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Futuristic Gas Masked Survival

Lotte shrugged. She clearly wasn't gonna get anywhere with him. She grinned when he handed her the cup of coffee, though. And all that sugar too! She couldn't drink coffee without sugar, and generally loved all sorts of sweets. She began emptying packet after packet of sugar into her coffee, until it was sweet enough for her to drink. "Well," she said, in between sips of coffee, "thanks for the drink, even if you won't tell me your name." She took another sip. "And as for what to do... I suggest the first thing you do is open the door just a crack and pump that creature outside fulla lead. You can even use my gun if you don't wanna waste bullets. Not like I'll use 'em." She smiled. "I mean, I sure don't wanna get eaten by that thing!" She said, with a giggle.
What a stranger yet interest child... Target thought. She sighed, taking another sip of her coffee. It's good to have a bit of cheerful energy wander in the room... I guess. It has been awhile. It's not so bad. "Well then. I may need to leave soon." She did get a glance outside. Still dark and dusty. Wonderful.

(Using my phone. Hard to just start texting and stuff.)
(( I'll post in a few! ))

The little girl suggested for him to kill the creature, so he reached for her backpack and grabbed the assault rifle. "Well then. I may need to leave soon." another voice said, he quickly reached otu for her and gave her a one armed hug, another one grabbing the gun. ''Don't leave, I'm lonely.'' he said, rapidly letting her go and opening the door. The creature was standing a few meters away. Steady, aim, bam. The creature fell down, and then another more screeches were attracted by the noise. He quickly sealed the door and dimmed the lights, hiding inside. ''No going out until sun.''

(( Loving this roleplay so far ^^ @Milo A Beilschmidt @cosmicbunny ))
Lotte shrugged. "At least now we know there's more of 'em around. Which is good because I was about to leave too, and I don't like the idea of becoming those things' dinner." She smirked slightly at the man's little show of affection towards the other woman. He seemed like one of those people who was really a softie on the inside. "So!" she said, turning towards the woman, "I still don't know your name."

(I'm probably goin to bed after this!!)
Target was surprise when he says he'll be lonely if she leaves. She felt a bit of a huge relief all over her. She chuckled with a small grin. "Right then..." Her hand went into her pocket where her harmonica is. Hearing the screeches from outside, she figured maybe it's going to be a long night.

She turned her attention to the young miss. Lotte, is it? She thought. When Lotte asked for her name, "Target. I go by the name of Target." She almost felt as if she has forgotten her real name. Kim Mundee. Eh, well... She went for her code name. Target.

(Glad you like this rp xD and I actually went to bed. Also I have school now. Spring Break is over. ;- ;)
"Ooooh!" Lotte said excitedly, "what a cool name! Sounds all mysterious." Target, huh. She thought. Seems nice enough. She took another sip of coffee, noting that she was almost out. She hoped that there was more. She took a final sip before setting the cup down on the table. "Well, Target, it's very nice to meet you!" She then stuck her hand out for a handshake.
(I am now)

Target smiled, "Thank you. And It's nice to meet you as well, Miss Lotte." She lend out her hand and shook. She let go of the handshake, having to have her hand in her pocket again. She looked at them.
''Tar...get.'' he repeated in a low tone, pronouncing the g like a j, german speech would be such a pain when spelling out words like that, even more the damn g. But, you can't be perfect in all speech. At least he knew and mastered two languages, and with that he was happy. Jonathan walked around the place, without an aim, just grabbing stuff, putting it down and picking it up again, bored and without anything to do.
Lotte cocked her head, slightly confused about something. She lifted herself up in her chair so she could see over the table better. "Hey, Target, how come you keep reaching into your pocket? Got anything cooool in there?" She wasn't suspicious or anything. Curious was a better way to put it. If anyone had anything interesting, Lotte just wanted to know what it was! She maybe came off as nosy sometimes, but she was really just curious.
"Just my harmonica. I hold on to it since it's the only important item I have given by a... Um... Friend." Target tried to remember who it is. Funny, because she couldn't. She wasn't sure if it's from one of her family or just a friend. She shook her head, making a small smile. "Can't remember who. It's funny that way when you wandered off on your own, trying to survive. You'll forget things." She cleared her throat, taking another sip of her coffee.
Lotte's eyes widened, almost sparkling with excitement. "You've got a harmonica? Wow!" A wide grin spread across her face. "Can you play it? I can sing along!" What better way to fight boredom than to play music? "You can sing along too, mystery man!" She turned towards Mr. No Name. He refused to tell her what his name was, so mystery man would have to do for now.
" I can't believe this joker! He thinks he can just go around blowing shit up for no reason, attracting animals to our boys like that! Damn fool! "

Four armed thugs ambushed Kai during one of his smoke sessions, unfortunate. One of them held his bag hostage as they walked him down the dusty dark road. Noises of animals can be heard.

" Yo, homie. What happened to our buddies who were supposed to be here? I don't like this damn silence man! "

The thug turned to what looked like the leader, and he only looked around until he saw three dead body's inside a seemingly abandoned, but ugly building. Kai almost had a stroke from how ugly it was, he let out an outburst.

" What the hell man?! Just because it's the damn apocalypse or whatever doesn't excuse sloppiness! "

One of the grunts smack Kai, then the group starts laughing. Seriousness shrouded the group of bandits when they remembered their friends lay dead in a building, looted.

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