Gem of Incomparable Wellness in 2E

Any ideas on what kind of sacrafices would be needed? I don't have the autobot book so I don't want to run the Eye of Ott stuff. But I'm certain if there's a big enough need for a lvl 5 hearthstone (since he's the only character with one) that the group would sac it for him if need be.

I'm not certiain the player can be persuaded on changing it. He did cause a bit of a fuss when I was "going back on what I agreed upon" before. But I didn't really press the subject too hard, dismissing it at "it's inactive until we has out the system for it."
Haku said:
Whenever he looks like he's about to wake up, kill him again...
Take this a step further, forcing him to make integrity rolls periodically, effectively rendering him insane from being monstrously tortured over and over again, eventually turning him into a gibbering mad man and remove the character from play.

Then bring the character back as an antagonist at the later date and mess the group up with his skinmounted gem of twinkdom.

I'd personally tackle this with extreme nastiness: your player knows what they're doing is stupid, but they're taking advantage of the fact that you're fair and nice and willing to grant the benefit of doubt.
It's a shame that so many of you feel the need to be adversarial with your players, and vice versa.
Flagg said:
It's a shame that so many of you feel the need to be adversarial with your players, and vice versa.
It's not a specific need to be adversarial, just that it sounds like this player is taking their ST for a ride and using kinda childish tactics to do so.  And I'm sure this player isn't intentially trying to be a jerk, but their sense of decency and fairplay is being eclipsed by the lure of cheap, cheesey power.

... I just can't help but envisioning the player, breathing heavy with the quivering lip sputtering "but... but... but you TOLD me I could do it!"

In further consideration, I guess it boils down to this: is this just a safety blanket, or is it more game altering?  If the player just wants to boast that they're immortal, but otherwise doesn't act any different, it's tolerable.  If they're rushing headlong into every situation because they know that they can't die, then the situation should be rectified.
StarHawk said:
Any ideas on what kind of sacrafices would be needed? I don't have the autobot book so I don't want to run the Eye of Ott stuff. But I'm certain if there's a big enough need for a lvl 5 hearthstone (since he's the only character with one) that the group would sac it for him if need be.
Well, there's always the "must use Hearthstone to power something-or-other", but you'd need some reason for the hearthstone not being available thereafter.

You could also focus on the Manse rather than the Hearthstone (which is probably easier anyway). Perhaps you find out that it is built upon an even more ancient structure, that contains something you are in dire need of. Getting to the structure however will disrupt the delicate Essence flows of the current Manse, thus rendering the hearthstone inert, and it is quite apparent that you do not possess the arts needed to repair the Manse to its previous state...

... or maybe someone does find it (but if it was as hidden as you suggested I suppose this is a bit much Deus Ex Machinae), and deliberately alters its flows in an attempt to break your player's attunement.

... or you could devise a reason that the character would want to change the Essence flows of the Manse of his own volition.

... or make the item a major trade with some faction/NPC of significant powers, granting the players a major boon/help with some specific problem/political clout/a permanent mentor/a major contact/access to ridiculously cool equipment and/or trainers etc etc etc. (Fakharu obviously wanted one for his mortal lover... who knows who else might desire the item).

Managing to weave the option of your choice into your Story and making it the focus of events for a while will surely also go a long way to make things interesting for your players.

Starhawk said:
I'm not certiain the player can be persuaded on changing it. He did cause a bit of a fuss when I was "going back on what I agreed upon" before. But I didn't really press the subject too hard, dismissing it at "it's inactive until we has out the system for it."
... then *he's* being adversarial. Try to press home that the group is supposed to create the story together, and give him a couple of examples of why that hearthstone breaks the tension of the story.
Personally, I'd prefer a gem of Loyalty myself. 2ed got a crazy powerup. Difficulty five Conviction roll for any subordinates to betray you? Sign me up. The trick is getting DB Wyld Hunters to "swear loyalty" to you as a plot to get close enough to kill you. Heh. Suckers.
If you allow him to have it, then take it away ala deus ex machina, hes going to be a bit upset. Discuss it with him and have him change it. A few facts to point out to help persuade him to your cause.

It is a 1st edition hearthstone, probably more aptly named hearthstone of twinkery. The only immortality hearthstone in the 2ed corebook is the hearthstone of immortality. That only allows people to not age, but can be killed by other means. That is a five dot hearthstone.

There is the four? dot hearthstone of adamant skin, which converts damage from lethal to bashing, which does nothing to aggravated damage. that is a four dot hearthstone.

My knowledge of hearthstones is a bit limited, but maybe there is a hearthstone that 'regenerates' damage , I would check to see if there is one and what level of hearthstone it is.

But more than likely, this hearthstone should by all equivalents be a N/A hearthstone, like a N/A artifact. It is really high powered. If he still is really upset and doesn't like it, then perhaps consider the following modifications:

Finite number of times he can regenerate from 'dead' - so the stone only brings him back from death 3 times (insert more appropriate number here) after which point it cracks and the owner loses attunement to the manse. He must go and reattune to gain the hearthstone again. Which would lead many interested parties to where the stone lies. Which you could use for plot devices.

After said finite times, you could alternately have it where his manse vanishes and reappears somewhere else ala moving manse ability. Finding his own manse again after it vanished and moved, and considering it is hidden, could be a difficult task in and of itself.

And in all finality, and I know this will sound cheesy and perhaps a bit of overused rhetoric, but the game is ultimately about everybody having fun. I would point out that in order to provide meaningful challenges to his character with the twinked hearthstone that it makes it difficult to provide adequate challenges to his fellow players, without killing off their characters (and hearing that thrilling line, WELCOME to character creation!, well, is not so fun). I still think you should disallow it in the first place, irregardless, as it is very unbalancing. Plus, as ST, I would think that even if you did say you'd let it in, after more deliberation, it is only fair to let you change your mind. How many times have your players changed their mind on an action, or you gave them the benefit of the doubt on something? I think it is only reasonable that you should be granted that same latitude. It is the game you are running, after all.
if i was the player and the GM disallowed it when i wanted it, I would get 1st circle sorcery and 1st circle demon

stomach bottle bugs ahoy
If it's in a skin mount amulet it can still be pulled out when you're inactive, can't it?

Just tell him that it's so easy to remove it that it defeats the purpose of having it. After he regenerates his first health level after being killed the enemy will know that he must be using something like this (a hearthstone of that power would be known of)  and kill him again, but this time search his body.

If he uses the "hiding it in elsewhere" tactic then when he's "killed" it will appear beside him, as that's what happens to elsewhere bound items when you die. Seeing an artifact weapon plop beside him, the enemy will pick it up and have a look, probably steal it before the character regenerates enough to chase him.

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