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Fandom Gijinka Manor (Character Sign Up)



One Thousand Club
Humans. Pokemon.


The last few generations have introduced the latter race to this world. No one was sure how they came to be. A strange mating between human and pokemon? An unholy experiment? Hard to say. But they exist. And they are sought after by most of the world's genetic researchers. Those that refuse to go willingly are forced into hiding. The Gijinka Manor is a safehouse of sorts, where gijinka can live without fear of bounty hunters.

This is where your story will take place...
Character Sheet

Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):
Appearance (Pic Preferred):

Name: Noam
Age: 18
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):
Appearance (Pic Preferred):

A bit quiet. Enjoys reading, usually outside under a tree. Part of him hopes that someone will come talk to him while he's outside, as he doesn't have enough confidence in his social skills to seek anyone out himself.
His parents had left him at the manor at a point almost before he can remember, and he has remained ever since.
Name: Jupiter
Age: 16
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):
Appearance (Pic Preferred): Click for source!

Jupiter is riddled with anxiety and self-loathing, with just a dash of insomnia. They're secretive about their actual gender for reasons unknown (may or may not be revealed). When forced with a large problem, they'll often start shaking uncontrollably. Jupiter has a large stuttering problem when interacting with new people.
Jupiter had only stayed in the manor for a few years, being relatively new. Their parents forced the hybrid into hiding for Jupiter's own safety. They're still not sure if that was their actual parents or not.
Other: Not shown: Jupiter's horns are blue like a Mareeps and both their orb and eyes shine with the colors of the planet from which they got their name.
Name: Jupiter
Age: 16
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?): Flaaffy
Appearance (Pic Preferred): Click for source!

Jupiter is riddled with anxiety and self-loathing, with just a dash of insomnia. They're secretive about their actual gender for reasons unknown (may or may not be revealed). When forced with a large problem, they'll often start shaking uncontrollably. Jupiter has a large stuttering problem when interacting with new people.
History: Jupiter had only stayed in the manor for a few years, being relatively new. Their parents forced the hybrid into hiding for Jupiter's own safety. They're still not sure if that was their actual parents or not.
Other: Not shown: Jupiter's horns are blue like a Mareeps and both their orb and eyes shine with the colors of the planet from which they got their name.
Accepted! ... I'm tempted to make Noam just glare at anyone that tries to pick on them with him around. Not necessarily have him talk to them, just scare off bullies from the sidelines... ^^;
Name: Asura
Age: 24
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):
Appearance (Pic Preferred): Click for the link! (sorry for huge pictures, lol)

Personality: At first, Asura may try to push you around. Her presence resembles that of, well, a bully. All it takes for her to consider you a friend is to earn her respect. After that she goes a little easy on you, but not a lot.
Asura had a very troubled childhood. She was always pressured by her parents to stay inside, and for punishments they threatened to turn her in and have her killed. She got to the manor by fleeing one evening while their backs were turned. She hasn't regretted a thing since.
Other: She absolutely despises chocolate. Despises.
Name: Asura
Age: 24
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?): Garchomp
Appearance (Pic Preferred): Click for the link! (sorry for huge pictures, lol)

Personality: At first, Asura may try to push you around. Her presence resembles that of, well, a bully. All it takes for her to consider you a friend is to earn her respect. After that she goes a little easy on you, but not a lot.
History: Asura had a very troubled childhood. She was always pressured by her parents to stay inside, and for punishments they threatened to turn her in and have her killed. She got to the manor by fleeing one evening while their backs were turned. She hasn't regretted a thing since.
Other: She absolutely despises chocolate. Despises.
Accepted! And now we have our bully... Mwahaha... X3
Like that kind of friend who's really overprotective

"Hey Mareep! Why do you look like you got stuck between evolutions?"
"WHY YOU JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH LITTLE-" *constantly restraining Asura while she threatens to stab him*
Name: Zaria
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):
Appearance (Pic Preferred):


Zaria is a mischievous, playful, cheeky and energetic Zorua Gijinka. She is rather loud, not caring who judges her, being rather confident. Sometimes, she'll just.. randomly tackle you to the ground. She also likes playing pranks & tricks on others.
History: Zaria was left in the woods when she was very young. She was took in by two gijinka parents. She stayed with them for a long time. However, the parents knew, for her own safety, they had to send her to the manor. She's been there not even a year.

Name: Zaria
Age: 17
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?): Zorua
Appearance (Pic Preferred):

Zaria is a mischievous, playful, cheeky and energetic Zorua Gijinka. She is rather loud, not caring who judges her, being rather confident. Sometimes, she'll just.. randomly tackle you to the ground. She also likes playing pranks & tricks on others.
History: Zaria was left in the woods when she was very young. She was took in by two gijinka parents. She stayed with them for a long time. However, the parents knew, for her own safety, they had to send her to the manor. She's been there not even a year.
Accepted! Feel free to jump in, the posts have just started!
Name: Lora
Age: 23
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?): Gardevoir
Appearance (Pic Preferred):

Personality: Lora is a seemingly emotionless individual, equanimous and possessing a good poker face that is hard to crack. She's usually very quiet, but you can tell she's annoyed when a sarcastic remark comes out of her mouth. Her sense of humor and outlook of the world is dark, but she generally keeps her thoughts to herself during social situations, mostly because she isn't sure how to act around other people. She's a realist, not sugar coating things when they get bad, although some may call her heartless for it. Contrary to belief, she's not. She's actually quite kind and protective once you get to know her, and once you get passed the fact she often pushes people away. Lora can be surprisingly sensitive as well, especially when it comes to matters of her past and those she feels close with. When embarrassed however, she can lose composure and become quite clumsy. And when she's angry? Well, it's best you run for the hills...

History: Lora, like many gijinka, has a past she'd rather not remember but keeps haunting her anyway. Up until she was 13, she lived a relatively good life despite living in hiding with her parents and a few other Gijinka, as the self sustaining farm she grew up on was pretty isolated from those who wanted to harm or study them. She played and goofed around like any other kid her age. That however changed one day when word somehow got out, and the next thing she knew she and a few other gijinka were captured and sent to a lab to be studied. For 6 long and grueling years she lived in that lab, but was eventually liberated along with the others by a pro-gijinka group that then sent them to the Manor. Since then, Lora has lived there, but still carries the scars of her imprisonment.

Other: Lora loves listening to music and actually seems to transform into another person entirely when that occurs.
Name: Lora
Age: 23
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?): Gardevoir
Appearance (Pic Preferred):

Personality: Lora is a seemingly emotionless individual, equanimous and possessing a good poker face that is hard to crack. She's usually very quiet, but you can tell she's annoyed when a sarcastic remark comes out of her mouth. Her sense of humor and outlook of the world is dark, but she generally keeps her thoughts to herself during social situations, mostly because she isn't sure how to act around other people. She's a realist, not sugar coating things when they get bad, although some may call her heartless for it. Contrary to belief, she's not. She's actually quite kind and protective once you get to know her, and once you get passed the fact she often pushes people away. Lora can be surprisingly sensitive as well, especially when it comes to matters of her past and those she feels close with. When embarrassed however, she can lose composure and become quite clumsy. And when she's angry? Well, it's best you run for the hills...

History: Lora, like many gijinka, has a past she'd rather not remember but keeps haunting her anyway. Up until she was 13, she lived a relatively good life despite living in hiding with her parents and a few other Gijinka, as the self sustaining farm she grew up on was pretty isolated from those who wanted to harm or study them. She played and goofed around like any other kid her age. That however changed one day when word somehow got out, and the next thing she knew she and a few other gijinka were captured and sent to a lab to be studied. For 6 long and grueling years she lived in that lab, but was eventually liberated along with the others by a pro-gijinka group that then sent them to the Manor. Since then, Lora has lived there, but still carries the scars of her imprisonment.

Other: Lora loves listening to music and actually seems to transform into another person entirely when that occurs.
Accepted! You can jump in whenever! ^^

Name: Quinn
Age: 24 1/4
Ninetails (shiny)
Appearance (Pic Preferred):^
Quinn is a very humble and gentle guy. Although it may seem impossible, Quinn tries his best to maintain the peace in the manor. He hates violence, but if haves to he will fight back
once he lived with loving family, but a group of hunters targeted him out the blue. His parents protected both him and his younger sister. Quinn escpaded with his sister and manged to find the manor
Name: Alyssa

Age: 18

Gijinka: Arceus

Personality: Sweet, Quiet, very shy, and the most likely target of a bully , Alyssa can be seen as a bit of a sweetheart who would refuse to have any sort of conflict with anyone until shown otherwise. However, she has been known to stay in the sidelines for a extended period of time . She can be seen as a person who somewhat stutter and apologize quite frequently despite her stature . However, she can have quite the temper at times if you manage to catch her off on the rare times she isn't calm and peaceful . She hates herself quite a bit and tries to hide her true identity from most in fear of rejection .

History: She was a created Gijinka who was modeled in the same light as the creator God Arceus. It was successful and a gijinka rivaling said legendary was born. However, it was worthy to note that it acted completely differently than the Creator God, desiring nothing but desertion, peace, and just being accepted as a part of the gijinkas. Most who saw her true form were scared of it, so she limited herself to being a human version of herself. She found out about the Manor by just hearing rumors about it from other people, and learning that others like herself was going to be there, she decided to personally visit said Manor. She hopes to meet some friends and find someone who will trust her for herself.

Name: Quinn
Age: 24 1/4
Gijinka: Ninetails (shiny)
Appearance (Pic Preferred):^
Quinn is a very humble and gentle guy. Although it may seem impossible, Quinn tries his best to maintain the peace in the manor. He hates violence, but if haves to he will fight back
History: once he lived with loving family, but a group of hunters targeted him out the blue. His parents protected both him and his younger sister. Quinn escpaded with his sister and manged to find the manor
Alright. Good to go!
Name: Alyssa

Age: 18

Gijinka: Arceus

Personality: Sweet, Quiet, very shy, and the most likely target of a bully , Alyssa can be seen as a bit of a sweetheart who would refuse to have any sort of conflict with anyone until shown otherwise. However, she has been known to stay in the sidelines for a extended period of time . She can be seen as a person who somewhat stutter and apologize quite frequently despite her stature . However, she can have quite the temper at times if you manage to catch her off on the rare times she isn't calm and peaceful . She hates herself quite a bit and tries to hide her true identity from most in fear of rejection .

History: She was a created Gijinka who was modeled in the same light as the creator God Arceus. It was successful and a gijinka rivaling said legendary was born. However, it was worthy to note that it acted completely differently than the Creator God, desiring nothing but desertion, peace, and just being accepted as a part of the gijinkas. Most who saw her true form were scared of it, so she limited herself to being a human version of herself. She found out about the Manor by just hearing rumors about it from other people, and learning that others like herself was going to be there, she decided to personally visit said Manor. She hopes to meet some friends and find someone who will trust her for herself.
Hmm... I'm gonna be honest, here. While I like the character, I hesitate to accept her because a) legendary god pokemon and b) convenient hidden form. I'm not sure it would really be fair that all the others have to be out in the open while she can just walk around, looking like a perfectly normal human, you know? Let me think on it, and maybe ask the others if they don't mind, yeah? ('Cause if no one minds, then it wouldn't be an issue, right?)
Hmm.. I see your fake God and raise you a real God. If you like, I can explain how I deal with the potential of "god-like" powers for Arceus. The short form is that he's not actually god-like.

Name: Alistair
Age: 14 billion (appears mid-20's)
Gijinka: Arceus

Personality: Alistair is a sweetheart. Resourceful and intelligent, yet benevolent and fatherly, Alistair is what you'd expect of a god. However, due to his extended absence from the world, he's quite socially awkward, and may often come off as heartless or abrasive. Don't let his questionable choice of words and stiff movements when it comes to contact deter you - he only wants the best for everyone, for everyone to live peacefully with everyone and have a generally happy life.
History: There was once a time when human and Pokemon were indistinguishable from each other. It only makes sense, then, that the Original One would have a form left over that looked more human than Pokemon. Alistair, until recently, just went by his species name. That changed, however, when Alyssa came along. Pulled out of a centuries-long slumber by the presence of another of his kind tweaking on his consciousness, he descended to the world once again, this time donning his gijinka form. Upon discovering the state of other gijinkas, he decided to stick around not only to determine Alyssa's threat level, but to help gijinkas live freely and peacefully.
Other: Alistair can swap back and forth between gijinka form and Pokemon form, if only because he is actually the real Arceus, and having such a power just makes sense.

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