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getcho cute ass in here (ignore prefix)




[COLOR=#pink]Welcome to My check ![/COLOR]

I'm currently looking for literate roleplayers, modern or futuristic settings,and only lbtgq pairings for romance. The reason for this is that I'm tired of being forced to play the cisgender, bad boy to someone's in innocent cis girl and have them get upset when my characters show a bit of femininity. If I want my 6'3, cis jock to wear a skirt, he'll wear a fucking skirt.


Honestly, I stated most everything you need to know up there but I'll just list some rules


✨I don't expect you to write a novel but I do require a 2+ paragraph post amount. Give me detail ! I wanna know what your character is wearing, thinking, feeling ! I wanna know how their coffee tastes and if they bite their lip ! I'll try my best to give you good descriptions if you do too.

✨Romance is wanted greatly but not needed. All pairings can be platonic *except for one* but plots are romantic. If there is romance, our characters won't instantly fall in love. Sure, there may be a crush but no proposing on the first page, mmkay ?

✨ As far as kinks, I will not RP major agegaps (it's legal or it's not and my 17 year old will not be fucking your 14 year old and vise versa), gore kink, vore and bondage. I know I'm missing a few but please don't be shy to approach me with the classic "are you willing to play ...?". Even if I'm not into that, I'll be clear about it and nothing will be awkward between us.

✨No incest, Mental Hospital Patient X Doctor, Teacher X Student or Neko X Human/Master. I ain't into that and if you're going to play a character with a disease or disorder, do your research !


All of these are either MxM, FxF, NBxNB, NBxF or NBxM.NB being nonbinary. I love incorporating darker themes into my role play so don't be surprised when more sinister themes occur in the most basic of plots.

❤️Jock X Jock

❤️Jock X Nerd/Stoner/Any clique

❤️Bad X Good

❤️Greek God/ess X Mortal

❤️Mafia Boss X Mafia Boss

❤️Little Red Riding Hood X The Big Bad Wolf

❤️Hades x Persphone

❤️Frenemies/Enemies with benefits that develop feelings

❤️Werewolf X Vampire

❤️Monster under the Bed X Person on the Bed

❤️Unlikely OC celebrities ships like the drummer of a punk rock band and someone on a reality show or Disney sitcom. They like each other very much but both PR agents are trying their hardest to keep the two apart

❤️Moroi X Dhampir

❤️Bad Girl X Good Girl/Queen Bee

❤️*supernatural ?* Runaways

I'm open to plot suggestions as long they fit my requirements ! I know most of these are slice of life but I'm open to supernatural RP's too as well as building.


These parings are romantic and I have a ton of inspo gifs/ aesthetics and qoutes for these.

✨Bad Boy X Bad Boy

"...what are you in for ?"

"setting a kid on fire. You ?"


"Stop lying, you're too busy blowing the science teacher"

"I'll have you know it was the math teacher"

"Big difference"

"Fuck you !"

"When, where and how ?"

✨Childhood Crush/Seeing each other after a few years and finding out puberty hit them like a Mack truck coated in sex appeal

✨Bad Girl x Bad Girl

✨Jock X Jock

✨Monster under the bed X Person on the Bed

✨Just Bro's

✨Serial Killer/Robbery/ Criminal X Other Criminal

✨ Imaginary friend x their humam

✨Hitman x Hitman

✨Those people that clearly like each other and are very close but deny their in a relationship to both themselves and others

✨Queen Bee X Queen Bee

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How about an RP involving two male high school students who are paired up together because one of them needs some tutoring.
janos said:
How about an RP involving two male high school students who are paired up together because one of them needs some tutoring.
I'd definitely be interested in that ! Did you want it to have any sort of clique pair of like Jock X Nerd or Bad Boy X Nerd
I'm totally up for any of the following: Jock x Jock (mostly this), Bad Boy x Good Boy, Band Member x Band Member. And I love lbtgp, any and everything about it. I love having diverse characters, and I agree with you, if my 6'3", 210lbs. quarterback wants to wear a skirt, he's going to wear a frigging skirt, dammit. :D
awww yiss, I was craving Jock X Jock . Finally, someone gets it ! I just hate it get on my case about my character not acting like a boy when there's no certain way for a boy to act. I'll PM you right now ❤️
Hello, if you're still open to stuff I am very interested in these, mainly:

bad boy x good boy

monster under the bed x person on the bed

frenemies/enemies with benefits that develop feelings

I usually rp guys and prefer to do m/m, but I'm completely open to any and all things. So if you'd like to, I'd love to rp with you! :)
I need that water!! I'd love to do Enemies or Frienimes. Or maybe Bad boy x Good boy... You choose, I could do either one. Just Pm me.
I am interested in two of your ideas:

  • Unlikely OC celebrities ships like the drummer of a punk rock band and someone on a reality show or Disney sitcom. They like each other very much but both PR agents are trying their hardest to keep the two apart
  • Monster under the bed X Person on the Bed

And I think wearing a skirt even if you're a really tall guy with a beard and tattoos everywhere isn't really a problem. Everyone has their own preferences so who am I to say otherwise. o-O
I love the enemies with feelings. Non-binary x female would be nice to explore. Also tall guy in a skirt, totally cute.
I'm interested in FXF. I'd like to do the best friend and best friend, girls next door, or they like each other but deny it.
HoneyPhantomhive said:
Do you do real bands or made up ones? :3
I'm sorry for not stating this about but I only do OC's for any pairing including fandom .
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I would love to rp MxM I am really interested in these! 0.0

✌️Jock X Nerd/Stoner/Any clique

✌️Bad Boy X Good Boy

✌️Frenemies/Enemies with benefits that develop feelings

✌️Band Member x Band Member

✌️Unlikely OC celebrities ships like the drummer of a punk rock band and someone on a reality show or Disney sitcom. They like each other very much but both PR agents are trying their hardest to keep the two apart

✌️*supernatural ?* Runaways

✨Bad Boy X Bad Boy

✨Childhood Crush/Seeing each other after a few years and finding out puberty hit them like a Mack truck coated in sex appeal

✨ Secretly dating

I am totally up for any of these!!!
It's cliché, but I love Bad Boy x Good Boy. You still accepting? If so, then sign me right the fuck up.
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[QUOTE="O 1]It's cliché, but I love Bad Boy x Good Boy. You still accepting? If so, then sign me right the fuck up.

Not even gonna lie, I love that one too. PMing you right now !
[QUOTE="Of the Red]✌️Little Red Riding Hood X The Big Bad Wolf
✌️Hades x Persphone

✌️Frenemies/Enemies with benefits that develop feelings

✌️Werewolf X Vampire

✌️Monster under the Bed X Person on the Bed

✌️Greek God/ess X Mortal

I would love to do any of these pairings. MxM

And I'm willing to be either character for any of them.

I love when men or women aren't afraid to change the definition of gender roles. I think it is completely nuts when people insist on following stereotypes. I have a cisgender cousin who paints his nails bright red, a kick-ass aunt who fights forest fires, a cisgender best friend who wears eye shadow and lip gloss and his twin brother who is a muscle bound jock, but still likes for his more 'feminine' boyfriend to plan the dates and open doors for him and treat him "like the girl"( -_- ") in the relationship.(honestly I hate this phrase because the point of being gay is being with someone of the same gender. They're both the "men" in the relationship) What defines your gender should be up to you and no one else. Sorry. Rant over. (' :| )( :) ) I'm just really sick of being told that because I'm attracted to "feminine men" that I'm really attracted to women and my life would be a lot easier if I just admitted it. Sorry TMI? Okay for reals, rant over.
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[QUOTE="Of the Red]✌️Jock X Jock
✌️Jock X Nerd/Stoner/Any clique

✌️Bad Boy X Good Boy

✌️Best Friend X Best Friend

✌️Greek God/ess X Mortal

✌️Mafia Boss X Mafia Boss

✌️Little Red Riding Hood X The Big Bad Wolf

✌️Hades x Persphone

✌️Frenemies/Enemies with benefits that develop feelings

✌️Werewolf X Vampire

[QUOTE="Of the Red]Band Member x Band Member
✌️Unlikely OC celebrities ships like the drummer of a punk rock band and someone on a reality show or Disney sitcom. They like each other very much but both PR agents are trying their hardest to keep the two apart

[QUOTE="Of the Red]✌️Bad Girl X Good Girl/Queen Bee
✌️*supernatural ?* Runaways

[QUOTE="Of the Red]✨Bad Boy X Bad Boy

[QUOTE="Of the Red]✨Childhood Crush/Seeing each other after a few years and finding out puberty hit them like a Mack truck coated in sex appeal
✨Bad Girl x Bad Girl

✨Jock X Jock

[QUOTE="Of the Red]✨Just Bro's
✨Serial Killer/Robbery/ Criminal X Other Criminal

✨ Secretly dating

✨Girl next door X Girl next Door

✨Those people that clearly like each other and are very close but deny their in a relationship to both themselves and others

✨Queen Bee X Queen Bee

Hey, great ideas! I'd be super interested in any of these pairings. Let me know if you're interested!
@Protocol Don't be sorry, your friends and family sound awesome !

I'd love to rp an MxM Hades X Persephone pairing with you ✨ a Mind starting a PM ?

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