Geist: The Sin-Eaters


One Thousand Club
Hey folks.

So, as some of you know, I'm quite fond of the NWoD, and I have a hankering to run its latest development. I run another game here based in the city of Galway, but for this game I will be running it in the city I grew up in, Limerick, although I will occasionally take the game elsewhere, particularly with relation to ghost stories I'm rather fond of, be they local or otherwise.

As you may have gathered I will probably be running this game fairly true to life, but knowledge of the city is not necessary (I would be rather surprised if you knew anything about it, actually). It would in fact be a hindrance in places as I plan on messing with local geography if the need strikes me, and my version of Limerick will have a subterranean world which hopefully does not actually exist in real life... but I digress!

Any takers?
I would prefer it if you at least had the manual, yes :P I don't mean that in a nasty way, of course. But we'll see.
I adore Geist already, and would like to play. Richard is a fine character, but I'd rather a better fleshed out Geist this time around.
Good, news, secured an acces to a book.

COncept wise, I'm considering the possibility of doing a detective, either police or private. Would be of Thorns probably although I'm still vacilating between reaper (bringing karma down on bad people) or advocate (helping victims rest by finding their killers).
Honestly? It probably would be. But we'll see. I mean, I'm new to the game myself but I'd prefer if everyone playing had some idea. Then again, the value of play-by-post is the ability to sort of 'pause' and check online :P
I can also harass midboss to explain me the basis principles.

I understand that Geist looks like Orpheus ? We'll play some investigators who help dead people, isn't it ?
Geist is like if Orpheus and Wraith had awesome sex and made babies that could force you to bleed out through your eyesockets and turn in to flocks of crows.
Chaka said:
Geist is like if Orpheus and Wraith had awesome sex and made babies that could force you to bleed out through your eyesockets and turn in to flocks of crows.
Hmmm pretty cool
Well, i'm interested as well in joining. I have the manual, but haven't been able to check all of the skills.
As stated before, I have an interest.

Limerick, Penn? I spent a few days there during my Epic Trek a few months back.

I knew that place was too picturesque for it's own good!
Valentine said:
As stated before, I have an interest.
Limerick, Penn? I spent a few days there during my Epic Trek a few months back.

I knew that place was too picturesque for it's own good!
Limerick, Ireland. And 'picturesque' isn't a word I'd use to describe the place.

'Bloody dangerous' is one I'd use. And this is talking real life, not WoD.
That's ok, Grey, Hyrune and I are all Irish, and Hyrune's from Limerick. We'll fill you in as you go along. :P
Well, to be fair, I probably won't be ready in time. I still have to read the powers and all, as well as the -back- of the book with all the additional fluff. Not to mention I haven't gone over the WoD book in a while.

I'm going in and out of the hospital a lot recently, which is impeding me--and the reason I'm going (involves some visual problems) makes it hard to read on occasion. But I -am- interested, and I will try and make an attempt. Personally I'm interested in the Bonepicker/Celebrant/Advocate/Pilgrim archetypes. Being a suicide, I'd be either Torn or Stricken. Not quite sure what else, and the 'powers and combat stuff' is always the last part of a book I

For much wonder and delight, though, I could play an American who's 'stuck' in Ireland...just as lost as I am. Heh.

(It's hard to make a comment on a Geist character seem upbeat when you just detailed their suicide was either the result of mental illness or violence.)
I have it on good authority that attempted suicides tend to feel a whole lot better about the 'not being dead' thing once they realise how close they've actually come. So it could be like that.
Well, no, I know I want the -character- to be upbeat about it. It's just a grim subject to toss around lightly. Part of Geist's appeal is what they state in the first page or so: It's celebratory of life.

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