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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

A little PSA

@General Deth Glitch @Jarkov Malachai @GrieveWriter @NeoLeaf @TheOnionofShrek

Atom's going to be awol for a long time. For real this time. Which means I'll once again be taking control of his AI and temporarily retconning his human's actions along with the Trels(Off plot they will find a world with the help of a Nafarian ship). until he can return. This means a lot for us. The HP is obviously postponed as we are really the only active guys on this thread, and to be quite frank, this thread has been struggling for a while in general, and with yet another player going awol for god knows how long, it really doesn't bode well for the future of this thread, along with the fact that I wasn't present for much of the creation for this plot and while I have a rough outline or much of it, I honestly don't know a lot of the backstory that was to be done with this race/boss.

SO, with that said, we have a few options.

A, We stick with this thread, but completely pause it for the time being until Atom can return. That means no posts except for side posts if you guys really desire.

B, We continue as normal, with me controlling atom's AI and doing my best to progress the plot(I'm probably going to shorten it a great deal to advance to the next plot I have planned all on my own). And hope for new people to join.

Or C, We make a new thread in entirety with a new plot boss and try to recruit some new guys into it.
*raises hand* I my good man, have no fucks to give about whatever option we do. Im simply happy to have found decent people to rp with.
I should also say Im still here. I would continue with the roleplay while Atom is gone, Im sure you can do a great job of replacing him for the time being.
There's several races, each with their own specific trials and tribulations, that have just encountered one another.

If that doesn't have other plotlines we can follow besides the main one then I think I might just have to give up on literature.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]*raises hand* I my good man, have no fucks to give about whatever option we do. Im simply happy to have found decent people to rp with.

Im with the bear russian man thing!
@Jarkov Malachai

Also, I never mean to rush or sound Rude Jarkov :P

But one tiny thing, the part with Rolland and the Dreadnoughts Aligora and Nagashira (Correct me if I mispelled them) was a little weird and slightly disturbing when they plan on toying with his body....

Are we keeping this roleplay clean?
Fade to black rule, don't worry I know the boundaries the site has laid out. If your farther disturbed by it just tell me and ill tone it down of course.
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Alright thanks. I've done roleplays like that, though erp content (Explicit or implied) that is in a 'clean' roleplay just feels very weird.

Also are you expecting a response from me? It was a little unclear where you left my character
Ah crap, yea if you could react to Our lady appearing then yes please. That entire post was crap but I go to it only late at night so my brain just said to the nine hells with it and the fingers went flying with No higher order
I wouldn't call this 'clean'. Suggestive themes, drug references (eventually), lots of grimmer elements in the second chapter with deaths and shit, etc.

Anyways I'm back yo, kinda sorta. Ye

Much shorter issue than I expected. Things happen drastically when angry I suppose.
Got some SERIOUS shit done then I suppose if your back already

And yea suppose I wouldn't call this 'clean' I mean... seriously with all the body parts that Nagashira and the others blew up, some would already call this some colorful names just on that reference alone. Banned books week is coming after all and ive seen them censored for less. Really annoys me.
Hey, a friend of mine who is an amateur artist tried to draw one of my Dredge characters. If I can find a way to post it up what hes got done so far (hes bitching at me about how the 7 digit hands are a pain) would y'all want to take a crack at just which Dredge he drew?
Tis a serious work in progress, its his first semi- good attempt at drawing one of my thingies. So hes quite proud of it. its not the greatest but its not the worst. I just thought it would be interesting to see if any one could identify this particular alien. Its in our rp
Gah why did he have to send me it with his phone?! his phone has terrible definition!! Ah forgive him for the quality of this picture, hopefully you can see the small little details he put in there... I doubt it.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c11352e_DredgeFemaleAttempt..jpg.ba25b773c1818ae83cf93538dd717d76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c11352e_DredgeFemaleAttempt..jpg.ba25b773c1818ae83cf93538dd717d76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Dredge Female Attempt..jpg
    Dredge Female Attempt..jpg
    700.9 KB · Views: 6
They are all pirates... and they are all important *chuckles*


sadly the quality of his phone screwed up any defining features.
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I'm gonna with with Nagashira

Looks like she's got her fist through something.

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