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Fandom Gijinka Manor



One Thousand Club
Humans. Pokemon.


The last few generations have introduced the latter race to this world. No one was sure how they came to be. A strange mating between human and pokemon? An unholy experiment? Hard to say. But they exist. And they are sought after by most of the world's genetic researchers. Those that refuse to go willingly are forced into hiding. The Gijinka Manor is a safehouse of sorts, where gijinka can live without fear of bounty hunters.

This is where your story will take place...
Jupiter tugged downwards on their pink, fluffy sweatshirt as the sounds of a cluttered dining room filled the air. The Flaaffy mix had just woken up and hastily got dressed as to not miss out on breakfast. If you weren't there fast, the younger kids might've already stolen your portion. They fiddled with their hands as they starting shaking a little. Early morning breakfasts weren’t really their thing, but it was food. A few people called out insults, to which Jupiter only tilted their head away as their gaze was still directed at the ground. Like I mentioned, early morning breakfasts weren’t their thing.
Noam sighed irritably and shot his best glare at the annoying bullies. He supposed he was lucky that his resting face apparently frightened others away from stealing or picking fights with him. It may drive off potential friends, but he was content to scare the bullies away from others from the sidelines. The poor kid was nervous enough as it was, anyway.
Zaria's eyes slowly opened, yawning and stretching. She glanced around, before realizing that almost everyone had already gone to breakfast. The Zorua Gijinka immediately jumped up, getting changed rather quickly. She was almost always late to breakfast. She entered the dining room, a silly, dumb grin plastered on her face. "Eyyy! Your favorite Zorua is here: Zaria!" Zaria shouted, rather loudly. She raised both arms in the air, almost like a pose to present herself, the grin just getting bigger.
Jupiter jumped, shaking even more. They rushed to their seat, deciding to eat before they further embarrassed themselves.

Asura was leaned back in her seat, arms crossed behind her head. She had the reputation of "most likely to impale you with a fork." Also one for being a jerk to many, many people. The gijinka smirked at Jupiter's visible shaking, a small fang showing by nature. She found it funny when the Flaaffy shook. Some others at the table thought the same as well.
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Noam glanced over at the loud girl that had entered late. Again. Not that Noam paid particular attention (except that he did) but he'd noticed this particular girl came late to breakfast everyday, generally making a ruckus on arrival. (He was most definitely not jealous of her outgoing nature and ability to throw herself into social situations without a thought. Nope. No jealousy here.)

((Lunch was delicious, and sorry I'm late :P ))
Bubbles of water floating in front of her, Lora stared at herself in the mirror, noticing the ever present bags under her currently glowing red eyes as her body hummed with psychic power. Another nightmare she really didn't want to remember ever, another sleepless night. While things had gotten slightly better since she had arrived at the manor a few years ago, she was still tense, always on alert for anyone potentially dangerous in case they were just right around the corner.

Sighing to herself, she released the bubbles, letting them fall into the sink. It was time for breakfast.

Even before she got to the mess hall, Lora could hear the guffaws and muttering of the other occupants of the Manor, their voices echoing off the walls. Once there, she took a quick glance at everyone and found a place to sit, as far away as possible from everyone else. She began humming a tune under her breath, putting small portions of the various foods set on one of the nearby tables onto her plate.

((Been listening to the freaking tune all day. Sorry. :P)
Quinn was done talking to a buddy of his, his, a slight frown came across his face as he walked away from him. Whatever his old friend was plannng to do worried him to death, but Quinn knew there was no stopping him. All he could do was wish for his friend's safe return to the manor. However, if he didn't come back soon, he was going to take action ." I should go eat breakfast now." The beautiful white Ninetails left the spot he was in, heading into the kitchen where everyone else where..well, not everywhere. Quinn also didn't see his sister." Good mornng everyone. Hope you all had a good night's rest."​
Jupiter didn’t try to respond to the greetings. Always shaking and nervous, they probably never would. Instead the mix took out a book. They had been reading it for quite a while, and they quite enjoyed it. Of course Jupiter noticed some others who read as well, but they never talked with anyone about their reading hobby. They found their reasoning a bit silly, so the Flaaffy figured they would just be laughed at.

A few seats down on the oposite side where Jupiter sat someone called out another insult. Jupiter buried their face deeper into their book. Asura’s grin only widened. Done with her meal, she pushed her chair away from the table and left, bumping into Quinn slightly as she passed. One quick glare was cast before she exited the room. She always arrived and left breakfast early. Everyone joked it was probably to plot a murder, Jupiter didnt even want to find out.
Zaria started to walk towards a seat, still smiling, before her ears perked up, hearing the insult. She blinked a few times, looking now to the Flaafy Gijinka, then to the one who actually called out the insult. She growled rather loudly, glaring at them for a few seconds, before shaking her head. She sat next to Jupiter, nudging her slightly as she sat down. "'Ey, sheepy, you okay?" She questioned, arms crossed. "Don't let 'em bother ya, alright?"
Noam relaxed his posture slightly. The little Flaafy kid should be safe enough with the loud Zorua growling at the bullies for them. He had considered several times the possibility of approaching the shy kid, but he hadn't because he didn't know how. Luckily, he wasn't the only one around that hated bullies enough to scare them off.
Jupiter jumped at the nudge, looking up from their book suddenly. "U-Uh... ye-ye-yeah..." they stuttered out, mentally face-palming at their speaking condition. They glanced every now and then at different places. Talking with new people was kind of uncomfortable...
The Zorua Gijinka nodded, sighing relieved. "What book ya readin?'" She asked curiously, tail swaying side to side contently. Before she could actually answer, Zaria tried to snatch the book of the Flaafy, rather roughly.
Red eyes narrowed menacingly at the loud girl. Noam was counting on her to protect the kid, not upset them. He leaned back, deciding to wait and watch. He wouldn't actually intervene until he understood what was actually going on over there. That didn't mean he wouldn't be directing his most menacing glare at the Zorua Gijinka, though.
The book was handed over easily while Jupiter flinched. The loudness of Zaria startled them easily. The book was Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague (a really good read). It was the third in the series, and quite large. The Flaaffy seemed to be just past the middle of the book. If you looked through the read pages, some had silly little scribbles of some scenes on the sides. They didn't mind scribbling in their book, as long as it related or wasn't in the way of the text. Whenever they'd read it again, it'd make them happy and laugh a little. Jupiter needed something like that, and that was the only thing they were comfortable with.
She turned to the cover, making sure not to lose the page the Flaaffy was actually on. "Fablehaven, Grip of the Shadow Plague." She read out, seeming rather interested. Zaria had a grin plastered to her face as she looked at all the scribbles. She couldn't help but chuckle, glancing up from the book. She looked around, slightly confused as she saw the boy.. glaring at her. What was she doing that made him glare at her? She was confused. Zaria threw the book on the table, landing with a 'thud!' The Zorua Gijinka growled at the Absol Gijinka (sorry if I got it wrong xc), it sounding rather aggressive, despite her wanting it.. a rather playful growl. She glared back at the boy, arms crossed, a small smirk on her face.
Jupiter scrambled slightly and retrieved their book, being rather clumsy in the process. The mix held it close to their body as they tensed. Their orange-brown eyes darted back and forth between the two gijinkas. Once again, they began to shake. The growling scared them, and the glare was unsettling. Maybe they could just slip out unnoticed.
The Absol ((you got it right ;P )) Gijinka noticed that he was scaring the little Flaafy and his face immediately softened before he winced and turned away, upset that he had frightened them. Knowing that saying he was sorry in this public area would likely make the kid melt in embarrassment, he simply bowed his head and decided he would try to catch them for a proper apology later.
The Zorua turned with a small 'hmph.' back to the Flaaffy, the growling completely stopping, or at least, quieting down. She blinked a few times, seeing the other shake. "Uh.. are you sure you're alright? You don't seem okay. Are you nervous or somethin?'" She asked, obviously confused. Zaria was clueless to why the other was shaking.
"W-W-Well I uh..." Jupiter paused. "I, u-u-um... yeah... I have an-anxiety..." They started messing with their hands, trying to calm down. The Flaaffy could feel their heart beating hard in their chest. There was nothing to panic over, nothing to worry about.
Alistair had no need for food. He never did. His Plates kept him alive and sustained his body, his being feeding off their energy. But that's not to say he didn't enjoy eating. No, in fact eating was his favorite pastime. If only the god could ever learn to cook...

He looked up now, from a plate piled high with ketchup-covered hash browns and eggs. Taking a moment to wipe his face, he sat back in his chair and observed the room. Asura was gone, as per usual. Jupiter was shaking, and Zaria was doing a horrible job of helping. Noam was being protective, and frankly, not much else was going on.

Alistair debated speaking up, but wondered if his intervention would upset the Flaafy gijinka more, given the god's status. He hadn't exactly hidden who he was when he arrived, descending on the house and changing into gijinka form right in front of everyone. And those who hadn't been there when he arrived certainly would have heard rumors - news traveled like wildfire in this place.

"Zaria," Alistair spoke up finally, unable to stand seeing Jupiter tremble so much. "Come. Sit. Eat." He patted the seat next to him, on the other side of the table from Jupiter. "Isn't that why we have breakfast?"

assholewithfeelings assholewithfeelings
Alyssa simply wandered into the manner, shaking gently as she did so. It was such a odd and nostalgic feeling of calmness and serenity in this place. One can easily feel it without much effort involved, and you didn't need to be a psychic type pokemon to tell such. However, she still was a bit nervous. This would be her first time talking to a fellow gijinka in a long period of time. And honestly, she wasn't 100% prepared for such a awkward interaction. She was there the entire time, listening to the others and their many interactions with others. It was such a fond and relaxing experience, but she couldn't help but be nervous at least somewhat. Looking at Alistair, she nearly tripped over in surprise in a comical fashion . Another Arceus gijinka ?! Seriously, when could she get a break ?! SHe decided to hide behind a table or something to avoid being spotted. This just escalated a lot quicker than she was hoping... And she wasn't ready.
After dealing with Zaria, Alistair turned his attention almost immediately in Alyssa's direction. After being the only one of his kind for so long, it was only natural he'd single out even the smallest hint of another Arceus, even if that other individual was partially human. He didn't even need to see her to sense her presence. He raised his eyebrows curiously, and smiled slightly, attempting to look friendly. Ultimately, though, the god decided it might be better to allow her to find her comfort zone and pretend like he didn't notice her. Let her come closer, so he could get to know her. Turning back to his food, he continued to eat, pretending to be unaware of Alyssa, despite listening specifically for movement from her.
Jupiter finally slipped out of their chair and away from the large group. They hadn't eaten much, but at least their plate was empty. The grass flattened as they sat on the side of the manor, back against the wall. That spot next to the outsides of the gijinkas' home was a spot no one really paid attention to. Why would they? It was just a wall most of the time.

Jupiter let out a shaky sigh as they relaxed. It was much calmer outside and away from all the noise and shouting inside held. They resumed their book with a pen in hand, just in case they wanted to scribble in it from time to time. Sure, they considered the thought of friends but the Flaaffy didn't even know what she wanted in one. Noam might be good to talk to, since he liked books as well. Zaria could be nice if they got used to the yelling and energy the Zoura had. Quinn seemed nice enough to be around. Lora was quiet and reserved. Alistair, well, Alistair was a god so that might not work out well. Not to mention hundreds of other gijinkas as well. It was really confusing as to who she could hang out with. Asura... maybe, just maybe, that could work.
With a gasp Tempest sat straight up in bed with a cold sweat. Flames shot out from the red circles located on either side of her neck and across the back of her shoulders. Her red orbs panned the area of the bedroom as she panted, then realization hit. It had only been a nightmare. The fire slowly retreated back to which it came from as the Typhlosion humanoid stared at the familiar walls of her room inside the manor she had been calling home for the past 5-6 years. Cursing under her breath, Tempest's fingers ran through her short blue hair before squeezing her ears, located on either side of her head. It took her around five minutes, but the young woman eventually found herself getting out of bed.

After a small deal of time, Tempest was just about finished getting ready for the day. Just like all the days before the young woman's chest was bound a bit loosely and she was wearing her go to, short yukata that gave her the appearance of some sort of foreign gangster. This was due to how she only ever wore one sleeve while the other hung off, along with it appearing to have shorts made of mesh which were covered in a sense for decency (see character sheet for image). When Tempest had finished brushing her teeth she found herself staring in to the reflection given off in the mirror. Thanks to the red dots located right under her eyes, it seemed that no one should notice her tiredness from afar. With a small grunt the Typhlosion walked out of the bathroom, slipped her sandals on, and headed towards the mess hall.

Upon arriving the woman noticed that a few people were already walking away from the table. Besides that, she also noticed the her younger brother wasn't around yet either. Though she knew he'd be down shortly, and decided to make his plate for him like she always did. Filling two plates with eggs, potatoes, and fruit before carrying towards the very end of the table where no one else really sat. The ones that did however, got up and quickly moved in the opposite direction of Tempest. Leaving her to sit by herself at the table's end with both plates. But this wasn't something particularly new to the Typhlosion gijinka. Ever since she arrived at this place as a teenager she seemingly struck fear into the hearts of a handful of residents with her threats of burning them if they ever dared to cross her, or her little brother. With a sigh she picked up a fork and began to eat the food from her plate. When she glanced off to the side, her red orbs caught sight of her brother, Blake. A gentle smile formed as she motioned for him to come have a seat beside her.

The blue haired teen had gotten out of bed and ready shortly after his sister had made it to the dinning hall. When he made it down there he saw the familiar face of his older sister at the far end of the table. With a small smile, the Quilava gijinka walked towards the woman before taking a free seat to the left of her. "Did you sleep alright," he heard is sister ask while he was busy stuffing his face with cantaloupe and pineapple chunks. Since his mouth was full the boy could only nod, which in turn made his sibling chuckle a bit. Blake managed to smile a bit as he swallowed his food, but it faded as he noticed semi dark circles under his sister's eyes, "You had a bad dream last night, didn't you?" Tempest nodded as she quickly finished up the eggs and potatoes on her plate before starting to nibble on apple slices. "I'll be fine Blake. Don't worry about it so much." The Quilava gave a small nod of his head before turning his attention back onto the plate in front of him. Though he did worry about his older sister sometimes.

When the two of them finished their breakfast, the older sibling stacked their plates and utensils before standing up. "You know where to find me if you need any help, alright." With that said, Tempest kissed her little brother's head before taking their dirty dishes to the kitchen. Thus leaving Blake to his own devices. So like always the teen got up from his chair, and headed away from everyone else. Walking towards a different wing of the manor.

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