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Fandom Gay South Park Rp


The lover of men
Ok. So I just finished the South Park Episode Craig x Tweak. I need to do a gay South Park rp now. It can be anyone in South Park, not just Craig and Tweak but just anyone is up for grabs. Lets just open the floodgates. I just think the more people who would join this the better and more canon SP characters we can get the better.
Keep in mind that RPN does not allow erotic roleplay on our servers, be it 1x1, hosted project, or even in private message. Otherwise OP is free to roleplay their fanon
Bobisdead123 said:
This is by far the saddest and most disturbing thing I have ever seen.
Sir. With all due respect if you are so horrified by this why did you read and post here? As Miss Teh Frixz was so kind to point out I'm not breaking any rules. Just because my type of role playing isn't like yours doesn't mean you have the right to come on my request and talk about how the simple concept of "What if Craig and Tweek were gay?" disturbs you like some slasher movie. You think it's weird? You think it's messed up? This site has plenty of threads where you will have plenty of things that will stroke your fancy. Let me have my fun, you can have yours. No one and nothing is forcing you to read my roleplay wants or anything like that.
IHeartYaoi91 said:
Sir. With all due respect if you are so horrified by this why did you read and post here? As Miss Teh Frixz was so kind to point out I'm not breaking any rules. Just because my type of role playing isn't like yours doesn't mean you have the right to come on my request and talk about how the simple concept of "What if Craig and Tweek were gay?" disturbs you like some slasher movie. You think it's weird? You think it's messed up? This site has plenty of threads where you will have plenty of things that will stroke your fancy. Let me have my fun, you can have yours. No one and nothing is forcing you to read my roleplay wants or anything like that.
I `agree with this greatly
Unless people have something to add, please refrain from posting here. While I have no interest, the sites populace will not behave rudely to others.
IHeartYaoi91 said:
Sir. With all due respect if you are so horrified by this why did you read and post here? As Miss Teh Frixz was so kind to point out I'm not breaking any rules. Just because my type of role playing isn't like yours doesn't mean you have the right to come on my request and talk about how the simple concept of "What if Craig and Tweek were gay?" disturbs you like some slasher movie. You think it's weird? You think it's messed up? This site has plenty of threads where you will have plenty of things that will stroke your fancy. Let me have my fun, you can have yours. No one and nothing is forcing you to read my roleplay wants or anything like that.
Just try not to stroke anything else, me amigo. Sorry, just needed to drop that joke off here. Now I'm going to go.

*moonwalks away*
Well, I've been a member of this site for about an hour now, and I've already found people being mean to each other. Oh, internet....

Anyway, gay dominates a lot of the SP fandom, and Creek dominates most of that at the moment, so hopefully this poster finds what he or she is looking for. I'm okay with Creek, though ti's not my favorite.
Well, I've been a member of this site for about an hour now, and I've already found people being mean to each other. Oh, internet....

Anyway, gay dominates a lot of the SP fandom, and Creek dominates most of that at the moment, so hopefully this poster finds what he or she is looking for. I'm okay with Creek, though ti's not my favorite.

This thread's been dead for two years.

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