is a Shaper, what are you two?" As soon as she asked her question, she realized the mistake she made and quickly corrected it. "Because I'm a Fusionist. I fuse things you see, like this sunflower." She then held out her incredibly dangerous, but unassuming weapon towards all the strangers around her.

Before the conversation could go in the direction she had hoped, two more strangers showed up. The first, and most likely the leader, was a real mess. He was carrying those weird, underwhelming weapons that seemed to be common here and looked like he was spent a week as a Hell Corgi's chew toy. The other one, a girl in a tight suit, seemed like a non-entity, like she was something to be dragged around by the other. The man asked something, but Messier missed what it was as her focus was elsewhere. "What is wrong with your face?"

DrBones DrBones The Mad Queen The Mad Queen GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Solution: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

Solution listened to what both Messier and Harry had to say. Of course this was a new area; any portion of Solution's homeland that was this delapidated would still be crawling with rogues. But to think that teleportation was responsible for her being ferried here? Ridiculous! The sheer amount of energy one would need to safely transfer a body the size of a human--let alone a clawbug-- over any significant distance would require enough power to level the entire continent! Solution was almost certain that such a thing hadn't happened to her. Hopefully. Her plans would be delayed by quite a bit if her entire homeland had been blasted to ashes by some sort of magical miracle.

"Teleportation is a pipe dream for apprentices and mad mages," Solution scoffed at the Sole Survivor, distracted from his other points entirely. "There is no feasible way for a teleportation spell to bring this amount of mass this far away from my point of origin, thus it cannot be the cause of my being here. You need not worry about whatever the actual cause is, I will investigate further on my own."

Satisfied at having done her duty as both an authority and educational figure, she turned to Messier. Now that she got a good look at her, they were definitely foreign. Given her tone, it was obvious that "Fusionists" were at the very least held to some sort of standard here, unlike the vagabonds she had seen up to this point. If she was a Fusionist, she must only be an apprentice of one, or a squire. Still, finding her master would be of great help.
"I suppose it's unfair to assume that you lot would recognize a Shaper," Solution admitted, "the secrets of the field are kept very closely.
"Well, we Shapers are experienced with the creation of life. I need not harry you with details, so I will merely admit this:" Solution gestured to her entourage, "I am responsible for the creation of the creatures you see before you, each and every cell my own art. You will not find a finer breed of animal than among my entourage, especially not on whatever miserable island this is," she said, beaming with pride.

At that point, two new figures had entered into the situation. One, a strikingly brutal, heavily-scarred man dressed in a peasant's robes. Clearly a sailor or other man of lowest birth, she would need to be wary around him. And, behind him, a... goodness. Solution didn't know uniforms like that existed. Not even the most unscrupulous Agent would dare to be seen in something as pointlessly titilating as this yellow-haired woman was parading around in. Definitely a concubine, or woman of tremendous value to someone. Better to stay uninvolved with these two so long as it wasn't necessary.

"Yes, what is wrong with your face?" Solution agreed. "You look like a chewed apple, sir! What gave you the idea to approach a child looking like this?"

Ennuis Ennuis The Mad Queen The Mad Queen GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Jesus Christ: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius IV)
He raised an eyebrow behind his sunglasses at the question, but figured he shouldn't be surprised. Neither of these two ladies looked like they'd been to Nevada, so they'd probably been spared the numerous gruesome wounds its inhabitants are doomed to suffer. And he'd admit, even when mauling was pretty much the status quo around there, he was an exceptional example of Nevadean battle scars.

"I was wondering the same thing," Operator 6O noted as she glanced around at his face again "Given the luxuries of the moon there's no way-"

"Damn, everybody's going for the balls immediately, hm?" Jesus sighed before nodding to the shorter of the two ladies "I'm gonna answer the runt, since despite the obvious mental deficiency, her voice doesn't make me wanna blow my brains out as much as yours do."

6O looked around for a moment before realizing she had been included in that list "Wha- you made me talk to you for like ten minutes at gunpoint!"

"Oh you'll find I've got quite the talent for suffering other people's bullshit."
he stated before nodding towards Messier and pointing towards the myriad of scars trailing all over his face "And to answer your question, most of these came from getting blown up last week."

Operator 6O was about to retaliate against his casual insult, but froze immediately upon hearing that statement, "You were... but you aren't an...android..."

"This one here," he pointed towards one long trail of stitches that ran around his entire head "was when a reality warping clown tore the top half of my head off and wore it like a goddamn thinking cap for a bit."

"That's...no... that's physically impossible for a human!" Operator 6O muttered before shaking her head "Wait a minute, that's even physically impossible for an Android! Stop lying!"

"Bitch, did you or did you not see what I did in that building back there?" Jesus glared back at the her whilst jerking a thumb towards the building for emphasis "Or are you still buying into some dumb ass assumption that your rules automatically apply here?"

Ennuis Ennuis The Mad Queen The Mad Queen DrBones DrBones
James Gordon
Outside GCPD, Mega-Gotham
New Metropolis, Gladius-IV

[*Open for Interaction*]

After walking thru the streets of a ruined Gotham for almost fifteen minutes, he finally had seen the GCPD but it's basically now a ruin. Jim began to assume that this is the aftermath of the spread of the Alice Tetch virus (in Season 3). He blamed Hugo Strange for these actions. Because of this, he got irritated which his eyes turned into pitch black once again and punched the rock which it got smashed to pieces. He calm himself afterwards and decides to sit on the stairs which is the entrance way to the GCPD.

Carl Johnson
Inside the staff room, The Tavern
Tavern of Worlds, Gladius-II


CJ's current suit without sunglasses.

CJ slowly began to open his eyes. He still got a headache after that wild party he was in, the party was initiated by Ken and Maccer, meaning he is still got a hangover.

"Ahh shi'.." CJ can't bear the pain in his head due to the hangover effect. He puked afterwards, the color of the fluid was brown and its smell like beer. CJ tried to straighten up his posture and is in need to go to a toilet to wash his face. As he became more awake, CJ realized that this isn't in Madd Dogg's mansion but some kind of a staff room restaurant. He observe his surroundings and he became vigilant, he assumed that he got kidnapped or whatever.

"What in the fuck happened? Where is dis' place?" CJ mutters to himself.
The Hunting Grounds
Wild Space
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Noam Noam Thepotatogod Thepotatogod The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

BT and Cooper took the lead as the group made their way through the forest, considering how the Titan's scanners were capable of picking up possible hostiles. "If these monsters really did bring us here somehow, I have no idea how they did." Cooper spoke up. "BT and I should be dead."

"I had planned to detonate my reactor core to overload the Ark. I had calculated the resulting explosion to completely shatter Typhon to its core, destroying the planet along with the Fold Weapon." BT further elaborated, although the others probably had no idea what he was talking about.

Cassie suddenly ran ahead of the Titan, asking him what planet he was from. "I was constructed on the Militia home planet of Harmony in the Freeport System." He said simply.

Cooper, meanwhile, had quite a bit more to say. "I was born on Earth, but my family moved to the Frontier when I was a baby. You know, to search for a better life." The Pilot said. "That was until the IMC invaded and started harassing and exploiting my home. As in, destroying our lands, forcefully taking our resources, polluting and destroying our planets, and killing us off if we try to resist. It's why I joined the Militia in the first place."

The Pilot turned to the rest of the group. "What about the rest of you? You were talking about going home to your son, weren't you, Daisuke?"
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Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Silver linings, Venkman thought.
"Darkened Skies is under quarantine. Unless you know the right people, there's no chance of you getting to that planet. Even less of a chance of you getting off..."
He breathed "However, there's no sunlight and the rivers are made of blood. Sounds like the ideal place for a Vampire to be honest, now that I think about it." He stroked his chin "If there weren't raving bands of psychopaths and monsters. Place is quarantined for a reason, after all"

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Harley Quinn: Omega (Gladius-IV)

Aria laughed, throwing her head back.
"I don't run Omega. I am Omega."
"Orders?" One of her men asked. A Turian "Are we shooting these fools, or..."

Aria took a few steps forwards, eyeing Victor.
"Just for pointing that gun at my head, I'd probably have thrown you out of an airlock by now. But...Part of me likes you style."
"Wait, what?" Harley whispered
"I need to know where this ship is going. So put the gun down and we'll talk. My men will put their guns down when you do. Try anything else though, and you'd wish I threw you out of an airlock."

Harley stepped forwards, one hand raised.
"Um, hi..."
"And who the hell are you?"
"I'm looking for a pilot and I got credits to pay 'em. You, well you are Omega so I reckon you're the best gal to talk to."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don, Tellestia (Gladius-I)
"I know a place. But it's important you don't kill anyone or the mad bitch controlling the place will have you hung, drawn, quartered and probably a manner of different things. Malkavians..."
He shook his head "They...They can get creative. Really creative if you cross them."

He was heading to the nightclub anyway, just in case one of the sisters had heard anything.


Alva Bòideach: The Citadel Presidium (Gladius-I)
"Light." Alva whispered, taking one more deep breath to compose herself. She managed to stand to her feet "You really think we were brought here for a reason?" She asked Samus
"Well, don't know about you two..." Oliver said "Well, three." He looked at Sheeva "But I'm just a bloke. Sure, I can handle meself but...Fate picking me?"
"You'd be surprised, Oliver." Alva smiled
"If you really want to help, I'll see what I can find." The Quarian butted in
"I also want answers. More about this...Where are we, again?" Alva asked
"The Citadel. In Gladius."
"Gladius. Okay."

The Quarian looked up from her screen "C-Sec has their hands full right now. Like I said, people like you keep arriving. People who's universes were destroyed. Between managing the influx of people, sometimes things slip through the cracks."
She sighed, and leaned forwards in her chair
"Organised crime takes advantage of these people. The ones we can't get to. If you're trained, C-Sec would really appreciate some help with this." She whispered "Of course, you didn't hear this from me."

Specialist Specialist

The Sole Survivor: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The crowd kept getting larger. Everybody kept asking one of the newcomers about his face, but Cait had another question plaguing her mind.
"Why do you look like Jesus?" She asked
"Oh yeah. I wondered why he looked familiar." Harry replied "What is with that anyway? If you're going to tell me that you're the legit son of God then...Oh boy."

He'd seen people with faces in worse conditions. Ghouls, for a start had been exposed to radiation and somehow survived, then there were a good number of raiders into self-mutilation as well as those marked by things in the Commonwealth and across the wasteland. Jesus' face was pretty tame in comparison.
"I suppose it doesn't matter. I'll answer whatever questions people have...So long as you call calm down. A lot of shit happened, okay but if you start killing each other then we're gonna get nowhere."
"Who made you the voice of reason?" Cait asked
"I did."
He looked at the crowd "Reality's dead. Something called The Great Hunger killed it and we're all standing on one of the last planets in creation. Blue lights brought us all here, from what I know. That's been the case with everyone I've met so-far anyway. Until that changes, that's what I'm going with."

He forced a smile "Welcome to the Commonwealth, people. Half the things here want to eat your face or steal your face. So I'd suggest we get off the road and head for Diamond City."
"Or you could just take yer chances out here and not listen to him."
"Play nice, Cait."
"I'll try." She rolled her eyes
"Good enough for me."

DrBones DrBones Noivian Noivian Ennuis Ennuis GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Steve Rodgers: Brymor Crossing, Sword Coast North (Certh, Gladius-II)
The Dragonborn woman took a deep breath to compose herself.
"Snatchers. They took her and ran for the city limits...Please, if you get her back I'll pay you with whatever I have."
"Ma'am, you don't need to pay me anything..." Steve cut in
"No, I have to give you something. It doesn't seem right to risk your l..."

He rested a hand on her shoulder, cutting her off "Then just answer me a few questions when we get back, okay?"
She nodded.

@Freshet Donder172 Donder172 @MikaboshiEinst

Peter W: Darkened Skies (Gladius-III)
Peter neatly folded up the photograph and placed it back in his pocket.
"Now, we need to get going. My wife and that nice man's parcel need us." He pointed at Postal Dude

He started to walk deeper into the towns. All the buildings were decrepit, a few of them singed by fire damage. He didn't think about what had happened here though, as it couldn't be as frightening as climate change. However, a shadowy figure watched Peter from within the window of a house.

He waved "Hi there..."
And was cut off as the figure tossed a knife at the man's head. Before it could make contact though, something dashed in front of the Beekeeper and caught it.

Dropping the knife, he turned to Peter and the others.

"...It's not safe!" The stranger continued

billthesomething billthesomething TrueBananaz TrueBananaz
James Gordon
Outside GCPD, Mega-Gotham
New Metropolis, Gladius-IV

[*Open for Interaction*]

After walking thru the streets of a ruined Gotham for almost fifteen minutes, he finally had seen the GCPD but it's basically now a ruin. Jim began to assume that this is the aftermath of the spread of the Alice Tetch virus (in Season 3). He blamed Hugo Strange for these actions. Because of this, he got irritated which his eyes turned into pitch black once again and punched the rock which it got smashed to pieces. He calm himself afterwards and decides to sit on the stairs which is the entrance way to the GCPD.

Gordon wasn't alone. Three men stepped out of the shadows and approached him.
"What have we got here?" One of them asked
"Are you lost?" Said the other

Carl Johnson
Inside the staff room, The Tavern
Tavern of Worlds, Gladius-II


CJ's current suit without sunglasses.

CJ slowly began to open his eyes. He still got a headache after that wild party he was in, the party was initiated by Ken and Maccer, meaning he is still got a hangover.

"Ahh shi'.." CJ can't bear the pain in his head due to the hangover effect. He puked afterwards, the color of the fluid was brown and its smell like beer. CJ tried to straighten up his posture and is in need to go to a toilet to wash his face. As he became more awake, CJ realized that this isn't in Madd Dogg's mansion but some kind of a staff room restaurant. He observe his surroundings and he became vigilant, he assumed that he got kidnapped or whatever.

"What in the fuck happened? Where is dis' place?" CJ mutters to himself.

A Halfling entered the staff room and glared at CJ
"You're not suppost to be back here!" She cried "Wh-how'd you get back here!?"
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
She takes a long, slow breath. “Right. So he’s likely to be prey as well as predator while he’s there. Not ideal.” She mutters. “I mean, I doubt there are many holy men to truly pose a threat, but it’s still a massive issue.” She taps a finger on her arm. “He doesn’t feel confident teleporting between planets, so that won’t work. Being trapped in the void wouldn’t kill him, but it certainly wouldn’t be pleasant. Gods damn it, how am I going to get back to him? …Oh, boy, he says he sees people.”

Farator: Unknown, Darkened Skies (Free Space)
Indeed, Farator caught the scent of humans, and is currently watching from where he reformed on a roof, his scarlet eyes glowing ever so slightly. Curious. These ones he sees do not fit what the mage said. Then again, if murderers reign here, they would require prey. In fact, it seems the hunt is exactly what he is witnessing, as a knife is thrown at the group. Tsk. Whoever this hunter is, either they like to play with their food, or they’re quite clumsy. For now the vampire will wait and see if they are worth protecting.. He refuses to risk his unlife for those that will die anyway.
billthesomething billthesomething TrueBananaz TrueBananaz The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Samus-007/Gladius I: The Presidium
[Interacting with: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ; Open to Interaction]

"I wasn't made to work alongside military forces; I'll do whatever I can to help, but I don't plan on any formal integration into a force I don't understand." Samus said coldly, glancing over to the others, then back to the Quarian. "Apprecieated, Ma'am. If there's a ship I can see about acquiring, I'd like to speak to whoever is in that department alongside any higher-echelon personell that would be willing to assist in what I can do to help the station. These three I'm sure are capable of holding their own. Unless you're coming with us?" The Spartan said; visor now trained on Alva, Oliver and the tiger. They may not be Spartans, but working solo for 28 years under the ghost of ONI's watch did get rather lonesome, though she wouldn't admit it out loud. Boss sighed in her head. 'They really changed your tune, huh?'

Samus muted her external speakers, and spoke up. "They're Civilians; I'm not just going to leave them here. That's their choice, but it's been twenty-eight years since I've talked to anyone other than a Spook."

'Just don't lose yourself, Sam.'

"I won't."

Samus re-activated her external speakers, and remained in silence for the rest of them to speak up. Like it or not, sitting around this area wasn't going to help anything. It was time to get to work.

Vasu 'Koromai/Gladius IV: The Badlands; New Metropolis;
[Interacting with: Open to Interaction]

Vsau's black, beady eyes ultimately landed on a building he recognized from the Earth-invasion. These facilities were where the 'Colonial Police', as they were referred to, deployed to maintain stability in a particular area of the city. He knew this because he had encountered them during the invasion of New Mombassa; dispatching them with relative ease as these types of troopers seemed of a poorer trained quality than the regular Human soldiers of the UNSC. Both were insults to him, as nothing had yet to equate him in combat other than one of the Demons he'd fought in one of his many skirmishes. He picked up his gait, and took long, lurching predatory steps toward the building in front of his vision.
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