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Realistic or Modern Gauging interest for a small, political intrigue focused story.

What kinds of tropes or elements from Urban Fantasy do you like and are interested in exploring?

The whole idea of doing a fantasy setting + you get all the perks of modern times is just a cool idea. The technology eases things up, yet doesn't diminish the strength of magick and more people around makes it easier to blend in and hide ones true nature from public eye.

Similarly, what do you not like or want to avoid with regards to Urban Fantasy?

Making magick overpowered. Everything should have a drawback and disadvantages, or consequences. Also when it comes to other races or subraces, I'd rather be stuck with beasties that at least try to resemble humans and not some…supertall horny(with horns) monsters in suits that make grr sounds, yet are somehow intelligent.

What scale of characters do you want to play? (Street level people new to the world and trying to get by? People working in or even near the tops of established power structures? That sort of thing)

I'd be up for anything really, be it one or the other, or better yet, a mix. Some lowly street gangster and some rich businessmen…and perhaps some middle class as well, but it's not that important to me.

What kind of supernatural or magical elements do we want or not want specifically?

I think wickedlittlecritta said it best, nothing over the top…curses and subtle stuff, yet still freaky and otherwordly.

How widespread or known are those magical/supernatural phenomena?

Not too well known, obviously there are certain groups that know, like the more influential people in the governments, the rich people, some of the underground gangs and other people that are witty enough to see signs around them…or some people that have just been told that by others, but that too should have it's own dangers. Knowledge is a curse.

How much do we want them to interact?

Depends who you are, I guess. I like the concept of there being a sort of a unwritten law to not cause trouble or reveal too much. It ain't gonna hurt you or anything but…you might find that one of these days, in some dark alley, you've been declared free game.

What do you want to get out of this RP?

Some awesome interactions, be in cooperative or rival-like. But from the start of the rp, I guess everyone should be in the same boat/team…but later on start to scheme and plot against each other, seeking more power.

Anything else you want to bring up in this vein?

Not really…I guess it's time to finish a character for this.

To steal terminology I've heard a few times, do you have any lines or veils we should all respect as players?

The basic rules of RP are the only ones that need to respected imo.

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