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Fandom Gijinka Highschool (Always Accepting)


Very gay and really happy
Welcome to character signup! Please make sure not to create god characters, as they will not be accepted. Once we have 4 people we will begin!

Sign-up sheet:









Ingame Nature: (ex bashful, rash, etc):

Moveset (Stick to traditional. If you can't remember, please visit bulbapeida or such):

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Name: Adeline Fariss

Age(16-18): 17

Species: Pumpkaboo

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Adeline is very playful, and enjoys tricking people in order for her own fun. She loves hanging around new people, but she sticks to her best friends as well. However, nothing can quite surpass the loyalty of Adeline, and she will stick to her friends to the end. She is very nosy, and enjoys submersing herself in drama. Addie is a hothead and can get into trouble easy, due to her outbursts of anger. Her temper is short and she can't contain her emotions for very long. If she's excited, she'll bounce up and down. If she's sad, she'll cry within a matter of minutes. Her moods change quickly and you really have to stick with her if you want her to protect you.

Bio: TBD

Ingame Nature: Impish

Moveset: Scary Face, Shadow Ball, Seed Bomb, Confuse Ray

Other: She is a small pumpkaboo
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Name: Aria Symph

Age: 16

Species: Altaria

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Although slightly timid, Aria enjoys spending her time with what few friends she has because of her lack of socialisation skills. Due to her modest nature, Aria dislikes bragging about the things that she may have (or do not have) and prefers to stay quiet when crowded with strangers. She is content on whatever she is given and does not like thinking that she is above or below a person's status. Aria dislikes violence- although when urged to, she'd make sure to damage the opponent as little as possible- and because of this, is usually regarded weak. Her untapped potential lays dormant within her.

Bio: Aria was a black sheep amongst her family of Adamant-natured Altaria and Swablu. First born with a timid nature, Aria grew up as an outcast. Considered to be amongst one of the very few weakest members of her family, Aria's grandmother became the only one whom she could open up to. As she was raised by her, Aria's nature slowly changed to Modest, a nature that only her grandmother shared with her.

In-game Nature: Modest


  • Hyper Voice
  • Fire Blast
  • Aerial Ace
  • Dragon Pulse

Other: The picture's actually Lisia from Pokemon ORAS. (':3) (And if mega-evolution is allowed, I'd like Mega-Altaria to be her dormant power).
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If you have anyone you think would be interested make sure to let them know :D
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Name: Mike Greene

Age(16-18): 17

Species: Gallade

Type: Fighting/Psychic

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight (Though he claims to be asexual)

Personality: Cold, calculating, and loyal. On the outside, Mike not seem like the most caring Pokemon, but once you get to know him, he's as loyal as you can get. To show affection, he acts as a bodyguard to people he doesn't dislike. As a knight, he follows the code of chivalry and fights for justice. He's also a very skilled fight; quite possibly one of the best in the whole school.

Bio: The son of a female Gardevoir and a male Dusknoir, Mike had a task at hand he wanted to do since birth. Among the Ralts and Kirlia species, every male had a choice. Either evolve into a Gardevoir naturally, or seek out the rare Dawn Stone and evolve into a Gallade. Of course, most male Ralts and Kirlias wanted to be a Gallade, but didn't work hard enough to find the Dawn Stone. Mike, on the hand, trained extensively in the art of logic and combat in order to evolve the way he wanted. Unfortunately, since he had trained so hard in combat, Mike didn't take the time to learn any psychic moves. The inability to use psychic moves is his biggest insecurity, as well as his biggest weakness. Although, after hunting down a Mega Stone, he makes up for it.

In-Game Nature: Brave

Moveset: Ice Punch, Slash, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance

Other: He can Mega Evolve!

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Name: Tyrone T-Saurs

Age(16-18): 16

Species: Tryantrum

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tyrone often doesn't wear Shirts when he can but if he must, he'll wear Tight Sweaters or Undershirts. He wears Very Baggy Pants which often would fall down on him but he wears Large Belts to Keep them in Place. Tyrone is Very Big and Tall, he weights about 250 of pure muscle and is 6,8 in height which many believe came from his father.

Sexuality: HetroSexual

Personality: King-Like, Strong, Respectful, Brave, Food and Protective

Bio: Tyrone was Born into a Family of Varies Dragon Pokemon, His Father a World-Class fighter was very Respected for his Power and Strength and as a Result had many children with different mothers. Tyrone was the youngest but not the weakest instead he was the Strongest out of everyone. He became very Feared as he had Beaten anyone that messed with him

Ingame Nature: Adamant


  • Head Smash
  • Outrage
  • Earthquake
  • Firefang

Other: He has three abilities, Rock Head from his Mother, Strong Jaw also but he has Sturdy which came from his great-great-great-great- Grand Mother on his Father's side.
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? Hitomi ?


I won't

Name: Hitomi "??????" Ninome

Age: 17

Gender: Female ( Technically Genderless )

Species: Arceus ( Lost her memories when she was reborn as an Gijinka, only knows Judgement, and doesn't have the plates with her. )

Sexuality: Pan-Sexual


Personality :

Hitomi is described to be a girl with a kind, gentle heart. She doesn't do things unless she is absolutely certain it will not hurt another person's feelings. This has been shown on numerous cases, including when she was more than willing to help a person she just met a few seconds earlier with their problems. Most have simply called her " Motherly " because of the immense amount of love she gives others., to friends, family , and even strangers.

However, it is worth to note that she is incredibly timid and fragile. Her heart is very easy to break, and difficult to mend. She doesn't do relationships as much, because of her shyness . As you probably already guessed, she is immensely shy, and doesn't normally reveal herself to others. this tends to get her into awkward situations & scenarios, on the likes people aren't going to get used to.

She is the definition of pure-hearted. Without the other beings within her, she won't express herself in any sort of inappropiate way. She doesn't like getting involved with evil or nasty things, but will if it will help others.

Gijinka Appearance:


Bio: TBD

In-Game Nature: Timid

Moveset: Judgement

Other: She is essentially trying to escape her responsibilities as Arceus, by reincarnating as an Gijinka.

My Destiny !

Other info is to be Added.



|Arlene Amanda Allan|










> Spiritual

> Flirtatious

> Believes in the power of love

> Superstitious

> Very open

> Not good with subtlety

> Says what's on her mind

> Is actually quite nice

> Very chill


Arlene had a relatively normal childhood. Raised alongside her step-brother by her mother and father, she enjoyed a peaceful life. Her mother, a Mandibuzz, was very much what one could call a hippie. She cared for the environment, spread 'good vibes', and went with the flow. Her father on the other hand, was a bit of a worrywart. He was a Ditto, and he had to hide his true identity to save his family's good name. Arlene loved her whole family, and never felt shame about her father being a Ditto. She picked up on her mother's ideals, and decided that she would find her own destiny, whatever that may be.

She's still very much in touch with her family, with the exception of her step-brother, who ran away to have an adventure of his own. All she knows is that he's looking for someone, and she would love to see him again.

Ingame Nature: (ex bashful, rash, etc):


Moveset (Stick to traditional. If you can't remember, please visit bulbapeida or such):

Brave Bird, Thief, Shadow Ball, Punishment


Art is certainly not mine lol

I might throw in her step-bro later or someone can step up to the plate and play him if they want


Banette "Ban"












"I'm too lazy to go through a teenage sexuality choosing drama so why not just go with what I already have ?"


Lazy, can drown on his own lazyness, that is the impression you ge tof him at first.

After you befriend him he turns into a nice and sweet person who actually cares about something which is not games; His friends.


After being thrown away by his parents, he had to survive alone.

To this day he lives in an apartment.

"It's good enough."

Ingame Nature:



Phantom Force


Shadow Claw

Night Shade


Surprise Mega Evolution !



Name: Scarra

Age(16-18): 17

Species: Scolipede

Gender: Male

Appearance: ^

Sexuality: Asexual, but leans to being hetero.

Personality: Scarra is extremely silent and doesn't really talk much. Whenever he does, he uses small talk to chat. Hes also know to be antisocial, trying his best to stay away from others most of the time. Scarra is also known to be very awkward and weird, but he doesn't care who makes fun of him

Bio: Scarra hates to talk about his past,which mentally messed him up. However, he may tell someone close to him

Ingame Nature: Lonely

Moveset: Toxic, Poison jab, pin missiles, Iron Defense

Other: his left eye is completely gone

Name: James Zubat

Age: 18

Species: Crobat

Gender: male

Appearance: see image. James is shorter standing a 5'3

Sexuality: hetro

Personality: James is a happy go lucky person/pokemon. He love puzzles, riddle, and trick. James values rules, what fun is two truth and a lie if all of the statement are lies. He avoids breaking the rules but instead prefers to bend and push them. with a passion for gossip and romance stories. Despite this he does have a serious side that he doesn't like to show.

Bio: They say it take a village to raise a child, but when your from a family of zubats and golbats your family is the village. James is the middle child of seven sibling and one of two that became Crobats. The Zubat family is large and not particularly prodigious. It is expected of a child to be a blue collar worker usually picking up graveyard shifts. But James was not content with the basic life and work to change his future. Though few in his family enjoyed what they do, many just accept their lot in life. His eldest brother, the only other crobat James knows, was off adventuring, holding his own against other fighters. James was not particularly fond of fighting but he wanted an adventure. he strove to prove himself in school and planed to blaze his own trail when he finished.

Ingame Nature: Impish

Moveset: Air Slash, Venoshock, Poison Fang, and Confuse Ray

Other: But now you have my character sheet

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