Geist: The Sin-Eaters

It's a delicate subject for some people, though personally I can say I wouldn't have a problem with you choosing that as the cause of your Threshold.
thinking out loud. I'm thinkin a dude in his mid-twenties who could never get his life together. went to college for creative writing. Dropped out. In love with his high school sweetheart. The only person he's ever been close to. And everytime he looks into her eyes, he sees her dying. A horrible death from a wasting sickness. She always asks way he's so scared when he looks at her. He lies. She knows he's lying. Dumped. He'll never get close to anyone again. works at some dead end job. stocking shelves. goes home to his studio apt. he can barely afford it. Goes to the pub every night to drink away his woes.One morning, Gets blind-sided by a bus crossing the street. In that eternal moment, he knew if he just had one more chance he'd actually live. So in his mind he prays to all the saints he knows. and something answers. He takes the deal. Wakes up in a hospital bed. Thank god the insurance covers it. He's called a 'miracle' but he knows it's not. He made a pact with the other side. On his way out the door he tosses his cross into the trash. He learns that he is a Sin-Eater. This 'Giest' has done this before. So now he helps people. Alive and dead. And has great inspiration for a series of best-selling novels. "One Foot in the Grave" by John Geist. He makes sure to change enough and lie enough not to arouse suspicion.
I'm thinking about use one of my old character : Ryan Meyer. He was an student in medecine but he was fired for ethical reason. The real reason is that he was boring to study so he seduced the provisor's daughter to have acces in compromising documents. Using this documents he blackmailed the provisor and financed his new project : the Cathedral, his club. Now he is the owner of "the Cathedral" an ex-church remodelled as a SM club where he can find his "prey". Ryan is a fucking asshole, yes. He has some ... special taste, yes. He is confortable with that, except when he died by suffocation in one of his orgies. When the ecstasy joined the death he understand that he is life is too awesome to finish now. He prayed to survive and someon... something answer. Afterward, he realised that his pact is a good bargain because he is almost alive and he as pretty cool powers. He never feels so alive. The only problem is "this fucking deads which are crying help every day". Even he is an asshole, he is still a human (just a little) so he decide to help this deads, it is can be lucrative after all
I was thinking of playing a sideshow magician, who buggered up one of his more dangerous tricks and wound up dead. He's a arrogant attention seeker, who also likes teh money. But, using his stuff, not wanting to call too much attention to himself, he now acts as a sort of street magician busker to get by and suchnot.
Okay, so, I came up with an idea.

His ghostly thing before he died was a simple enough detriment: Any thing he touched, he could feel the 'imprints' of dead souls on them. So, if he held an old penny, he'd be able to 'feel' all the people who've died since they've touched that penny. So, naturally, he hates handling old-currency and antiques. Then I give him a job where he has to deal with wrecked or destroyed cars (like a guy who checks for insurance fraud) and the fresh souls would make him sick, leading people to believe that death made him queasy. He enjoys skydiving because he could use a fresh, new chute and jump out of the plane, and for a few minutes, not deal with the whispers of imprinted souls.

Then one day his chute doesn't open.
More details on my guy. I decided to go with someone who kind of had the 6th Sense syndrome in being able to see and here ghosts. He typically sees those who had been murdered or driven to death by someone else.

He did his best to ignore them but naturaly they tend to be the noisy sort and quite frankly, he could sympathise with them. So he joined the police and went into homicide. That way, he can help ghosts rest in peace (by bringing their murdurers to justice) and get payed for it at least.

One day an arrest goes wrong (something not entirely unlikely considering the location) and he gets shot. On the way to the ambulance he dies, but luckily comes back to life in the hospital by some miracles the doctors can't explain.
Valentine said:
Okay, so, I came up with an idea.
His ghostly thing before he died was a simple enough detriment: Any thing he touched, he could feel the 'imprints' of dead souls on them. So, if he held an old penny, he'd be able to 'feel' all the people who've died since they've touched that penny. So, naturally, he hates handling old-currency and antiques. Then I give him a job where he has to deal with wrecked or destroyed cars (like a guy who checks for insurance fraud) and the fresh souls would make him sick, leading people to believe that death made him queasy. He enjoys skydiving because he could use a fresh, new chute and jump out of the plane, and for a few minutes, not deal with the whispers of imprinted souls.

Then one day his chute doesn't open.
I'm just dropping in to say simply "bravo."
TheDude said:
to the St, any particular character sheet we should use?
Personally I have no preference, so long as it's easy to read! :P

On another note, I might be starting this weekend, though I will actually be busier than usual this weekend, so I suppose all I'm saying is that I might be starting this sometime next week.

Also, I'm still debating how many players we actually need, we might have one or two too many - so no hard feelings if you don't make the cut, I'm still picking and choosing! Hopefully we'll get a chance to play in another game if you don't make it into this one :) I DO have another changeling idea floating around my head, actually...
anybody know of an online sheet generator for geist out there. I'd rather not submit something form notepad.


Virtue: Threshold: Krewe:

Vice: Archetype: Concept:

Intelligence: Strength: Presence:

Wits: Dexterity: Manipulation:

Resolve: Stamina: Composure:

(abilities here)








Keystone Threshold:

Keys Associated:

Skill Associated:




Max. Synergy:








Health Track:[/][X][*][][][][]

Willpower Track: [/][][][][][]

Plasm Track: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][/]






That's the sheet layout i usually use. Feel free to copy/paste it.
Looking over that sheet, it's not great... nowhere to put in specialties, not enough of a plasm pool for anyone with Psyche 3 or higher, the format makes it sort of hard to track attributes and abilities, you can't mark different kinds of health....

I generally use Mr. Gone's editable pdfs to make up and save characters and then transfer the stats to the above sheet, where I track health and willpower and stuff. You can use that one if you like, of course, but I don't particularly like it.
Ok, here's the sheet.background done too. Hope you like it. let me know if anything is wrong as far as Limerick goes. I tried to be vague.

Liam Moore was the youngest son of Sarah and Patrick Moore. His childhood should have been spent looking up to his older brother, Sean. Instead it was spent in a hospital, slowely watching his brother die. Liam could never remember the name of the disease, something to do with his blood cells not being able to hold onto enough oxygen. It took two years for him to finally rest. Sean was 14. Liam was 5 years younger. The strange thing is, he had warned his parents. Told his mother that everytime he looked into his brother's eyes he saw him wasting away. When it finally happened, his mother never even brought it up. Whenever he tried to talk to her about it, she sent him to his room. His father only told him to stop upsetting his mother. So he never got close to them again. Always blamed them for not listening. Instead he poured his efforts into school and friends. He discovered writing in high school. He loved it. His teachers called it a 'God-given gift'. He certainly was good. Good enough to woo the prettiest girl in class. Cassie Brennen. Smart, funny, so full of life. She completed him. Made Liam remember how to live. They were in love by junior year, and had an apartment picked out near the closest university that would take them both. He goes for Creative Writing, she wants to be a nurse. Sophmore year, he pops the question. She says yes. He thinks everything will finally turn out alright.And now everytime he looks into her eyes, he sees her dying. A horrible death from a wasting sickness. Just like Sean. She always asks why he's so scared when he looks at her. He lies. She knows he's lying. He can't bring himself to tell her. She leaves him, thinking he's afraid to commit to her. He'll never get close to anyone again. After she leaves he can't keep it together. He drops out and gets a crummy job stocking shelves. Comes home everynight to an empty studio apartment. Goes to the pub every night to drink away his woes. One morning, he's not paying attention to the road he's crossing and walks right in front of a bus whose driver is also not paying attention. Wrong place, wrong time. In that eternal moment, he knows that if he just had one more chance he'd actually live. So in his mind he prays to all the saints he knows. and something answers. He takes the deal. He wakes up in a hospital bed. Thank god the insurance covers it. He's called a 'miracle' but he knows it's not. He made a pact with the other side. He just can't work God into the picture anymore. On his way out the door he tosses his cross into the trash. He learns that he is a Sin-Eater. This 'Giest' has done this before. So now he helps people. Alive and dead. And has great inspiration for a series of best-selling novels. "One Foot in the Grave" by John Geist. He makes sure to change enough and lie enough not to arouse suspicion. Moves into a nicer apartment and buys a nice car. Maybe someday he'll get over the fact that his geist looks just like Cassie and calls him "William", the name of her dead husband. In the mean time he does his job, writes about it, and goes to sleep with the spirit next to him. Sure, she's not Cassie, and he's not William. But at least they are alone together. It's not too bad really, she's technically in his head.

Name:Liam Moore

Geist:"The Widow" War bride covered in burns from her husband's funeral pyre,

always seeking someone to love, to fill the void.

Virtue:Charity Threshold:Forgotten Krewe:N/A

Vice:Sloth Archetype:Advocate Concept:Peace-making 'fiction' writer

Int:@@@ Str:@@@ Pre:@@@

Wit:@@ Dex:@@ Man:@

Res:@@ Sta:@@@ Com:@@

Physical Skills:



weaponry:@(@ swords)

Social Skills:


expression:@@@(@ creative writing)



Mental Skills:





Resources @@@@


kevlar vest (thin)


Pass-On @


The Caul @@@

The Rage @@





Name:William's Blade

Keystone Threshold:The Torn

Keys Associated:pyre-flame,passion

Skill Associated:Weaponry

Description:An ancient sword from the days when vikings raided the northern coasts

of Europe. It is the sword that her husband used to defend his village. It did him little good.

It was burned with him on the pyre. Nowadays, she carries it as a reminder of him. It is always

bloody, no matter how often I clean it. When I channel my plasm through it

it burns with a passion of long-lost love.



Max. Synergy:10








Health Track:[][][][][][][][]

Willpower Track: [][][][]

Plasm Track: [/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][][][][][][][][][]




"William's Blade" keystone (greatsword)

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