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Fantasy geah, land of magic

(They can when they afe up in a tree and have a tarp over their head. But he's going to stay in the inn, so it don't matter.)
((bill really...))

Erigor took the punch to the face and then stood up. "quite a strong punch you got there." He said using the handle of his scythe as a type blunt weapon to hit Pbtenchi in the gut.
( oops xD ) the hit knocked him back and he clutched his gut, he secretly used his magic and some dust started creeping behind Erigor from under the floorboards .
Erigor extended his arm and his scythe so that the blade would cleanly fit around pbtenchi's neck but without hurting him. "Now just apologize and walk away." Erigor said in a threatening tone of voice.
"You first ass" he said politely ( xD ) the dust rose up and swallowed Erigor, pbtenchi used this distraction to get out of the scythes reach.
Erigor used a powerful blow of wind around his body to blow away the dust that was swallowing him. He was going to use his wind magic but he didn't want to trash the place so instead he was going to use underhanded tactics he put his scythe's blade around the girl he came in with neck. "Now then how about you say sorry now ." He said tilting his head smirking.
Erigor took his scythe away from the girl's neck and smiled. "See was that so hard." Erigor said sitting back down.
Erigor went to drinking his scotch with a smile on his face since they was a chance he was really a bastard.
(ladies ladies you're both pretty)

When the fight started Elaine was quick to already get out of the way and snatch her inn key and ran up to her room. "Not my problem!" she declared to herself a bit more awake than she was previously.
Pbtenchi went to his room also, but instead of going to bed he looked out the window, the slow rain was going to start soon.
Elaine released a long and heartfelt yawn as she plopped onto her bed and instantly let out a content smile of euphoria as she snuggled into the covers. She was so tired she didn't even attempt to bother removing any of her clothing. Not even her shoes. From underneath her cape, a small little critter appeared and looked around before nuzzling back into Elaine.

"Time for sleep~" Elaine cooed lovingly. "Today's our lucky day Uri. A nice bed all to ourselves! Make good use of it..." she said before falling asleep.
The clouds quickly spread over the skies, then something started descending from the clouds. It looked like an incredibly huge solid bubble, despite its size it descended slowly, gradually other bubbles began to descend.
Aiden yawned as he started to get sleepy and he slept all through the night. Aiden loved to sleep outside cause he loved nature and the giant rain but be felt that this rain would be bigger tonight so that's why he decided to sleep in a human tavern.
(One sec then) 
Erigor fell asleep on the bar counter and no one would dare to wake him.

(right I'm good for a time skip.)

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