General Knowledge level of Creation.


One Time Luck
Hey folks.

How can dots of lore be translated to exactly what a person in creation knows? For example, with Lore 3, would a character know about the strife that is happening over the scarlet throne? Like, the candidates for it?

The most difficult one for me is the Sidereals, and other things involving Exalted. How many Solars would know about their Lunar mates, and that such a bond exists somewhere? And as for Sidereals, how many people would know about the loom of fate, Yu-shan, and all the rest?

I ask this because it seems like it would be very easy to metagame in this setting...
That is a 'feature' of the Storyteller system, it is up to the storyteller to decide on such things. Meta-gaming is constant problem that occurs in Exalted since you can reasonably have peasants 5000 miles away know as much or more about local events that locals do not based on their skills and a good roll. If you do not apply common sense early to the game, then the mechanics and rules can run rampant.
I've always played it on the contect of applying higher difficulties (and I mean MUCH higher difficulties) to Lore rolls outside the character's area of influence or experience. So a savant might have a high Lore score, but he only gets basic difficulty when it's applied to First Age texts and subjects, but he might have a base difficulty 5 to figure out the big players in the upcoming battle for the Scarlet Throne. The same applies for a Northerner trying to figure out the protocols and such of dealing with the Dereth for the first time.....

Captain Hesperus
I think the Solars for the most part would need a lot more lore then Sidreals. Since Sidreals are trained (generally) and informed of the run of creation I'd assume they'll just naturally know a lot more any most lore levels the a Solar will at least concerning broad things like the Loom of Fate. Likewise Lunar, being brought into the Silver Pact or an Infernal who was personally groomed by a Yozi's soul will likely have a better baseline of knowledge then a propaganda trained Terrestrial or a Solar Exalted former peasant. Exalted ARE supposed to be a lot smarter then mortals though so they can probably piece things together faster then a normal human could making the learning curve a lot easier.

Anyway that is my two cents for what it is worth.
Instead of static Lore 3 = (blank), if you don't feel strongly that they would know something from their character history, you can have them roll the bones. A Int+Lore roll to see if you know something is valid.
Thanks a lot for the responses guys!

If I wasn't clear about the Sidereal knowledge part, what I meant to ask was how much would a solar that just recently exalted know about Yu-shan, Sidereals (and other exalted for that matter), and the loom of fate.

Thanks again though, it was a lot of help.
The easy answer for a starting game knowledge involving Heaven/Sidereals is probably 'little to none'. Creation is kept purposefully out of the loop, and even master astrologers and alchemists (Lore 5 Occult 5 types) just kind of know the Constellations can affect Fate, but they don't have the slightest inkling that a Sidereal can wrap himself up or others in blessings or curses. And that's just regular Heaven stuff. Sidereals suffer a curse that wipes out memories and records of them on top of all the other stuff. So even remembering the face of the man that killed you won't help much, because you'll quickly lose the little chunk of the memory that says 'he's a Sidereal', and then probably blame a Terrestrial or another Solar.

If instead you want people to know a ton, or be Agents of Heaven, then treat it like a spy novel. No one around you knows the dangers you're in, but anyone on the street may be an informed agent, or worse yet an unwitting pawn who knows only just enough to endanger themselves and others. A god can give divine knowledge and shock people about the truth, or lead them on some bad info. to make them easy pawns.

Those are the two easy extremes to work with.

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