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Realistic or Modern Ghost Town'


♥ Always wear your invisible crown ♥

Ghost CS ~

Name -

Nickname -

Age -

Gender -

Cause Of Death -

Personality -

Before Death -

Afterlife -

Living CS ~

Name -

Nickname -

Age -

Gender -

Personality -

Background -

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There ya go! c:

@Xx Cosmic Storm xX


Valentina Maria


Name - Valentina Maria

Nickname - Tina

Age - Seventeen

Gender - Female

Cause Of Death - Airplane Crash

Personality -

Playful, warm, tender, nervous, anxious, shy

Before Death -

Valentina was a happy girl, she was the apple of her daddy’s eye and loved life. Her mother was fickle and constantly ran around the globe doing this or that. Being a wealthy woman meant she had an appearance to upkeep. So her father was often the one to take care of her. Even though he travelled a lot too, he always kept her with him, at least as much as he could. The two spent all their time together, having little adventures exploring new places and learning so much about the world Valentina couldn’t have asked for anything better.

But her mother wasn’t too pleased with this. She worried about her daughters education, and after many fights and heated conversations she managed to talk her father in letting Valentina go to boarding school. Now that did not sound good to Valentina at all. The idea of being trapped in a stuffy school with snobby girls who wasted all their time nit-picking one another and fussing over boys? That didn’t sound like much fun at all.

The flight finally arrived, although she cried and begged her dad not to make her go it was too late. So she walked through security and bored the plane to her new life. Only the universe had other plans for her. Valentina doesn’t like to think about it. It comes in flashes sometimes. The engine failing, the people crying, remembering how all she wanted was to think about her dad. As her stomach turned over itself, he was all she could think about. How she wanted to say goodbye again, how much she was going to miss him. She didn’t know if she believed in an afterlife or reincarnation, but she knew that forever, she would be missing him.

Afterlife -

Valentina hasn’t really figured it out. She doesn’t know how she feels about this place, and it is still all very new to her. Especially the idea of abruptly growing up. She is only sixteen after all. There is a lot of ‘life’ she never got to experience. Not to mention this is a completely new place to her. Sure she travelled around and had adventures before, but her dad was always there to help guide her through it.

For now at least, Valentina generally keeps to herself. She is kind of nervous and reserved. Especially in school, since this is the first time she is actually going to a normal high school. But Valentina is trying, she wants something at least remotely normal. If she can manage that.

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|Ashley Minipe|


"We're all dead and I still remain to be alive."


|Nickname| |Ash|


|Age| |21|


|Gender| |Female|


|Cause of Death| |Murdered|


|Personality| |Ashley is an optimistic and eccentric character, possessing a knack for quoting Star Trek and Mark Twain and having a generally friendly manner upon being approached. Ashley believes that just because you're dead doesn't mean you should ever stop being respectful towards others as well as truthful and she has a comforting presence around many, she has a fairly cheesy sense of humour and doesn't often place herself in romantic situations due to her affinity for the more morbid side of life|


|Before Death| |Ahsley was a community leader for the less fortunate, her mother being severely addicted to cocaine and residing in rehab where Ashley frequently visited her. Ashley was often seen as someone that others would be able to look up to and she had a certain affinity for writing as well as reading, she often placed herself in other peoples' situations and was able to empathize with them as well as assist them. On the night she was brutally murdered within her home by an unknown man, Ashley still remained optimistic for what lay in store for her and she still hopes to continue moving onwards until she no longer can. She can not recall how the events which caused her untimely demise in their entirety but she catches fragments of it every so often|


|Afterlife| |Ashley is honestly content with just being wherever she is now as long as she is still able to help others. She still longs for the company of her friends however she reprimands herself for thanking negatively and is often seen roaming the grounds of the abandoned stores. She has no qualms about returning or staying although sometimes..she can't help but feel lonesome|



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Name -

Ambrose Strauss

Nickname -

The Silent Boy

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Cause Of Death - He took his own life by hanging himself.

Personality - Before Death : Timid, Shy, Anxious

After Death : Cold, Serious, Very Sad and Lonely

Before Death - Ambrose grew up in an abusive home, with only his father to look after him. His mother died in a car crash when he was 12 years old, which he was there to witness. After his mother's death, he was left extremely tramautized, causing him to develop PTSD and Selective Mutism. His father started developing a drinking habit which caused him to spend all their savings on liquor and cigarettes. For the most of his days, he would find himself getting abused, both verbally and physically by his father. When he was 15, he would steal some cigarettes and liquor from his father, using it for his own selfish needs. He never really found out unless he paid close attention to him, which he didn't. His father was a greedy and selfish man, and only cared for himself, not even his own son.

When he reached the age of 17, he realized that life had nothing for him, so he took his own life by hanging.

Afterlife - Ever since he died, Ambrose's lonliness only increased. When not in school, he usually spends his time haunting his father, and other abusive parents or people.

((sorry if this sucks omg))
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/black-tulle-skirt-long-fashion-blog-style-by-alina-3.jpg.df1e48f9943717fb23042808faf913ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/black-tulle-skirt-long-fashion-blog-style-by-alina-3.jpg.df1e48f9943717fb23042808faf913ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/cute-maternity-dress-fashion-blog-petite-style-by-alina-2.jpg.2297f7ee08d2c19e4efe2f2976ef236f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/cute-maternity-dress-fashion-blog-petite-style-by-alina-2.jpg.2297f7ee08d2c19e4efe2f2976ef236f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name - Brenda Tran

Nickname - Bee

Age - 26 (At Death)

Gender - Female

Cause Of Death - Murdered

Personality - Having been raised in a Strict Asian Family, Brenda had to give up many liberties that many would take for granted. While this left her bitter, she became very family oriented and caring as a result. As a result of focusing on School for most of her life, Brenda is very attentive and focused on her goals in life. As a Friend, she is noted to be very easygoing, nice and caring, as she will always be there whether a shoulder is needed to cry on, to vent or any of the sort because she leaves an Open Door Policy. However, she isn't the strongest emotionally and can be considered light-hearted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is. One rude comment, depending on its severity can send her straight into tears. An Emotional girl, she also cries very easily compared to most girls. Whenever she is mad at someone, she can stay mad at them for an extensive period of time, with her longest grudge being at least two years long if not any longer.

Before Death - Brenda had strict parents, so Academics was always the top priority in her Family. When she was eighteen, she was able to escape that and ended up eloping with her High School Sweetheart. Life was going well for them. He was paid by members of the Local Triad to throw a fight. However, he refused. In retaliation, the Triads broke into their home slowly killed Brenda in cold blood. Her Death was not quick and easy...

Afterlife - Because she died during pregnancy, she laments the fact that the baby could not be saved and that she took it with her into the Afterlife. Now her pregnancy is frozen in time, something she does not like. Oh well, at least not all the symptoms followed her into the Afterlife...​



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Name Victoria Brynn Anderson.

Nickname None. She simply goes by Victoria. Her family used to call her Bribri, but

she no longer has contact with her family.

Age Seventeen years old.

Gender Biological female/Cisgender female.

Appearance Victoria is not a very tall individual, standing at the height of 5'4". Her legs are proportionally long

to her body, and are slim with very slight muscle on them. Her body shape isn't very curvy. She has slight curve by her hips and bust, but it's only noticable when she's in a bathing suit. Victoria has long, thick, wavy bright orange hair which is her natural healthy hair color. Her hair reaches slightly past the middle of her back in long waves, and also compliments

her pale, porcelain-like skin tone.
Her light skin burns easily, and has no blemishes, beauty marks, birthmarks, or freckles.

Victoria has a small, slightly pointed nose and big hazel eyes with a light brown background

and specks of green, blue, and silver in them.

Clothing Victoria likes a mix of different clothing. Most of her clothes are 90's-esque. She loves to wear big, over-sized sweaters, skirts, skinny jeans, combat boots, slip-ons, converse, vans, and platform sneakers. Her shirts are usually flannels with

a big oversized cardigan, or a tank top with an oversized cardigan.

Sometimes she wears peter pan dresses with an oversized

cardigan. Almost every outfit
she wears has a beanie

and a choker paired with it.

Likes Old horror movies, Netflix, Being alone, Nighttime, Vintage, Movies from the 80's, Hot chocolate, Tea, Cookies, Candy, Cake,

Anything sweet, Photography, Taking pictures, Her camera, Her cat, School, Rain,

Dislikes Her mother, Her father, Her past, Black coffee, Bitter food, Asparagus, Artichoke, Most new movies, Annoying people,

Loud sounds, Lightning, Thunder, Bugs,

Hobbies Taking walks at night, Taking pictures, Walking in the rain, Watching the rain, Watching netflix, Cooking even though

she's bad at it, Observing other people, Writing in her diary,

Friends None yet. She's noticed that for some strange reason, people in this town never reply to her,

look at her funny, and rush out of the way when she enters a room or

approaches them.

Enemies None yet, and hopefully it will stay that way. She hates

fighting with people.

Personality Victoria is a very quiet person. She is somewhat mysterious, and usually doesn't talk. She takes pictures a lot, and always has her camera with her. She's very lonely, and has never actually had a true friend. Victoria blushes easily

and bets embarrassed easily. She is not good at socializing, and is almost always awkward or a little bit confused. She's very daydream-y and it's almost as if she lives in her own world. Victoria is very stubborn, and isn't afraid to speak

her mind. Her sense of humor consists of lame puns, sarcasm, and cute pr fun teasing. She's extremely naive and needs to be taught about the dangers of life, because she's way too optimistic and only sees the good in people. Victoria never cries

in front of anyone, but if she cries in front of you, it means she trusts you. It's not difficult to get close to Victoria. If you get close to her, she can be funny, optimistic, fun, brave, adventurous, outgoing, loud, and a little bit crazy.

She'll be very clingy to you, always invite you places, and try to spend as much time with you as possible. She is very protective over the people she loves. Hurt her friend or boyfriend, and she will hurt you 10x worse. Although she is very sweet and soft, her angry side is something she can't control easily. Victoria sees herself as unstable, but in a moments

notice she will become emotionally unstable, and needs someone who she trusts to be

there for her through thick and thin.

History Victoria was born to an extremely wealthy couple, owning about 17 different company and having 2 million dollars in their bank account. When Victoria was young, her parents were neglectful and even kind of rude to her. They didn't care much when she showed them a craft she made in school, or gave them a hug. As she grew up, she learned that her parents were cold and didn't really care for her. One night when her dad came home drunk, he accidentally revealed that they thought they were having a son and their mother is no longer fertile, so they have lost all hope in carrying on the family line.

When Victoria turned 12, her father started coming home drunk constantly. He would scream at her and her mother, even hit them sometimes. Her mother would blame Victoria for all of it, and it made Victoria feel absolutely worthless. Things carried on like this up until she turned 17. Her father died of Alcohol poisoning, and Victoria gained all of his money. Her mother begged for

some of the fortune, and Victoria refused to give her any of the money for all

the pain she put her through.

The moment Victoria got the news that she had inherited all her father's money, she went to court, filed as her own person, packed up. and moved to this small little town that was still stuck in the past. She's been here

for only a few hours now, and moved into a small


After all of this, she has decided to leave her past in the past. For some odd reason, her past doesn't evenn bother her anymore.

At all. It's like she's been totally unaffected by it all.

Fears Never finding love, Always being lonely or sad, Never succeeding in life,

Never becoming a photographer,

Other She really wants a pet cat, She speaks english and french, She is heterosexual,



@Annabella @Shimakage Thunder @Outer Space

Accepted yay :]

I haven't got my laptop at the moment because bro's using it. >.> (I'm on my phone;p) So, I guess we can start tomorrow! c;
Enchanted said:
@Annabella @Shimakage Thunder @Outer Space
Accepted yay :]

I haven't got my laptop at the moment because bro's using it. >.> (I'm on my phone;p) So, I guess we can start tomorrow! c;

Yay, you're amazing.
Okay, great! We could use some more males. I can try to find some people who will make a male character, if you want.
Enchanted said:
@Annabella @Shimakage Thunder @Outer Space
Accepted yay :]

I haven't got my laptop at the moment because bro's using it. >.> (I'm on my phone;p) So, I guess we can start tomorrow! c;
waaaah tysm!! ;;


Living CS ~

Name -

Alexander Valentine

Nickname -

Music Listener

Age -


Gender -


Personality -

quiet, warm hearted (even though he looks bad), helping, thinks everything in the world is bad so he listens to music.

Background -

Alexnder grew up in one of the most abusive houses ever, his parents ever since he was young beat him everyday with a homemade whip made from vines in there backyard , he would be put in a closet and locked in there, almost starved to death, and even stabbed in his gut by his father when he was 14. it was a miracle he survived when he was 14 someone called the cops on his family for hearing someone scream in his house, when the police arrived Alex was on the floor on the verge of death from blood loss while his parents were in the kitchen not giving a fuck about him. well long story short he was rushed to the hospital they removed the blade, his parents were put in prison and he was given to a foster family in his foster family he was loved but he secluded himself and listened to music since he was use to it. after turning 17 his foster family moved into Ghost Town to get away from the city for his well being because he tried to suicide 4 times because of his bad thoughts because of his parents.

other: (two songs he listens two out of a lot.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images.jpg.0c8693a41973f9d9ac25927c9661957a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images.jpg.0c8693a41973f9d9ac25927c9661957a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







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Sucks that this Roleplay died before it had a chance to begin... I was really looking forward to it.

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