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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Ghost in the Machine

Deep in the vast darkness of space a spark flickered. Ancient technology churned, and a trail of actions was lit that would eventually go on to shake the very universe at it’s core...

And in the vast darkness of uncharted space a planet awoke. A planet unlike any other. Whether one could really call it a planet or not was unsure, but it was certainly of the correct size. Although it’s composition, it’s very core even, was nothing less than a technological marvel. An artificial planet. For some unknown reason this hulking ancient thing was awakening, churning in it’s depths. And without purposefully meaning to it released a signal to the universe. Unknown, ancient, and promising power to those who were willing. None of this was intentional, but all of it would have vastly far reaching consequences.

And so the signal swept across the universe to be picked up by various life forms. But deep in the reaches of space something else received this signal. Something just as ancient, something that should not have awoken...
Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

Light pain shot through Max's back as he slammed to the ground. Max payed no attention to it, placing his hands on the ground and shooting back to his feet.

"Remember, swing with your right arm in a clockwise pivot, lean forward, sweep your leg forward, and follow through!" The man in front of Max proclaimed with slight frustration. Max grunted in affirmation, before nodding to continue the exercise. Before you could say "Don't screw up" he was on the ground again.

Max had a tendency to push himself. He felt he had to learn combat to help his subjects should something go wrong. He had already become a master of the art of the pistol, but still was weak in hand to hand combat. Oh against a normal person it'd be done in seconds with Max standing triumphant. Against a trained soldier, however, it was a different matter. Max wouldn't rest until he could defeat his own men in CQC, then he'd train them to the point where he couldn't beat them, than train until he could, so on and so forth.

"Again," followed a third attempt. Max hopped back to his feet as the exercise was repeated once more. The opposing fighter grabbed his left arm, reached to shove him in the chest whilst sweeping his leg to topple him. Max swiveled his arm, knocking the blow away, leaned forward and struck the fighter whilst hitting his standing leg with a kick. The fighter toppled to the ground and Max picked him up. "Good job sir!"

"Hey, I need to be prepared. Thank you for the training."

"Would you like to stop?"

"Would you?" The man smiled and nodded lightly.

"Sorry sir, but I've been here for a long time. It's my kid's birthday, and I'm almost late fo-"

"Say no more," Max said with a brush of his hand, handing the man a towel he had gotten while the soldier was talking and patted his arm. "I completely understand. Jaclyn's a sweetie, you should be there for her."

"Thank you." The man nodded and accepted the towel, before smiling and heading out the door. Max nodded, and headed back to his office. As he did, a man approached him.

"We found something sir..."

The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 3 Leviathans

Facilities: None

Factions present: The Swarm of Petrarica

Three large sized ships seemed to slowly approach the planet from where the source of the 'echo' has come. The ships were a grutesque mixture of flesh and machinery. The tear-shaped cockpit and the nose of the vessel remain mechanical awhile the rest of the ship's body would be biological. A body made of a mass of huge tentacles and a number of fins that you'd find on aquatic mammals. The flesh of this being seems to be dense, thick and covered with pretty rough scales. The creatures could even moan and reacted like living things. Inside these creatures things seem to be different. The inside is mostly mechanical for the humanoid Aliuu's while the more animalistic Aliuus resided in biological areas of the ship. But let's not bore you with the insides of these things let's focus on the situation that is at hand.

"This is the source of 'The Echo' no doubt about it." said a an elder man, swiping the screen with his orange hand.

"Give it some time... We'll further analyze this planet before setting a foothold onto its surface. Queen mother doesn't want us to rush things too much."

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The echoing signal was swiftly picked up by one of the Tal'ed Empire's many Vanguard Scout fleets, silently drifting throughout space. The fleet quickly relays the location of the signal, its frequencies, and its patterns back to command. After a brief period of consideration, the decision was made; the fleet's command outpost sent out a single order; INVESTIGATE.

And so they did.

A modest group of six ships, five Sentinel-class Heavy Stealth Escort Cruisers flanking a single massive Trojan-class Heavy Stealth Battleship, quickly warped close to the planet. All the ships were of stealth class, and thus had advanced cloaking technology, making them physically invisible, as well as energy dampeners, making them all but invisible to sensors. As per standard protocol, their weapons are armed and ready to fire at any sign of provocation.

The ships hover silently, slowly orbiting the planet, looking for any signs of action by other parties.


The men and women serving as the crew of the T.N.S. Valiant observed the scene. The Valiant was a Heavy Stealth Battleship, a massive, heavily armed ship which made up a decent sized chunk of the Tal'ed Imperial Navy. The commanding officer of said ship, a young-ish man referred to as Drek'ker, had been through many battles, and seen many things, but he'd never seen something such as the scene before him.

The ships appeared to be...alive? Some parts were obviously made of inorganic matter, but others seemed to be living matter as well. Sensors even seemed to think that parts of the ship were making noises as well. Queer indeed...

"Unknown ships spotted sir, orders?"

"Weapons are armed, correct Lieutenant?"

"Yes sir, weapons are armed."

"We are engaged in Deep Stealth, are we not?"

"We are, sir."

"Good. Lock weapons on their vessels, just in case they somehow manage to discover our positions and display hostile intent. Patch a feed of what we're seeing back to command as well. Aside from that, Lieutenant, we are to do nothing. This is a scouting mission, not an an invasion force."

"Sir, yes sir."
Asren Alliance

This signal, as it spread throughout the Universe, was received by countless Asren worlds and so ships were dispatched. At first it was a mere trickle, a carrier here, a destroyer there. But as these first arrivals scanned the system and found no immediate threats, they sent out an all-clear signal that quickly turned the trickle into a torrent of ships as an Asren battle fleet began to coalesce. This was a messy process, as it would be composed of literally dozens of different worlds each with their own governments. And so communications were abuzz as everyone, from Admirals to lowly grunts, began to form a set of fleet standard protocols and indeed, take formation. To outsiders, this seemed like an astronomical task, for the Asren it was simply business as usual for all of them, whether they served democrats or despots, were united in their sacred duty to oppose the Syhelians and deny them any advantage this signal might have promised them. Yet for all this, no one in the fleet raised an eyebrow as a single Asren battlecruiser slipped into formation. Its name was the Retribution and it was a wolf in sheep's clothing...
Planet Alpha 7-5 Beta Gamma

Planet A7-5BG was a truly ancient technological marvel from a time lost since forgotten, a time of great technological prowess. What it’s main purpose was remained unknown to this very day, but one of it’s many purposes would soon become known once more.

The creators of the planet, ancient and long lost beings known then as Observers, had attained the ultimate form of wormhole travel. Rather than simply opening a hole from one location to another they had achieved the ability to jump between dimensions. Initially the feat was a hard one, and a one way trip at that. But with time and patience ways to jump between dimensions were created, and the planet was one such apparatus.

Though the deserted space around it gave no clues towards it’s activation. The only logical cause was that something from the other side had triggered the planet, most likely awakening it. As the many fleets gathered there seemed to be a lull in the area around the planet. A moment of silence one could say, and most noticeably being one that was not metaphorical but a reality as all forms of communication were cut. Slowly power was drained from every ship in a sense, not so much as draining them but forcing them into a shut down entirely, all forms of energy simply flickering to a stop.

The space around the planet darkened considerably as the planet began to glow, and it almost seemed like the light around it was being pulled in as well. Slowly it seemed, although truly lasting only moments, a purple ball of energy formed at the front of the planet, beams of light stretching between it and receptacles on the planet. The energy stretched and grew, dominating the space between the planet and the fleets with every passing second until it was nearly as big as the planet itself.

And suddenly it seemed space itself was torn asunder, a bright golden light spilling from the sudden hole, followed by the appearance of multiple ships. One after another came through, seeming to drop from a state of warp as they exited. The most noticeable aspect of these ships were their foreign appearance that was unknown to any life form in this universe, as well as the fact that each and every ship that funneled through had most definitely been in some sort of battle with a majority of the ships showing evident if not critical signs of damage.

The ships continued to flow through until finally the final one exited, giving a logical basis to the size of the wormhole as it seemed to barely squeeze out. The ship that followed was massive in size, nearly matching the planet’s own size. Only this ship seemed unharmed, and immediately the newly arrived fleet formed around it to the best of their ability.

After the final ship’s arrival the wormhole simply winked out quite anti-climatically, simply ceasing to be. Slowly over the next few moments the power returned to the surrounding fleets.
The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 3 Leviathans

Facilities: None

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Unknown Fleet
  • Unknown Fleet

The vessels looked towards what had happened in front of them as they witnessed the spectacle. The elder man leaned forward and open several displays screens and listened to the voices of his scientists and engineers. Ramblings were going on about the ship's conditions, like its reactor or carapace and temporary system shut downs and freezes from the shock. He looked up to the ceiling after he felt the trembling force from the energies that had aligned and watched his room's displays flicker. He rose up from his seat in the darkness of his room and looked back at the display screen's that forced themselves back on a number of seconds later. The elder man tapped the screen with his finger a number of times and had his eyes glued on it just as the lights and functions came back online.

"Master?" a younger Aliuu slowly approached the elder with a worried face. The elder didn't respond. Even his tentacles seemed to stop winging around and stood still as if they were inanimate.

"Something the matter?" The young man sucked his lips for a moment before looking at the man's light purple hair.

"A slip-space rupture is occurring here and through it a number of ships air coming from its wormhole..." The man backed away from his display screen and pressed his pale hand against his chin. The young man didn't know what to make of the statement that the elder had said and just looked at the display screen.

"Whoever or Whatever is residing in those vessels they certainly have some courage to travel trans dimensionally." The elder cracked a smile as he watched the blips on his display. A slight shiver could be felt and the three bio-mechanical ships watched as a huge ship emerged from wormhole, barely passing through the edges of the wormhole's event horizon.

<The final ship seems to be unarmed.> replied the master of a different leviathan. The elder grabbed pressed a button on a console across his chair and spoke through it.

"Best not harm it then."

<This will be interesting none the less, gentlemen.> The smooth voice from the other master could be heard.

<Speaking of interesting... Look at these odd ships.> One of the Masters hinted.

It would appear that another party of ships have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They had used stealth technology to conceal themselves but it would seem that the rupture had rendered that ability.

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Planet Alpha 7-5 Beta Gamma

A collective wave of horror flooded through the Asren fleet as system after system shut down. By the time they rebooted, sensor readings reported two new fleets, one that had seemingly emerged from the wormhole, the other likely having been cloaked or possibly just entering the system at the time of the blackout. The Asren chose to wait, prepping shields and weapons, as they observed these three fleets to see if any had relations to each other.

Meanwhile on the Retribution, Taeral leaned forwards with an intrigued half smile as he gazed at the monitors. An inter-dimensional gateway certainly was interesting. But not worth his masters time. Hopefully this 'planet' would put up a finer show to justify the risk of disguising himself amidst a gathering of his enemies. Even now he was keenly aware of the Asren, having to mimic a battle cruisers entire crew was no small task and any slip up could bring the entire fleet down on him. Not that he couldn't handle the entire fleet but it certainly would be bothersome.


The Lady of Ravens

A small ship, a cruiser of some type, had warped in before the planet had undergone a severe gut opening and began spewing other smaller ships from its depths. Even after power had been restored and the ships once again could maneuver the cruiser remained oddly dead with a barely detectible power signature being emitted. It floated through the blackness of space, like a rouge asteroid about 3,000 kilometers from the three Leviathans.

While it seemed like a dead ship, on the inside it was another matter Entirely. The bridge was a mass of movement and voices as a random assortment of species, mainly Terrans and the like, manned their stations and called out status reports, scan readings and etc.

"Powers back up! rebooting life support!"

"Getting back that scan data now... seems like were not the only ones out here Ma'am aside from the Star ships that just warped... err came out of that planet. I have biological scans as well about a few thousand kilometers off the port hand side... their ships!"

"Weapon systems back online, slightly frizzy but functional."

A large, 5'11 well dressed, uniformed male stepped forward from the shadows of the command deck into the dim emergency lights and said in a booming voice. "Continue with your duties gentlemen. Keep an eye out for any signs of aggression from any side, were outgunned here and in the dark both metaphorically." The man chuckles pointing up at the non existent lighting on the bridge since it had gone dark. "and literally" This was met with a multitude of laughs and groans at the bad joke.

The man turned to look behind him, into the darkest part of the Bridge where the Commanders chair rested. There amongst the Darkness was a slowly shifting, moving mass of coils and limbs which made tracking any part of the creature they belonged to migraine inducing.

"Lady Galumora... your orders?" The man said as all heads turned to look at the Command deck.

Six violet eyes snapped open, burning lamps amongst the dark and a sonorous, rich voice echoed from seemingly every corner of the Bridge.

"Activate low burn... move forward sllloooowly." A clawed hand raised from the dark and pointed at the holo screen with a path blinking into life upon it. "Follow this approach vectorrrr..... keep the Firefly prepped for emergency maneuvers and the Com link dead until something contacts us... " the hand slowly retreated back into the mass of writhing plating and coils. "Be cautious gentlemen... but vigilant and do not... disappoint me."
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The bridge of the T.N.S. Valiant was, understandably, in quite a panic. Uniformed officers scurried here and there as they struggled to quickly bring their ship's systems back online, whilst the communications lines between the various ships seemed to explode with chatter.

"Power levels re-stabilizing, sir!"

"Sir, Deep Stealth Drives have been disengaged!"

"Communications line's severed, sir!"

"Sir, the other ships are requesting orders, sir!"


On the main screen of the ship, five nearly identical faces of five different officers appeared. All of them began talking over one another in asking "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED" and "WHAT ARE OUR ORDERS". Captain Drek'ker, far from being the type of man to try and talk over them, simply removed his hat and began brushing back his hair with his hand, waiting for them to stop talking. After a few moments, they seemed to realize that perhaps Drek'ker was waiting on them to stop talking, and one by one stopped.

"Your orders are to arm your shields and weaponry as well as engage the energy dampeners. There's no point in engaging the Deep Stealth Drives at this point, we've already been revealed. All we can do now at this point is assume defensive posturing. I'm about to send in a request to command for the rest of the fleet, so let's not do anything rash until the-"














Captain Drek'ker was cut off by the sudden arrival of more Tal'ed Space Naval vessels. Apparently, Command had seen enough to deploy a modest sized battle fleet to the area. These ships, unlike the ships that came before them, these ships do not employ Deep Stealth Drives to warp in. The sight of these ships entering is quite plain for all to see.

The ships warping in begins with an anomaly.

A single point of darkness appeared, rapidly expanding until it was seemingly large enough to swallow an entire fleet. Arcing flashes of what appears to be lightning jump from the anomaly, giving off soft blue glow. The flashes become more and more continuous until it the light they give off becomes constant. A fleet of ships then lurch out of the wormhole, the lightning hitting the newcomer ships' shields continually, giving off light blue pulses upon hitting, but doing nothing else.

The fleet comprises of forty-five ships; a single, massive Archon-class capital ship, the words T.N.S. Triumphant emblazoned upon it's flanks, two slightly smaller Infinity-class supercarriers, seven Vigilance-class battlecruisers, five Trojan-class Heavy Stealth Battleships, ten Sentinel-class Heavy Stealth Escort Cruisers, and twenty Guardian-class cruisers.

They exit the wormhole, which closes behind them, and turn their engines down to minimum power, diverting the remaining power to the shields and weaponry. At this time, they do nothing further, appearing to wait for some form of reaction by the ships already in the area.
Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

"Sir, we've located a very powerful energy wave."

"How powerful?"

"Powerful enough to spread across a good chunk of the universe." Max thinks for a few moments on that.

"Could the energy be harvested?"

"We don't know what the source is, but very possibly." Max thinks this over for a few moments before nodding.

"Prepare the wasp class fighter, outfitted with the FTL MKII drive." A commander salutes and runs off, giving order. Max turns and is quickly approached by his top advisor: Felix.

"Sir, you're not thinking of going out there yourself, are you?"

"You know me too well." Max begins to head to his ship as Felix walks beside him.

"This is a poor decision, we don't even know if this can be use-"

"If I can harvest it to create a powerful energy weapon that could destroy the Xeran fleet and free my people, then so help me God I will."

"But what if you CAN'T sir? If you go out there and die we'll be left with no kin-"

"And if I don't do it," Max interrupts once more, "Everyone will die. You know this planet can't support us for more than a century at this rate. It's our only hope." Felix opens his mouth to speak but Max stops him. "You will act as king in my stead. Should I die you will inherit the throne." Felix's eyes widen when Max says these words. "I am trusting you to make the good decisions." Felix salutes and walks away. Max approaches his small ship and gets in, accompanied only by twenty other soldier.

The ship lifts off the ground and flies into space, quickly activating its FTL MKII drive. Within less than a minute it appears in uncharted space...

and around him lies armadas.

Max quickly commands the ship to hide under one of the giant ships currently present and they lie in wait as an EMP blast hits them.

Let's just hope no ships find us.
The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 3 Leviathans

Facilities: None

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Dredge allies
  • Unknown Fleet
  • Unknown Fleet
  • Unknown ship

The three leviathans had took notice of the small fleet of ships that were hiding themselves but what bothered them the next thing was the sudden emersion of their own ships coming from whatever plane in the universe. A sizable force of massive ships had appeared from the the wormhole and by the looks of it the fleet seemed into a state of high alert and vulnerability by the reactions that they've displayed thus far. The elder had exited his room and entered the captain's bridge. The elder master sat in his chair, pointed his eyes towards the the main display screens hanging overhead and listened carefully to his officers.

"Their shields and weapons are powered up." answered one of the officers on the deck as he continued to analyze the ships on his console.

"Are they wary of our ships or this massive fleet in front of us?" asked the elder as he dropped his hand on the chair's control pad. The Display focused on the unknown fleet of ships, breaking into several smaller tabs that identified each ship by it's outward appearance and energy readings. The elder licked his lips a bit before speaking his command.

"If they attack us, infest their vessels or destroy them entirely. Queen Mother should be able to 'see' what's happening to us. If this escalates to something bigger she knows that she'll unleash the Gravemind and our other leviathans." The elder had said awhile pressing firmly on a communications button.

<Prickly little buggers.> One of the masters teased.

<Enough. I'll keep my eye on them.> The master had said in a serious tone.

Fortunately the leviathans can't be read like other ships when it comes to attacking or defending. Leviathans are biological for most part, one cannot tell through looking at so called 'energy readings' at what it's about to do. What one can do is watch it. The three creatures didn't respond to the cowering group of capitol ships and heavy militaristic ships. They paid mind to the massive fleet in front of them.

"Ah sir... A smaller signal has appeared." A navigator yelled back from his desk.

"Smaller Signal?" The elder raised an eyebrow.

"It appears we have a visitor."

The elder noticed a cruiser and recognized it with ease. He pressed a number of buttons on his control pad and resumed using his comms.

"What brings you here, Lady of the Ravens Galumora?"



The Lady of Ravens.

A light appeared on the Com officers holo panels. A quick check upon whom was requesting contact had the young mans eyes widen and he quickly turned around in his chair, stood up and saluted at the Command Deck.

"Lady Galumora, contact from... the Swarm ma'am." The young officer said with a slight shiver going through him and around the Bridge. They all knew the risks in communication with the Swarm, had heard the stories but even so they knew that their commander would protect them. She was rabid in her possessiveness of the crew as a whole. That still didn't prevent a shudder of uncertainty in their hearts. A fickle thing a souls confidence was.

The Shifting mass of coils did not pause in its writhing, squirming paths through the shadows though those violet eyes blared once more into existence.

"Initiate.... contact... Mr. Williams please open up a secure channel... we wouldn't want eavesdroppers now would we hmm?" That voice from the dark said, claws tip.. tip tapping on the chair arm somewhere in those shadows.

The Com's officer nodded and turned back to his station. "Secure Channel is a go Ma'am"

"Good, keep watch on those with whom we share the stars with. Man does not think rationally when confronted by things that it does not understand... Initiate."

"What brings you here, Lady of the Ravens Galumora?"

White as snow fangs crack open, hundreds of them glinting in the shadows and a hand slowly reaches out and points to the armada that has appeared before them.

"Why Voice of the Swarm... the same reason that no doubt the rest of this gathering has come for... They do look a curious lot now don't they?" The creature which laid in the shadows inquired with a bird-like tilt of the head.

"What does
The Mother have for interests here, so that I might help in furthering them of course."
The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 3 Leviathans

Facilities: None

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Dredge ship
  • Unknown Fleet
  • Unknown Fleet
  • Unknown ship

"The Queen Mother heard what we call The Echo while she was trying to initiate a mission to another planet." The pale elder had drummed with this fingers against the sides of the chair's control panel.

"This events had surprised her greatly and thus caused her to send the three of us to come to the source."

The elder had continued to look onward towards the types of ships that have arrived from the wormhole. The design of these individual vessels is rather blasphemous, alien and intriguing. Something he thought as a possibility when talking about th multiverse theory. The man blinked to Gulamora's last reply and continued pressing the comms button.

"As for now, we don't know if you'd be of assistance," The elder paused for moment.

"We don't want you infiltrate these ships nor do we to launch you into a suicide mission of attacking or approaching those ships further."



The Lady of Ravens

Ever so slowly, the creature upon the command deck leaned forward into the light, revealing the face of the Legendary Dredge race in all its alien glory.

"Why Speaker, I would have almost thought you cared, speaking like that." The female said putting a delicate clawed hand over where chest, not heart, the Dredge had three hearts so that would have been futile.

"I simply wanted to join the party, I was most... disshearrrrrtened to learned I was not sent an invitation to this little soiree." With that the Lady of Ravens stood up from where she reclined and stepped fully into the light, a single step which brought a shudder to the Com officer. At first he had been terrified when he had been recruited two years ago and found out that his Captain was Galumora, The Lady of Ravens. He had heard of the never dying Pirate Queen but he had no idea that the Lady of Ravens was a Dredge. He almost ran from the room that day, but he hadn't and holding his ground made the Female pick him out of all the other applicants. But he was sorry to say it, but the way they moved gave him the willies.

"We shall never learn more without asking now will we hmm?" The Commander said with a low hruu hruu sound which was the Dredge version of a chuckle. "After all, my mother contacted the swarm through means some might call... suicidal."

"For the glory of the Mother, Speaker, and all those who walk amongst the stars." She terminated the com link and slowly reclined back into her chair.

"Plot us a course on the edge of our more trigger happy neighbors sensor systems." The Matriarch commanded with that resonating tone which broke no disobedience.

"Lady Galumora! New ship has appeared on long range scanners." One of the officers suddenly spoke up.

"Just... a single ship?"

The man swallowed but nodded, he was sure.

"hmmmm... lets make ourselves known but.... with subtly gentlemen. Grapple that Asteroid and kill the engines, we will use it to mask ourselves. Open secure link." A horrific grin from the shadows. "Time to learn just who we share this space with."

The men follow orders quickly, one of them muttering about 'big ass asteroids' and 'crazy damn alien' but none disobeyed. It was an inside joke which made those around him chuckle.

"But what if its a trap Ma'am?" The coms officer asked hurridly.

The Lady snorted disdainfully at that notion. "Look at that craft, see how it hides in the shadows of others, drawing no attention to itself? No its curious as well, as are we all. Perk up now Gentlemen, we must look our best hmm? Wouldn't want them to.... get the idea that we are ruffians now would we?"

"Link Open, using translation tech to get message across by cross referencing their own available data... not that well encrypted Ma'am."

Those violet orbs, all six focus on the fuzzy black screen which just appeared on the holo deck, burning like miniature suns in the shadows. "Greetings Captain"
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Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

Max runs over and opens a panel on the ship. After checking that nothing was damaged, he closes it. He and his men are checking to see if the EMP ruined anything, and Max wasn't one to order around servants and do nothing himself. After a few minutes they had determined nothing of any significance had been damaged. Soon their electronics returned, carrying with it a sigh of relief from the crew.

"Sir, should we engage in any way with the surrounding ships?" Max considers it, before shaking his head.

"Not unless they engage with us, in which case we'll try to be as diplomatic as possible if it's through communication. If we get into a fight though..." He went silent there, not knowing what to say. On the one hand, he really needs that energy source... though then again it looked like he wasn't getting any of that. He knows his men are thoroughly competent, and could probably take out a single ship... that ship floating around outside scans could probably be taken down. On the other hand, he doesn't want to get his men killed, as his ship isn't capable of taking down cruisers and war machines. A single ship his men could take care of, but not a fleet.

Suddenly, his thoughts are interrupted by a noise. A comms request appearing up on the dashboard.
Now? How could they distinguish me under this thing? Max reluctantly opens the comms as the video feed opens and he is greeted by-

Max recoils in shock at what stands on the other side of the screen. She, and he is presuming it's a she, is some form of alien. She has spikes on her head and a sort of chitin shell on her body. Four strange arms jut out from her chest, and a tail falls to the ground behind her.

Looking her over, Max feels conflicting feelings within him. On the one hand, she has this strange beauty and regality to her, and one he finds himself almost unable to look away from. A sort of refined poise, and endless grace.

On the other hand, he wants to piss and shit himself, then run away.

He reacts to neither feeling and collects himself, with only his eyes showing a slight fear and interest in the thing before him. He finally finds himself able to speak, and he does so with the authority of a king, with only a nigh unnoticeable waver in his voice.

"Please identify your name, ship, and the race you represent. If you do so I shall follow suit." He says, trying to sound assertive but not too rude. He doesn't want to get into a fight with that... thing.

@Jarkov Malachai
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The Lady of Ravens

"How rude, I offer salutations and greetings and am met such... hostility. One might almost be offended" Galumora replies in a low bored tone which was reminiscent of a siren... lulling but there was death hidden in the throat that made those soothing, melodious sounds.

Reclining there upon her chair, she looked like some ancient primordial snake goddess hidden in the writhing shadows, with her chin propped up on one arm which laid on the rest of the commanders seat. Tail lay haphazardly about, it was hard to tell where the appendage ended and or began as it was so damn long and kept constantly shifting. Subtly, she opens a makes a hand gesture at the coms officer who nods and discretely opens up a second channel, a hidden one connecting to this com link, a one-way with the Swarm, they could hear and see everything that was happening but the Human and Dredge could not tell they were there, the Officer did his job well. The Matriarch thought that the Swarm would appreciate the information, anything at all when facing the unknown, no matter how inconsequential it seemed could be incredibly valuable.

"As for I, I... am Galumora.... Lady of Ravens, twas a title given to me by... your people and I must say the bird sounds a fitting match though I have been unable... to my dismay... to find one alive, only pictures so imagine my distress." A birdlike tilt of the head as she stared directly at the other face on the screen, lips pursed as if thinking.

"This Ship... in your tongue Man... would be called Kukri. After the knife which guts its foes alive or dead and I represent a multitude of factions. Who they are as of now... are inconsequential hmm?" The Dredge stopped and looked up at the Bio scan that the ship just got back from surveying the Humans ship.

"How quaint..." she muttered to herself. Those armored chitin plates flared up and momentarily distorted her image with their small, many movements in the Dredge form of a shake to clear the head.

"I believe I have answered your questions Man... would you do the honors of returning them?" A quick glance of those six eyes to something offscreen then back.

"I do not believe our neighbors will wait long. They seem most anxious yes?" hruu hruu hruu.


Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

Max gulps a little, hopefully unnoticeably, before regaining his royal composure. "I apologize, I meant no rudeness. Surrounded by all these foreign ships, and contacted by a complete stranger, well... I'm sure you can understand my weariness. I did promise I'd return them. My name is Maxwell Teller. I am king of a new nation called Remnant, on the planet formerly classified as Zeta-273, now renamed Drift. As you have been able to tell so it seems, I am Terran."

"I recognize her species," one of his men says. "She's Dredge. They're vile creatures, driven purely by animalistic urges. Unintelligent beas-"

"Stay your tongue!" He says sharply. "If she is intelligent enough to operate and command a vessel, talk to me, and initiate comms, than she is obviously no unintelligent beast. I'd appreciate if you were not rude based purely on prejudice!" The man angrily salutes and walks away. "I apologize, that was very unbecoming of my men."

@Jarkov Malachai
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The door to the Triumphant's bridge slid open, giving off a near-silent 'whoosh' sound as they did so, and Dae'nal stepped through them. His presence was quickly noticed by one of the many officers on the bridge, who quickly stood ramrod straight at his post and let out a call to attention.


At the sound, all others on the bridge did the same, quickly swiveling to face him before saluting crisply. Dae'nal paused a moment, glancing over the crew, looking carefully for any mistakes within the ranks, before returning the salute.'

"At ease." he said, walking towards his command area; a large chair in the center of the bridge. "Sitrep." he called out, sitting down in the chair. A large hologram of the area appeared in front of him, showing the location of all known ships in the area as little green avatars. He studied them closely, noting their size, position, and visible armament.

"We have detected at least three fleets of ships, sir. Classifications; unknown, weapons detail; unknown, and allegiances; unknown." the Commander said. "These ships," the Commander expanded the hologram's view of the newcomer ships. "Are the newest arrivals to this sector. They appear damaged, sir."

"Damaged?" Dae'nal said, his voice betraying a slight sense of intrigue.

"Yes, sir. Sensors detect possible hull plating losses on most, if not all ships, some appear to be critically damaged, sir." the Commander said. "The Valiant said that, upon their arrival, the ships experienced a significant power drain. It did not last, but it deactivated their Deep Stealth Drives entirely."

"Was the Valiant fired upon, or was this anomaly simply a byproduct of the newcomers' arrival?"

"We believe that it is a byproduct sir."

"Very well." Dae'nal said, further manipulating the hologram to inspect the newcomer's ships. 'Well, he isn't lying.' Dae'nal thought to himself. 'That's for sure.' He breathed in deeply, weighing his options. After a while, he had made his decision.

"Establish communications with the newcomer vessels. Voice our peaceful intent and request dialogue between our ships leaders." he paused for a moment, thinking of a further thing to say. "Divert all power to shields, just in case. Should anyone of the ships here decide to take hostile action, I'd rather not be caught unawares."

"Yes, sir." the Commander said, quickly sending crewman to do just that.

"You said that this is all the ships we have detected, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Is it possible that some are, perhaps, hidden?"

"I suppose it could happen, sir."

"Well then, engage sonar."

"Yes, sir."


The technology that the Tal'ed uses as sonar works quite simply; the ship in question, typically a capital sized ship, emits a series of high-frequency radio waves and then sensors wait for the wave to come back, if it comes back at all, and uses the time between the returning waves to determine the position of any ships in the area.

The only downside to this technology, if it can be considered a downside, is that it temporarily cuts all communication lines between ships. The closer a communicating ship is to the main fleet, the worse the disruption.
Maxwell Teler

Human: King of Remnant.

"Sir, sonar wave inbound!" One of the men yelled to Max. Max considered this for a moment before, while still looking a Galumora, responded.

"Can we disturb it?"

"Yes sir."

"Do it." Before the sonar even hit them, the soldier emitted high frequency radio waves that confuse the scanner into thinking they are its own. As such, it returns that the ship is infinitely close to the detector. A godd effect of this is that the communications between the King of Remnant and the Lady of Ravens was not disturbed. @Dys @Jarkov Malachai


The Lady of Ravens

The Lady of Ravens simply raised a single delicate eyebrow at the mans outburst and narrowed her eyes, a single one followed the mans angry departure and in a soft voice replied.

"So... it seems our reputation proceeds us... as does it always." From the shadows behind her came two pairs of six burning red eyes on either side of the Command Deck, two more Dredge. A man could go his entire life, and his descendants lives as well, without ever seeing a single one and most would never want to. Seeing three... in such a small space, unheard of.

"Yes... yes I was quite insulted but that's not its fault now is it?" It referring to the man who had just moments ago so rudely spoken. "After all, ignorance is simply the lack of guidance, and from what ive heard there is quite a surplus out there hmm? But do take care in the future, not all of us are as..." The creatures head tilts to the side, then continues until it has rotated completely around, as if she wanted to view Max from all angles. "Forgiving as I"

Coms suddenly went slightly wonky as if the signal had suddenly faded or was being jammed.

"Ma'am!" the Science Officer suddenly spoke up. "Incoming Scan! Orders?"

The Dredge Matriarch simply waved her claw dismissively while reaching out and petting one of the silent hulking, red pulsating masses behind her with another pair of fore limbs. The double pairs of six eyes go out in unison and slowly recede from view.

"Let it come, they will detect us not for the Asteroid hides us from prying eyes." The Lady of Ravens smirks slightly, an upraised lip and a lowering of the eyes translated itself thus. The men aboard the Kukri had long ago learned how to read such an Alien creatures moods as it was slightly tantamount to their survival. "Of all kinds, however... stabilize the link and find out what the source of this disruption was. I was having an intelligent conversation, and you all know how much I love intelligent... conversations. I don't find them amongst this lot."

A snort here or grin there, said the jab found its mark, but all laughter was put aside when the Science Officer stood up once more, saluted and reported that one of the Capital ships of the nearby fleet had sent out that Scan and the scan itself had disrupted the Link. "Primitive but effective" was the Science officers conclusion.

"Primitive but effective means that it works still to the standards and achives their objectives." The Lady of Ravens admonished, leaning forward and placing a set of fore arms on the front rests of her chair. "Do not discount something that works just because it is crude and simple, such things are often those that hold in trying times."

The Officer nodded his head to the Matriarchs wisdom and re-secured the Com Link

The image returns and Max's crew get her lovely face once more that has a slightly amused look on it.

"Having trouble.... captain? Seems you've been found yet not found."

Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

By now the scary effect of Galumora's appearance had worn off. This allowed Max to give a coy smile.

"None, Lady Galumora. They have taken no actions against us, and we may continue our conversation. On another note, I'm glad you are so forgiving. I was worried for a moment." Nervous laughter emanates from behind him. "I for one have heard not of your kind, and harbor no ill prejudice. You are my first impression of them, hopefully one of good will." He says, emanating an air of kindness about him.
Large energy signals flared to life across the gathered fleets sensors, radiating from a central point a bit out from the planet in full sight of all the fleets. Slowly a wormhole began to expand, spreading outward until it was massive in size, dwarfing any of the currently assembled ships.

A black tip began poking from it, slowly moving outward and expanding as a ship was given substance. The ship was massive, far larger than anything that had arrived currently. It was bulky and matte black. Unlike most ships that exited wormholes this one came undisturbed without the tell tale energy spikes that signaled a shield. In fact any attempts to scan the ship would reveal that it in fact did not have a shield. But those scans would also discover an armored hull several meters thick. Given it’s size and it’s lack of shield it would be easy to surmise that this behemoth was nigh impenetrable.

The ship was the ESR Renegade, an Atlas class super carrier under Syndicate. It’s size was soon given a logical explanation as it fully exited the wormhole. Ports along the side opened, allowing the undocking of other ships matching the surrounding ships in size. 4 Arasi class dreadnoughts, 2 Desari carriers, and 6 Varasi cruisers. The thing was a massive mobile launch platform it appeared.

As the ships undocked they took up a position at the front of the massive behemoth, weapons primed.

Santarak, the fleet admiral of this small detachment, stood from his chair and stepped forward over the balcony of the massive bridge, “This is the source of the signal..?” He growled to a nearby officer.

“Yes, sir. It matches the previous signal we found and is similar in structure and power level.”

“Aye...good. But these other vermin are here...That will not do. Send them all a message, the core will be ours. They will withdraw now or be annihilated...” Santarak ordered, “And begin landing protocols. Release the spikes...”

More bays on the ship opened, releasing two more ships, these ones smaller than the others but still of decent size. These ships soon engaged thrusters to full and began descending towards the planet at full speed, borne for the surface.

Meanwhile a threat was delivered to the other ships, leave now or be obliterated, carrying no manner of mannerism or courtesy. A simple demand and a threat.
Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

As Max waits for Lady Galumora to respond, a message suddenly pops up on his dashboard. He gives the message to a high ranking officer to read, so as not to appear rude to the Lady of Ravens. Soon, the man returns to him.

"Sir," he whispers in his ear. "Large ships have appeared from out of a wormhole. They are heading towards the surface of the planet, and warn us to stay away. They're going for something called the 'core.'" That could be the source of energy. He turns his attention away from the Dredge woman before him for a moment to address his men.

"The source of the energy is on that planet. A small armada has appeared from within a wormhole, and wish control of the energy source. If we acquire it, it could mean the freedom of our people. However, there is a good chance we may die. Are you all willing to sacrifice your lives for those at home."

"Sir," a man approaches, "It's what we signed up for." Max nods and turns back to Galumora. "We... must be off I'm afraid. Is there any particular reason you contacted us?"

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