[GemStone Oddessey] Mariska - Gemstone Odyssey Character Sheet


New Member


Mariska (no last name given)





Posting Color:

Dark Green.


4' 8"


105 lbs.

Sexual Orientation:

Implied to be bisexual, due to some of her more lewd jokes; but this is unconfirmed.







Pale olive.


Black. Kept short (neck-length) to fit her hood.




(Still working on the finer details...)


Class Advantages:


Gauntlet Specialty

- Spellweavers are capable of having two gauntlets equipped, one in each hand. In addition to that, they are able to combine the effect of both gauntlets into one spell; but only if both gauntlets have elemental gems. This cannot work for spiritual or chaos gems.


Robe Specialty

- Spellweavers are capable of wearing only robe armor.

Racial Advantage:



- Velari are quick to catch onto things. If they notice something is amiss or unusual they are quick to find it and make a note of it.

Racial Disadvantage:


Slow Recovery

- Velari have grown accustomed to magical healing, as such their bodies have grown used to expecting to be treated magically. They heal from disease, illness, or physical damage slower than normal.

Personal Advantages:


Gifted Runner

- Mariska is a deceptively fast and athletic runner; a trait that compliments her anti-confrontational nature very well.


Obfuscating Insanity

- Mariska displays bouts of cackling unpredictability and is easily distracted, but don't let the show fool you; she's smarter and far more ruthless than she gives on.

Personal Disadvantages:


Dirty Coward

- Mariska is ultimately looking to postpone her own death as long as possible. She will avoid direct fighting, and has few qualms about leaving her so-called 'friends' to rot if it means survival.


The Hedonist

- Mariska, understanding that Death is a largely-inevitable thing, is often driven by the desire for entertainment and pleasure. After all; if you're going to die, you might as well make the most of it, right? This means she can be bribed rather easily, if you know what appeals to her.


- Mariska, at her core, doesn't trust anyone. She avoids questions about herself, and her past; and if you try to learn about her, she'll either brush you off, or call you out as 'too nosy'. This is also the purpose of the mask she wears: to hide her true face from others.



Gemstone Gauntlet (Air Gem)

Gemstone Gauntlet (x1 empty socket)


Robe armor, in the form of her cloak and hood. She wears some leather underneath, but this appears to be for the look of the thing rather than any actual protection.


Air Gem (used - Gemstone Gauntlet)


- Mariska's green cloak has several jester-like bells attached to various edges; she seems to fancy the noise they make.

- She also wears a white/silver face mask, completely blank with only two eye-holes to see through.


Mercy vs. Justice:

Mercy. Mainly because she's too self-centered for Justice to apply, but there's a darker reason: Mariska believes that if you just kill someone, their worries are over. But, if you let them live, they'll spend the rest of their lives remembering this day; they day that


beat them.

Optimism vs. Pessimism:

A blend of both, really. She


Optimistic, being cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and very friendly. However, due to her fatalistic worldview, she has a tendency to openly mock things like '


', '


', and fighting for any cause that doesn't directly benefit you.

Extrovert vs. Introvert:

Extrovert. She absolutely


meeting new people.

Love vs. Lust:

Lust, as according her self-gratifying interests.

Friends vs. Allies:

Allies. No matter what she says,


are an

expendable asset


Family vs. Lineage:

Family; If she


to pick.

Spiritual vs. Material:

Material; again, fitting with her selfish nature.


The Mask

- Due to having issues about secrecy, Mariska's white mask is precious to her. She never takes it off, not even while sleeping; and will react heatedly (by her standards) to any attempt to remove it.

Most Notable Trait:

Her comical behavior, most likely; followed by her inability to talk about herself and grim outlook on life.

Overall Personality:

There are many, upon meeting her, who would call Mariska an 'Unpredictable Lunatic'. They'd probably be right. Enigmatic and self-serving, she would rather help herself than help others. That's not to say she has no loyalty; she


be persuaded and controlled (somewhat) by those willing to pay and/or entertain her; but half the time, she'll probably join you because she's bored, then leave you to burn while she saves her own hide. Ultimately, this hedonism and treachery stems from a thinly-veiled fear of death. She is also dishonest about herself; dodging questions whenever she can. Finally, she's a fatalist; viewing These dark personality traits are usually hidden by her bubbly outward persona, but sometimes they reach the surface.

Other Mannerisms:

- In speech, she often uses oddly-polite exclamations such as

"Deary me!"

; and refers to any actions taken against her, irregardless of severity, as simply






Socializing with others, and gratification of all kinds; including jokes and pranks, personal gain, sexual escapades, and more.


Work In Progress

(still), but there


be explanations!
I have a few corrections to make towards this character.

One, if you are trying to get at her being half serah/velari, I'm sorry, but you can't play mixed race. That said, you would have to be a velari to be a spellweaver. As well, you would need to change your hair/eye/skin colour to match.

Next, you cannot have blinking. The Human races are only capable of magic through the gems, there may be chaos gems for teleporting, but you do not have one. (No one gets a chaos gem)

And Lastly, the mystery feel is not allowed. This should be hard facts. Peopel can know nothing about you in character, but your bio is all the hard facts your character knows about themself.
Fair enough, fair enough. To be honest, I had a feeling she'd be rejected anyway (kind of pushing it with teleportation). I'll take it down, as soon as I figure out how.
I have no problem with your character, Over all, I like the idea. All I ask is you remove the teleportation advantage, and be a little less mysterious. If you would very much like tobe a half breed, we may be able to come to an understanding. Mind hopping into TS so we can talk?

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