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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham: A Fight for Power (Open & Accepting)

Misty Gray

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Gangs of Birmingham

Birmingham, UK, 1975

: OOC :: CS :: IC :


Birmingham, 1975. Anyone who is anyone knows about the Walker Gang, and they know not to cross them in any manner. The Walkers allow other criminals and minor gangs to operate, but take a cut of the profits for that pleasure. One such developing gang is lead by Anthony "Tony" Fletcher, the eldest of the Fletcher Brothers. For some time, they have followed the rules and stayed out of the way of the Walker Gang. However, as Tony's desire for more money and power grows, the gang has started to take bigger risks, which threaten to antagonise the Walkers.

Available Roles

The Fletcher Gang 👊

This gang is typically seen as brawlers, unpolished, down to earth and more in touch with the working class. The gang is lead by the three brothers, with Tony as the leader. Tony's thirst for wealth and power could risk bringing more danger to their doorsteps.
  • Own pubs, butchers, garage and other small businesses
  • Underground gambling racket
  • Armed robberies
  • Fraud and illegal trading
  • Drug smuggling/dealing
  • Allowed to operate in certain areas of town, but if they cross over where they don't belong they will upset the Walkers


The Walker Gang 👑

This family is seen as having more class and rubs shoulders with the important public figures and the wealthy. Despite their place seeming to be firmly secured, the murder of Robert Walker's son two months ago threatens to open up vulnerabilities as the man is distracted by his determination to find out the killer's identity.
  • Armed robberies​
  • Protection rackets​
  • Extortion rackets​
  • Bribery (cops, prominent figures/politicians)​
  • Socialising with celebrities​
  • Own a chain of hotels and nightclubs​
  • Dislike drugs​



(Please note, no cops, for the time-being.)

1. Misty Gray Misty Gray is the GM
2. Currently no limit on number of players and I'm happy for you to double up on characters.
3. Please only join if you can commit to posting at 1-2 times per week and don’t plan on leaving any time soon!
4. Romance is a wonderful thing and I encourage it, but fade to black if things become sexual.
5. This is an advanced/literature RP. Please try to write 2+ paragraphs per post. One-liners will make me sad.
6. Profanity is acceptable, within reason. No need to make it excessive.
7. Please be aware, the RP will deal with mature themes (violence, threats, drugs and other subjects you'd expect from this genre).
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romantacising Brum????

count me in, about damn time 😭😤
was raised in Manchester haha, so all for solidarity with our working class bretheren,

i know brum's technically midlands, but i swear down they are our brothers in northern-working-class spirit haha
Omg I haven't seen a rp quite like this but I grew up in the rural Chicago where gunshots could be heard almost 3 times a week. And well I was a kid so I could be exaggerated will I need to make a Cs?
was raised in Manchester haha, so all for solidarity with our working class bretheren,

i know brum's technically midlands, but i swear down they are our brothers in northern-working-class spirit haha
Ahh, Manchester is great. I'm all for the Northern-working-class spirit! 💪

Omg I haven't seen a rp quite like this but I grew up in the rural Chicago where gunshots could be heard almost 3 times a week. And well I was a kid so I could be exaggerated will I need to make a Cs?
Eek, that sounds scary! I once stayed in Chicago for a week, but that was the city near Willis Tower. No gunshots heard on my trip.

I'll get a CS thread & template created and Discord set up this evening. Every character will need a completed CS.
Ahh, Manchester is great. I'm all for the Northern-working-class spirit! 💪

Eek, that sounds scary! I once stayed in Chicago for a week, but that was the city near Willis Tower. No gunshots heard on my trip.

I'll get a CS thread & template created and Discord set up this evening. Every character will need a completed CS.
yeah where I lived there was a lot of people but super rundown house's
The CS thread is now up. I've made a start on the eldest Fletcher for some inspiration.
I'll PM each of you with a Discord link.

Coyotito Coyotito erzulie erzulie BeyondDandy BeyondDandy neverbackdown neverbackdown Terrier B Terrier B Davila Davila
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We've still got space for a few more players
The RP hasn't started yet, so there isn't any catching up to do.

As well as gang members, love interests and other non-familial characters, there may be extended family available.
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If there is still room, I would like to throw my hat into the ring, although, with the way my work is I can probably get a CS by friday, if that's ok.
I woke up and decided to make a return to RPN out of nostalgia, to see still you kicking Misty is awesome! I will have a lot of free time for a month, so if you'd have me as a secondary character I'd love to be here! I can make time moving forward for this, I'd love to get back into casual writing!
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Gangs of Birmingham

Birmingham, UK, 1975

: OOC :: CS :: IC :


Birmingham, 1975. Anyone who is anyone knows about the Walker Gang, and they know not to cross them in any manner. The Walkers allow other criminals and minor gangs to operate, but take a cut of the profits for that pleasure. One such developing gang is lead by Anthony "Tony" Fletcher, the eldest of the Fletcher Brothers. For some time, they have followed the rules and stayed out of the way of the Walker Gang. However, as Tony's desire for more money and power grows, the gang has started to take bigger risks, which threaten to antagonise the Walkers.

Available Roles

The Fletcher Gang 👊

View attachment 1117084
This gang is typically seen as brawlers, unpolished, down to earth and more in touch with the working class. The gang is lead by the three brothers, with Tony as the leader. Tony's thirst for wealth and power could risk bringing more danger to their doorsteps.
  • Own pubs, butchers, garage and other small businesses
  • Underground gambling racket
  • Armed robberies
  • Fraud and illegal trading
  • Drug smuggling/dealing
  • Allowed to operate in certain areas of town, but if they cross over where they don't belong they will upset the Walkers


The Walker Gang 👑

View attachment 1117085
This family is seen as having more class and rubs shoulders with the important public figures and the wealthy. Despite their place seeming to be firmly secured, the murder of Robert Walker's son two months ago threatens to open up vulnerabilities as the man is distracted by his determination to find out the killer's identity.
  • Armed robberies​
  • Protection rackets​
  • Extortion rackets​
  • Bribery (cops, prominent figures/politicians)​
  • Socialising with celebrities​
  • Own a chain of hotels and nightclubs​
  • Dislike drugs​



(Please note, no cops, for the time-being.)

1. Misty Gray Misty Gray is the GM
2. Currently no limit on number of players and I'm happy for you to double up on characters.
3. Please only join if you can commit to posting at 1-2 times per week and don’t plan on leaving any time soon!
4. Romance is a wonderful thing and I encourage it, but fade to black if things become sexual.
5. This is an advanced/literature RP. Please try to write 2+ paragraphs per post. One-liners will make me sad.
6. Profanity is acceptable, within reason. No need to make it excessive.
7. Please be aware, the RP will deal with mature themes (violence, threats, drugs and other subjects you'd expect from this genre).
im interested

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