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Fantasy Gifted Academy ([{Always Open}])

Will we shut down the RP due to few replies?

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"Just trust me!" Briar says with a smile and takes Elaine's hand before they begin to levitate at the ground. Briar lets Elaine hover in the air for a while, and then flys over to the roof, putting her down gently.
A certain color spirit came walking through the doors, arms spread out to each side as he went, almost like an air plane. He'd not been here for the first day, but he was here nonetheless. Glancing around, he just meandered his way around the school, trying to familiarize himself with the area.
Tiberius saw a mysterious spirit struting around campus so he walked up to the bland boy and said, "Ummm...Hello! You must be the student that sent me an application! *Ahem*...You look quite...Bland..." Tiberius says, "I'm Headmaster Tiberius!" Tiberius continues and sees Briar and Elly up on the roof. He gasped and held the strange boy. "I'll just quickly reverse time without you being stuck at the reversing vortex." Explains Tiberius. He then puts two of his fingers up to his temple and reverses time without him or the strange boy reversing but Briar and Elly could be seen returning to the ground in reverse. When the two girls reached he ground, Tiberius continues the time flow.

@AgentPurple @Brittany
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"What the?" Briar says out loud as she feels grass under her feet. "Waht just happened?" She says checking her wings
"What where you doing on the roof with my daughter, Miss Elkwood?!" Tiberius rages. But before Briar could react, Elaine dropped in the conversation.

"Daddy! We were just gonna see who was up the roof!" Elaine defends. Tiberius looks at the roof and makes a surprised face. "Ugh...Fine! Wake her up and bring her down!" Tiberius says disappointed.

The spirit came to a stop when he was called out to, and he gave a bright grin at the Headmaster that began to talk. "Hehe,"He chuckled,"That's me! Don't worry, I'm not always so 'bland' looking-" He glanced off to the side, seeming a little confused at what was going on. Nonetheless, he covered his mouth and tried not to laugh at the conversation taking place.
Kita opened her eyes, and checked the time. "Oh crap, I over slept!" She exclaimed. She scrambled out of bed, stumbling as the did. She race to get dressed and washed her face. No time for a shower she though. She quickly brushed her hair and braided it. "I wonder if I fly, will I be ablessed to get a snack be for class?" She decided to try it. She slipped on her shoes and exited the room, locking the behind her. She zoomed down the hall only stopping when she nearly crashed into someone.
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Esther ran into the school. She was late, all because of stupid train tickets.

"Sorry I'm late!" She apologised "do you know where the heads office is?"
Kita looked down at the new girl, she got a strange aura from her. "Yeah," Kita stared, landing on the ground infront of her "Over there, the big door on the other side of the hall,"
Esther looks at the girl. "Thanks!"

She then runs to the other side of the hall. Opens one door. Nope. Just a store cubbord. After some searching she found the door the the head masters office and opened it.
Tiberius gasped at the cosmic-looking girl bashing through her office, "Girl! Haven't you heard about KNOCKING before?!" Headmaster Tiberius raged. "Start again! I'all reverse time for your impoliteness!" Tiberius continues. He snaps a finger and reverses time for a few minutes.

Kita found her self back in the hall way, just as she had found a vending machine. "Seriously, that's gonna get annoying." She walked back in the direction and got a bag of chips and an energy drink. She checked the time and made her way to class.
Esther walked in. "I'm sorry for being late!, I've just never used train tick.." She paused and started again. "Hi sir" she mumbled awkwardly.
"So...The new one! It seems like no teachers have come yet...I guess classes must be delayed...Sadly..." Tiberius says, "So what brings you to my office?" Tiberius continues.
Kita stopped by the office, "Um, sorry to intrupt, but where are the classrooms?" She asked. She had to mumble it though, since her mouth was full of chips.
Eliana opens her eyes swiftly as a roll of thunder vibrates through the sky. She had been in a meditative state preparing herself mentally for her upcoming job as a meditation teacher. She was silently levitating at her favorite meditation spot in the forest. Eliana sighs angrily from being disturbed by the weather and was just about to close her eyes again until she looked down at her phone. April 4, 2016. APRIL 4! Eliana gasps and falls to the forest floor just as a lightning bolt flashes through the sky.

"I'm late, I'm late. Oh my goodness!" She scrambles up and opens her wings to take flight. Eliana flies up and out of the forest and flies to the school quickly. She lands at the front steps of the building breathing heavily, she has flied that fast in a while. Eliana retracts her wings and run/walks inside the academy. Eliana tried to remember her way to the headmaster's office. Once Eliana gets to his open door she notices some students inside and waits patiently at the entrance.
Izumi had awoken, slowly standing back up with drowsy eyes "Huh? It's morning? Oh. IT'S MORNING! OH IT'S MORNING! I HAVE TO SHOW THE TEACHER ABOUT WHAT I FOUND OUT!!!" She jumped from the roof and landed on the ground with a great 'THUD' and ran inside the school, nearly bumping her head at the entrance due to her now big size.
"Oh my God! Office overflow!" Tiberius yelled, he froze time and rubbed his forehead, he grabbed a bronze key, returned to his doorway and continued time, he hands the bronze key to Esther and comments, "Dorm 004", he moved to Kita and said, "Seems like only your meditation teacher appeared so have fun in your dorm and enjoy the internet or go shopping in town, maybe visit the beach!" and moved to thr new meditation teacher and had a smug look on his face, "Helooo, beautiful!" Tiberius flirted to the teacher.
"Nope! But...You can ask somebody to bunk with you...If you're desperate, I can talk my daughter with bunking with you! She does want some 'she' time..." Tiberius says

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