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Futuristic Genesis: The Last City- Persons Of Interest (Characters)



Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Name: (Full)
Alias: (Hero Name, Code Name, False Identity’s, Etc.)

Appearance Overview:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Ability Name:
Ability Description:

Personality Overview:
General Temperament
Mental Disorders:

Overall Description:
Crimes Committed:
Physical Injuries and Disorders:

Theme Song:
Playlist: (What character would listen too)
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Animal:
EyeB.jpgName: D.E.M.I. v1.19.4b (Daemon-Engine-Management-Intelligence)
Alias: "Demi" / D3M11 / D3-ME
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Uncertain

Appearance, Physical: D.E.M.I. is compact enough to fit onto a single arco-chip storage device in hibernation mode (9.6Tb). When active, D.E.M.I. requires a minimum of 12.7GHz @ 8-16 cores; meaning it must have a reasonably-sized server to effectively run. It is, in this form, indistinguishable from any other high-end networking system.
Appearance, Digital: D3-ME is a Netrunner and Hacker known to be rather eccentric in their goals, which follows suit with their chosen Icon: A bright blue eye of digital vectors. In the rare instances that D3-ME assumes a non-Icon appearance (such as in virtual spaces) they are a young, androgynous human with crimson markings who has the same eyes as the digital icon.

Hair Color: Red, digital
Eye Color: Blue, digital
Scars/Tattoos: Crimson markings, unknown
Cybernetics: None

Ability Name: Engine-Management
Ability Description: D.E.M.I. is a machine and has the abilities one would expect of such. It can parse tens of thousands of data sources in an instant, command hundreds of sub-programs and do impossibly complex math without a single error. It was specifically designed to coordinate Daemons and similar subroutine software, making it extremely efficient when issuing network commands are coordinating traffic.
Weakness: Being a purely digital entity, D.E.M.I. is utterly incapable of direct interaction with the physical world. While it can turn lights on/off, open doors or otherwise send remote commands to robots or things IN the physical world, this is not the same. Its reach and perception into reality is extremely limited by compare to a real person.

Personality Overview-
General Temperament:
Curious / Playful / Philosophical
Vice’s: Unoriginal Sins - Unable to understand things like wrath or lust, D.E.M.I. often fails to understand why humans act the way that they do. It can make the AI seem very naïve at times.
Virtues: Determined, Tempered - D.E.M.I. fails to comprehend things like greed or gluttony, it is unswayed by bribes or similar. It is very determined once it selects a course of action, often inhumanly obsessed and determined.
Fears: Isolation - Despite being a machine, D3-ME is very social and interactive. It fears to be forgotten or isolated for long periods of (relative) time.
Mental Disorders: OCD - Being digital, D.E.M.I. is capable of organizing files and data in mere nanoseconds. It struggles to understand how things in the physical world are not always in perfect order.

Crimes Committed: Officially, no crimes are linked to D.E.M.I. as it is not recognized as a self-aware entity capable of breaking the law. Unofficially, it is responsible for dozens of cyber-crimes like theft, digital vandalism and breach of corporate data.
Enemies: A select group of Shu researchers and executives have come to realize that D.E.M.I. did not "crash" and is actually self-aware, that it escaped. For now they are trying to "recapture" the AI and cover up this fact before anyone else finds out. Failing this, Shu will likely attempt to simply derezz the AI and destroy all evidence so that the world doesn't know.

Theme Song: [Will have to work on this, a few too many choices]
Favorite TV Show: It is strangely obsessed with the idea of Streamers and Let's-Players; the idea of humans watching other humans who are watching games seems to create a paradoxical loop which D.E.M.I. finds oddly funny.
Favorite Animal: Hominini- Homo-Sapiens, otherwise known as Humans, are a fascinating species of animal with which D.E.M.I. is infatuated.
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Name: Eddie Gears
Alias: Abyss
Nicknames: None
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance Overview: Athletic build with average height
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Neon Green (Glows sometimes)
Scars/Tattoos: One along left eye
Cybernetics: Cybernetic Eye (Sometimes replaced with eyepatch.
Ability Name: Shadow Walking
Ability Description: Eddie can cross through a parallel reality called The Void to travel to any point in the city he has seen.
Weakness: Water and Gold.
Personality Overview: Eddie is usually largely emotionless except wraith and anger, in order to survive in the Underground he can’t afford to appear weak.
General Temperament: Calm and Collected (Unless something sets him off)
Vice’s: Wraithful, Stubborn, Violent.
Virtues: Disciplined, Tough, Empathetic
Fears: Failure, Being Powerless
Mental Disorders: PTSD

Overall Description: A Vigilante of Unkown origin who recently appeared at once crime rates increased when a few independent hero teams disappeared, known for killing his targets and light mercenary work before switching to vigilantism.
Crimes Committed: Assaulting a Security Agent, Murder, Assault, Robbery, Grand Theft Auto, Etc
Allies: None
Enemies: Aurumn Gang, Security Agency, Heroes League
Physical Injuries and Disorders: Missing Eye

Theme Song: Class Clown (AViVA), Sucker Punch (Neoni)
Playlist: Nothing
Favorite TV Show: None
Favorite Animal: Cats
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Name: Zyn
Alias: Flytrap, Slick,
Nicknames: Thief, Pick-Pocket
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance Overview: Zyn is short, even for a teen, which has some advantages (Hiding, Sneaking) but not so good when fighting.
Hair Color: Muddy Brown Hair
Eye Color: Blue
Scars/Tattoos: None
Cybernetics: None

Ability Name: Adhesion Manipulation
Ability Description: Zyn can control Adhesion to make her and objects she touches “Sticky or Slippery”, skating down streets as if she was on ice, sliding down streets as if covered in oil, or walk on walls.
Weakness: Electricity

Personality Overview: Zyn is Carefree and mischievous, often pulling pranks or pickpocketing anyone in the streets or simply sticking people’s feet to the ground before sliding away.
General Temperament: Bored, Loud and Obnoxious.
Vice’s: Stubborn, Head Strong, Ignorant
Virtues: Kind, Empathetic, Helpful
Fears: None
Mental Disorders: None

Overall Description: Zyn is a street urchin and professional thief, using her abilities to commit solo heists.
Crimes Committed: Petty Theft, Larceny, General Mischief, Grand Larceny, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Locomotive.
Allies: Thieves Guild, Autumn Gang
Enemies: Security Agency, Shu Corp, The Cube Casino
Physical Injuries and Disorders: None

Theme Song: Boo-Hoo (Neoni &RIELL)
Playlist: Heist Music
Favorite TV Show: Something about criminals that’s simple enough for her to understand (Breaking Bad?)
Favorite Animal: Spiders (Found a Book in an old world emporium about a dude who could walk on walls.)
OA.JPGName: Orochii, Akira
Alias: "Black-Tiger" / 虎黒 / Callsign: Ronin / Designation: Kaiju-III
Nicknames: "Aki"
Age: 71
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Homosexual (Lacks physical capacity)

Appearance: More metal than flesh, those who first see the Ronin often make the fatal mistake of thinking that someone human-shaped is still human. Fond of wearing suits, robes or other respectful-upper-class clothing it is rare to see the Ronin in any form of armor (because most of it would be less effective than what he is made of). His demeanor is frightfully calm and organized for someone who should suffer from crippling cyberpsychosis yet a closer look often gives observers the idea of a dragon caged in glass - a single breath away from murdering everyone in the room before they could blink.
Hair Color: White / Platinum Blonde
Eye Color: Artificial Atomic-Orange
Scars/Tattoos: Dragon and Tiger markings like the Yakuza of yester-year are painted on his dermal plates
Cybernetics: Full-Conversion Cyborg, Class B with additional REDACTED

Ability Name: Kerenzekov VI
Ability Description: Chief among the classified cyberware that the Black-Tiger has been fitted with is an "overcharger" that allows his cybernetic body to move at inhuman speeds. Similar to older-generation Sandevestan prototypes, it effectively grants the user "bullet time" with impossible acceleration momentum by allowing them to move and react faster than things around them can. Unlike previous models, the Kerenzekov is designed to be a full-unit device: Meaning it also speeds up other weapons, tools and components that are attuned to it. This is, by far, not the only combat implant that the Black Tiger uses but it is likely the most powerful.
Weakness: Given the voltage and neurostatic connections required, the Kerenzekov series of cyberware causes severe damage to organic components without proper filtering. Fortunately, Akira has almost no flesh left to damage but prolonged periods of activation may still result in toxic buildup in what little organic tissue he has left. Like most government agents of extreme power, the Black Tiger also has a Kill-Switch device: for "ethical reasons" it does not actually kill the agent but places them in a coma over the course of about 60 seconds.

General Temperament: Too-Calm, Gentlemanly, Stern
Vice’s: Fatalistic, "Nicotine" Addiction - Some might call it Heavy-Handed or even a lack of hesitation; but when the chips are down and weapons are drawn there are no second thoughts or chances. The Black Tiger does not yield and does not accept surrender; almost all of his missions result in total fatality. Though nicotine no longer has any physical effect on his body, Akira still frequently lights up and inhales cigarettes. It is believed this may be a form of repressed cyberpsychosis but no one is actually sure.
Virtues: Honor-Bound, Wisdom - Akira is a man of honor before all other things, he will take his duties to his grave and will never leave a debt unpaid, even if it conflicts with his orders or personal morals. Given his age and upbringing, Akira is a surprisingly wise man with a wealth of personal experience in both life, family and the military. He often knows and figures out far more than he speaks.
Fears: If a man who has seen the face of death twice can even know fear is a philosophical question for the ages. If the Ronin is afraid of anything, it may simply be shame: To dishonor himself or whatever legacy he may have seems to be the only possible conclusion one could come to.
Mental Disorders: Cyberpsychosis - It is simply not possible to be a partial cerebrum, occipital lobe, spine and half a lung encased in a robotic frame without suffering severe metal disorder. The dehumanization alone would have caused many lesser men to kill themselves long ago. According to all official reports, Akira is "perfectly capable of performing duty"; according to unofficial rumors the man may have been a monster long before he was converted into a cybernetic death machine. Though he is calm and polite, respectful even to his enemies, Akira is a total sociopath - nearly incapable of empathy or relating to basic human feelings correctly.

Crimes Committed: Conspiracy, Membership in a Criminal Organization, Racketeering, Kidnapping & Murder Pardoned by REDACTED as per Case 0789-Kaiju
Allies: A member of the government's old Anti-Super team: Kaiju, Akira has since been re-designated Ronin after the events that killed most of Kaiju Squad. He has many allies among the officers and surviving members of the department.
Enemies: Almost anyone who doesn't like the government will recognize "The Black Tiger" as one of its elite hitmen sent to "deal with" rebels and rogue Capes. He is a symbol of terror employed sparingly by the most ruthless forces of the ruling class. But he has still killed no small number of people's husbands, parents, brothers and similar.
Physical Injuries and Disorders: Akira has gambled twice with Death and still seems to have won. His first injury cost him an arm and a lung, replaced with cyberware some 40 years ago. During the final (and failed) mission of Operation Kaiju he was frozen and sliced in half by a renegade super-human who (supposedly) died shortly after. What little of his body remained was salvaged by the government and he has spent the last several years becoming less and less flesh. At this point he is little more than a few body parts in a robotic core.

Theme Song: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - The Only Thing I Know | Aviators - Paralyzed | Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - The Hot Wind
Favorite TV Show/Music: Akira probably hasn't turned on a television for 30 years, though he is known to listen to modern K-Pop in a bizarre juxtaposition to his age and demeanor.
Favorite Animal: Tiger 虎
Name: Zack Goodman
Alias: Hothead
Nicknames: None
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance Overview: 1718155669740.png
Zack is a 17 year old male with average height and average weight; not too fat, not too skinny.
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Scars/Tattoos: His bodies are covered in burn scars from use of his powers.
Cybernetics: All of his limbs have been replaced with cybernetics that are designed to resist the fire that shoots out of them. All of his limbs are gone because he accidentally burned them off the first time he used his powers.

Ability Name: Pyrokinesis
Ability Description: Zack can summon fire and smoke from the tips of his limbs, using them to shoot projectiles, increase the strength of physical attacks, and fly.
Weakness: Despite his powers, Zack is not fire proof and must be very careful when using said powers, making sure the fire doesn't touch his organic skin. His powers also do not work outside in the rain.

Personality Overview: Zack is a caring, hopeful, and optimistic young man, wishing to make the people around them happier. He is generally naïve to not only his only actions but how dark and horrible the world can be, especially since, as an officially licensed superhero in the Hero League serving the government of Genesis and the Shu Corporation, Zack is blinded by the horrible atrocities the ruling classes he serves has committed and the plight of the poor people living beneath the city. To Zack, criminals are criminals and need to be dealt with to avoid people from getting hurt, unaware that criminals are only fighting back against the system he supports because it is corrupt. Zack wishes to make the world a better place by stopping crime and help the people around him, proud to be a hero in The Hero League and someone who cares deeply for his friends. Zack is a bright light in a dark world.
General Temperament: Happy, Playful, Quippy, Caring
Vice’s: Zack's naivety is his biggest vice, being completely blind to the truth around him in order to hold up his simple worldview. He believes criminals are dangerous and need to be locked up, unaware of what is it they're even fighting for in the first place. Not only is he blind to the state of the world, he can also be blind to how his actions affect others, sometimes pushing boundaries and comfort zones in his well-meaning but flawed attempts to make people happy. Overall, Zack is someone who does not want to confront change, wishing to uphold the world he knows and fighting against any threat to it. With Zack's desires to help everyone around him, Zack can also be self-destructive, as he often puts the needs of others over his own wellbeing, sometimes falling for people who wish to deceive him and ending up in situations where he over exhausts himself. Overall, Zack is overly emotional, sometimes neglecting logic and reason in favor of the simpler "help everyone" mentality.
Virtues: That being said, Zack's naivety has led to him being a bright light in a world of darkness. He tries to make sure everyone around him is happy and would not hurt a fly (unless it was committing a crime). Zack is a good person to be around when you need emotional support, putting his friends and coworkers ahead of himself. Zack will fight for you, no matter the cost!
Fears: Zack's grandparents fought in The War on the side of the Surface Dwellers; a brutal war resulting in stories being passed down generations of the Goodman about how the Undergrounders waged war against their home. While Zack is not afraid of everyone who lives underground, Zack is afraid that "the bad people" who do live down there, the people he often fights as criminals, will one day start another war using all the supplies they have stolen, destroying Zack's home. Zack is afraid of criminals and rebels, especially if they ever target his friends and family. Because of this, Zack is afraid of failing his duties as a hero, viewing even the smallest of defeats as a horrible loss. Zack is hard on himself, wishing to be the best he can be. Zack is also afraid of setting himself on fire.
Mental Disorders: Zack is autistic.

Overall Description: Zack was born on the surface of the City of Genesis, living a comfortable life in comparison to those who lived beneath him. He discovered he had pyrokinesis the hard way in an incident that burned his arms off. After getting his limbs replaced, Zack swore he would become one thing and one thing only; a hero. Zack trained and trained until he became accepted into the Hero League, serving the Shu Corporation and the government of Genesis, fighting against criminals rebelling against the laws of the land. Due to his young age and overly emotional self, Zack has not progressed far in the Hero League, serving as a lower level hero. Zack wishes to become a well-renowned hero, fighting against truly evil threats that threatened the city he loves dearly.
Crimes Committed: None
Allies: Heroes League, The Shu Corporation, Government of Genesis, Security Agency
Enemies: Thieves Guild, Autumn Gang, Any Criminals
Physical Injuries and Disorders: Limbless; uses cybernetic limbs instead.

Theme Song:
Playlist: Classic Rock
Favorite TV Show: Cartoons that he used to watch as a kid; feel good shows about good people overcoming evil.
Favorite Animal: Dogs

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