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Fantasy Gifted Academy ([{CLOSED-Will Open Soon}])

Who will be the new headmaster?

  • @Ami the breadling

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • @SwiftPhoenix

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Full Name: Eulla

Nicknames (If Any):

Gender: Female

Age: ancient, human years: 40

Species: Storm Goddess (wink wonk)

Human appearence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/71d8d1f06295698aeea57065d9304328.png.044246d6c6d59a5ad639a1ec3544c13b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/71d8d1f06295698aeea57065d9304328.png.044246d6c6d59a5ad639a1ec3544c13b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Teal eyes and black hair, normal in up in a ponytail. Idk where this came just found it online)

Goddess Appearanc: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/storm_goddess_by_corey_h-d7cbnzv.png.7c4d1f0a1ef2e9465d48d7dad17db577.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/storm_goddess_by_corey_h-d7cbnzv.png.7c4d1f0a1ef2e9465d48d7dad17db577.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(From diventart. Didn't see the user name)

Role: Available Roles: Garden teacher

Bio: (Min. 1 Par. with Min. 2-3 sentences)

Years ago she left her child, Delia, on earth with her father a war god with no name. For years she watched over her child. After seeing her show her skills and defendin someone she calls a friend, Eulla decided to join the academy in hopes of making a connection with her daughter.

Power(s): she can do the same things as Kita, just a little bit better and has more control.

Bunkmate: none

Friend(s): none

Lover: decdased

Personality: like storms them selves, she can be calm one moment and raging the next. She's kind though, and tries her vest to jeep herslef calm, but when someone messes with any one she loves she goes balistic.

×Extra: I'll be using red text when Eulla is talking.



  • 71d8d1f06295698aeea57065d9304328.png
    95.7 KB · Views: 52
  • storm_goddess_by_corey_h-d7cbnzv.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 61
SwiftPhoenix said:
ya im waiting to be approved also what do you think of my charecter
He seems really cool

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Kumiko might most certainly know her, right?

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Does she also know who is Eullas daughter? She won't reveal it ofc.

She suspects, and only knows for sure after being reunited with Eulla
Full Name: Amy Folster

Nicknames (If Any):

Gender: Female

Age: 500

Species: Vampire

Appearance: Semi short dirty blond hair, blue eyes, scars across various parts of her body after some of the tougher fights she had been in. Wears jeans and a tee shirt most of the time with a strong distaste for dresses after having to wear them for many hundreds of years to fit in to communities.

Role: Not part of the Acadamy but sometimes helps students with as a touter.

Bio: Born in England and turned by a lover who she later killed a hundred years later once she got powerful enough. She found out about the American clonies and boarded the next ship she could find in hope of encountering less hunters. She did well for herself and managed to live a comfortable life. At the age of 445 she got herself in a fight with a hunter in which she almost died and in a need for blood attacked a man walking down the street one night. With her alrady weakened he was able to get her off before she killed him but she suspected he was turned instead. She made a note to follow the one she created from a distance and aware of his search for her she decided to oneday meet him and later saw her chance once he moved to the Acadamy. She got a house in the town and waited for his inevitable finding of where she was.

Power(s): Control over shadows, vampiric speed/agility/strength, Vampiric suggestion, Vampiric sight and scent, Blood sight

Bunkmate: N/A

Friend(s): none

Lover: none

Personality: sarcastic and overall quite laid back preferring to take things one at a time. But very protective of her friends.
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Name: Meira

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 16


The one with the cloak. Credit: Mashima Hiro

Species: Demon

Role: Student

Background: Meira came from an alternate dimension where nothing was fair. She was always bullied by her friends for being a good demon. She was very skilled in her magic, and the bullied were jealous of her. One day, she saw a shooting star. She wished that she could leave the horrible place and leave she did. One day, she saw a flyer to the academy and decided to join it to gain more things.

Powers: Copy and Paste: Meira can clone literally anything as long as it exists (excluding imagination) and place it anywhere she has seen with her keys. Examples of where she can put it: herself, other people, the alternate dimension where she comes from. She can filter the things that she does not want out of the result. Examples of things she can clone: Magic, memories, people and abilities. She can also put a copied thing onto another copied thing. Example: She can copy a person's souless body and paste it. Then she can put a person's personality into the souless body.

Exquip: Meira learnt it from her only friend in the alternate dimension. She can quickly store her keys in an empty dimension to protect it from breaking.

Personality: Her personality was warped after traveling to this dimension and she became ruthless, cunning and evil. She aims to make everybody she knows feel her suffering.

Friend: A clone of her friend from the other dimension with her personality

Bunk mate: The replica of her friend

Lover: None
Full Name: Von Steffen

Nicknames: 'The Collector'

Gender: Male

Age: 73 (Old Prime, ageless)

Species: Human (Mutate)


Role: Librarian

Bio: Although the history of this figure is unknown, his affinity for collecting anything, mainly mystic and enchanted items, is beyond any other emotinon, his lust for collecting is beyond extreme. It seems this figure also doesn't seem to age, possibly due to an item of sorts, either way, he looks in his mid forties.


Item Summoning; this figure is able to conjure forth items with a flick of his finger or any gesture, depending on the item (power) he might need to recite an incantation.

Items/mystic item collection; this figure isn't just bringing forth items from his imagination, these items have been collected over his ages, ever since he was six, although it is unknown where he is summoning such items, it could be assumed he is bringing it from some sort of pocket-dimension, or something of the sorts. His collection seems to be immense, as if it is ever-growing, slowly adding more and more things into his collection.

Genius Level Intellect; Along with tons of items, he seems to be an intellectual, with great perception and thought process, also noting during his spare time he spends studying and reading, he seems to have a powerful memory, as he can recall every item in his collection and remember entire quotes from books and other such things. He is also somewhat of a scientist knowing how some things may react and how to deal with things in a scientific/logical approach.

Friend(s): n/a

Lover: Null

Personality: This figure seems to have a very sophisticated personality, whilst also being calm at seemingly every even taking place, as if he is truly fearless.

Height: 6'1

Eye Color: Pure Yellow

Full Name:

Maname Santara Yotoku


— Name [ Nahh - May ]





Species: Magical Girl



[ innocentkami.tumblr.com ]

Role: Student

Bio: Maname was born to Kirana and Ano Yotoku on December 15th, 1998 at 11:56 AM. She had a normal childhood, up until she was fourteen. She saved a cat from getting ran over while she was riding her bike, and the cat turned out to be able to make her into a magical girl. She accepted it, not knowing the consequences. She turned out to escape, going to G.A.S.


— Reality Warping, Freezing Time { Such as Gabriel from Supernatural or Max Caulfield from Life is Strange }


[ N/A ]


[ N/A ]


[ N/A ]


{ Sleepy-Minded, Clever, Loyal, Liar, Remorseless }

For those who do not know of her scarier side, Maname's most distinctive trait is her tendency to always look as though she is just about to nod off. There are often times when she will zone out, lost in her own thoughts, and completely mishear whatever it is that the people around her are saying. This is something more common in casual conversation than anything else- she can at least manage to maintain attention when working, though even then just barely. There is something about this casual laziness, this almost dreamy inattention, that only magnifies how frightening she can be when it is required of her. To the everyday person, or stranger, she is simply an individual with her head in the clouds, who can often be seen sleeping in strange places, or hugging people and then beginning to doze off simply while leaning against them. How this makes her sleepy-minded is more easily seen in the softness of her words, like a person just woken from a nap, and her aforementioned tendency to mishear things, or not catch them at all.

Not always paying perfect attention is hardly the same as being incompetent or unintelligent, though, which she quite proves in her own capacity for mind games and the like. Maname is a very clever person, in fact, quite handy with anything that involves clues or putting pieces together. She seems to see the strings that connect things, even when others cannot.

While she might not always be the most honest of people, Maname is fiercely loyal to those who have gained her loyalty. If she likes someone, they may very well be a friend for life sort of thing- whether they approve of this or not.

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Full Name:Fredrick Fiddleford

Nicknames (If Any): Whiskers, Fiddles, Paws.

Gender: Male

Age: 12 (Cat Years)

Species: Cat? Maybe?

Appearance (Description, Image, or both. Give credit to artists if taken from the net.): In his current form he has fur as white as the snow in winter and a pair of blue cat like eyes. He often wearing a brown vest with a white under shirt and a red tie, sized to a cat of course.

Role: Librarian

Bio: Fredrick Fiddleford originally was a man of 65 years of age, he often kept to himself isolated in his little shack out in the middle of nowhere. When he was young he discovered he had the power of actual magic, story books he had read helped him preform different spells and how to preform alchemy with different items. He spent a lot of his life alone studying his powers and the different things he could do, during his life he has found three spells he is able to do anytime he would like. Those spells are, levitate, light, and message. All of his discoveries were usually found in story books, from the potions he makes to his spells everything had to be from a book. One of the days that Fredrick was studying he found the powers of a Shape Shifter, he found others with this power and spoke with them on how they did what they did. He took a piece of fur from one of them and mixed it with other ingredients, and drank his concoction. He expected to gain the powers of the people he met, but instead he was turned into a feline. He searched all his books and saw only one cure, true loves kiss. But being the age of 50 that wasn't going to happen any time soon. He needed some other cure. He went to the academy in his form and traveled to the library, he started reading all he could. At the end of the day he came up with nothing, but with this giant library there had to be something, right? When he left, he saw the sign that said a librarian was needed. He went for the opportunity and communicated with the staff via the use of his message spell. The rest was history and till this day Fredrick is still reading.

Power(s): Fredrick is able to cast the three following spells:

Levitate: This allows Fredrick to fly up to a certain height be it at a slow pace.

Light: The simplest spell Fredrick has. He summons a ball of light that follows him an illuminates the surrounding area.

Message: This allows Fredrick to send a message to someone via the use of telepathy. Many say the voice that comes into their head is very smooth and not of an old mans at all.

Bunkmate: N/A

Friend(s): Do books count?

Lover: N/A

Personality:Fredrick is not a very social person, he often keeps to himself, only responding when you're borrowing, returning, or looking for a book. Because of that he doesn't really talk to anyone, he gives off the aura of a sad lil' old cat man. He hates having to stop his studying for anything other than his job.
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