Gijinka academy

Yes actually they are living at the school since it would be quite ridicules to drive miles to school each and every morning and the dorms can have room for two but you can get either, a single room or a room for two but that is of my choice so you cant choose wether you have somebody or not
Ah yes, miss "Creator of all thing existent in the RP." Is Hidden alone in his room or does he have a roommate? :3
Why yes it does oh yeah there is also a slight update to this rp, First is any other people who join will not get to pick from a endless amount of gijinka's instead i will look at a randomizer thingy online at you will get four choices of Pokemon to make your gijinka of and All gijinka's now have one actual Pokemon which is there Pokemon counterpart so moonlight will have a umbreon with her but guess what your Pokemon counterpart is shiny unlike you
You still have complete control over your own characters but everybody will have a single pokeball that holds there shiny pokemon counter part so you will have a actual shiny gengar as a kind of pet i suppose
Just a random thought by the way. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have like someone roleplay a teacher? It's kinda like were all just suddenly living in this school. xD WE NEED TO HAVE ORDER IN THIS COURT.
Im playing the teachers. but they will show up later since technically the students got there on a friday so it is the weekends \0-0/
Boom. Random array of teachers.
So many facepalms today but the principal will be the absol the gym teacher will be the rotom just because and the cooking class teacher will bt he staraptor just because he looks like a mad f****** scientist

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