Genero School of the Arts [SU]


Blunt and Sharp
The direct evolution of bettsy's LGBT-friendly idea

Welcome to Genero, a private academy for students of a more creative talent base, accepting of all individuals with artistic aspirations
(or enough money to pretend they do).


1) RPers are representing homosexual characters, but in a respectful manner; the school is not exclusively homosexual. RPers may play the opposite gender

2) The school does have uniforms, but they are very generic, white blouses or polo shirts with a calligraphic G on the right breast, navy blue slacks or skirts (knee length), and a long navy blue tie with a white G at the base. Students are encouraged to customize their uniforms, but must maintain these parameters

3) As implied above respect and tolerance is of utmost importance in the RPers themselves, but that does not mean conflict is prohibited within the story line

4) As per the rules of the forum, overt R-rated activities is not permitted, but romantic entanglements are, so long as anything beyond hand-holding, chaste kissing and pet-free cuddling is done off-screen, probably not at all being best.

Speaking of storyline, what is the plot? Why, to win a scholarship for another year of schooling, of course. There are multiple categories in the field of art, so everyone has a chance, no matter what their niche. For students who are fortunate enough not to be reliant on scholarships, in addition to winning the money, it is a level of prestige that cannot be contrived in any other manner, launching the student into the world of professional artistry.

RPers certainly have the option to link or display their own artwork through the RP, but it is not a requirement.


Characters dorm on campus, male and female separate, two floors, minimum of two students per room, maximum of four. Except in the case of handicapped students single bed dorms are not permitted. A1 is a one story atrium and rec hall with a small kitchenette area (microwave, sink, vending machines). A2 and A3 are male dorms, A4 and A5 are female dorms.

The Old Infirmary is off limits (and thus a popular dare place for students). The old dorms, B1 and B2 and the Old Main Building are accessible with teacher permission and accompaniment for specific projects such as filming, photographing, drawing, etc. The Old Gymnasium is little more than a large building with a wood floor, a leaky roof, a rock wall and a net that can be dropped down for the occasional student who swings a bat or golf club. The old locker rooms
(the small gray rectangles above) were converted into private training studios for dancers and gymnasts. The newer Gymnasium has a freshly waxed floor, and newer facilities, including a second level which is a weight room and a pair of basketball hoops. Students with parental permission may go to town during the day on one scheduled weekend a month.

Student Record:




Eye Color:

Hair Color:



Method of Payment: (tuition/scholarship/other)

Course Year:

Art Track: (music/acting/painting/etc)

Roommate: (NPC or RPer)


Name: Marié Sanders


Gender: Female

Eye Color: Pale Green

Hair Color: Strawberry Blond

Height:Five Feet Six and a Half Inches


Method of Payment: Scholarship

Course Year:Junior

Art Track: Dancing

Roommate: Midnight Chevalier


- Has a prosthetic left leg from the knee down.

- Addiction to thin mints/Always has a box or two on hand

- Has hate to being called handicapped or anything of the like.
Name: Thomas Thatcher

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Height: six feet five inches

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Method of Payment: (tuition/scholarship/other) Gov Funded scolarship

Art Track: (music/acting/painting/etc) music - guitar

Course year: Junior

Roommate: (NPC or RPer) Asking Kagu atm


has an "axe" guitar

slightly overweight

quite pale
Name: Midnight Chevalier

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Height: Five feet, Nine inches

Ethnicity: Danish/Thai
Warning for mild nudity, the girl on top

Method of Payment: Tuition

Course Year: Senior

Art Track: Photography, Filmography

Roommate: Marie Sanders


Name: Caleb Reid

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Eye color: light blue

hair color: black

height: 5 feet 9 inches


Method of payment: Scholarship

Course year: Junior

Art track: painting, music - singing

Roommate: RPer (doesnt matter who)

Other: skinny

slightly pale

really nice to anyone and everyone
Bettsy, I just need you to update your record in accordance with my edits, please.

Everyone is

Sign Ups for this RP are still open, so even once the RP begins, please do not hesitate to join

Name: Charlotte Voss

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Ice Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5'4"

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Method of Payment: Tuition

Course Year: Freshman

Art Track: Acting

Roommate: NPC


(Hmm I noticed there is a track on the map.? Does that mean our character can do sports as well?)
KT: Approved

And yes there are sports but it's more of a minimum requirement Phys Ed to keep kids from getting too fat and then open facilities for those who want to burn some energy, although some are only open during certain hours and there has to be a teacher/phys ed teacher present. There aren't any sports teams, but that doesn't mean characters can't lobby to have them formed
Name: Charlotte Aulin

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Medium Brown

Height: Five foot eight inch

Ethnicity: Caucasian/Asian mix

Method of Payment: Paid in full,up front,in cash

Course Year: Senior

Art Track: Visual and Media Arts: Photography (black&white digital,photoshop); Visual Arts: Sculpting (clat,soapstone,sandstone)

Roomie: Fhaux agrees!


-Had a part-time job,and saved for YEARS to get in.


-Wears a bright orange cotton trenchcoat over her uniform (preffers pants over skirts and dresses).

-Has a backpack full of sculpting tools,and a "gut pack" with a camera in it. Has a padded briefcase with several lenses and a tripod.

-Appearance: Game/Castlevania/chr_2.gif Eyes are hazel for my character,outfit is entirely different for my character...This image is pretty much only for reference to hair length and body shape.
Name: Samantha

Age: sixteen

Gender: Female

Eye Colour: blue

Hair Colour: a darker blonde

Height: 5 foot 3

Ethnicity: Whit/ Asian mix

Method of Payment: Paid in full,up front,in cash

Course Year: Junior

Art Track: (music/acting) music- piano

Roomie: Unknown

Other: Is very nice
Name: Andrea Campbell (Andy for short)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Eye Color: emerald green

Hair Color: dark brown

Height: 5'9"

Ethnicity: white

Method of Payment: (tuition/scholarship/other) tuition

Course Year: Junior

Art Track: (music/acting/painting/etc) drawing/painting

Roommate: (NPC or RPer) anyone

Other: runs and plays soccer as a hobby, she's in shape and tan from all the time she spends outdoors whether she's sketching something or just exercising

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